Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

I'm not so sure about that. Not that I'm hoping you are wrong. However I see a real problem in this country with younger people wanting government to take care of everything for them. I'm a landlord. I know. Younger people today don't want to own houses because of the work involved with keeping them up. My rentals have never done better, and rental prices across the nation are soaring to the point some states want to institute rent controls because the supply is so much less than the demand. Landlords are making a killing out there.

Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

Is there enough of them to beat somebody like Trump? Not even close, but if we keep allowing the Democrats to bring people into this country legally or not, it may be a fate we won't be able to stop, and that will begin the end of the great experiment.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Many years ago, the communists stated they will eventually take over the United States. But they will do so without one bullet being fired. They will take over our country from within.

We are witnesses to that right now. That's why Bernie is in the lead, and good chance he will be the Democrat nominee unless they rig the election against him again.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.
Thats not enough to win the election vs. Independents and Republicans. The fact that a grown man would vote for Sanders is hilarious. Woe is me...=JoeB

Again, if the choice is between Bernie and Trump, that's an easy one. Bernie all the way. Not going to vote for him in the primary.

But your new boyfriend, Ray, is currently collecting a disability check. I work full time and run my own business and don't take a dime from the government.

So I think you are a bit confused. You didn't think this through at all, did you?
They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

you are right. They are concerned with people being able to eat and have shelter. Same reason you are getting disability payments, you hypocrite.

They are clearly for more power, not any concern that you might starve or lose everything you have.
#2) He is popular with Leftists. He has zero chance in a general election. The "rich" do not rob anyone. What is your operational definition of "rich"?

Every poll shows him as beating Trump.

The rich rob us all...
What poll? It’s not a popularity contest, you have to win via the EC. How did the polls work for HRC? Hell even the Democrats don’t want him to be the nominee. You’re insane. The rich robbed you of common sense.
Thats not enough to win the election vs. Independents and Republicans. The fact that a grown man would vote for Sanders is hilarious. Woe is me...=JoeB

Again, if the choice is between Bernie and Trump, that's an easy one. Bernie all the way. Not going to vote for him in the primary.

But your new boyfriend, Ray, is currently collecting a disability check. I work full time and run my own business and don't take a dime from the government.

So I think you are a bit confused. You didn't think this through at all, did you?
Who is “my boy Ray”? You make $80k per year. When I graduated college my first job paid $82k per year. LOL. It was 17 years ago. You may not take a dime but you whine and bitch nonstop about how Bezos and Zuckerberg “stole” from you. If you’re truly a business owner then you would acknowledge that over the past three years your business has killed it and Trump also lowered your corporate tax rate notably. The lies you tell yourself are priceless. Then again that is par for the course for Leftists.
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.
Funny they do not collect taxes the rest of us have to pay when they are not even registered anywhere, they live off relatives, and they are paid in cash by unscrupulous employers who don't have to match social security funds on people the gummint doesn't even know about.
Funny they do nothing about stopping them from working.
Funny they do not collect taxes the rest of us have to pay when they are not even registered anywhere, they live off relatives, and they are paid in cash by unscrupulous employers who don't have to match social security funds on people the gummint doesn't even know about.

Yes, the government is fully aware. They just don't care.
Thats not enough to win the election vs. Independents and Republicans. The fact that a grown man would vote for Sanders is hilarious. Woe is me...=JoeB

Again, if the choice is between Bernie and Trump, that's an easy one. Bernie all the way. Not going to vote for him in the primary.

But your new boyfriend, Ray, is currently collecting a disability check. I work full time and run my own business and don't take a dime from the government.

So I think you are a bit confused. You didn't think this through at all, did you?
Who is “my boy Ray”? You make $80k per year. When I graduated college my first job paid $82k per year. LOL. It was 17 years ago. You may not take a dime but you whine and bitch nonstop about how Bezos and Zuckerberg “stole” from you. If you’re truly a business owner then you would acknowledge that over the past three years your business has killed it and Trump also lowered your corporate tax rate notably. The lies you tell yourself are priceless. Then again that is par for the course for Leftists.

