Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Inelegant is such a great word but you are too nice. Trumps appeal is that he speaks off the cuff without a filter but that is also his Achilles heel. He probably does not have as much grasp of political knowledge as you do fox. Trumps problems are the same as many on usmb. They don't stick to the large issues but get sidetracked in personal,attacks.

He has already accomplished what he needs to for his ego. Biggest crowds, most,press, first in polls, showing the party the way, telling it like it is, but telling everyone how dumb the people in govt and the president are is good red meat , where do you go from there? Hilary Clinton is going to adopt Bernie sanders platform when she wins the primaries, some of our guys need to adopt some of the Donald's populism into their campaigns.

The Donald,is not in it to win it, he is in it to influence the outcome. Not a king but a kingmaker.
Inelegant is such a great word but you are too nice. Trumps appeal is that he speaks off the cuff without a filter but that is also his Achilles heel. He probably does not have as much grasp of political knowledge as you do fox. Trumps problems are the same as many on usmb. They don't stick to the large issues but get sidetracked in personal,attacks.

He has already accomplished what he needs to for his ego. Biggest crowds, most,press, first in polls, showing the party the way, telling it like it is, but telling everyone how dumb the people in govt and the president are is good red meat , where do you go from there? Hilary Clinton is going to adopt Bernie sanders platform when she wins the primaries, some of our guys need to adopt some of the Donald's populism into their campaigns.

The Donald,is not in it to win it, he is in it to influence the outcome. Not a king but a kingmaker.

The Donald is all over the map socially and politically which would be the number one reason he would not get my vote. I am not at all convinced he is a true conservative, but as long as he can keep the national conversation on his unpolitically correct rhetoric, he will never be vetted on his actual positions on anything. And that could be a dangerous thing because so many people are sick to death of the political correctness crap and are hungry for some honesty in the process. So just as they ignored who and what Barack Obama was when they elected him in 2008, they could be dangerously avoiding who and what Donald Trump is just because he is saying things they are hungry to hear.

Again, just as we spin our wheels, waste political capital, and keep the national discussion on the wrong things by attacking liberals or Democrats or Hillary, we waste time and energy in attacking Trump's delivery style instead of focusing on what is really important.
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Hannity should get some kind of award for his interviews of prospective republican candidates. We have so many qualified, attractive candidates it is mind boggling. Our bench is deep and our solutions competent. When compared to the democratic no names and has beens it is clear that the only thing holding the American public back from exposure to change is the liberal media firewall.

John kasich is impressive. He has a couple,of things working for him. He has been there and done that including balancing the budget, a biggie, and he is the consummate compassionate conservative. How will democrats demonize someone who wants to bring the drug addicts and welfare recipients along with the one percenters? For a change his religious beliefs see m authentic. He has a tic that is disconcerting and he has been an insider for a LONG time, but he is not an ideologue and Americans are looking for a can do spirit that is not scary.

What an embarrassment of riches. Dems are so yesterday.
Hannity should get some kind of award for his interviews of prospective republican candidates. We have so many qualified, attractive candidates it is mind boggling. Our bench is deep and our solutions competent. When compared to the democratic no names and has beens it is clear that the only thing holding the American public back from exposure to change is the liberal media firewall.

John kasich is impressive. He has a couple,of things working for him. He has been there and done that including balancing the budget, a biggie, and he is the consummate compassionate conservative. How will democrats demonize someone who wants to bring the drug addicts and welfare recipients along with the one percenters? For a change his religious beliefs see m authentic. He has a tic that is disconcerting and he has been an insider for a LONG time, but he is not an ideologue and Americans are looking for a can do spirit that is not scary.

What an embarrassment of riches. Dems are so yesterday.

It is true that any republican is better than the criminal, hilary clinton, but I caught a quick view of Hannity's interview. I don't think Kasich has fight in him. When asked about hilary he said she was a nice person but not good for President...and that she attended his engagement party or something.......sorry....we have had Dole, McCain, and Romney....they all had that attitude of "Gosh, geewillickers....that Mrs Clinton is a mighty nice person, but she shouldn't be President...." and they all got smeared as the most vile men on earth by the democrat party. We need a fighter this time, not a candidate who won't take the fight to one of the most vile people on the planet...

Sorry, Kasich is not the guy.....he will end up on the pile with Dole, McCain and Romney and we will all suffer for it.....
I have been a long time admirer of John Kasich He caught my attention during the GOP reformer years of the 1990's and I thought then he was a rising star. But 2aguy is right that the same old boring politically correct, carefully worded rhetoric that everybody (except one) is using just isn't inspiring much confidence, enthusiasm, or hope among the base. We don't have a dud running among the very large and growing GOP field--well except maybe for Graham--but as much as I disapprove of him, I would vote for even Graham over anybody the Democrats have put up.

But we sure do need to fire up the base and inspire some confidence, or the Dems will win again in 2016.
Interesting Rasmussen poll reported this morning:

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Do Republican voters have a slightly more favorable opinion of Donald Trump these days than they do of Senator John McCain?

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 52% of Likely Republican Voters view Trump at least somewhat favorably, and 51% feel that way about McCain. That’s a statistical tie, but included in those numbers are 26% with a Very Favorable opinion of the billionaire developer and just 14% with a Very Favorable view of the Arizona senator who was the party’s presidential nominee in 2008.

Forty-five percent (45%) of Republicans view Trump unfavorably, with 22% who share a Very Unfavorable view of him. McCain is seen unfavorably by 44%, including 16% with a Very Unfavorable opinion. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

When Trump entered the GOP race in mid-June, 55% of Republicans expressed a favorable opinion of him, including 11% with a Very Favorable one. Only 27% said he was even somewhat likely to be the eventual nominee.

