Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Jeb Bush keeps making an excellent case on why he should not be the candidate....

Jeb Bush Supports Gun Control - The Truth About Guns

Afterward, he told reporters

gun control was an issue that should be sorted out at the state level.

“Rural areas are very different than big, teeming urban areas,” he said.

Wrong answer. Americans natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is NOT a state rights’ issue, any more than freedom of speech is a state rights’ issue.
Jeb Bush keeps making an excellent case on why he should not be the candidate....

Jeb Bush Supports Gun Control - The Truth About Guns

Afterward, he told reporters

gun control was an issue that should be sorted out at the state level.

“Rural areas are very different than big, teeming urban areas,” he said.

Wrong answer. Americans natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is NOT a state rights’ issue, any more than freedom of speech is a state rights’ issue.

But seriously, a candidate--unless he is a would-be dictator like our current President--will state his position which, if he is honest, just informs us what legislation he would sign if it shows up on his desk. Do we choose a candidate based on his individual opinions about this or that issue or do we choose our candidate based on his attitude about what government should be, what the role of the President is, his experience, leadership and diplomacy skills, and his general appreciation for what the United States of America is intended to be?
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.

Wait till it gets closer to the election.......
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......
So, your criteria is how big a black eye a candidate can give the democrats?

Not much interested in solutions?
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......
So, your criteria is how big a black eye a candidate can give the democrats?

Not much interested in solutions?

No...I am looking for republicans who will fight to get conservative governing principals passed into law....not negotiate them away to "get along" with people who refuse to deal with our economic and foriegn policy situtations....
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.

Wait till it gets closer to the election.......

Wait for what? The candidates who won't defend the Bill of Rights? I am kind of sort of familiar with all the candidates who have declared at this point and I just don't see a problem with any of them on that issue.

Lindsay Graham and Chris Christiie are both big government guys much more than I am comfortable with though I trust Christie to have common sense more than I trust Graham. But I don't see them all that willing to run roughshod over the Bill of Rights.
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.
They are being targeted because they are the REAL threat to democrats and liberal media. RWR got the SAME reception from both and look how he did.
My two favorites so far....Ted Cruz and Scott Walker....they seem to actually be fighters...both have actually fought against the democrats.....and aren't of the mind set to "reach across the aisle" which actually means caving to any or all demands of democrats just to appear nice......
So, your criteria is how big a black eye a candidate can give the democrats?

Not much interested in solutions?

No...I am looking for republicans who will fight to get conservative governing principals passed into law....not negotiate them away to "get along" with people who refuse to deal with our economic and foriegn policy situtations....
See, that wasn't to hard.

I agree.

However, to Me, when I have a moral value and deeply held principled belief, to back away from that belief is like betraying Myself, and accepting that betrayal means I am intellectually dishonest.

I am not accusing you of these things but saying this because to Me, as a conservative, this must be the very first rule.

If a candidate backs down in the face of an uproar by any side who disagrees with him or her, then they lack the integrity of their convictions and are immediately disqualified from My vote.

This needs to be communicated to the candidates in no uncertain terms.

One other thing needs to be added to this.

Sophistry by the left in trying to make it appear that a candidate is going against their own principles is to have that entire clothe discounted.

The only person who should make that determination is you. Ignore the rest of them.
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.
They are being targeted because they are the REAL threat to democrats and liberal media. RWR got the SAME reception from both and look how he did.

Reagan was different though. He was not mainstream on much of anything. He campaigned mostly on liberty, getting the economy back on track after the disaster of the Carter Administration, and rebuilding our military and making the USA the shining city on the hill again. He did very little out of political expediency and was his own man. His record was not built on what he could accomplish but rather on what he could inspire the people to do for themselves.

We have candidates like that in Walker, Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, Jindal, Carson et al, but all are being maliciously demonized in the press and the paid trolls are already at work to discredit them on message boards, social media et al.

I think it all comes down to what we the people want in a President--one who stands on principle, morals, traditional values etc? Or one who says all the right PC things on the issue?
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.
They are being targeted because they are the REAL threat to democrats and liberal media. RWR got the SAME reception from both and look how he did.

Reagan was different though. He was not mainstream on much of anything. He campaigned mostly on liberty, getting the economy back on track after the disaster of the Carter Administration, and rebuilding our military and making the USA the shining city on the hill again. He did very little out of political expediency and was his own man. His record was not built on what he could accomplish but rather on what he could inspire the people to do for themselves.

We have candidates like that in Walker, Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, Jindal, Carson et al, but all are being maliciously demonized in the press and the paid trolls are already at work to discredit them on message boards, social media et al.

I think it all comes down to what we the people want in a President--one who stands on principle, morals, traditional values etc? Or one who says all the right PC things on the issue?
Reagan proved personal liberty wins. We don't need a NEW game plan like democrats say we NEED a WINNING game plan. And personal freedom and liberty IS a game winner.
If anyone running for any office does not support the Bill of Rights completely and fully I do NOT want them.

Have you identified anybody in the current GOP who does not?

However the ones who are coming out the most strongly on Bill of Right issues such as religious freedom and states rights are the ones who are getting targeted and demonized the most on message boards and in the media right now.
They are being targeted because they are the REAL threat to democrats and liberal media. RWR got the SAME reception from both and look how he did.

Reagan was different though. He was not mainstream on much of anything. He campaigned mostly on liberty, getting the economy back on track after the disaster of the Carter Administration, and rebuilding our military and making the USA the shining city on the hill again. He did very little out of political expediency and was his own man. His record was not built on what he could accomplish but rather on what he could inspire the people to do for themselves.

We have candidates like that in Walker, Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, Jindal, Carson et al, but all are being maliciously demonized in the press and the paid trolls are already at work to discredit them on message boards, social media et al.

