Republicams to release 14,000 hrs of Jan 6 video democrats panicking

we should put them down. bag them and tag them

Any American Constitutional 'due process' fit in your bloodlust?

If not, how can you hold yourself to the American expectation of justice? Are such sentiments disqualifying for being a responsible American? An adult?
Too, do you fear being considered as just some ill-educate, ill-civilized old codger that watches violent videos daydreaming of Dirty Harry fantagasms?

I don't know if any of that is your reality. But I bring it up as a possibility.

Good luck. Hope you find happiness.
99.95% of the film will show lots of people outside the Capitol milling around. Then the doors are opened are people move quickly inside. This brisk movement is what the media labeled “storming” and lib loons lapped it up
Once quite packed inside, Pelosi plants came into the rear and the doors were closed and THEY started up the ruckus which spread in those cramped quarters. Those still outside heard the disturbance , tried to force their way in to see what had suddenly happened, Babbit was murdered, and pearl clutching lib loon assisted by the media concocted the “insurrection” story and have fakely run with it ever since
All fact so let the LOL, name calling, and other forms of non rebuke begin .
So right it has to be said twice!

Any American Constitutional 'due process' fit in your bloodlust?

If not, how can you hold yourself to the American expectation of justice? Are such sentiments disqualifying for being a responsible American? An adult?
Too, do you fear being considered as just some ill-educate, ill-civilized old codger that watches violent videos daydreaming of Dirty Harry fantagasms?

I don't know if any of that is your reality. But I bring it up as a possibility.

Good luck. Hope you find happiness.
in other words you are full of shit- got it
Hopefully it will expose the fact that this was no insurrection at all...just a peaceful protest with no violence, except from the Feds, Antifa, the blacks and other Deep State operatives....
The committee was a kangaroo committee which twisted everything to their own advantage and would have done so if Trump testified, which is why he was willing to testify live and in person, where they couldn't edit and twist what he said, and only release their version. Why are you against releasing everything?
But the numerous committees focused on Hunter's dick will be objective and unbiased, correct?
Democrats keep screaming about January 6th for 2 years running now yet from the beginning, they clearly cherry picked the video to be released and made damn sure Pelosi was exempt from being questioned during the hearings.
in other words you are full of shit- got it
Meaning, you are either unable or unwilling to articulate what it is you intend to convey.
But, we are a tolerant group here, OG, so......try again.
See if you can coherently explain yourself.
The forum will be a better place if you can be a better communicator.
Good luck.

Hopefully it will expose the fact that this was no insurrection at all...just a peaceful protest with no violence, except from the Feds, Antifa, the blacks and other Deep State operatives....

Well, 'hope' ain't necessarily a bad thing.
But maybe, in the case of those J6 perps who were filmed in the act, and then confessed and plead guilty to assaulting uniformed police, or been found guilty (unanimously by jury) of seditious conspiracy.......well, 'Hope" may be the ship that left port weeks, if not months ago. And then sank.
How are there 14K hours of footage and the entire event was 12 hours or less? :uhh:
Meaning, you are either unable or unwilling to articulate what it is you intend to convey.
But, we are a tolerant group here, OG, so......try again.
See if you can coherently explain yourself.
The forum will be a better place if you can be a better communicator.
Good luck.

Well, 'hope' ain't necessarily a bad thing.
But maybe, in the case of those J6 perps who were filmed in the act, and then confessed and plead guilty to assaulting uniformed police, or been found guilty (unanimously by jury) of seditious conspiracy.......well, 'Hope" may be the ship that left port weeks, if not months ago. And then sank.
the forum is a better place when you STFU and just read without your ignorant diatribe
Hardly “small”
The Republican Mob injured 130 policemen

Blaming the violence on Antifa, FBI and Democrats shows how shallow and irresponsible Republicans are
You`re too kind. It shows how incredibly stupid they are. If george santos said it was antifa and the FBI it must be true.

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