Don't let him mislead you. His claim is he sits home and writes resumes. He calls it a business.
They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

you are right. They are concerned with people being able to eat and have shelter. Same reason you are getting disability payments, you hypocrite.

They are clearly for more power, not any concern that you might starve or lose everything you have.

I'm not getting anything right now. This could take up to several months to over a year. You know, the same people you want to run our healthcare?

No, they don't care about anybody but themselves. All they want to do is buy votes with our tax dollars. Everybody knows the more government dependents, the more likely Democrat voters. Do you think they want government healthcare because they're so concerned about healthy Americans? The sooner you commies realize there's a man behind that curtain, the less you'll be made a fool out of.
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses --
There's no such thing as an "illegal immigrant." First off, if you are an "immigrant," and you have come here LEGALLY, then you are an "immigrant," period. Second off, if you have come ILLEGALLY, then you are NOT an IMMIGRANT. You are here ILLEGALLY and NOT considered an IMMIGRANT. You are a CRIMINAL. You have entered this nation ILLEGALLY. Third, if you were born in another country other than America, you are technically an ALIEN, thus, put together, illegally entering America, not born here, you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN, PERIOD. That is the LEGAL TERM FOR WHAT YOU ARE. The term illegal immigrant is a fabrication term made up by the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING in an attempt to WARM AND FUZZY UP people that enter our nation ILLEGALLY in their NAME CHANGE GAME, just like they do with ALL things they love, like calling HOMOS, GAY.

No, if you are born in another country with at least one American parent, you too are an American. The liberal term is Undocumented Alien for those that overstay their Visa, or otherwise snuck into the country. Illegal alien is our term for it because that's what they are. But the term Undocumented Alien is like calling your dope pusher in the street an unlicensed pharmacist.

1.a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

Definition of immigrant |
Trump stated that a wall is not practical everywhere. Some areas have natural barriers where walls would be fruitless. But I'll trust Trump and the border patrol to tell us how best to secure this country, not a bunch of Democrats scared to death of something that will actually work.

You get most of your talking points from Democrats. As for the environment:

Trump signed the largest U.S. wilderness protection bill in a decade, designates 375,000 new acres of protected land

Report: U.S. Led All Countries in Reducing CO2 Emissions in 2019

I get most of my talking points by going outside. You should try it. Go outside and take a long hard sniff. Check out what's going all around you. Check out the rivers and steams. I spent the first 19 years of my life as a Rancher/Farmer and believe that we don't actually own the land. We are the stewards of the land. And you will find that many of us are old time Republicans. But we don't identify with your idea of Republicans these days. What you may believe as Liberal just might be conservative. And it's not a left of "Right" thing. It's just the right thing to do. I know I can never make you understand because of your cult. But we can make sure you don't kill off the real conservative way of life.

You don't measure environment by going outside. You don't measure it by the Democrat party. You measure it by the fact that regardless how much we try to conquer climate change, it's impossible because we have very little to do with it. It's not in our control, it's in control of a far higher power--God.

My cult believes in more personal responsibility. My cult believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. My cult believes in the US Constitution and the intent of our founders. My cult believes in tradition that Americans have valued since the beginning of our time in this country. My cult believes that rewarding failure and penalizing success only gets you more of the same. My cult believes that you can't change your gender by the attire you embellish or how high you can make your voice. What does your cult believe?
Their cult believes that if you can’t win then Wail you were cheated and if you can’t earn then take it from those who can.

I love these people that claim "they" are real Republicans, and anybody that's for Trump is a part of a cult. Yet I'd love one of them to name me a person in our lifetime that led more conservatively than President Trump. As much as I loved Ronald Reagan, Trump beats him out when it comes to conservative leadership. Not by much, but just a notch.

Criminal Activity isn't Conservative. It's just Criminal. And you condone it. And don't insult the rest of us by denying it.

