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Republican Battle Plan!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Even those of us who lean their way haven't seen the GOP tell us what we want to hear.
And, no...."Stop Obama" isn't good enough.
Obama is the GOP's best recruitment tool....but can't be the entire proposal, or many will sit out the election.

Larry Kudlow spell out what they must do to sweep the Congress.

1."If the Republican party adopts a clear, optimistic, growth-and-reform message to turn America around, it can win big in November..... so far it hasn’t done it. .... asking voters to give it control of both houses of Congress. Yet it hasn’t told voters what it would do with such a mandate.

2. ...according to polling averages from RealClearPolitics, there are ten key midterm Senate races that are too close to call.... the party needs to provide a real future vision.

3. ....Obama and the Democrats have already begun their usual class-warfare attacks on corporations, banks, and successful entrepreneurs. “Close their loopholes. Tax them more, so we have enough new money to enlarge government programs.” This leftist approach has failed. Voters know this.

4. The GOP leadership should tune in. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio is calling for common-sense health-care solutions, including health savings accounts. ... an energy program that approves the Keystone XL pipeline and opens up federal lands and the Outer Continental Shelf....tax reform, both individual and corporate, to spur economic growth. .... stop the EPA from over-regulating greenhouse gases and destroying the coal industry. ...education choice that allows parents to use federal dollars to send their kids to the schools they want.

5. ...Paul Ryan has a new anti-poverty agenda that would provide a real Republican makeover, and he’s keeping up the fight against corporate welfare and crony capitalism.

6. ...tax reform, regulatory rollbacks, a Federal Reserve monetary rule, and much stronger defense....Obamacare exchanges are turned into free-market platforms without any federal mandates.....immigration reform, as long as it emphasizes border security, and then moves to work permits, increased visas, and conditional legalization.

7. But so far the Republican leadership is playing small ball. Yes, they talk about the Keystone pipeline. And they want accelerated rules for overseas trade, faster federal reviews of natural-gas exports, and repeal of Obamacare’s medical-device tax. Fine. But they need visionary priorities and a true national agenda.

8. ...there needs to be something concrete. ...the permanent political consulting class is using this as a “rejection election.” In other words: “We’re not Obama.” That’s a risky approach. .... It could backfire.

9. Be bold, Republicans. Send the voters a vibrant message. Show them the GOP is a change agent. And finally, heed the words of the brilliant Seth Lipsky, who believes optimism is the missing element in today’s politics.

10. ...advance the solutions. .... If the GOP sends a clear, positive, and optimistic message, it can turn this election into a landslide."
A Wave Election Will Require A Much Bolder Vision From the Republican Field - The New York Sun

Fuck Republicans. Most of them are Progressives, Mitt was, McCain was, Bush was.... Most Republicans in congress are...

What area of Government did Republicans not grow? They did education, healthcare, war, military, welfare and everything in between.
Pretty much what many of us have been saying for a few years now. The party needs to communicate a clear and positive vision of America's future. They sure as hell haven't been doing so for a long time now.

They've been great at attacking each other and Obama, though. Yuck. Then they wonder why their poll numbers are so lousy.

Republicans battle plan is to be liberal lite and hope that sells.

So.....which victory plan are you suggesting.....don't vote, or vote the sure loser, third party.

Wish you were able to be realistic.

Don't ever talk down to me for not supporting a Progressive party, it only makes you look like a fake conservative. Seriously it's only in your benefit to not make claims that my vote is wasted because I don't vote for the Big Government Republicans.

Ooooor maybe you can show me where these great leaders of the Republican party have actually shrank the size and scope of the Federal Government in the last 15 years. Can you do that for me PC? Can you or will you just hope I take bullshit statements claiming I'm wasting my vote to heart?

Here is a battle plan for the Republicans.... Be conservative, consistently. Stop attacking Conservatives, consistently.. If you believe in limitations on the federal Governments power voting for Republicans has been an d currently is a wasted vote.

Be realistic PC, stop caring about a party for the sake of a party.
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And for the record, the Republicans number one issue is they are Progressives and millions of would be Republican voters have turned to third party of decided to not vote. Mitt lost to Obama, Obama lost 4 million voters compared to 2008... Just think of how easily Reps could have won if they kicked people like Mitt, Santorm and Newt off the stage.
Newt, the smartest man on stage... Mr. Conservative... Who believes we should be building moon bases to stimulate the economy... A guy that believes in putting giant mirrors in space to light the nights sky by reflecting the sun at the dark side of the planet to make driving easier... Sure, might have a negative impact on all nocturnal animals, but Newt prolly has a big Government plan for that too.
Jesus....Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning!?!? :blowup:

lol... Just don't like wanabe conservatives telling me I waste my vote because I don't vote progressive. I can prove with ease the Republican party is Progressive Government growing, deficit driving, war loving hypocrites. PC can't prove they are even mildly conservative.

