Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

As of this morning, Rick Perry joined the increasingly crowded GOP field when he announced his candidacy as President of the USA.
The Bernie Sanders campaign is already running ads like this on social media like Facebook:


Anybody feel like your wallet is screaming UNCLE!!!! ?

Some of my more liberal friends and family are dutifully sharing this with approval so it is no doubt going viral.

I have mixed emotions as to whether our GOP hopefuls should be putting out something similar--you know, their personal platform in a clear, concise form like this? Or would that be counter productive?
I hope Bernie Sanders starts polling 35%-40%.

That would be fun.
I hope Bernie Sanders starts polling 35%-40%.

That would be fun.

He very well might as O'Malley doesn't seem to be gaining much traction and all the negative publicity is taking its toll on Hillary's approval ratings. She still is polling well ahead, but I believe that is because she is perceived to have no serious competition. At least Sanders is probably the least wishy washy of all the Democratic hopefuls that have announced so far. Maybe the Democrats are becoming embarrassed that they really can't defend their candidates and might be thinking about getting behind somebody they can at least respect. I sure don't agree with Sanders' politics, but he is a person I can respect.

Lincoln Chaffee also threw his hat into the ring today--not sure if it is as a Democrat or an Independent but he will certainly be running on the Democrat side. He wasn't able to fill even a small auditorium for his announcement so I don't really expect him to be a factor.
The Bernie Sanders campaign is already running ads like this on social media like Facebook:


Anybody feel like your wallet is screaming UNCLE!!!! ?

Some of my more liberal friends and family are dutifully sharing this with approval so it is no doubt going viral.

I have mixed emotions as to whether our GOP hopefuls should be putting out something similar--you know, their personal platform in a clear, concise form like this? Or would that be counter productive?

I don't see one word about the required tax increases we need now and we'll need in the future in his diddy.
The fox all stars said there is a possibility sanders could win the Iowa caucus.

They also,said the polling on Hilary is looking really bad. She is going with the Obama playbook of blacks, Hispanics, young, and wealthy liberals. No way. She can't get as many blacks, and certainly won't get the young as Obama did. And polling shows that women are leaving Hilary because of the weight of Clinton crime foundation revelations. Her age and health are serious liabilities. Keep beating the drums

Rick Perry looked sharp in his announcement. He has command so far of his subject and he has the gravitas and executive experience that a Rubio lacks. They claim he is behind on fundraising cause Cruz has locked up so much Texas money but Perry is a good retail politician and I do feel he could handle Hilary, but after his 2012 performance there is no room for error.

We have so many good candidates we have an embarrassment of riches. All we need is a comprehensive populist platform and we will be on our way. It won't even be close. Talk about a bunch of old worn out white people, they can't win on being anti republican and the world and country are in unmitigated turmoil.
The fox all stars said there is a possibility sanders could win the Iowa caucus.

They also,said the polling on Hilary is looking really bad. She is going with the Obama playbook of blacks, Hispanics, young, and wealthy liberals. No way. She can't get as many blacks, and certainly won't get the young as Obama did. And polling shows that women are leaving Hilary because of the weight of Clinton crime foundation revelations. Her age and health are serious liabilities. Keep beating the drums

Rick Perry looked sharp in his announcement. He has command so far of his subject and he has the gravitas and executive experience that a Rubio lacks. They claim he is behind on fundraising cause Cruz has locked up so much Texas money but Perry is a good retail politician and I do feel he could handle Hilary, but after his 2012 performance there is no room for error.

We have so many good candidates we have an embarrassment of riches. All we need is a comprehensive populist platform and we will be on our way. It won't even be close. Talk about a bunch of old worn out white people, they can't win on being anti republican and the world and country are in unmitigated turmoil.

Maybe, but I just don't see it unless the polls have changed dramatically in the past week. As of a week ago, Hillary was polling 50% over all other Dem candidates in all the major polls except Quinnipac and she was well over 40% there.

Meanwhile our GOP candidates are all on a par with each other with nobody being able to break out of the teens. But it is still really early and more than a half year away from the primaries and there's plenty of time to sort out who will be the front runners. Jeb hasn't even officially announced yet and others still could announce too.
You'd hope that the election would be about issues and things the country is interested in. However , I don't see the left or the right putting forth anything the candidates can rally around.
You'd hope that the election would be about issues and things the country is interested in. However , I don't see the left or the right putting forth anything the candidates can rally around.

Really? I would think the need for less government meddling and regulation and more opportunity for the private sector to create good, permanent jobs, making it possible and attractive to return to the economy the trillions of capital currently sidelined at home and abroad, dealing with illegal immigration, achieving energy independence, free and fair trade to open up markets for American products and services, and reining in an ever more bloated and expensive and intrusive government/bureaucracy are all issues important to the GOP base and something all the candidates can rally around.

I will certainly be looking to cast my vote for the candidate I perceive as having the best grasp of these issues and who has the personal conviction and integrity to deal with them.
You'd hope that the election would be about issues and things the country is interested in. However , I don't see the left or the right putting forth anything the candidates can rally around.

