Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

No fox I disagree with you on exposing the left hate mills. You are a nice person, a polite person, a civil person but you will be run over by leftist activists. Romney was nice and lost big time. Republicans have to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight. The major candidates don't have to get their hands dirty, they have minions to do the dirty work as all democrats have. If you don't fight fire with fire we will lose again. You stay on the high road and I'll do the muckraking.
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......
The fact that you have a Capt Kirk avatar and support Cruz is an omen that Clinton will win. You have cursed the party! Damn you!
No fox I disagree with you on exposing the left hate mills. You are a nice person, a polite person, a civil person but you will be run over by leftist activists. Romney was nice and lost big time. Republicans have to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight. The major candidates don't have to get their hands dirty, they have minions to do the dirty work as all democrats have. If you don't fight fire with fire we will lose again. You stay on the high road and I'll do the muckraking.

Thanks but nobody runs over me. I've developed a pretty tough skin over the years along with quite a bit of political savvy I think. I recognize how very few have the instincts and skill to get past the leftwing media and their ability to demonize just about anybody or anything. I know in my gut that the American public is mostly too dumbed down to recognize when they are being sold a bill of goods and taken for a dishonest ride.

For that reason we have to pick and choose our fights and we have to pick a candidate that has both right stuff and ability to inspire the people to get on board with him or her. I think we would waste so much capital trying to expose Democratic dishonesty that such an attempt would almost certainly backfire on us.

We have to do a much better job of selling the truth, a vision, a way to make things better. The GOP has always presented some good ideas, but they have been piss poor at selling them.
Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....

is anti RINO ok

how about anti progressive posing as a republican is that ok

The primary rule for the thread is that those posting in this thread have every intention of supporting a GOP or conservative candidate. All others are asked to start their own threads or find some other existing threads to post in.

very good although i consider myself a republican unlike democrats i can not simply pull the lever for any republican running

the crop selection at this point is not very promising

so with that i leave this thread
Not voting against hilary or whoever the democrat is will be cultural, national suicide. She will appoint more than 2 justices in her term...she just needs one to overturn anything she wants....and her picks will do her bidding. Gun rights will be gone.....Macdonald and Heller were decided 5-4 and leftist judges do not follow precedent. They will scoop up any case they can find and will use it to undue those 2 previous decisions.....and then they will march forward on the leftist wish list.....
No fox I disagree with you on exposing the left hate mills. You are a nice person, a polite person, a civil person but you will be run over by leftist activists. Romney was nice and lost big time. Republicans have to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight. The major candidates don't have to get their hands dirty, they have minions to do the dirty work as all democrats have. If you don't fight fire with fire we will lose again. You stay on the high road and I'll do the muckraking.

Not just Romney, McCain, and Dole.......
Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....

is anti RINO ok

how about anti progressive posing as a republican is that ok

The primary rule for the thread is that those posting in this thread have every intention of supporting a GOP or conservative candidate. All others are asked to start their own threads or find some other existing threads to post in.

very good although i consider myself a republican unlike democrats i can not simply pull the lever for any republican running

the crop selection at this point is not very promising

so with that i leave this thread

It doesn't necessarily have to be a Republican though. A conservative independent or Libertarian would suffice. 2aguy can correct me if I am mistaken, but I'm pretty sure his intent was to keep out the leftist trolls and liberal bashers who are not interested in discussing the candidates but rather just want to insult and disrupt the thread. I doubt he would mind if I spoke up for Joe Manchin, Democrat, who votes right of center more than some Republicans do. :)
I am at a loss to understand how so many stellar candidates are getting so little traction. Yes we have the Supreme Court decisions, yes we have 14 candidates, and yes it is early, but hannitys interviews are so good at exposing the candidates, I don't know what else can be done to expose the field to the public. Christy was spot on, as many of the candidates have been. Hilary could not have any worse baggage, she is not trusted by 60 percent of the citizens and she continues to hold firm. She is devoid of any accomplishments, and devoid of any principles. The election is 16 months away.
I am at a loss to understand how so many stellar candidates are getting so little traction. Yes we have the Supreme Court decisions, yes we have 14 candidates, and yes it is early, but hannitys interviews are so good at exposing the candidates, I don't know what else can be done to expose the field to the public. Christy was spot on, as many of the candidates have been. Hilary could not have any worse baggage, she is not trusted by 60 percent of the citizens and she continues to hold firm. She is devoid of any accomplishments, and devoid of any principles. The election is 16 months away.

Sixteen months is an eternity politically. It is a long enough time in our fast forward sound bite world to relegate bad news to little more than ancient history and too long a span for more complex issues to attract much attention. I think people are aware of their own favorite sons at this time and maybe one or two other flashier high profile candidates, but I think most people just aren't all that focused on the election yet.

Those of us on the message boards are usually political junkies with an intense interest in things as are those in Hannity's audience and others like him. But that is a relatively small percentage of the electorate. And the MSM is not about to go out of its way to give any GOP candidate traction.

