Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?

If you truly believe safety is of major concern; then driving without a license would actually be at the very bottom of the list of threats presented by illegal aliens.

What should be worrying you is the trafficking of narcotics, disease, infestations, crime and psychopath gangs that have long been arriving with millions of non-vetted illegal immigrants.

Although such an acknowledgement would be contrary to the sanitized "undocumented worker" narrative which is absolutely necessary to continue the flow of future Democrat Party Voters.

Wait? Could this be why Democrats hate Donald Trump so much?

It's the least of their concerns. It's just a cheap excuse because they can't man-up and state why they are for illegals getting drivers licenses. They do it all the time.

They are against AR's because of mass shootings. They could care less about them.

They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

They are for government food control because kids are too fat. They could care less about fat kids.

They support Commie Care because of people that can't afford insurance. They could care less about uninsured people.

They're for green anything because they're worried about irreversible damage to the environment. They could care less about the environment.

They're for more foreigners in this country so we don't end up paying $3.50 for a head of lettuce. They could care less about what lettuce costs.

Whenever it's something that can give the Democrat party more control, they are for it.
Yep, all issues in which they have been USING forever it seems, but isn't it funny how all these things still exist, and with no real Democrat solution's in sight ?? Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on them. That's what Democrat voters should be saying these days.

With Democrats, it's fool me once--shame on you. Fool me twice--shame on you. They like to believe whatever Big Brother dishes out at them. If Democrats tell them Voter-ID is racist, that's what they parrot. They don't bother to question why, just believe and repeat what they are told.
It's amazing isn't it ? I can't figure it out. They have to much invested in their bullcrap, and they can't get out of it.
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

You were doing so well until you went into the "3rd Red Scare" routine right out of the GRU handbook. There are NO Communists running for office. Communism can't exist in large numbers. It's like saying that a large group can be Democratic. Only in small numbers. The reason the US was originally set up as a Federal Republic was that it was, even back then, too large to be a democratic nation. Same goes for Communist Nations. Just can't happen. The same goes for Socialists which is the new trigger phrase for "Communist" from the 1st and the 2nd "Red Scare". Socialism is NOT a government, it's an economic feature just like Capitalism is. So you keep crowing and screaming that someone is a Communist or a Socialist you are destroying whatever else you may have said.
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

You were doing so well until you went into the "3rd Red Scare" routine right out of the GRU handbook. There are NO Communists running for office. Communism can't exist in large numbers. It's like saying that a large group can be Democratic. Only in small numbers. The reason the US was originally set up as a Federal Republic was that it was, even back then, too large to be a democratic nation. Same goes for Communist Nations. Just can't happen. The same goes for Socialists which is the new trigger phrase for "Communist" from the 1st and the 2nd "Red Scare". Socialism is NOT a government, it's an economic feature just like Capitalism is. So you keep crowing and screaming that someone is a Communist or a Socialist you are destroying whatever else you may have said.

Socialsim is the last step into Communism. Polls show that a majority of Democrat voters accept or favor a Socialist country. They are obviously accepting of more government control over their lives. We see it all the time here on USMB; the cradle-to-gravers.
I get most of my talking points by going outside. You should try it. Go outside and take a long hard sniff. Check out what's going all around you. Check out the rivers and steams. I spent the first 19 years of my life as a Rancher/Farmer and believe that we don't actually own the land. We are the stewards of the land. And you will find that many of us are old time Republicans. But we don't identify with your idea of Republicans these days. What you may believe as Liberal just might be conservative. And it's not a left of "Right" thing. It's just the right thing to do. I know I can never make you understand because of your cult. But we can make sure you don't kill off the real conservative way of life.

You don't measure environment by going outside. You don't measure it by the Democrat party. You measure it by the fact that regardless how much we try to conquer climate change, it's impossible because we have very little to do with it. It's not in our control, it's in control of a far higher power--God.

My cult believes in more personal responsibility. My cult believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. My cult believes in the US Constitution and the intent of our founders. My cult believes in tradition that Americans have valued since the beginning of our time in this country. My cult believes that rewarding failure and penalizing success only gets you more of the same. My cult believes that you can't change your gender by the attire you embellish or how high you can make your voice. What does your cult believe?
Their cult believes that if you can’t win then Wail you were cheated and if you can’t earn then take it from those who can.

I love these people that claim "they" are real Republicans, and anybody that's for Trump is a part of a cult. Yet I'd love one of them to name me a person in our lifetime that led more conservatively than President Trump. As much as I loved Ronald Reagan, Trump beats him out when it comes to conservative leadership. Not by much, but just a notch.

Criminal Activity isn't Conservative. It's just Criminal. And you condone it. And don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

And what is criminal activity, anything the commies say it is? Trump is not doing anything illegal. The impeachment was the phoniest impeachment in history, with no criminal charge and no impeachable offense.

Oh, just stop it. I do realize that Rump is currently trying to rewrite history to prove he had provocation. His latest "Here, hold my beer" Moment proves that. He broke the law, period. And continues to do so. And please don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

There are fewer rubes out there today.
You don't measure environment by going outside. You don't measure it by the Democrat party. You measure it by the fact that regardless how much we try to conquer climate change, it's impossible because we have very little to do with it. It's not in our control, it's in control of a far higher power--God.

