Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Of course we're all probably aware that Jeb made it official today so he is definitely a candidate. And I was watching a clip on the news earlier that The Donald will decide within 30 days if he is going to get into the mix.
Of course we're all probably aware that Jeb made it official today so he is definitely a candidate. And I was watching a clip on the news earlier that The Donald will decide within 30 days if he is going to get into the mix.


Really fascinating.

Potentially 3 Bush Presidents. And I do mean Bush.
Did anybody catch Carly Fiorina on "The View?" I thought she handled herself with poise, class, and precision:

Carly Fiorina The View VIDEO Election 2016 Hillary

The one thing she said that has me evaluating my own perception about people like her, Ben Carson, and anybody else coming from the private sector is when did we decide that only professional politicians are qualified to lead the country?
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Did anybody catch Carly Fiorina on "The View?" I thought she handled herself with poise, class, and precision:

Carly Fiorina The View VIDEO Election 2016 Hillary

The one thing she said that has me evaluating my own perception about people like her, Ben Carson, and anybody else coming from the private sector is when did we decide that only professional politicians are qualified to lead the country?

Her private career was a disaster.

She practiced liberal philosophy while at HP.
Did anybody catch Carly Fiorina on "The View?" I thought she handled herself with poise, class, and precision:

Carly Fiorina The View VIDEO Election 2016 Hillary

The one thing she said that has me evaluating my own perception about people like her, Ben Carson, and anybody else coming from the private sector is when did we decide that only professional politicians are qualified to lead the country?

Her private career was a disaster.

She practiced liberal philosophy while at HP.

Which, even if true, takes away absolutely nothing from the observation I made in my post.
Did anybody catch Carly Fiorina on "The View?" I thought she handled herself with poise, class, and precision:

Carly Fiorina The View VIDEO Election 2016 Hillary

The one thing she said that has me evaluating my own perception about people like her, Ben Carson, and anybody else coming from the private sector is when did we decide that only professional politicians are qualified to lead the country?

Her private career was a disaster.

She practiced liberal philosophy while at HP.

Which, even if true, takes away absolutely nothing from the observation I made in my post.

Did I say it did ?
Mr. Sanders is The Democrat Party's Ross Perot.

He WILL run.

Just not as a Democrat.

He IS running--he has announced. And he is pulling bigger audiences than Hillary is. But I don't believe he is running as an Independent. The last I read--I think it was in Huffpo--he is seeking the Democratic Party nomination. Most certainly he is going after the same votes Hillary is going after.
We're keeping a good running total here.

This site does a good job of identifying those who have announced or are likely to announce:
2016 Presidential Candidates Presidency 2016

"On the Issues" gives a good rundown on their known positions on various issues.

I read that Joe Biden will probably announce within 30 days.
Foxy can we have a hybrid candidate. How about the speech of bobby jindal, the record and rugged good looks,of Rick Perry, and the money of Jeb Bush.

I don't think jindal,has a chance but he gave one hell,of an entry speech. He was feeling it. How sad and embarrassing that we need to have the son of Indian immigrants to tell America what we need to do to get our country back.
Foxy can we have a hybrid candidate. How about the speech of bobby jindal, the record and rugged good looks,of Rick Perry, and the money of Jeb Bush.

I don't think jindal,has a chance but he gave one hell,of an entry speech. He was feeling it. How sad and embarrassing that we need to have the son of Indian immigrants to tell America what we need to do to get our country back.

I got in on that after he started this morning, but I think I probably heard most of it and I agree, it was a great stem winder kind of speech and I liked what he said very much. If he can do that well every time he gets some face time on TV, he could be one of those dark horses that catches the imagination of the people. Reagan wasn't a member of the establishment either and certainly not a darling of the party, but he had that ability to make people feel things in a positive way and it was the people, not the party, not the establishment who put him in office.

Maybe it is meant to be that Bobby Jindal is the next Reagan? We'll see how it goes. If by some miracle he turned out to be the nominee, I sure wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for him.
And watching the more obscure press, it appears Chris Christie is about to formally announce I think on Tuesday? Not sure how much that will shake up the field.

I have also noted that Donald Trump is doing very well in New Hampshire. Not sure what that means either.
Well folks....

It will be interesting to see what the contestants for the GOP nomination will say about this weeks SCOTUS rulings.
With the obamacare defeat that changes the dynamic a little....

What do we need to make obama eat his words about obamacare is here to stay.....

A republican President

A majority int the House willing to get rid of obamacare

A majority in the Senate willing to change the filibuster rules if that is what it takes, considering the democrats changed them for judges...

It is a lot, it is difficult if not impossible...but the left never gave up, has never given up wanting to wreck the we have to build to the point where we have the above 3 items...

First priority....keep hilary from getting elected, deny her the ability to appoint anymore Justices.....

Scott Walker...he may be the best for the first one...he fought back the leftists 3 times in 4 years and stands on his principals......

Got to get rid of current Republican house and Senate leadership.....
In a twisted way the Supreme Court ruling takes the issue off the shelf for the elections. This may be an unintended consequence and a positive for republicans. Republicans need to be tolerant but fierce in defense of religious freedoms protected by the first amendment. Nip everything the left tries in the bud before it gets started. And remind everyone that this is just what the Supreme Court judges warned about. Remember to say we are not bothering you but you can't stop attacking us. Go on offense

The hate argument loses steam because now gays have what they wanted. It's off the radar and no longer a talking point. This puts a chink in their phobia curtain that keeps most folks from seeing the truth.

This is an opening. A time to seize the moment. Wake up republicans
Foxy can we have a hybrid candidate. How about the speech of bobby jindal, the record and rugged good looks,of Rick Perry, and the money of Jeb Bush.

I don't think jindal,has a chance but he gave one hell,of an entry speech. He was feeling it. How sad and embarrassing that we need to have the son of Indian immigrants to tell America what we need to do to get our country back.

And the fighting spirit of Scott Walker.....and the knowledge on how to beat democrats like he did in Wisconsin...

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