Republican bill stops funding to states issuing DL's to illegals

Nobody is stopping you from working. You've had years to learn how to do something else, knowing this day was probably coming. The laughable thing is that people like you whine all day about "them welfare people" while you'd probably amputate someone's arm at the elbow if they tried to take your "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

The hypocrisy is you claiming you "deserve" that gummit money while denouncing others who take it.

Yeah Joe, I have a crystal ball where I could see this day coming. I was never in a position where I could take a year or two off of work, support myself, and go to school to do something else. You won't find many Americans that could. That's besides the fact I loved my career. Like my father, I always hated working inside. I've had inside jobs before to know it.

Like a typical commie, the person is at fault and never the government. Forget the fact I had health insurance coverage all my life until government got involved. Forget I was working just fine until government got involved. You people live by the creed Big Brother is never wrong, only people are.

I don't know what you're crying about. After all, you won! This is what Democrats want; people who depend on government to survive. You should be applauding me. This is the leftist mentality. Stick up for people that never contributed anything to the tax system when they use every welfare program available and keep having kids, but heavily criticize those who forcibly paid into these programs all of their life and were put in a position of not being able to work THANKS TO GOVERNMENT.

Yawn, you fail to get why Communists took power in those other countries... just like you fail to realize why Bernie is so popular now.

I'm not thrilled with Bernie as the nominee. But I'm less worried about him being able to beat Trump (he can), and more worried about his inability to run the country after he's elected. He has few friends in the Democratic caucus, and trust me, no one is going to go to the wall for him like they did Trump.

80% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. That's why Bernie is so popular.

That's because the left are stupid. They really believe that Bernie (or any other communist) can do something about that. Oh, they can tax the wealthy, but taking their money won't help a working persons situation one bit. All it will do is chase wealth out of the country, and likely jobs that people have to support themselves and their family. That's the Democrat solution.

Think how stupid you people on the left are.. You're willing to elect an admitted socialist because you can't budget your money, but you welcome foreigners with open arms to come here, take your jobs, and keep American wages down. Brilliant.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.
Nobody is stopping you from working. You've had years to learn how to do something else, knowing this day was probably coming. The laughable thing is that people like you whine all day about "them welfare people" while you'd probably amputate someone's arm at the elbow if they tried to take your "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance.

The hypocrisy is you claiming you "deserve" that gummit money while denouncing others who take it.

Yeah Joe, I have a crystal ball where I could see this day coming. I was never in a position where I could take a year or two off of work, support myself, and go to school to do something else. You won't find many Americans that could. That's besides the fact I loved my career. Like my father, I always hated working inside. I've had inside jobs before to know it.

Like a typical commie, the person is at fault and never the government. Forget the fact I had health insurance coverage all my life until government got involved. Forget I was working just fine until government got involved. You people live by the creed Big Brother is never wrong, only people are.

I don't know what you're crying about. After all, you won! This is what Democrats want; people who depend on government to survive. You should be applauding me. This is the leftist mentality. Stick up for people that never contributed anything to the tax system when they use every welfare program available and keep having kids, but heavily criticize those who forcibly paid into these programs all of their life and were put in a position of not being able to work THANKS TO GOVERNMENT.

Yawn, you fail to get why Communists took power in those other countries... just like you fail to realize why Bernie is so popular now.

I'm not thrilled with Bernie as the nominee. But I'm less worried about him being able to beat Trump (he can), and more worried about his inability to run the country after he's elected. He has few friends in the Democratic caucus, and trust me, no one is going to go to the wall for him like they did Trump.

80% of the population lives paycheck to paycheck. That's why Bernie is so popular.

That's because the left are stupid. They really believe that Bernie (or any other communist) can do something about that. Oh, they can tax the wealthy, but taking their money won't help a working persons situation one bit. All it will do is chase wealth out of the country, and likely jobs that people have to support themselves and their family. That's the Democrat solution.

Think how stupid you people on the left are.. You're willing to elect an admitted socialist because you can't budget your money, but you welcome foreigners with open arms to come here, take your jobs, and keep American wages down. Brilliant.

Speaking of Stupid. Communism can't exist outside of a handful of people. Lenin failed. Stalin turned it into a Dictatorship and after he died, it turned into Oligarchy. Your 3rd Red Scare is noted.
St Trumpy has had three years now to clear out the illegals and yet they remain with more coming everyday.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.
St Trumpy has had three years now to clear out the illegals and yet they remain with more coming everyday.

Is that Trump's fault or the commie activist judges that keep stopping him every time he creates new policy to do just that?