And what is criminal activity, anything the commies say it is? Trump is not doing anything illegal. The impeachment was the phoniest impeachment in history, with no criminal charge and no impeachable offense.
Where did I state anybody successfully sued an employer? I only provided evidence that it is possible and supported by a court. While it may have never happened.....yet, it's something employers who are in a highly populated areas of immigrants have to take into consideration when they are deciding on hiring applicants they believe may not be legal in this country.

My point here is that it's wrong to place all the burden on the employer alone. They are in a bad situation.

They are in about the best situation they can be in. They can hire at a lower wage, fewer benefits, workers that are illegal with no repercussions what so ever. Again, just do a follow up with the Social Security Number. If a program is not in place to do so then we need one put in place to do so. Just having that little blue card should not be enough since there is just way too much fraud.

One of the things founds by interviewing the ex workers from Jaimaica, at Mara-a-Largo, during it's construction, the HR department was very aware that many were undocumented workers. They helped them fake the paperwork to scam the system. When the construction was done, they were sent back to the Island and forgotten about. They workers were paid well below what any US Worker would have been paid. Even knowing this, what does the Government do about it? Nothing. But if ICE caught wind of it, the workers would have been deported and still nothing would have been done about it. So don't tell me that the Employers are in a bad way.

Or how about that Chicken Processing Plant in GA. Ice raided the place and over 100 undocumented workers were arrested and deported. If ICE can figure it out, so can the employer. What happens? The current crew of undocumented workers are departed and the next batch of undocumented workers are brought in. This isn't an exception, it's the norm.

I worked as a Manager for a United Moving and Storage Company. We had a Lupi Sanchez working there. I knew him from long ago. He was born and raised in my home town. We also had 4 other Lupi Sanchez's working there as well who didn't speak english and had to work with Lupi on the crew. Their Birch Certificates were copies of the original Lupi's but they had different SS numbers. One would have to be a complete idiot not to believe that they were illegal aliens. And there are hundreds of thousands of employers that play that game.

Here are the penalties that an Employer MAY be leveled


There is no mention of Prosecution at all. it's all put on the Employed, not the employer. Yes, it's illegal to hire them knowingly but there is no real penalty. And that is the problem. There is nothing to stop the Employer to continue doing it over and over outside of having ICE opening a choak and puke right outside the front entrance.

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

Once upon a time, a new IDentity cost about 300 bucks. It bought a Birth Certificate from a baby that died not long after birth of about the same age. Using that, it established a Social Security Number and the and then a Drivers License. Presto Chango, you get to be a new person. The problem is, the birth records aren't necessarily cross checked with the death records in many places even today. I imagine that the price has gone up. There are people and organizations that make good livings providing these services. And retrieving that original birth certificate is NOT illegal. It's public record. What's done with it IS illegal though.

You keep bringing up the exception to the norm. This person is a lifelong criminal who knows how to cheat the system and has cheated it over and over. The normal Illegal doesn't have the contacts now the knowledge to do this.

Which is why the illegal pays people that do know how.

Oh, and where does the dirty poor Illegal get those funds from? Does those companies do it out of the goodness of their hearts? MOST haven't a clue how to do it and try hard to stay under the radar.

If you'd read the links I posted, you'd know the answer to that question already. Heck, just Google it and you'll find hundreds of articles on the fake ID business and how it's very widespread in the US.

Drug cartels give immigrants all they need to sneak into this country and documentation to fool our employers and agencies in exchange for the person bringing drugs into our country, or in exchange for their daughters. Drug cartel leaders are multi-millionaires, and they can buy anything they desire for as many people as they desire.

Does Mexican Drug Lord El Chapo Guzmán Have The $14 Billion The U.S. Wants From Him?
Tucker Carlson had a priceless look of realization on his stupid face when it dawned on him the retaliatory measure the Trump admin had taken against NY for investigating Don's crimes was going to effect him.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?