The Republican part like the Democrat party are in fact dying, if you only go by the numbers, not emotion. It's a fact, a real life undeniable problem for both parties is that they are loosing members faster than they gain them and this is never ever ever ever been a problem before. The problem is 100% due to the rejection of Progressive policies due to it's failures.

So yeah, fuck some "battle plan" to bullshit voters into voting for them. All they needed to do was be conservative, no tricks, games, gimmicks needed. But they are not conservative, so here we are talking about what tricks, games and gimmicks Reps should use.
Republicans battle plan is to be liberal lite and hope that sells.

So.....which victory plan are you suggesting.....don't vote, or vote the sure loser, third party.

Wish you were able to be realistic.

Don't ever talk down to me for not supporting a Progressive party, it only makes you look like a fake conservative. Seriously it's only in your benefit to not make claims that my vote is wasted because I don't vote for the Big Government Republicans.

Ooooor maybe you can show me where these great leaders of the Republican party have actually shrank the size and scope of the Federal Government in the last 15 years. Can you do that for me PC? Can you or will you just hope I take bullshit statements claiming I'm wasting my vote to heart?

Here is a battle plan for the Republicans.... Be conservative, consistently. Stop attacking Conservatives, consistently.. If you believe in limitations on the federal Governments power voting for Republicans has been an d currently is a wasted vote.

Be realistic PC, stop caring about a party for the sake of a party. TM cared about party only you know.

There are only two choice.

Stop carping about the lack of perfection.....and be realistic....stop being juvenile.

One can only choose the ticket closest to one's view of the world.

The closest.
Fuck Republicans. Most of them are Progressives, Mitt was, McCain was, Bush was.... Most Republicans in congress are...

What area of Government did Republicans not grow? They did education, healthcare, war, military, welfare and everything in between.
Lol. .. any Republican who loses an election is suddenly a progressive. .. lol. ..

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Even those of us who lean their way haven't seen the GOP tell us what we want to hear.
And, no...."Stop Obama" isn't good enough.
Obama is the GOP's best recruitment tool....but can't be the entire proposal, or many will sit out the election.

Larry Kudlow spell out what they must do to sweep the Congress.

1."If the Republican party adopts a clear, optimistic, growth-and-reform message to turn America around, it can win big in November..... so far it hasn’t done it. .... asking voters to give it control of both houses of Congress. Yet it hasn’t told voters what it would do with such a mandate.

2. ...according to polling averages from RealClearPolitics, there are ten key midterm Senate races that are too close to call.... the party needs to provide a real future vision.

3. ....Obama and the Democrats have already begun their usual class-warfare attacks on corporations, banks, and successful entrepreneurs. “Close their loopholes. Tax them more, so we have enough new money to enlarge government programs.” This leftist approach has failed. Voters know this.

4. The GOP leadership should tune in. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio is calling for common-sense health-care solutions, including health savings accounts. ... an energy program that approves the Keystone XL pipeline and opens up federal lands and the Outer Continental Shelf....tax reform, both individual and corporate, to spur economic growth. .... stop the EPA from over-regulating greenhouse gases and destroying the coal industry. ...education choice that allows parents to use federal dollars to send their kids to the schools they want.

5. ...Paul Ryan has a new anti-poverty agenda that would provide a real Republican makeover, and he’s keeping up the fight against corporate welfare and crony capitalism.

6. ...tax reform, regulatory rollbacks, a Federal Reserve monetary rule, and much stronger defense....Obamacare exchanges are turned into free-market platforms without any federal mandates.....immigration reform, as long as it emphasizes border security, and then moves to work permits, increased visas, and conditional legalization.

7. But so far the Republican leadership is playing small ball. Yes, they talk about the Keystone pipeline. And they want accelerated rules for overseas trade, faster federal reviews of natural-gas exports, and repeal of Obamacare’s medical-device tax. Fine. But they need visionary priorities and a true national agenda.

8. ...there needs to be something concrete. ...the permanent political consulting class is using this as a “rejection election.” In other words: “We’re not Obama.” That’s a risky approach. .... It could backfire.

9. Be bold, Republicans. Send the voters a vibrant message. Show them the GOP is a change agent. And finally, heed the words of the brilliant Seth Lipsky, who believes optimism is the missing element in today’s politics.

10. ...advance the solutions. .... If the GOP sends a clear, positive, and optimistic message, it can turn this election into a landslide."
A Wave Election Will Require A Much Bolder Vision From the Republican Field - The New York Sun

Even those of us who lean their way haven't seen the GOP tell us what we want to hear.
And, no...."Stop Obama" isn't good enough.
Obama is the GOP's best recruitment tool....but can't be the entire proposal, or many will sit out the election.

Larry Kudlow spell out what they must do to sweep the Congress.