Judge blocks Trump administration from deporting immigrants under TPS

Federal Judge Temporarily Halts Trump Order on Immigration, Refugees

Federal Judge Blocks Trump Move To Fast-Track Deportations

Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.

Fewer, but certainly not an end to the problem. You can't wait until the problem gets here, and then we have to deal with it. You'd never stop widespread diseases that way. You'd never survive cancer that way. You are not going to solve the immigrant problem that way either.

The lefts position is to go after American businesses, but keep their sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, warn locals when ICE is coming to their area to conduct raids, let their kids go to school, let them have anchor babies, provide them with drivers licenses, and then say the solution is to attack business that hire them.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.
Fair point... People want their cake and eat it too. Because of both parties, we are at a huge disadvantage in the entire debacle of it being solved reasonably or sensibly.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.

Fewer, but certainly not an end to the problem. You can't wait until the problem gets here, and then we have to deal with it. You'd never stop widespread diseases that way. You'd never survive cancer that way. You are not going to solve the immigrant problem that way either.

The lefts position is to go after American businesses, but keep their sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, warn locals when ICE is coming to their area to conduct raids, let their kids go to school, let them have anchor babies, provide them with drivers licenses, and then say the solution is to attack business that hire them.
Also a fair point. Back and forth it goes.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.
You did good until you attacked Trump, then you lose because you made it political.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?

If you truly believe safety is of major concern; then driving without a license would actually be at the very bottom of the list of threats presented by illegal aliens.

What should be worrying you is the trafficking of narcotics, disease, infestations, crime and psychopath gangs that have long been arriving with millions of non-vetted illegal immigrants.

Although such an acknowledgement would be contrary to the sanitized "undocumented worker" narrative which is absolutely necessary to continue the flow of future Democrat Party Voters.

Wait? Could this be why Democrats hate Donald Trump so much?

It's the least of their concerns. It's just a cheap excuse because they can't man-up and state why they are for illegals getting drivers licenses. They do it all the time.

They are against AR's because of mass shootings. They could care less about them.

They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

They are for government food control because kids are too fat. They could care less about fat kids.

They support Commie Care because of people that can't afford insurance. They could care less about uninsured people.

They're for green anything because they're worried about irreversible damage to the environment. They could care less about the environment.

They're for more foreigners in this country so we don't end up paying $3.50 for a head of lettuce. They could care less about what lettuce costs.

Whenever it's something that can give the Democrat party more control, they are for it.
Yep, all issues in which they have been USING forever it seems, but isn't it funny how all these things still exist, and with no real Democrat solution's in sight ?? Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on them. That's what Democrat voters should be saying these days.

With Democrats, it's fool me once--shame on you. Fool me twice--shame on you. They like to believe whatever Big Brother dishes out at them. If Democrats tell them Voter-ID is racist, that's what they parrot. They don't bother to question why, just believe and repeat what they are told.

And that's why being a gullible stooge is an absolute requirement for all loyal leftist Democrat Party supporters.

The indoctrination to 'progressivism' usually begins during their rebellious college years and continues through life by association and MSM.

They're brainwashed to hate America despite the fact that billions of people around the world would dearly love to swap places with them.

They've been brainwashed to hate America's capitalist economy despite the fact it created the fattest poor people in the world.

They're brainwashed to hate white privilege despite being lifelong witnesses to the reality that privilege is a perk of wealth&fame regardless of skin color!

The totality of truths and realities these brain locked leftists must deny every single day are truly staggering.

If their minds were ever to revert to reason and common sense they'd likely die of embarrassment for their past outrageous and ridiculous beliefs.
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

You were doing so well until you went into the "3rd Red Scare" routine right out of the GRU handbook. There are NO Communists running for office. Communism can't exist in large numbers. It's like saying that a large group can be Democratic. Only in small numbers. The reason the US was originally set up as a Federal Republic was that it was, even back then, too large to be a democratic nation. Same goes for Communist Nations. Just can't happen. The same goes for Socialists which is the new trigger phrase for "Communist" from the 1st and the 2nd "Red Scare". Socialism is NOT a government, it's an economic feature just like Capitalism is. So you keep crowing and screaming that someone is a Communist or a Socialist you are destroying whatever else you may have said.

Socialsim is the last step into Communism. Polls show that a majority of Democrat voters accept or favor a Socialist country. They are obviously accepting of more government control over their lives. We see it all the time here on USMB; the cradle-to-gravers.

Karl Marx
believed "Socialism" was the transitional stage between Capitalism and Communism.

