Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars

I agree, but I damn sure won't ever vote for these radicals in the Democrat party. they have went so far left they should fall off the face of the earth. snakes and liars everyone of them

I like: Walker, Cruz, Jindal so far. Ben Carson is interesting but I don't know
I had hope for Rubio.. then he took checks from STEM employers and screwed the STEM employees by supporting H1b visas to help reduce the amount of pay American STEM employees get. So yeah he's lost my support now. I don't get it... He won't even comment on it or explain his position. He just takes the check and says yeah I support quadrupling this bad program that fucks over American STEM workers. Fuck the people give me a check. Really?

Go Walker!
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Fellow Republicans....stop and think about this.

Fellow Republicans....stop and think about this.


More accurately, the guys like Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham all talk tough and critical of the Democrats, etc. etc., but they are oh so careful to walk on eggs, say all the right politically correct stuff, and take care to offend nobody other than the hardcore Democrats. As a result they come across as shallow and insincere, and their actions in Congress too often support that. There is a strong sense they are in it for themselves and are only throwing a few gratuitous bones to us to keep us on their plantation. Democrats don't seem to mind being treated that way by their leadership, but it grates on us conservatives and libertarians and we don't like it one bit.

So a guy like Trump comes along, thoroughly politically incorrect, rude, obnoxious, pompous, and outrageous at times, but he says the stuff we have been hungry to hear from our leadership for a very long time. And we want them to mean it when they say it.

Does Trump mean it? He's a totally untried unknown. But at least he hasn't betrayed us yet. The others have.
WAPO this week speculates on the difficulty having Trump in the primary debate creates for the other contenders. How do they prepare for a Donald Trump who says he doesn't plan to prepare at all, or at least won't come in programmed and scripted. Personally, I think the others could take a lesson on that from Trump. They all may be better qualified and more knowledgeable and capable than Trump, and if they make this an "Us" against "Him" kind of deal, it is not likely to end well.

Trump s presence in first GOP debate makes prep challenging for candidates - The Washington Post
Fellow Republicans....stop and think about this.


More accurately, the guys like Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham all talk tough and critical of the Democrats, etc. etc., but they are oh so careful to walk on eggs, say all the right politically correct stuff, and take care to offend nobody other than the hardcore Democrats. As a result they come across as shallow and insincere, and their actions in Congress too often support that. There is a strong sense they are in it for themselves and are only throwing a few gratuitous bones to us to keep us on their plantation. Democrats don't seem to mind being treated that way by their leadership, but it grates on us conservatives and libertarians and we don't like it one bit.

So a guy like Trump comes along, thoroughly politically incorrect, rude, obnoxious, pompous, and outrageous at times, but he says the stuff we have been hungry to hear from our leadership for a very long time. And we want them to mean it when they say it.

Does Trump mean it? He's a totally untried unknown. But at least he hasn't betrayed us yet. The others have.
Can't tell yet. I don't even know where Trump stands on all of the issues yet.
Fellow Republicans....stop and think about this.


More accurately, the guys like Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham all talk tough and critical of the Democrats, etc. etc., but they are oh so careful to walk on eggs, say all the right politically correct stuff, and take care to offend nobody other than the hardcore Democrats. As a result they come across as shallow and insincere, and their actions in Congress too often support that. There is a strong sense they are in it for themselves and are only throwing a few gratuitous bones to us to keep us on their plantation. Democrats don't seem to mind being treated that way by their leadership, but it grates on us conservatives and libertarians and we don't like it one bit.

So a guy like Trump comes along, thoroughly politically incorrect, rude, obnoxious, pompous, and outrageous at times, but he says the stuff we have been hungry to hear from our leadership for a very long time. And we want them to mean it when they say it.

Does Trump mean it? He's a totally untried unknown. But at least he hasn't betrayed us yet. The others have.
Can't tell yet. I don't even know where Trump stands on all of the issues yet.

What difference does it make if those who tell us where they stand on the issues then don't stand where they tell us they stand?
Fellow Republicans....stop and think about this.


More accurately, the guys like Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham all talk tough and critical of the Democrats, etc. etc., but they are oh so careful to walk on eggs, say all the right politically correct stuff, and take care to offend nobody other than the hardcore Democrats. As a result they come across as shallow and insincere, and their actions in Congress too often support that. There is a strong sense they are in it for themselves and are only throwing a few gratuitous bones to us to keep us on their plantation. Democrats don't seem to mind being treated that way by their leadership, but it grates on us conservatives and libertarians and we don't like it one bit.