Really? I would think the need for less government meddling and regulation and more opportunity for the private sector to create good, permanent jobs, making it possible and attractive to return to the economy the trillions of capital currently sidelined at home and abroad, dealing with illegal immigration, achieving energy independence, free and fair trade to open up markets for American products and services, and reining in an ever more bloated and expensive and intrusive government/bureaucracy are all issues important to the GOP base and something all the candidates can rally around.

I will certainly be looking to cast my vote for the candidate I perceive as having the best grasp of these issues and who has the personal conviction and integrity to deal with them.

Yes really.

If the people are interested in the things you describe, then you'd see politicians talking about them more and doing more about them.

The only one I see really taking it to practice is Scott Walker. But I'm not really watching THAT closely.

Most of the rest of the field is all bluster and bull.
every day goes by I am more convinced Carly is going to be the VP candidate.

She wouldn't be a bad choice, but why do you think so?

She would be an awful choice if the following were true.

10 Reasons People Hate Carly Fiorina - Page 2 of 2 - Business Pundit

5. She lacked focus.

Her plans were too diffuse to be effective. Here are the many things Fiorina tried to do at once:

-Compete with Dell in the low-cost PC market
-Compete with IBM in the consulting and services sectors
-Compete with Dell and Gateway by producing home entertainment products
-Become familiar and legitimate in the public eye by talking to the press nonstop
-Get the company a celebrity image with the likes of Gwen Stefani
-Undertake the biggest merger in IT history (at the time)

Her energy was so scattered that none of these ideas came to fruition.


If that is true....she's not a conservative.

Conservatives don't blunder into new things without taking a hard look at what's going on around them.

This actually sounds pretty damning IME.
Well one thing is for sure: the fact that so many are already writing attack pieces on Carly is a very good reason we should all give her a serious look. Conservative women are especially threatening to those on the left who don't allow women and minorities to stray off their reservation with impunity. And in the primary season, those on the right will also go out of their way to discredit a potential threat on the horizon. Carly isn't among my favorites right now, but I encourage everybody to view what are obviously internet hit pieces with a huge grain of salt. I will look to sources that balance the positives with the negatives for more objective evaluation.
She is a sophisticated Sarah Palin. More polished and experienced. People love the way she talks,straight. Her ability to juggle a lot of info at once will serve her well in office. And she is a woman, a woman who has beat breast,cancer for gods sake, she ain't afraid of anything now. She relentlessly attacks Hilary and there is not much the left can say about her. She was the top executive of a high tech company. She has all the bona rides. She is so much more,accomplished than Hilary, that she can slice and dice her. She has no political baggage. she is well traveled.

This is great. We are going to turn the election process on its head. We are going to select our vp candidate first. Shake it up baby!
She is a sophisticated Sarah Palin. More polished and experienced. People love the way she talks,straight. Her ability to juggle a lot of info at once will serve her well in office. And she is a woman, a woman who has beat breast,cancer for gods sake, she ain't afraid of anything now. She relentlessly attacks Hilary and there is not much the left can say about her. She was the top executive of a high tech company. She has all the bona rides. She is so much more,accomplished than Hilary, that she can slice and dice her. She has no political baggage. she is well traveled.

This is great. We are going to turn the election process on its head. We are going to select our vp candidate first. Shake it up baby!

I can see that you are a fan. :) And seriously, when somebody receives that kind of praise from somebody I respect, it does fit into the whole mix of positive impressions about the candidate. I have no reason to doubt that she merits your admiration.

In most cases, however, our political impressions are too often based on what others say about this or that candidate and those negative and positive impressions add up to a general negative or positive response in us. And it is that emotional response rather than on any serious concrete criteria that results in who gets the vote. And that can be a dangerous thing.
Thank you for,the respect fox but that is just a bunch of gobbely gook. Sometimes I think you write because you just can't stop, you can't help yourself.

Let me assure you that my decisions are made independently. I'm old enough to have had a great education that taught me how to,think not what to think. Plus I have spent most of my life around lower income people so I have perspectives from both ends of the spectrum. I am not trying to get Carly to fit into some kind of box. I am marveling at her tenacity, creativity, energy, and intellect. The Republican Party has got to get off the dime and as I have mentioned before translate conservative ideas into populist messages.

Straight line thinking fox not circular thinking. Identify the problem, solve the problem, move on. Lead follow or get the hell out of the way. But really I'm just a marshmallow.
Thank you for,the respect fox but that is just a bunch of gobbely gook. Sometimes I think you write because you just can't stop, you can't help yourself.

Let me assure you that my decisions are made independently. I'm old enough to have had a great education that taught me how to,think not what to think. Plus I have spent most of my life around lower income people so I have perspectives from both ends of the spectrum. I am not trying to get Carly to fit into some kind of box. I am marveling at her tenacity, creativity, energy, and intellect. The Republican Party has got to get off the dime and as I have mentioned before translate conservative ideas into populist messages.

Straight line thinking fox not circular thinking. Identify the problem, solve the problem, move on. Lead follow or get the hell out of the way. But really I'm just a marshmallow.

That wasn't intended as a criticism Shrimp and I regret that you took it as one. Do have a good night.

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