Definition of SOCIALISM

And I consider Karl Marx to be the supreme authority on this particular subject.
Having properly trained, licensed and insured drivers does not make us safer?

Did you ever move on from that short bus?

If you truly believe safety is of major concern; then driving without a license would actually be at the very bottom of the list of threats presented by illegal aliens.

What should be worrying you is the trafficking of narcotics, disease, infestations, crime and psychopath gangs that have long been arriving with millions of non-vetted illegal immigrants.

Although such an acknowledgement would be contrary to the sanitized "undocumented worker" narrative which is absolutely necessary to continue the flow of future Democrat Party Voters.

Wait? Could this be why Democrats hate Donald Trump so much?

It's the least of their concerns. It's just a cheap excuse because they can't man-up and state why they are for illegals getting drivers licenses. They do it all the time.

They are against AR's because of mass shootings. They could care less about them.

They are for food stamps, welfare and unemployment checks because it helps the economy. They could care less about the economy.

They are for government food control because kids are too fat. They could care less about fat kids.

They support Commie Care because of people that can't afford insurance. They could care less about uninsured people.

They're for green anything because they're worried about irreversible damage to the environment. They could care less about the environment.

They're for more foreigners in this country so we don't end up paying $3.50 for a head of lettuce. They could care less about what lettuce costs.

Whenever it's something that can give the Democrat party more control, they are for it.
Yep, all issues in which they have been USING forever it seems, but isn't it funny how all these things still exist, and with no real Democrat solution's in sight ?? Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on them. That's what Democrat voters should be saying these days.

With Democrats, it's fool me once--shame on you. Fool me twice--shame on you. They like to believe whatever Big Brother dishes out at them. If Democrats tell them Voter-ID is racist, that's what they parrot. They don't bother to question why, just believe and repeat what they are told.

And that's why being a gullible stooge is an absolute requirement for all loyal leftist Democrat Party supporters.

The indoctrination to 'progressivism' usually begins during their rebellious college years and continues through life by association and MSM.

They're brainwashed to hate America despite the fact that billions of people around the world would dearly love to swap places with them.

They've been brainwashed to hate America's capitalist economy despite the fact it created the fattest poor people in the world.

They're brainwashed to hate white privilege despite being lifelong witnesses to the reality that privilege is a perk of wealth&fame regardless of skin color!

The totality of truths and realities these brain locked leftists must deny every single day are truly staggering.

If their minds were ever to revert to reason and common sense they'd likely die of embarrassment for their past outrageous and ridiculous beliefs.

I can only disagree with your one point that it starts in college. I believe it's just advanced in college.

Brainwashing starts long before that. The Democrats just about control most of the primary public schools in this country. Right now there are schools bringing in weirdos in dresses to teach kids about cross dressers, and how normal they are. Whether it's disallowing using F's for failure on report cards, or not being allowed to use red ink to highlight a problem, the indoctrination starts at a very young age if you ask me.

12 'Sesame Street' Scandals That Have Plagued The Show's History
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.

Fewer, but certainly not an end to the problem. You can't wait until the problem gets here, and then we have to deal with it. You'd never stop widespread diseases that way. You'd never survive cancer that way. You are not going to solve the immigrant problem that way either.

The lefts position is to go after American businesses, but keep their sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, warn locals when ICE is coming to their area to conduct raids, let their kids go to school, let them have anchor babies, provide them with drivers licenses, and then say the solution is to attack business that hire them.

If the illegals can't work, find housing or drive, what good is a sanctuary city? How long will the City last when it has to foot the bill for the illegals 100% themselves? Do away with the Jobs, Housing, Medical, Welfare and Drivers License and there is no need for a Sanctuary City to exist. You are just doing the old "Look over There" routine or throwing crap at the wall hoping something sticks.
Republicans in the House and the Senate are introducing legislation that would block federal funds from states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses -- the latest move in an escalating fight over “sanctuary” laws.

The Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants Act would block funds to sanctuary states -- which limit local cooperation with federal immigration authorities -- and those that give licenses to illegal immigrants. Specifically, it would halt Justice Department (DOJ) grants, in particular those awarded under the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, which is a top source of federal criminal justice funding for states.

The bicameral legislation comes amid a growing fight over sanctuary legislation. The Trump administration has been attempting to highlight attention to the dangers of the policy and has been shining light on cases whereby illegal immigrants have killed Americans.