1."If the Republican party adopts a clear, optimistic, growth-and-reform message to turn America around, it can win big in November..... so far it hasn’t done it. .... asking voters to give it control of both houses of Congress. Yet it hasn’t told voters what it would do with such a mandate.

2. ...according to polling averages from RealClearPolitics, there are ten key midterm Senate races that are too close to call.... the party needs to provide a real future vision.

3. ....Obama and the Democrats have already begun their usual class-warfare attacks on corporations, banks, and successful entrepreneurs. “Close their loopholes. Tax them more, so we have enough new money to enlarge government programs.” This leftist approach has failed. Voters know this.

4. The GOP leadership should tune in. Senator Rob Portman of Ohio is calling for common-sense health-care solutions, including health savings accounts. ... an energy program that approves the Keystone XL pipeline and opens up federal lands and the Outer Continental Shelf....tax reform, both individual and corporate, to spur economic growth. .... stop the EPA from over-regulating greenhouse gases and destroying the coal industry. ...education choice that allows parents to use federal dollars to send their kids to the schools they want.

5. ...Paul Ryan has a new anti-poverty agenda that would provide a real Republican makeover, and he’s keeping up the fight against corporate welfare and crony capitalism.

6. ...tax reform, regulatory rollbacks, a Federal Reserve monetary rule, and much stronger defense....Obamacare exchanges are turned into free-market platforms without any federal mandates.....immigration reform, as long as it emphasizes border security, and then moves to work permits, increased visas, and conditional legalization.

7. But so far the Republican leadership is playing small ball. Yes, they talk about the Keystone pipeline. And they want accelerated rules for overseas trade, faster federal reviews of natural-gas exports, and repeal of Obamacare’s medical-device tax. Fine. But they need visionary priorities and a true national agenda.

8. ...there needs to be something concrete. ...the permanent political consulting class is using this as a “rejection election.” In other words: “We’re not Obama.” That’s a risky approach. .... It could backfire.

9. Be bold, Republicans. Send the voters a vibrant message. Show them the GOP is a change agent. And finally, heed the words of the brilliant Seth Lipsky, who believes optimism is the missing element in today’s politics.

10. ...advance the solutions. .... If the GOP sends a clear, positive, and optimistic message, it can turn this election into a landslide."
A Wave Election Will Require A Much Bolder Vision From the Republican Field - The New York Sun

Republicans do have a clear, optimistic, growth-and-reform package. It's called "Give All the Money to Rich People." God loves rich people more than poor people. That's why they're rich. And that's why poor people shouldn't be allowed to vote. You can disagree if you like, but that means you don't believe in God and you hate America.


Wide Partisan Differences Over the Issues That Matter in 2014 Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
1. The Economy under this poll is the number 1 issue of all the polled data. Americans want a better economy. Which is why the democrats are pushing the so called success of Obama when in fact it is mediocre at best. They push the Market results as there success as well, when most of the country would look at it as a ticking time bomb which it is now...........Pumped up artificially via the Fed..........

The truth is the best ally of the GOP on this issue....That the success is inflated. That actual prices have inflated far more than the data released by the Gov't. That the median incomes are steadily declining, and that the job participation rates are the lowest in history.

2. Terrorism is the next highest on the list. Obama foreign policy has been miserable at best. Point out how he tried to get Egypt to get the Muslim Brotherhood to be part of the political process and was FIRMLY rejected by Egypt and rightfully so..........The Muslim Brotherhood has helped form virtually every Terrorist Org in the Middle East from their inception. To say they need to be involved in these countries is absolutely inept.

Remind the people about the funding of the FSA and weapons provided for by our Gov't has fallen into ISIS hands...........We have armed the groups that we now wage War with. Libya is currently a economic shit hole and since we blew the place up the place is now nothing more than a bloody civil War that forced us to abandon our embassy in Benghazi.................

3. Budget Deficit next on the list..............Never before has so few people created so much debt in so little a time.............The data speaks for itself.........We can't handle this continued debt and spending and that is self explanitory.

4. Health Care............Speaks for itself as the people of this country are against it by a large margin in this poll..............

We need to simply put the campaign were it belongs........at the results of what Democratic Leadership has brought us...........They put their foot in their mouths and all we need to do is shove...............While the local elections may say they didn't do this and it's Obama.........they are part of that mindset that is a total failure.................
Yes! Optimism! The GOP can win by being optimistic. Right after they are done taking a shot on every positive thing that has happened since 2009.

Yes! Optimism! The GOP can win by being optimistic. Right after they are done taking a shot on every positive thing that has happened since 2009.


The polls speak for themselves..........Your side has everything to lose as we have every thing to gain in this election...........Your side knows it will lose seats in the Senate.......but it is attempting to not lose majority.........Your standard tactics of class Warfare and racism still prevail in your political strategy.

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