Republican belief in evolution plummets


Aug 1, 2012
Republicans' belief in evolution plummets, poll reveals

Fewer Republicans today than in
2009 believe in evolution, according to new analysis from the Pew Research

A poll out Monday shows that less than half - 43 percent - of those who
identify with the Republican Party say they believe humans have evolved over
time, plunging from 54 percent four years ago. Forty-eight percent say they
believe "humans and other living things have existed in their present form
since the beginning of time," up from 39 percent in 2009.

At 67 percent and 65 percent, respectively, the numbers of Democrats and
independents who believe in evolution have remained more or less the same
since 2009. They're also in step with the population nationally: Six-in-10
Americans say they believe humans have evolved.

Even the results for the Democrats is pathetic.

What this country needs is less church.
I didn't look at the piece but it's likely dishonest given the political purpose. It has nothing to do with party affiliation and very dependant on how you define evolution. A small minority of creationists believe every species was made from scratch and remain unchanged. Probably a better poll would have been young Earth vs old Earth believers. Assuming you felt the need in the first place.

More importantly, I'd like to see how many liberals still believe that we can tax and spend our way into prosperity.
I didn't look at the piece but it's likely dishonest given the political purpose. It has nothing to do with party affiliation and very dependant on how you define evolution. A small minority of creationists believe every species was made from scratch and remain unchanged. Probably a better poll would have been young Earth vs old Earth believers. Assuming you felt the need in the first place.

More importantly, I'd like to see how many liberals still believe that we can tax and spend our way into prosperity.

Way to stay on topic, genius.
I didn't look at the piece but it's likely dishonest given the political purpose. It has nothing to do with party affiliation and very dependant on how you define evolution. A small minority of creationists believe every species was made from scratch and remain unchanged. Probably a better poll would have been young Earth vs old Earth believers. Assuming you felt the need in the first place.

More importantly, I'd like to see how many liberals still believe that we can tax and spend our way into prosperity.

Way to stay on topic, genius.
I addressed the topic, if I hurt your feelings you need to ask why.

Oh, I see, the topic was how stupid and evil Republicans are. How old are you?
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At present the GOP caters to those denying obvious science. From evolution to global warming, the GOP has staked out posititions that are 180 degrees from the evidence presented by scientists from all over the world. And when this is pointed out, the present members of the GOP launch into the weirdest of conspriracy theories. Those of us interested in science, and studying science, have a real problem trying to understand the denial of reality by a major political party.
Those of us interested in science, and studying science, have a real problem trying to understand the denial of reality by a major political party.
You mean like the icebreaker sent to study global warming that got stuck in the summer and couldn't be rescued? Those on the right don't understand the arrogance and condescention of those who misuse science as a pseudo religion. Here's another newsflash, not everyone in the Republican or Democrat party shares the exact same views of everyone in the party.
Those of us interested in science, and studying science, have a real problem trying to understand the denial of reality by a major political party.
You mean like the icebreaker sent to study global warming that got stuck in the summer and couldn't be rescued? Those on the right don't understand the arrogance and condescention of those who misuse science as a pseudo religion. Here's another newsflash, not everyone in the Republican or Democrat party shares the exact same views of everyone in the party.

OK. You have flapped yap, and said nothing. Show where the scientists are wrong. I mean, you have every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world stating in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But you are so much smarter than the vast majority of the scientists in the world that you know what they don't? How about sharing that information with us?
the tolerance of some on what other's believes is astounding....Why are we suppose to care about this any way? just a good thread to bash other's in or what?

another take on it
Lot of links and charts with article at site

Hey, who’s up for a contentious new poll about evolution?

posted at 4:01 pm on December 31, 2013 by Allahpundit

It’s not New Year’s Eve without some fireworks. Per the new Pew poll, the share of the public that believes in some form of human evolution (divinely guided or not) stands at 60 percent, about the same as it was in 2009. Dig down into the partisan splits, though, and you find some movement.

Democrats and indies have held roughly steady but Republicans have moved fairly dramatically against evolution in just four years, from majority support in 2009 to near-majority opposition now. Is that number accurate? I looked around to see what other polls have said about GOP views on evolution lately. Here’s what Gallup found in 2007:

And here’s what Gallup found five years later, in 2012:


Gallup detected movement away from the creationist position among Republicans over roughly the same span that Pew was detecting movement towards it. Is that a bona fide trend, though, or a function of Gallup wording the question slightly differently in its two polls? In 2007, the evolution question didn’t mention God; in 2012, they refined it so that evolution by divine guidance was an option. It may be that the numbers were more or less consistent in both polls but that some chunk of people who wanted to answer “evolution supervised by God” felt they had no choice in 2007 but to say no when given a binary choice between evolution and no evolution. “Evolution” is, after all, associated with Darwinism, and Darwinism is typically understood to mean evolution without divine guidance. If you don’t give some religious believers an option involving God, they might assume the pollster’s version of evolution is an atheistic one and that nudges them into the “no” category.

More data? Okay. When YouGov asked about evolution in July of this year, the numbers they got were strikingly similar to Gallup’s from 2012: 55 percent of Republicans said God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years; 30 percent said humans evolved over millions of years and that God guided the process; and five percent said humans evolved over millions of years without divine guidance. The Harris Poll on faith from a few weeks ago didn’t get into the weeds on this subject, but when they asked whether people believe in “Darwin’s theory of evolution,” 36 percent of Republicans said they did — a number that’s right in line with the other polls I mentioned although a bit surprising in that “Darwin” evidently did not equal “atheist” for the Harris respondents.

ALL of it here
Hey, who?s up for a contentious new poll about evolution? « Hot Air
OK. You have flapped yap, and said nothing.
Then why did you respond?
Show where the scientists are wrong. I mean, you have every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world stating in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. But you are so much smarter than the vast majority of the scientists in the world that you know what they don't? How about sharing that information with us?
"The vast majority" means that not all are onboard with the program. You are overstating your claims and assuming they are talking about man made warming. And furthmore the consenus has been wrong many times, the consenus isn't science, the consenus is an opinion. Maybe the consensus can go retrieve that frozen vessel and examine it.
Right or left, why would we want to tolerate willful ignorance?

Something we should not ignore about the idiotic DD dust up is that a large minority of Americans are just that - willfully ignorant. And, they will fight anyone who is intolerant of their ignorance. Same with the FACT of global climate change.

As long as there is money to be made in ignorance, there will be people pushing it.
Right or left, why would we want to tolerate willful ignorance?

Something we should not ignore about the idiotic DD dust up is that a large minority of Americans are just that - willfully ignorant. And, they will fight anyone who is intolerant of their ignorance. Same with the FACT of global climate change.

As long as there is money to be made in ignorance, there will be people pushing it.

well, how special you are the judge and jury of willful ignorance...and your usual intolerance and hate of others shine bright
There is a tendency among liberals to consider fundamental, evangelical Christians interchangeable with republicans when that isn't at all true.
You see folks, if you don't fall into the Albert gore religion of globull warming you are called every stupid name they can think of, deniers, flat earthers, the willfully ignorant etc..And then this thing with evolution

but, they don't consider that ignorant, intolerant...after all, they are the SUPERIOR so how dare anyone question them

I can't stand people like that myself
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