Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Something to think about....all you moderate and libertarians have complained for years about SOCIAL CONSERVATIVES..... Now we have a guy like TRUMP that is undoubtedly the LEAST social conservative, YET a huge majority of the supposed EXTREME RIGHT stand behind this man ideas! How do you other justify the EXTREME RIGHTS change in tactics and ideology?....I know, but do YOU?

BTW, I'm a big CRUZ fan, followed by Walker.

Now put on your thinking cap and ponder this for a minute or two....



Ted, a GREAT American...has been since BIRTH! Idiot!
Donald Trump's Rise in the Polls has Chris Matthews ASTONISHED!...It's astonishing this leftist nutbag can speak! ^ | 7/29/2015 | Staff
Chris Matthews opened his show tonight noting that none of the attacks aimed at Trump are having any affect at hurting him. In fact he notes it’s just the opposite, that Trump is proving Nietzsche right in that what doesn’t kill him is making him stronger. Matthews takes us through the timeline of attacks at Trump over the past few weeks, pointing out his continual rise in the polls and even conceding that Trump now has ‘something of a shot’ at winning this thing. Howard Fineman agrees, noting that “Trump is able to appeal across an unusual if not unprecedented...
Newest poll Trump at 26%!!!!

Rasmussen: Trump Should Be Front and Center at GOP Debate (Trump 26%, Walker 14%) ^ | Loren Gutentag
As the first Republican debate for the primary season is quickly approaching, Rasmussen Reports says that businessman Donald Trump, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush are guaranteed seats on the A-stage on Aug. 6. Rasmussen's first national survey of likely Republican voters shows that Trump is ahead with 26 percent support, while Walker is in second with 14 percent and Bush has 10 percent of the vote — making them the top three leaders. While there are 13 remaining major Republican candidates, Fox News is only opening the Aug. 6 debate to the top 10 as...
We should note that Jim Gilmore of Virginia also announced last week making the GOP field a total of 17 candidates. And with Hillary's plummet in the polls and diminished perception that she is invincible, it seems a number of other Democrats are also pondering a run for the gold--not the least of whom could be Joe Biden.
So as of today, I think this is the field. Others may still announce though.
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Democratic - Former Secretary of State - October 26, 1947 (age 67) - Chappaqua, New York

  • Bernie Sanders
  • Democratic - U.S. Senator, Vermont - September 08, 1941 (age 73) - Burlington, Vermont

Jim Webb
Democratic - Former U.S. Senator, Virginia - February 09, 1946 (age 69) - Falls Church, Virginia

Martin O'Malley
Democratic - Former Governor of Maryland - January 18, 1963 (age 52) - Baltimore, Maryland

Lincoln Chafee
Democratic - Former Governor of Rhode Island - March 26, 1953 (age 62) - Warwick, Rhode Island

Donald Trump
Republican - President, Trump Organization - June 14, 2046 (age 30) - Manhattan, New York

Jeb Bush
Republican - Former Governor of Florida - February 11, 1953 (age 62) - Miami, Florida

Rand Paul
Republican - U.S. Senator, Kentucky - January 07, 1963 (age 52) - Bowling Green, Kentucky

Ben Carson
Republican - September 18, 1951 (age 63) - neurosurgeon - Detroit, Michigan

Chris Christie
Republican - Governor of New Jersey - September 06, 1962 (age 52) - Mendham, New Jersey

Scott Walker
Republican - Governor of Wisconsin - November 02, 1967 (age 47) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin

Mike Huckabee
Republican - Former Governor of Arkansas - August 24, 1955 (age 59) - North Little Rock, Arkansas

Ted Cruz - Republican - U.S. Senator, Texas - December 22, 1970 (age 44) - Houston, Texas

Marco Rubio
Republican - U.S. Senator, Florida - May 28, 1971 (age 44) - West Miami, Florida