My cult believes in more personal responsibility. My cult believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. My cult believes in the US Constitution and the intent of our founders. My cult believes in tradition that Americans have valued since the beginning of our time in this country. My cult believes that rewarding failure and penalizing success only gets you more of the same. My cult believes that you can't change your gender by the attire you embellish or how high you can make your voice. What does your cult believe?
Their cult believes that if you can’t win then Wail you were cheated and if you can’t earn then take it from those who can.

I love these people that claim "they" are real Republicans, and anybody that's for Trump is a part of a cult. Yet I'd love one of them to name me a person in our lifetime that led more conservatively than President Trump. As much as I loved Ronald Reagan, Trump beats him out when it comes to conservative leadership. Not by much, but just a notch.

Criminal Activity isn't Conservative. It's just Criminal. And you condone it. And don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

And what is criminal activity, anything the commies say it is? Trump is not doing anything illegal. The impeachment was the phoniest impeachment in history, with no criminal charge and no impeachable offense.

Oh, just stop it. I do realize that Rump is currently trying to rewrite history to prove he had provocation. His latest "Here, hold my beer" Moment proves that. He broke the law, period. And continues to do so. And please don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

There are fewer rubes out there today.

What law did he break?
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

You were doing so well until you went into the "3rd Red Scare" routine right out of the GRU handbook. There are NO Communists running for office. Communism can't exist in large numbers. It's like saying that a large group can be Democratic. Only in small numbers. The reason the US was originally set up as a Federal Republic was that it was, even back then, too large to be a democratic nation. Same goes for Communist Nations. Just can't happen. The same goes for Socialists which is the new trigger phrase for "Communist" from the 1st and the 2nd "Red Scare". Socialism is NOT a government, it's an economic feature just like Capitalism is. So you keep crowing and screaming that someone is a Communist or a Socialist you are destroying whatever else you may have said.

Socialsim is the last step into Communism. Polls show that a majority of Democrat voters accept or favor a Socialist country. They are obviously accepting of more government control over their lives. We see it all the time here on USMB; the cradle-to-gravers.

Most Democratic Voters favor a Social Democratic Government, not a Socialist Government. And that doesn't lead to Communism and never has. In fact, it was the backlash to Communism (Lenin) that lead to most of Europe becoming Social Democratic Governments in the first place. Under Democratic Socialism, Capitalism thrives as does private ownership. The US is closer to that than you care to imagine. Of course, Fascism can throw a damper on it for a bit but sooner or later, ALL Successful Governments become Social Democracies.

You are still trying to feed us the GRU BS that Putin wants you to. It's done to keep the hate and anger going. Sorry, I you don't mind if I don't have any hate or anger, do you. Bernie is a bit left of what I really want and so is Warren but I don't see them as an earth shattering, life as we know it ending of life on earth like you do. But then again, I don't have a GRU spewing Orange Deity screaming nonsense from the mountaintops either.
Their cult believes that if you can’t win then Wail you were cheated and if you can’t earn then take it from those who can.

I love these people that claim "they" are real Republicans, and anybody that's for Trump is a part of a cult. Yet I'd love one of them to name me a person in our lifetime that led more conservatively than President Trump. As much as I loved Ronald Reagan, Trump beats him out when it comes to conservative leadership. Not by much, but just a notch.

Criminal Activity isn't Conservative. It's just Criminal. And you condone it. And don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

And what is criminal activity, anything the commies say it is? Trump is not doing anything illegal. The impeachment was the phoniest impeachment in history, with no criminal charge and no impeachable offense.

Oh, just stop it. I do realize that Rump is currently trying to rewrite history to prove he had provocation. His latest "Here, hold my beer" Moment proves that. He broke the law, period. And continues to do so. And please don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

There are fewer rubes out there today.

What law did he break?
What poll? It’s not a popularity contest, you have to win via the EC. How did the polls work for HRC? Hell even the Democrats don’t want him to be the nominee. You’re insane. The rich robbed you of common sense.

Why do you guys keep thinking that a ONE TIME fluke is going to happen again? 2016 was a fluke, not a pattern.

When you win the popular vote, the electoral vote USUALLY follows. (Even in 2000, both the PV and EV were a split decision, if there had been a fair count of Florida, Gore would have won.)

If Trump is flailing against the Dem nominee by 5%, he won't win.

Right now, the polls show him trailing Commie Bernie (who I think is an awful candidate) in PA and MI.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Who is “my boy Ray”? You make $80k per year. When I graduated college my first job paid $82k per year.

Nobody believes that....

Nobody believes you even hold down a real job.
I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Uh, guy, you talk to a few renters who want to live in the Slum you live in. Most more affluent renters would never even look at your dump in Cleveland.

Most people who want to rent these days are still gun shy after 2008, as they should be. Who wants to have an underwater mortgage again?

