Republicams to release 14,000 hrs of Jan 6 video democrats panicking

"Prove me incorrect......"

No, Amigo.
It don't work that way in Adult Swim.
YOU...asserted it.
YOU....prove it.

So far, you have shown an inability to prove your word is true.
Unable or unwilling? I don't know.

But, unless you can prove your claims then you will appear to this forum as just a frivolous empty suit. The kind of loudmouth at the DewDropInn that folks put several empty stools between 'em.

Is that how you want to be perceived here at Adult Swim, mein freund, as a Big-Hat-No Cows-Loudmouth?

I am mildly convinced.....that you can be better than that.

Your hand has been called.
Or go.
Maybe that will expose more damning RW traitor shit. I bet the mucks never thought about that.

Yes! Because Nancy and Chucky held back damning video during the J6 hearings farce.

You didn’t even make through January before receiving the dumbest post of the year award.
Yes! Because Nancy and Chucky held back damning video during the J6 hearings farce.

You didn’t even make through January before receiving the dumbest post of the year award.
And you're dumb enough to make it about me. GFY
Hardly “small”
The Republican Mob injured 130 policemen

Blaming the violence on Antifa, FBI and Democrats shows how shallow and irresponsible Republicans are

Pease post the number of rioters so people can judge for themselves if it was small or not.
"Yet - despite warnings from 3 different law enforcement agencies - there were inexplicably less capitol police on duty on January 6th than usual. Makes absolutely ZERO sense. And you know it. Completely out of the ordinary"

"Inexplicably"? "Out of the ordinary"?
I wouldn't describe that way at all.

Here's the deal: The Capitol is about 2 miles away from the authorized and properly
permit-issued rally at the Ellipse.

NO....permits were requested by the Trump enablers for a march to the Capitol, as is required.
No permits requested from the DC Police, from the National Park service, from the DC Parks & Recreation. In fact, the Trump enablers took pains to NOT alert authorities that a march was going to be ordered by Trump from the stage at the Ellipse.

Why did they wish to keep the planned march a secret?

If a march had been requested by the enablers....and approved.....then the Capitol Police would have been alerted that they needed to boost staffing from the normal 'tourist' crowd of day-trippers.
The DC police and the National Park authorities could have boosted personnel for their own day duty staffing, they could have installed crowd control and direction barriers, the Capitol could have been reinforced with more barricades.

Yet, for some reason the Trump enablers did not want for those common sense oft-used crowd management tactics to be perceived as needed....or to seek a permit so as to alert authorities that they definitely would be needed.

The Capitol Police assumed ---not unreasonably ----that the authorized rally being 2 miles away would not be encouraged to march en masse towards the Capitol.
and besides, there was everyday busy vehicle traffic between the two sites. If there was a problem it would be 2 miles away at the Ellipse.

But Trump knew what he was going to do. Testimony was clear on that. He knew it weeks in advance. His closest enablers knew he was planning to announce a "spontaneous" march.......and all were told to keep the information on the down low. And, importantly, none of them sought a permit or gave a heads-up to the several authorities who oversee such street marches in DC.

Why....did Trump and his enablers WANT the Capitol to NOT increase staff for the march they surreptitiously intended to execute?
After immense noncooperation of Republicans in the investigation, I find it appalling that they now seek to control what is released and what is restricted

I say…..Fuk em

Why did Nancy control the release of the full Trump video?
That's an interesting description that I had not read previously. (eyewitness, poster?)
It sounds dire. Menacing even.
Which leads thoughtful Americans to ask: Is it true?
How would we know?
Who has the proof?
Which court has this "proof" been presented to?
And that leads to the obvious question: Can the good poster Weather53 back up his claims on his assertion?
If he can......great! Let's see 'em.
If he cannot.....well, why not?
And why look silly and frivolous by presenting portentous allegations if one cannot articulate credible authentication? To offer credible proof?