Hillary remains well in the lead because her constituency doesn't much care about anything other than the "D" after their candidate's name and she is much more a household name than is Sanders or Mallory.
Ok, Rick Perry is done. I don't know what his problem is but he gets flustered in the question and answer forum. He was in the center seat on fox with Bret Bair and he just did not look comfortable or at ease, not confident. I don't know if he is trying to,hard or so scared of screwing up but he has not exorcised his demons. I like him and he is a good man but his media presence is just too much of a liability. Go to work for your fellow Texan.
Ok, Rick Perry is done. I don't know what his problem is but he gets flustered in the question and answer forum. He was in the center seat on fox with Bret Bair and he just did not look comfortable or at ease, not confident. I don't know if he is trying to,hard or so scared of screwing up but he has not exorcised his demons. I like him and he is a good man but his media presence is just too much of a liability. Go to work for your fellow Texan.

And he is polling really low just about everywhere too. I don't think he'll make the cut for the debates unless he is able to turn things around.
Bobby Jindal made his official announcement this past week with a real barn burner passionate speech, and he had his one hour one on one with Hannity last night. And he did very very well I thought. This guy is maybe among the most intelligent of the candidates--he thinks efficiently and is quick on his feet and is able to express his point of view well.

I believe Kasich will announce this week.
I am wondering how Ben Carson is doing so well in the polls. He has had no exposure on TV and I have heard little about him. Is he running a stealth campaign or am I missing something. He is tied for,second place with trump in New Hampshire.

In a related story I am always amazed at the extent of the vitriol from the left when engaging in personal destruction. The attacks on trump I think are just preseason practice for whoever gets the nomination. The intensity and viciousness of these attacks should serve notice to republican operatives. This campaign for president is an act of war for democrats, they will behave like Isis. Better be prepared and ready to respond in kind.
I am wondering how Ben Carson is doing so well in the polls. He has had no exposure on TV and I have heard little about him. Is he running a stealth campaign or am I missing something. He is tied for,second place with trump in New Hampshire.

In a related story I am always amazed at the extent of the vitriol from the left when engaging in personal destruction. The attacks on trump I think are just preseason practice for whoever gets the nomination. The intensity and viciousness of these attacks should serve notice to republican operatives. This campaign for president is an act of war for democrats, they will behave like Isis. Better be prepared and ready to respond in kind.

Ben Carson is running a truly grass roots campaign much along the lines of Ross Perot's campaign back in 1992. He has a huge following on Facebook and Twitter and he has a heck of a youtube campaign going. And he shows up at the more important events and presents himself very effectively. He is so far avoiding the slogan, sound bite, one liner kind of campaign that frankly has become a turn off for those tired of such shallowness.
Well it appears Scott Walker is making it official today or tomorrow--he has entered the crowded GOP field and I'll give him a fair and honest look along with all the others.

Jim Webb has announced that he is a candidate in the uncrowded Democratic primary race.

Interesting. Here you have a short news story about Walker's announcement and down on the page is a listing of all the candidates who have announced along with each one's net worth. Trump heads the pack of course with the most net worth with Hillary coming in at #4. Those at the bottom are well off but not what you would call super rich except for Walker who appears to have a negative net worth. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. :)
Walker enters Republican race needs to show appeal beyond Iowa -
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It is an interesting day fox. Hilary does her Bernie sanders imitation in New York and then flies to Kansas City to do her Obama imitation at the la Rasa convention. They claim all candidates were invited but no repubs showed up, a mistake irregardless of the la rasa positions. Our candidate has to face all the people. Bernie sanders also showed up and compared our immigration problem to the holocaust. No media outcry about that one of course..

The first thing walker needs to do is get some hair implants for that bare spot. I still don't think walker can beat Hilary but that takes nothing away from his solidness, but walker is vehemently despised by the left for his union busting and he really energizes the democratic base. His stump speech was good, what I heard of it. I just don't think he has the pizzazz to captivate republican voters.
Well the Donald as the point man finally let his mouth overrun his ass, and it is inexcusable. Any man who suffered through 7 years of torture and imprisonment is an American hero. Donald's inability to separate politics from real life experience is a fatal flaw. The sad part for r publicans is that there has been no news about Hilary this whole time, and attention to the Iranian arms deal, the terrorist shooting, imploding obamacare, and the Cuban capitulation. Trump will have to take care of himself and the candidates need to get back to issues.
On a strategic note, don't laugh, but I think the republican platform for 2016 should be the Bill of Rights. It represents everything conservatives stand for, most citizens know very little about them, and it is easy to extrapolate from them to republican programs. Bill of Rights redux. Educate the electorate. Talk about full circle. Sometimes the answer is right in front of you.
Well the Donald as the point man finally let his mouth overrun his ass, and it is inexcusable. Any man who suffered through 7 years of torture and imprisonment is an American hero. Donald's inability to separate politics from real life experience is a fatal flaw. The sad part for r publicans is that there has been no news about Hilary this whole time, and attention to the Iranian arms deal, the terrorist shooting, imploding obamacare, and the Cuban capitulation. Trump will have to take care of himself and the candidates need to get back to issues.

I thought his remarks re McCain's war record to be inelegant and in terribly poor taste even though I understand where Trump was coming from with those remarks. On the other hand, the fact that he is willing to say exactly what is on his mind is resonating very well out there which is why he is the front runner in the polls.
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - 2016 Republican Presidential Nomination

My fear is that the GOP will so distance themselves from him that he will be prompted to go it alone as an independent. And that could split the vote to ensure a Hillary win.
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