I think it all comes down to what we the people want in a President--one who stands on principle, morals, traditional values etc? Or one who says all the right PC things on the issue?
Reagan proved personal liberty wins. We don't need a NEW game plan like democrats say we NEED a WINNING game plan. And personal freedom and liberty IS a game winner.
Not if you are a lazy ass that want's to live off the efforts of others.
You know fox they do documentary type stories on these like mills around the world. Inotherwords you can buy as many likes as you want for your website. This is an industry. Everyone knows where they are and generally who is buying. Trump has been accused of this but I am sure he is not the only one.

Why can't breitbart and the republican national committee do the same kind of research to expose the rumor and character assassination mills,of the democrats. Create a flow chart easy for people to see and understand. Trace the trail of personal attacks and invented disinformation and put it out there for the public to see. This low hanging fruit needs to be picked. Develop a strategy.
I just finished watching a c-span interview with Bernie Sanders. It would be wise not to sell this man short, but what I took away from it is that many of his goals are not that far away from what should be conservative goals in this election. His heaviest emphasis is on reestablishing the middle class followed by scathing condemnation of what he calls the billionaire class. He readily exposes his strategy of coalition building and quite charmingly names the groups: environmentalists, unions, women, blacks, Latinos, Asians, the usual democratic coalitions and of course the same ones Clinton will pursue. He wants free college, free healthcare, free child care, $15 min wage, and a huge carbon tax. But one of his ideas is very intriguing. He wants a transactional tax on Wall Street. Now I would not do an across the board tax but I would try the tax out on long and short sales and hedge funds, anything on the fringe of financial activity that has the capability to crash the economy or is supported mostly by leverage. Bernie is 73 but he is energetic and has complete confidence in himself, as well as a machine gun delivery of populist facts. He is the real deal, he is a 100 percent committed and it shows, he believes everything he says, he is authentic.

Hilary Clinton, if she beats Sanders she will co-opt sanders populist rhetoric as she tries to,portray herself as a champion of the middle class, fairness, and an opponent of the rich. So dissecting Sanders campaign will be instructive as well as fruitful to republican candidates. It will be imperative that republicans have their own plan to strengthen the middle class in a conservative fashion. I don't know when we are going to learn that we always have to have our own plans. So for you political operatives that are reading this take a page from the mayor of burlingtons playbook and scour this interview for best practices. There are many populist sentiments that can be incorporated into the republican message. Get to work on it now.
Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....

is anti RINO ok

how about anti progressive posing as a republican is that ok
I just finished watching a c-span interview with Bernie Sanders. It would be wise not to sell this man short, but what I took away from it is that many of his goals are not that far away from what should be conservative goals in this election. His heaviest emphasis is on reestablishing the middle class followed by scathing condemnation of what he calls the billionaire class. He readily exposes his strategy of coalition building and quite charmingly names the groups: environmentalists, unions, women, blacks, Latinos, Asians, the usual democratic coalitions and of course the same ones Clinton will pursue. He wants free college, free healthcare, free child care, $15 min wage, and a huge carbon tax. But one of his ideas is very intriguing. He wants a transactional tax on Wall Street. Now I would not do an across the board tax but I would try the tax out on long and short sales and hedge funds, anything on the fringe of financial activity that has the capability to crash the economy or is supported mostly by leverage. Bernie is 73 but he is energetic and has complete confidence in himself, as well as a machine gun delivery of populist facts. He is the real deal, he is a 100 percent committed and it shows, he believes everything he says, he is authentic.

Hilary Clinton, if she beats Sanders she will co-opt sanders populist rhetoric as she tries to,portray herself as a champion of the middle class, fairness, and an opponent of the rich. So dissecting Sanders campaign will be instructive as well as fruitful to republican candidates. It will be imperative that republicans have their own plan to strengthen the middle class in a conservative fashion. I don't know when we are going to learn that we always have to have our own plans. So for you political operatives that are reading this take a page from the mayor of burlingtons playbook and scour this interview for best practices. There are many populist sentiments that can be incorporated into the republican message. Get to work on it now.

I agree that we can't sell Bernie Sanders short. If Hillary continues to lose ground in the trust and likability factor, Sanders could become more and more viable as a candidate. Plus he brings a degree of integrity and credibility to the process that Hillary simply cannot claim.
You know fox they do documentary type stories on these like mills around the world. Inotherwords you can buy as many likes as you want for your website. This is an industry. Everyone knows where they are and generally who is buying. Trump has been accused of this but I am sure he is not the only one.

Why can't breitbart and the republican national committee do the same kind of research to expose the rumor and character assassination mills,of the democrats. Create a flow chart easy for people to see and understand. Trace the trail of personal attacks and invented disinformation and put it out there for the public to see. This low hanging fruit needs to be picked. Develop a strategy.

I would discourage that Shrimpbox because it would not come across as a real expose and would appear as Republican dirty tricks to most who lean left of center. I would just be really happy if the candidates would keep hammering away at what the country SHOULD be and how to fix what ails us and not think ripping each other apart (or the Democrats for that matter) is the most effective way to do that.
Rules for this thread....

you must support conservative, libertarian or Tea Party beliefs and candidates.....

If you have a republican in clown face as your avatar you cannot post in this thread...

If you are a known anti Republican, Tea Party hater, you cannot post in this thread.....

This thread is for the debate of Republican Presidential Candidates from those who actually support the opponents of the democrats....I say that as a person who only votes republican because the libertarians can't get enough people elected to make a difference, perhaps Rand Paul will change that....

is anti RINO ok

how about anti progressive posing as a republican is that ok

The primary rule for the thread is that those posting in this thread have every intention of supporting a GOP or conservative candidate. All others are asked to start their own threads or find some other existing threads to post in.

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