So, good poste Weather53, it appears your hand has been called.
Saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show the forum what your pony can do.


I don't know what the poster 'Ordinary Guy' is suggesting here.
What does he mean?

Will poster OG explain himself?
Can he?

You said it, OG, so the burden is on you to articulate your thoughts.
Batter up.


Still believes Trump never said and tweeted peacefully protest.
Still believes Trump never said and tweeted peacefully protest.

Of course I believe it. Why would I not? I saw it, I heard it.

And I believed it, perceived it and heard it for what it was ----- a fig-leaf. A head-fake. A subterfuge.



ps.....why did Trump and his enablers not want to apply for a permit? Why did they NOT apply for a permit? Why did they keep the planned march on the down-low from authorities?
Of course I believe it. Why would I not? I saw it, I heard it.

And I believed it, perceived it and heard it for what it was ----- a fig-leaf. A head-fake. A subterfuge.



ps.....why did Trump and his enablers not want to apply for a permit? Why did they NOT apply for a permit? Why did they keep the planned march on the down-low from authorities?

Butbutbutbut no permit!

No, Amigo.
It don't work that way in Adult Swim.
YOU...asserted it.
YOU....prove it.

So far, you have shown an inability to prove your word is true.
Unable or unwilling? I don't know.

But, unless you can prove your claims then you will appear to this forum as just a frivolous empty suit. The kind of loudmouth at the DewDropInn that folks put several empty stools between 'em.

Is that how you want to be perceived here at Adult Swim, mein freund, as a Big-Hat-No Cows-Loudmouth?

I am mildly convinced.....that you can be better than that.

Your hand has been called.
Or go.
There is no go or show
That’s a lib loon “prove yourself innocent”
Present countering Facts could work but you don’t have them.
Also, you reported me for not satisfying your emotional demands which is very lame
Also, you reported me for not satisfying your emotional demands which is very lame
Part One: ???? What's this thingy about someone reporting you for something you did or did not do? Who got the report? When did that happen? What was in the report? Can you share what you know about this alleged 'report'?
I ask, not only for myself, but I'm sure for many others here who are considering reporting you.
Thanks, in advance.
(but please don't get banned. You are too good of an example of a bad example. You are instructive for the rest of us.)

Part Two: I take it then, that you cannot, or will not.....or at any rate, have not ....been able to offer the forum vetting on your claims that you asserted in post #41.

"...Pelosi plants came into the rear and the doors were closed and THEY started up the ruckus which spread in those cramped quarters. Those still outside heard the disturbance , tried to force their way in to see what had suddenly happened..."

Still, we are patient here. So try a little bit harder. We have time. The forum is interested in you.

So tell us the sourcing you found for the "
Pelosi plants", for those outside to "...hear the disturbance....and force their way in to see what happened"

I ask, because it sounds novel.
Am not saying it is a partisan fantagasm.....rather, if it is true, we all should know it to be true, and have confidence in that 'truth'.

So, whatcha got, poster Weather53.

Got go with that hat?
That's an interesting description that I had not read previously. (eyewitness, poster?)
It sounds dire. Menacing even.
Which leads thoughtful Americans to ask: Is it true?
How would we know?
Who has the proof?
Which court has this "proof" been presented to?
And that leads to the obvious question: Can the good poster Weather53 back up his claims on his assertion?
If he can......great! Let's see 'em.
If he cannot.....well, why not?
And why look silly and frivolous by presenting portentous allegations if one cannot articulate credible authentication? To offer credible proof?

So, good poste Weather53, it appears your hand has been called.
Saddle up, Skinnyjeans. Show the forum what your pony can do.


I don't know what the poster 'Ordinary Guy' is suggesting here.
What does he mean?

Will poster OG explain himself?
Can he?

You said it, OG, so the burden is on you to articulate your thoughts.
Batter up.
it means when dumbass liberal democrats decide to riot on the innocent public and cause them harm we should put them down. bag them and tag them

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