If you truly believe safety is of major concern; then driving without a license would actually be at the very bottom of the list of threats presented by illegal aliens.

What should be worrying you is the trafficking of narcotics, disease, infestations, crime and psychopath gangs that have long been arriving with millions of non-vetted illegal immigrants.

Although such an acknowledgement would be contrary to the sanitized "undocumented worker" narrative which is absolutely necessary to continue the flow of future Democrat Party Voters.

Wait? Could this be why Democrats hate Donald Trump so much?

It's the least of their concerns. It's just a cheap excuse because they can't man-up and state why they are for illegals getting drivers licenses. They do it all the time.

They are against AR's because of mass shootings. They could care less about them.

They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

They are for government food control because kids are too fat. They could care less about fat kids.

They support Commie Care because of people that can't afford insurance. They could care less about uninsured people.

They're for green anything because they're worried about irreversible damage to the environment. They could care less about the environment.

They're for more foreigners in this country so we don't end up paying $3.50 for a head of lettuce. They could care less about what lettuce costs.

Whenever it's something that can give the Democrat party more control, they are for it.
Yep, all issues in which they have been USING forever it seems, but isn't it funny how all these things still exist, and with no real Democrat solution's in sight ?? Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on them. That's what Democrat voters should be saying these days.
Where did I state anybody successfully sued an employer? I only provided evidence that it is possible and supported by a court. While it may have never happened.....yet, it's something employers who are in a highly populated areas of immigrants have to take into consideration when they are deciding on hiring applicants they believe may not be legal in this country.

My point here is that it's wrong to place all the burden on the employer alone. They are in a bad situation.

They are in about the best situation they can be in. They can hire at a lower wage, fewer benefits, workers that are illegal with no repercussions what so ever. Again, just do a follow up with the Social Security Number. If a program is not in place to do so then we need one put in place to do so. Just having that little blue card should not be enough since there is just way too much fraud.

One of the things founds by interviewing the ex workers from Jaimaica, at Mara-a-Largo, during it's construction, the HR department was very aware that many were undocumented workers. They helped them fake the paperwork to scam the system. When the construction was done, they were sent back to the Island and forgotten about. They workers were paid well below what any US Worker would have been paid. Even knowing this, what does the Government do about it? Nothing. But if ICE caught wind of it, the workers would have been deported and still nothing would have been done about it. So don't tell me that the Employers are in a bad way.

Or how about that Chicken Processing Plant in GA. Ice raided the place and over 100 undocumented workers were arrested and deported. If ICE can figure it out, so can the employer. What happens? The current crew of undocumented workers are departed and the next batch of undocumented workers are brought in. This isn't an exception, it's the norm.

I worked as a Manager for a United Moving and Storage Company. We had a Lupi Sanchez working there. I knew him from long ago. He was born and raised in my home town. We also had 4 other Lupi Sanchez's working there as well who didn't speak english and had to work with Lupi on the crew. Their Birch Certificates were copies of the original Lupi's but they had different SS numbers. One would have to be a complete idiot not to believe that they were illegal aliens. And there are hundreds of thousands of employers that play that game.

Here are the penalties that an Employer MAY be leveled


There is no mention of Prosecution at all. it's all put on the Employed, not the employer. Yes, it's illegal to hire them knowingly but there is no real penalty. And that is the problem. There is nothing to stop the Employer to continue doing it over and over outside of having ICE opening a choak and puke right outside the front entrance.

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

Once upon a time, a new IDentity cost about 300 bucks. It bought a Birth Certificate from a baby that died not long after birth of about the same age. Using that, it established a Social Security Number and the and then a Drivers License. Presto Chango, you get to be a new person. The problem is, the birth records aren't necessarily cross checked with the death records in many places even today. I imagine that the price has gone up. There are people and organizations that make good livings providing these services. And retrieving that original birth certificate is NOT illegal. It's public record. What's done with it IS illegal though.