Among all likely voters, it’s a different story, largely because Democrats have an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Trump. Thirty-four percent (34%) of Likely U.S. Voters view Trump favorably, while 64% have an unfavorable opinion of him. From these same voters, McCain earns favorables of 44% and unfavorables of 47%. . . .​
McCain vs. Trump GOP Voters Choose - Rasmussen Reports
2 a guy I know where you are coming from and I feel your pain. You are absolutely right about our fang less former presidential candidates, but you don't know who we are going to get. But some women I talk to are scared of a Ted Cruz taking us to war. Some say Rubio is as inexperienced as Obama was and look where that got us.

My first requirement just like you is someone who can beat Hilary. Bush can't because of his name, but whatever credentials Hilary has kasich has them in spades. Inotherwords no one can name any accomplishment of Hilary Clinton in her whole political career but the accomplishments of Kasich are legion including enacting a balanced budget. Kasich may have waited too long to get traction and I am not advocating him as the one, I am just trying to point out strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. I would rather have him than bush, and I would not discount his compassionate appeal. He already has the stump speech and track record for being a champion of the less fortunate, what other candidates do we have that can say that? And you might have missed how much emphasis he put on rebuilding the military. He said the Iran treaty is a bad deal. I am just keeping an open mind.
2 a guy I know where you are coming from and I feel your pain. You are absolutely right about our fang less former presidential candidates, but you don't know who we are going to get. But some women I talk to are scared of a Ted Cruz taking us to war. Some say Rubio is as inexperienced as Obama was and look where that got us.

My first requirement just like you is someone who can beat Hilary. Bush can't because of his name, but whatever credentials Hilary has kasich has them in spades. Inotherwords no one can name any accomplishment of Hilary Clinton in her whole political career but the accomplishments of Kasich are legion including enacting a balanced budget. Kasich may have waited too long to get traction and I am not advocating him as the one, I am just trying to point out strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. I would rather have him than bush, and I would not discount his compassionate appeal. He already has the stump speech and track record for being a champion of the less fortunate, what other candidates do we have that can say that? And you might have missed how much emphasis he put on rebuilding the military. He said the Iran treaty is a bad deal. I am just keeping an open mind.

You could point out that obama was successful in what he wanted to forced on everyone, weakening America's position in the world, helping all those countries, cuba, Iran, that he believes got a raw deal from America...he accomplished all of it..........
`So the first debate is scheduled for August 7? That's 10 days from now. And we have a robust field of 16 GOP candidates running. Who will make the cut for the debates? Or will they take all 16?

Something to think about....all you moderate and libertarians have complained for years about SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES..... Now we have a guy like TRUMP that is undoubtedly the LEAST social conservative, YET a huge majority of the supposed EXTREME RIGHT stand behind this man ideas! How do you other justify the EXTREME RIGHTS change in tactics and ideology?....I know, but do YOU?

BTW, I'm a big CRUZ fan, followed by Walker.

Now put on your thinking cap and ponder this for a minute or two....

Something to think about....all you moderate and libertarians have complained for years about SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES..... Now we have a guy like TRUMP that is undoubtedly the LEAST social conservative, YET a huge majority of the supposed EXTREME RIGHT stand behind this man ideas! How do you other justify the EXTREME RIGHTS change in tactics and ideology?....I know, but do YOU?

BTW, I'm a big CRUZ fan, followed by Walker.

Now put on your thinking cap and ponder this for a minute or two....

Cruz is a lawyer... I don't trust him.
wow, I just watched an interview with Bobby Jindal. People might want to take a closer look at him.
i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars
i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars

I agree, but I damn sure won't ever vote for these radicals in the Democrat party. they have went so far left they should fall off the face of the earth. snakes and liars everyone of them

I like: Walker, Cruz, Jindal so far. Ben Carson is interesting but I don't know
i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars

I agree, but I damn sure won't ever vote for these radicals in the Democrat party. they have went so far left they should fall off the face of the earth. snakes and liars everyone of them

I like: Walker, Cruz, Jindal so far. Ben Carson is interesting but I don't know

i would not vote for a leftist either

thing is there is a chance by voting for one of these guys

you might be voting for a closet leftist

progressiveness is quite popular in the rep party these days

where they say one thing and do another
i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars

I agree, but I damn sure won't ever vote for these radicals in the Democrat party. they have went so far left they should fall off the face of the earth. snakes and liars everyone of them

I like: Walker, Cruz, Jindal so far. Ben Carson is interesting but I don't know

i would not vote for a leftist either

thing is there is a chance by voting for one of these guys

you might be voting for a closet leftist

progressiveness is quite popular in the rep party these days

where they say one thing and do another

all true, look at McConnell for that. he claimed he was going to be the voice and man for the Conservative. and he's turned and stabbed us all in the back
i have not decided on any of them yet

i am pretty fed up with the actions of the republicans the past few years

it is difficult to weed out the liars

I agree, but I damn sure won't ever vote for these radicals in the Democrat party. they have went so far left they should fall off the face of the earth. snakes and liars everyone of them

I like: Walker, Cruz, Jindal so far. Ben Carson is interesting but I don't know

i would not vote for a leftist either

thing is there is a chance by voting for one of these guys

you might be voting for a closet leftist

progressiveness is quite popular in the rep party these days

where they say one thing and do another

all true, look at McConnell for that. he claimed he was going to be the voice and man for the Conservative. and he's turned and stabbed us all in the back

yes he is one of many

almost everyone elected was on the premise to roll back obama policies

instead they have enhanced them

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