So a guy like Trump comes along, thoroughly politically incorrect, rude, obnoxious, pompous, and outrageous at times, but he says the stuff we have been hungry to hear from our leadership for a very long time. And we want them to mean it when they say it.

Does Trump mean it? He's a totally untried unknown. But at least he hasn't betrayed us yet. The others have.
Can't tell yet. I don't even know where Trump stands on all of the issues yet.

What difference does it make if those who tell us where they stand on the issues then don't stand where they tell us they stand?
Fool me once shame on you... fool me twice shame on me..
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.
Sounds good.. so which republican candidate is a libertarian?
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.
Sounds good.. so which republican candidate is a libertarian?

All of them have at least some libertarian views except maybe for Graham.
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.
Sounds good.. so which republican candidate is a libertarian?

All of them have at least some libertarian views except maybe for Graham.
Well then it will be an interesting debate.
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.

When it comes to following the Constitution. Ted Cruz has been the closet to that as far as I can tell. I DO really like him. He's experienced from his position in Texas and tough as nails. Only thing he's a one term Senator. I like Walker for the fact he's a governor and I think they are the BEST at being a President. I just want that party in there now to be OUT.
But some women I talk to are scared of a Ted Cruz taking us to war.
Maybe that's exactly what this country needs right now. Someone that will stand firm and won't roll over, apologize, and generally cave in order to not offend another country. We need someone who at least appears willing to fight.
That being said, I agree with others in this thread that a Cruz/Walker ticket could really work.
What's the upside with Cruz? On the downside he's already sold out to big business and he's a laywer. I've watched his debates here in TX and did not trust him.
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.

When it comes to following the Constitution. Ted Cruz has been the closet to that as far as I can tell. I DO really like him. He's experienced from his position in Texas and tough as nails. Only thing he's a one term Senator. I like Walker for the fact he's a governor and I think they are the BEST at being a President. I just want that party in there now to be OUT.

I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for Cruz or Walker. Or actually anybody else except maybe Trump who I just can't see as presidential but am open to being convinced. And I would have to hold my nose really REALLY tight to vote for Graham. But I would do it to not have any of the Democrats currently running win.
Anyhow, I would rather recruit a leader who has the right values and point of view about how things should be and doesn't pretend to have a concrete game plan in hand for all the issues. That would be as absurd as me devising a business plan for an existing business before I have reviewed what the situations actually are. As long as I know a guy intends to uphold the original intent of the Constitution, for instance, I will trust him to properly fit all the issues into that.

When it comes to following the Constitution. Ted Cruz has been the closet to that as far as I can tell. I DO really like him. He's experienced from his position in Texas and tough as nails. Only thing he's a one term Senator. I like Walker for the fact he's a governor and I think they are the BEST at being a President. I just want that party in there now to be OUT.

I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote for Cruz or Walker. Or actually anybody else except maybe Trump who I just can't see as presidential but am open to being convinced. And I would have to hold my nose really REALLY tight to vote for Graham. But I would do it to not have any of the Democrats currently running win.

Yeah, Trump, I'm just kind of enjoying watching him turn the leftwing media, the left/democrats inside out. I haven't made any decision on him yet.
wow, I just watched an interview with Bobby Jindal. People might want to take a closer look at him.

I really like Bobby Jindal...another fighter......the Republicans now have several actual fighters vs. the "I know how to reach across the aisle....and get smacked by democrat" republicans...
I also like Jindal, a lot. His opponents try to paint him as a lightweight, but I bet he ranks up there near the top in the IQ department and he knows a lot of stuff.

The fact is there isn't a saint among the entire lot of them, either Dem or GOP. Not one doesn't have something about his record or point of view or whatever that is criticizable or that the media can't make look terrible. The perfect man or woman, the perfect candidate simply does not exist. The best we can do is look for quality and character. If they have that, they will most likely choose not to make things worse than they are. And if they can make things better, then they've fulfilled their mission.
Something to think about....all you moderate and libertarians have complained for years about SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES..... Now we have a guy like TRUMP that is undoubtedly the LEAST social conservative, YET a huge majority of the supposed EXTREME RIGHT stand behind this man ideas! How do you other justify the EXTREME RIGHTS change in tactics and ideology?....I know, but do YOU?

BTW, I'm a big CRUZ fan, followed by Walker.

Now put on your thinking cap and ponder this for a minute or two....



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