“The United States of America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans, not criminal aliens,” Trump said at his State of the Union address last week. Read more:

Republicans introduce bill to pull funds from states that give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants

Of course this is common sense legislation, but as we all know, Democrats lack that gift. They would rather see American business people locked up behind bars because their claim is those employers attract illegals to our country, but making them comfortable by issuing drivers licenses so they can get drunk and kill Americans is not luring them in.

With the Democrat House, it stands no chance of passing. But if there is a turnover in leadership after next election, I do hope Republicans don't let this bill remain defeated as they did with Kate's Law never to bring it up again. We'll see.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.
Fair point... People want their cake and eat it too. Because of both parties, we are at a huge disadvantage in the entire debacle of it being solved reasonably or sensibly.

Both parties are controlled by ultra fruitcakes right now. Neither side really represents the majority at all. And Neither side is willing to give up the power they perceive. They see dealing with the other side as consorting with the enemy. Win at all costs.
Not a drivers privileges for you. Common sense.

True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.
You did good until you attacked Trump, then you lose because you made it political.

I just don't give Rump a free ride like you do. Rump Industries use Illegal Workers all the time. Rumps prized construction is build on the backs of illegals. It's not political. It's business. And it's illegal. It's just that it's been proven that Mar-a-Largo was originally built by illegals. That's not political, that just fact. Rump is just the highest profile business that it's been proven. Of course, the other one was fined something in the neighborhood between 50 and 90 million bucks. Now, that sounds like a lot but when you are talking about a multi billion dollar industry, that doesn't even bother a company. They pay the fine and just do it again since it will take the Feds another 5 years to get another conviction in a federal court. In the meantime, it's worth billions in profits. You don't like Rump Industries brought up about it, stop giving Rump a free ride on it. It's not politics, it's just business.
Young kids are looking at how homeowners are STILL underwater on their mortgages.

That's why they'd rather rent.

That's only part of it. Single women don't want to own homes at all. They have to hire people to do everything. My sister just sold her house last year to move to a development where they pay a maintenance fee to take care of everything. The house she sold was a beautiful home built by my father from ground up; all quality material too. She couldn't keep up with it any longer. In the past, my father took care of all her problems. But Dad's 88 now, and has limited ability to do things.

I interview enough people to know more than you do as to why they rent. I read many articles on the subject because it's part of my income. Many of them are financially capable of buying a house, but don't want to deal with anything.

Actually, the only reason why Republicans stay alive (any of them can beat Trump, he's trailing everyone in the polls) is because so many poor people like YOU keep voting against your own economic interests.

I find it hilarious that you are on disability, and are whining about "Socialism." Uh, guy, that's what socialism is, buddy. We take care of people even if they aren't currently making money for rich people.

Well it wasn't my choice just like it wasn't yours. We were forced on this program and contributed it since the first day we earned a paycheck, and our employers matching our contributions. Trust me, if I could have had all that money back, had it invested in a conservative growth account, I wouldn't need anything from government. But the whole idea was to make sure many people didn't have that ability, and then no choice but to go on the programs they paid into their entire lives.

You criticize me, and then stick up for my HUD neighbors, who likely didn't pay a dime into the system, living in the suburbs on taxpayer money. Talk about a hypocrite. Government stopped me from working and it was not my choice. I would be working today if it was. As I stated, government knows everything, even more than doctors.

Bernie is in the lead because people are tried of being cheated by the rich. Hopefully, the Democrats will have a lick of good sense and vote for someone not that far left. But if they do, it's your own fucking fault.

Be happy. Bernie will keep your Disability checks coming, buddy.

Bernie is an admitted Socialist, and likely a Communist. What other American spent their honeymoon in the former USSR? He's a millionaire who's platform is to complain about millionaires. He may get the nomination, but he's never going to beat Trump. There are still enough real Americans that remember the threat of Communism, and are informed enough to see what it's doing to people in other countries.

Like I said, the theory of the Communists many years ago is playing out, and you're one of the actors.

You were doing so well until you went into the "3rd Red Scare" routine right out of the GRU handbook. There are NO Communists running for office. Communism can't exist in large numbers. It's like saying that a large group can be Democratic. Only in small numbers. The reason the US was originally set up as a Federal Republic was that it was, even back then, too large to be a democratic nation. Same goes for Communist Nations. Just can't happen. The same goes for Socialists which is the new trigger phrase for "Communist" from the 1st and the 2nd "Red Scare". Socialism is NOT a government, it's an economic feature just like Capitalism is. So you keep crowing and screaming that someone is a Communist or a Socialist you are destroying whatever else you may have said.

Socialsim is the last step into Communism. Polls show that a majority of Democrat voters accept or favor a Socialist country. They are obviously accepting of more government control over their lives. We see it all the time here on USMB; the cradle-to-gravers.