You keep bringing up the exception to the norm. This person is a lifelong criminal who knows how to cheat the system and has cheated it over and over. The normal Illegal doesn't have the contacts now the knowledge to do this.
Who is this person you speak of that is a life long criminal ??
Doofus who ??
I'm not so sure about that. Not that I'm hoping you are wrong. However I see a real problem in this country with younger people wanting government to take care of everything for them. I'm a landlord. I know. Younger people today don't want to own houses because of the work involved with keeping them up. My rentals have never done better, and rental prices across the nation are soaring to the point some states want to institute rent controls because the supply is so much less than the demand. Landlords are making a killing out there.

Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

Is there enough of them to beat somebody like Trump? Not even close, but if we keep allowing the Democrats to bring people into this country legally or not, it may be a fate we won't be able to stop, and that will begin the end of the great experiment.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Many years ago, the communists stated they will eventually take over the United States. But they will do so without one bullet being fired. They will take over our country from within.

We are witnesses to that right now. That's why Bernie is in the lead, and good chance he will be the Democrat nominee unless they rig the election against him again.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.
You like to make it all about money as a distraction don't you(?), but you know that it's about way more than that. If you think the voters are stupid, then get ready for your next defeat.
They are in about the best situation they can be in. They can hire at a lower wage, fewer benefits, workers that are illegal with no repercussions what so ever. Again, just do a follow up with the Social Security Number. If a program is not in place to do so then we need one put in place to do so. Just having that little blue card should not be enough since there is just way too much fraud.

One of the things founds by interviewing the ex workers from Jaimaica, at Mara-a-Largo, during it's construction, the HR department was very aware that many were undocumented workers. They helped them fake the paperwork to scam the system. When the construction was done, they were sent back to the Island and forgotten about. They workers were paid well below what any US Worker would have been paid. Even knowing this, what does the Government do about it? Nothing. But if ICE caught wind of it, the workers would have been deported and still nothing would have been done about it. So don't tell me that the Employers are in a bad way.

Or how about that Chicken Processing Plant in GA. Ice raided the place and over 100 undocumented workers were arrested and deported. If ICE can figure it out, so can the employer. What happens? The current crew of undocumented workers are departed and the next batch of undocumented workers are brought in. This isn't an exception, it's the norm.

I worked as a Manager for a United Moving and Storage Company. We had a Lupi Sanchez working there. I knew him from long ago. He was born and raised in my home town. We also had 4 other Lupi Sanchez's working there as well who didn't speak english and had to work with Lupi on the crew. Their Birch Certificates were copies of the original Lupi's but they had different SS numbers. One would have to be a complete idiot not to believe that they were illegal aliens. And there are hundreds of thousands of employers that play that game.

Here are the penalties that an Employer MAY be leveled


There is no mention of Prosecution at all. it's all put on the Employed, not the employer. Yes, it's illegal to hire them knowingly but there is no real penalty. And that is the problem. There is nothing to stop the Employer to continue doing it over and over outside of having ICE opening a choak and puke right outside the front entrance.

Web of illegal immigration, fake IDs unraveled for workers at Amish-area chicken plant in Ohio

Fake ID market bypasses anti-fraud measures | TechRadar

Once upon a time, a new IDentity cost about 300 bucks. It bought a Birth Certificate from a baby that died not long after birth of about the same age. Using that, it established a Social Security Number and the and then a Drivers License. Presto Chango, you get to be a new person. The problem is, the birth records aren't necessarily cross checked with the death records in many places even today. I imagine that the price has gone up. There are people and organizations that make good livings providing these services. And retrieving that original birth certificate is NOT illegal. It's public record. What's done with it IS illegal though.

You keep bringing up the exception to the norm. This person is a lifelong criminal who knows how to cheat the system and has cheated it over and over. The normal Illegal doesn't have the contacts now the knowledge to do this.

Which is why the illegal pays people that do know how.