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Nobody is stopping you from working. You've had years to learn how to do something else, knowing this day was probably coming. The laughable thing is that people like you whine all day about "them welfare people" while you'd probably amputate someone's arm at the elbow if they tried to take your "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

The hypocrisy is you claiming you "deserve" that gummit money while denouncing others who take it.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

Yawn, you fail to get why Communists took power in those other countries... just like you fail to realize why Bernie is so popular now.

I'm not thrilled with Bernie as the nominee. But I'm less worried about him being able to beat Trump (he can), and more worried about his inability to run the country after he's elected. He has few friends in the Democratic caucus, and trust me, no one is going to go to the wall for him like they did Trump.

80% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. That's why Bernie is so popular.

Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.
I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Uh, guy, you talk to a few renters who want to live in the Slum you live in. Most more affluent renters would never even look at your dump in Cleveland.

Most people who want to rent these days are still gun shy after 2008, as they should be. Who wants to have an underwater mortgage again?

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Nobody is stopping you from working. You've had years to learn how to do something else, knowing this day was probably coming. The laughable thing is that people like you whine all day about "them welfare people" while you'd probably amputate someone's arm at the elbow if they tried to take your "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

The hypocrisy is you claiming you "deserve" that gummit money while denouncing others who take it.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

Yawn, you fail to get why Communists took power in those other countries... just like you fail to realize why Bernie is so popular now.

I'm not thrilled with Bernie as the nominee. But I'm less worried about him being able to beat Trump (he can), and more worried about his inability to run the country after he's elected. He has few friends in the Democratic caucus, and trust me, no one is going to go to the wall for him like they did Trump.

80% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. That's why Bernie is so popular.

View attachment 307917
Hey Joe B...where are you from? Chicago? Look at the idiot that you people elected mayor...:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: You have no room to talk shit on Cleveland or any other city.
What poll? It’s not a popularity contest, you have to win via the EC. How did the polls work for HRC? Hell even the Democrats don’t want him to be the nominee. You’re insane. The rich robbed you of common sense.

Why do you guys keep thinking that a ONE TIME fluke is going to happen again? 2016 was a fluke, not a pattern.

When you win the popular vote, the electoral vote USUALLY follows. (Even in 2000, both the PV and EV were a split decision, if there had been a fair count of Florida, Gore would have won.)

If Trump is flailing against the Dem nominee by 5%, he won't win.

Right now, the polls show him trailing Commie Bernie (who I think is an awful candidate) in PA and MI.

You didn't think this through at all, did you?

Who is “my boy Ray”? You make $80k per year. When I graduated college my first job paid $82k per year.

Nobody believes that....

Nobody believes you even hold down a real job.
Trumps approval rating is 49%. It was 41% when he won in 2016. His rallies draw 20k+. Economy is booming. You’re delusional if you believe that people want a Communist to replace him. I have told you before Google house prices in Brookline MA. You do know how to use a search engine I hope. LOL. Poor JoeB wants his “fair share” of monies that someone else earned. How much is that “fair share”? How much of my money should I give to a parasite like you?
Hey Joe B...where are you from? Chicago? Look at the idiot that you people elected mayor...You have no room to talk shit on Cleveland or any other city.

Lightfoot is doing a great job. Chicago is a thriving city. Cleveland is a dump.

Talking to over-the-road and regional drivers, they tell me they don't take jobs that send them to Chicago or NYC. They don't mind coming here.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

Uh, sorry, buddy. I want to make sure everyone on the road is qualified and licensed, whether they have other documentation or not.

Of course you do, because you want invaders to feel as welcome as possible. You don't want a wall so they can sneak in with their family, you like the drugs killing Americans, you love sanctuary cities and states to protect them, you love that their kids get free education, or that they can drop anchor babies while here, you love motor voter laws so that they "accidentally" get registered to vote Democrat, you love that the commies stopped Kate's law, you love that they are driving around drunk and hurting or killing Americans on the road, you love all of it.
Of course you do, because you want invaders to feel as welcome as possible. You don't want a wall so they can sneak in with their family, you like the drugs killing Americans, you love sanctuary cities and states to protect them, you love that their kids get free education, or that they can drop anchor babies while here, you love motor voter laws so that they "accidentally" get registered to vote Democrat, you love that the commies stopped Kate's law, you love that they are driving around drunk and hurting or killing Americans on the road, you love all of it.

But the best part of all is how they piss off you people.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????
Of course you do, because you want invaders to feel as welcome as possible. You don't want a wall so they can sneak in with their family, you like the drugs killing Americans, you love sanctuary cities and states to protect them, you love that their kids get free education, or that they can drop anchor babies while here, you love motor voter laws so that they "accidentally" get registered to vote Democrat, you love that the commies stopped Kate's law, you love that they are driving around drunk and hurting or killing Americans on the road, you love all of it.

But the best part of all is how they piss off you people.

Of course they piss us off. If they stayed in the states that issue these licenses, then I don't care. Kill all the Democrats for being so stupid to support putting them on the road. But the problem is, with a license, they can drive in my state who don't want them on the road, and be a danger to us and our families.

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