Karl Marx
believed "Socialism" was the transitional stage between Capitalism and Communism.

Definition of SOCIALISM

And I consider Karl Marx to be the supreme authority on this particular subject.

And Marx was proven wrong on every stop of the way. Lenin proved that even though Lenin never realized it or would admit it. Marx failed.
True, but as we all know, Democrats don't have common sense. That's why they're Democrats in the first place. This topic is proof positive of that.

Let's see, I want to lock up Americans that hire illegals, but I also want to give them drivers licenses so they can get to that job I'm against them having.

Does that sound like people who possess a trace of logic?????

And you rightwingnutjobs want to make sure the jobs that draw the illegals here are kept open for them and to have them on the roadways driving without protections. Give me a friggin break. Take away the jobs by sending the employers either to prison or fine them into non existance will keep the illegals off the streets and they won't have a reason to drive any where this side of the border.

And that's such a bunch of shit that even you can't believe it. HTF are you going to stop every employer from hiring illegals? According to the US Census, there were over 5.5 million employers when Trump took office, and likely even more now. Now the left are in charge of writing the laws, so tell them to do something about that. Tell them to put American employers in prison for ten years, and close down all these businesses across the US because they made a mistake by accidentally hiring an illegal alien. Go for it.

Nobody on the right are for them having jobs, it's just that we have the common sense to understand what a daunting task that would be to stop every one. We on the right still believe in innocent until proven guilty. We still believe in laws we all must follow. We still believe that everybody should have their day in court.

If an Employer showed reasonable caution in hiring and did accidently hire an illegal then there wouldn't be much of a fine and certainly no jail. Just looking around here, you know, "Real Life", there are crews doing carpet where only a couple speaks any english and the rest, it's a pretty good guess they are illegals. I have friends that are in that business and lose contracts to these other "Businesses" that can underbid on every contract as long as the real employer doesn't care if it's done by legal workers or not. It's a huge problem in the construction industry. If ICE raids the contractor, he just throws open the door and says, "Take them away" and runs in the next illegal batch.

The Employer will get his day in court but if almost his entire crew is deported he's going to be found guilty almost every time. Sentence him and that opens the jobs back up to LEGAL Employers. The crap that the Illegals don't take jobs is false. They do. A Laborer isn't a rocket scientist. And on some jobs, those Laborers make a nice living. Same goes for a lot of other construction jobs.

So it's a huge, daunting problem. The reason it's so huge and daunting is that its' allowed to keep happening over and over. If we start bagging the Employers that knowingly hire illegals (and this includes your Rump) then it starts to go down fast. If you give the HRs and such the tools to detect the employables not hire the ones that don't make that grade then it goes down even further. But it has to start somewhere.

It's actually pretty simple. No Jobs, No Drivers Licenses, no Housing. And that mean a lot fewer illegals.

Fewer, but certainly not an end to the problem. You can't wait until the problem gets here, and then we have to deal with it. You'd never stop widespread diseases that way. You'd never survive cancer that way. You are not going to solve the immigrant problem that way either.

The lefts position is to go after American businesses, but keep their sanctuary cities, sanctuary states, warn locals when ICE is coming to their area to conduct raids, let their kids go to school, let them have anchor babies, provide them with drivers licenses, and then say the solution is to attack business that hire them.

If the illegals can't work, find housing or drive, what good is a sanctuary city? How long will the City last when it has to foot the bill for the illegals 100% themselves? Do away with the Jobs, Housing, Medical, Welfare and Drivers License and there is no need for a Sanctuary City to exist. You are just doing the old "Look over There" routine or throwing crap at the wall hoping something sticks.

Why do you keep insisting I'm against the crackdown on hiring illegals? I'm not. I'm just trying to be realistic is all. I've done plenty of reading on it. You have to be able to prove the business knew they were hiring he illegals in the first place. It's too difficult to do, especially with all the fake identity around. Even if an employer knows they are hiring a person with not the most credible identity, you can't make a case against them if it's acceptable identity.

I remember when I was a young teen. There was this bar in town that younger people hung around. They didn't let you in without some form of identification. They knew what we presented was not authentic. But if they got busted, they could honestly tell the authorities we presented an ID that stated we were 21. That bar stayed open for generations.

We have laws in this country that protect these employers. We have little control over that. What we can control is sanctuary cities if we can keep Trump and get a Republican Congress. The problem is, even many Republicans are not for cracking down on illegal hiring practices. So we need to approach this from a way where we have the most control over.

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