Rick Santorum
Republican - Former U.S. Senator, Pennsylvania - May 10, 1958 (age 57) - Mount Lebanon, Pennsylvania

Rick Perry
Republican - Former Governor of Texas - March 04, 1950 (age 65) - Austin, Texas

Bobby Jindal
Republican - Governor of Louisiana - June 10, 1971 (age 44) - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Carly Fiorina
Republican - Former CEO of HP - September 06, 1954 (age 60) - Los Altos Hills, California

George Pataki
Republican - Former Governor of New York - June 24, 2045 (age 69) - Peekskill, New York

John Kasich
Republican - Governor of Ohio - May 13, 1952 (age 63) - Westerville, Ohio

Lindsey Graham
Republican - U.S. Senator, South Carolina - July 09, 1955 (age 60) - Seneca, South Carolina

Jim Gilmore
Republican - October 05, 2049 (age 34) - Henrico County, Virginia
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.

I agree about Trump. Just as Hillary refuses to debate, Trump has decided he's in a safe spot not to open himself up to criticism. But we will see him this week. When will we see Hillary> She won't even answer media's questions, how will she do in a debate?

Yes, I would be interested to see what Bernie or O'Malley has to say. Anyone who might be the POTUS, I am interested in hearing from.

Yes, people will tune in to the debate for the Trump show and they probably won't be disappointed. Trump has to learn some manners and a diplomatic style while saying the same content. His honesty and UN PC is refreshing. I'll be on tuning in, but I want to hear more from all of our candidates before I decide who to support.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.

I agree about Trump. Just as Hillary refuses to debate, Trump has decided he's in a safe spot not to open himself up to criticism. But we will see him this week. When will we see Hillary> She won't even answer media's questions, how will she do in a debate?

Yes, I would be interested to see what Bernie or O'Malley has to say. Anyone who might be the POTUS, I am interested in hearing from.

Yes, people will tune in to the debate for the Trump show and they probably won't be disappointed. Trump has to learn some manners and a diplomatic style while saying the same content. His honesty and UN PC is refreshing. I'll be on tuning in, but I want to hear more from all of our candidates before I decide who to support.
Hillary's washed up. Trump's gonna make her look like she's 200 years old.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.

I agree about Trump. Just as Hillary refuses to debate, Trump has decided he's in a safe spot not to open himself up to criticism. But we will see him this week. When will we see Hillary> She won't even answer media's questions, how will she do in a debate?

Yes, I would be interested to see what Bernie or O'Malley has to say. Anyone who might be the POTUS, I am interested in hearing from.

Yes, people will tune in to the debate for the Trump show and they probably won't be disappointed. Trump has to learn some manners and a diplomatic style while saying the same content. His honesty and UN PC is refreshing. I'll be on tuning in, but I want to hear more from all of our candidates before I decide who to support.
Hillary's washed up. Trump's gonna make her look like she's 200 years old.

I wouldn't go that far. But there's more coming from the courts that she has to respond to. She could be in for more trouble.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.

I agree about Trump. Just as Hillary refuses to debate, Trump has decided he's in a safe spot not to open himself up to criticism. But we will see him this week. When will we see Hillary> She won't even answer media's questions, how will she do in a debate?

Yes, I would be interested to see what Bernie or O'Malley has to say. Anyone who might be the POTUS, I am interested in hearing from.

Yes, people will tune in to the debate for the Trump show and they probably won't be disappointed. Trump has to learn some manners and a diplomatic style while saying the same content. His honesty and UN PC is refreshing. I'll be on tuning in, but I want to hear more from all of our candidates before I decide who to support.
Hillary's washed up. Trump's gonna make her look like she's 200 years old.

I wouldn't go that far. But there's more coming from the courts that she has to respond to. She could be in for more trouble.
She could have another dozen people killed and the press would ask her what her favorite color is.
I watched CSPAN's Voter's First Presidential Forum and was pleasantly surprised at the talent the GOP has running. Fiorna gave a very good look at what she thinks, she appears to be a subtle but professional Trump without the arrogance. She talked about the years going by with still no border, she against amnesty for illegals and plans to defund PP.