Oh, and where does the dirty poor Illegal get those funds from? Does those companies do it out of the goodness of their hearts? MOST haven't a clue how to do it and try hard to stay under the radar.

If you'd read the links I posted, you'd know the answer to that question already. Heck, just Google it and you'll find hundreds of articles on the fake ID business and how it's very widespread in the US.

Drug cartels give immigrants all they need to sneak into this country and documentation to fool our employers and agencies in exchange for the person bringing drugs into our country, or in exchange for their daughters. Drug cartel leaders are multi-millionaires, and they can buy anything they desire for as many people as they desire.

Does Mexican Drug Lord El Chapo Guzmán Have The $14 Billion The U.S. Wants From Him?
Illegals aren't fooling our employers, sorry. They know if someone is illegal or not.

Once upon a time, a new IDentity cost about 300 bucks. It bought a Birth Certificate from a baby that died not long after birth of about the same age. Using that, it established a Social Security Number and the and then a Drivers License. Presto Chango, you get to be a new person. The problem is, the birth records aren't necessarily cross checked with the death records in many places even today. I imagine that the price has gone up. There are people and organizations that make good livings providing these services. And retrieving that original birth certificate is NOT illegal. It's public record. What's done with it IS illegal though.

You keep bringing up the exception to the norm. This person is a lifelong criminal who knows how to cheat the system and has cheated it over and over. The normal Illegal doesn't have the contacts now the knowledge to do this.

Which is why the illegal pays people that do know how.

Oh, and where does the dirty poor Illegal get those funds from? Does those companies do it out of the goodness of their hearts? MOST haven't a clue how to do it and try hard to stay under the radar.

If you'd read the links I posted, you'd know the answer to that question already. Heck, just Google it and you'll find hundreds of articles on the fake ID business and how it's very widespread in the US.

Drug cartels give immigrants all they need to sneak into this country and documentation to fool our employers and agencies in exchange for the person bringing drugs into our country, or in exchange for their daughters. Drug cartel leaders are multi-millionaires, and they can buy anything they desire for as many people as they desire.

Does Mexican Drug Lord El Chapo Guzmán Have The $14 Billion The U.S. Wants From Him?
Illegals aren't fooling our employers, sorry. They know if someone is illegal or not.

I'm sure some do. But fake identity is a big business now, and some of them have it down to a science. Do employers do everything humanly possible to make sure an applicant is legal? I don't know. But as long as what they checked out is enough to cover their ass, that's all they're really concerned about.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?

If you truly believe safety is of major concern; then driving without a license would actually be at the very bottom of the list of threats presented by illegal aliens.

What should be worrying you is the trafficking of narcotics, disease, infestations, crime and psychopath gangs that have long been arriving with millions of non-vetted illegal immigrants.

Although such an acknowledgement would be contrary to the sanitized "undocumented worker" narrative which is absolutely necessary to continue the flow of future Democrat Party Voters.

Wait? Could this be why Democrats hate Donald Trump so much?

It's the least of their concerns. It's just a cheap excuse because they can't man-up and state why they are for illegals getting drivers licenses. They do it all the time.

They are against AR's because of mass shootings. They could care less about them.

They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

They are for government food control because kids are too fat. They could care less about fat kids.

They support Commie Care because of people that can't afford insurance. They could care less about uninsured people.

They're for green anything because they're worried about irreversible damage to the environment. They could care less about the environment.

They're for more foreigners in this country so we don't end up paying $3.50 for a head of lettuce. They could care less about what lettuce costs.

Whenever it's something that can give the Democrat party more control, they are for it.
Yep, all issues in which they have been USING forever it seems, but isn't it funny how all these things still exist, and with no real Democrat solution's in sight ?? Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on them. That's what Democrat voters should be saying these days.

With Democrats, it's fool me once--shame on you. Fool me twice--shame on you. They like to believe whatever Big Brother dishes out at them. If Democrats tell them Voter-ID is racist, that's what they parrot. They don't bother to question why, just believe and repeat what they are told.

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