I was very impressed with Scott Walker and his resume, disappointed in Bush with hisdefiance of Common Core and wanted the states to take over education. I think that would lower the standards in some states as it is now. We need standard levels of achievement and tests to determine what states and school systems are not making the grade.

Trump did not appear.

With Trump leading in every poll, by double digits in some, I suspect he doesn't see any reason to join the dog and pony shows. Sadly those who most need to hear the candidates speak are most likely not tuning into Cspan or any other format that would provide a lot of exposure.

Do you feel interested enough in what Bernie or Hillary or O'Malley have to say to sit through a long scripted, poll tested mini speech? I honestly am not that interested. And I imagine a lot of people feel the same way about the GOP candidates who also utter the same poll tested and scripted lines over and and over.

Trump on the other hand keeps us entertained with what he'll come up with next. Despite the arrogance, his un-PC style and determination to be his own man and say what he thinks is simply resonating better with a lot of people.

I agree about Trump. Just as Hillary refuses to debate, Trump has decided he's in a safe spot not to open himself up to criticism. But we will see him this week. When will we see Hillary> She won't even answer media's questions, how will she do in a debate?

Yes, I would be interested to see what Bernie or O'Malley has to say. Anyone who might be the POTUS, I am interested in hearing from.

Yes, people will tune in to the debate for the Trump show and they probably won't be disappointed. Trump has to learn some manners and a diplomatic style while saying the same content. His honesty and UN PC is refreshing. I'll be on tuning in, but I want to hear more from all of our candidates before I decide who to support.

I have already heard what Bernie and O'Malley have to say though and they don't say anything different in multiple appearances just as Hillary and most of the GOP candidates don't say anything different in multiple appearances. Once you've heard the scripted spiel once, there isn't a lot of satisfaction in hearing it again and again and again.

I personally haven't made my choice of who I hope will win this time either though, so I am at least keeping up with the process.
Fox has announced the candidates who made the cut for Thursday's prime time debate: Trump, Bush, Walker, Cruz, Rand Paul, Rubio, Ben Carson, Huckabee, Christie and Kasich.

I am really happy Kasich is in. I am really sad that Jindal and Fiorina aren't.
Fox has announced the candidates who made the cut for Thursday's prime time debate: Trump, Bush, Walker, Cruz, Rand Paul, Rubio, Ben Carson, Huckabee, Christie and Kasich.

I am really happy Kasich is in. I am really sad that Jindal and Fiorina aren't.
Foxfyre, we are on the same page. I was keeping my fingers crossed on Kasich and saddened Fiorina didn't make it. She made sense on the CSPN Presidential View last night. There will be more debates. Hoping she makes some of them.

Meanwhile looks like the Democrats are going to arrange some debates whether Hillary likes it or not.,
Interesting Rasmussen poll featured today. Percentages look really high to me, but Rasmussen generally does a good job with these kinds of surveys:

. . .A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 90% of Likely Republican Voters say they are likely to watch at least some of the GOP candidate debates, with 64% who say it is Very Likely. Just nine percent (9%) say they are not very or Not At All Likely to watch. The first Republican debate is scheduled for tomorrow night.

But only 43% of Republicans say pre-primary debates are Very Important in determining how they will vote in their state party primary. Still, that compares to 34% of Democrats and 31% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

Among all voters, 79% say they are likely to watch at least some of the GOP debates, with 48% who say it is Very Likely. Eighteen percent (18%) are unlikely to do so, but that includes only six percent (6%) who are Not At All Likely to watch. Democrats are the least interested. . . .
Heads up everybody. The early debate, which personally I think will likely be the most interesting one, will be in one hour on Fox News - 5 pm Eastern; 3 pm Mountain time.

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