Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Sigh. Well, it was a fairly efficient Q & A prompting prepared and well scripted and memorized answers from the seven candidates. And while I thought nobody hurt themselves, I'm not sure anybody was inspiring enough to persuade any undecided to vote for him or her. I didn't pick up on a single line that I thought would make a good campaign slogan. So oh well. More of the same tonight? We'll see.
So as it turned out, the later debate was the more interesting after all. Fox seems to have combed the internet to ferret out the most controversial and combative questions they could ask the candidates, but all handled it very well. They certainly got no softball questions at any point. But were there any ground breaking revelations? Not really. I think every single one came through looking pretty presidential.

At least there wasn't any bashing of each other. I liked that a lot.
I am switching to Carly Fiorina. I want to vote for Scott Walker, but listening to Mike Gallagher thursday made it too obvious to ignore...there are nitwits who are simply going to vote for the first candidate who doesn't have a penis....just like they voted for the terrorist friend and community agitator simply because he was black. The only way you can fight stupid, sometimes, is to control it....and if we have a female, who is actually qualified, on the might just do the trick.
As far as being Presidential goes, I was most impressed with John Kasich at this particular debate. The rest seemed like boys.
As far as being Presidential goes, I was most impressed with John Kasich at this particular debate. The rest seemed like boys.

John Kasich isn't a fighter....and what killed it for me when Megyn Kelly pointed out that the medicaid expansion he approved is already 1.4 billion dollars over budget...and he threw out the Jesus card to excuse government waste.........
As far as being Presidential goes, I was most impressed with John Kasich at this particular debate. The rest seemed like boys.

John Kasich isn't a fighter....and what killed it for me when Megyn Kelly pointed out that the medicaid expansion he approved is already 1.4 billion dollars over budget...and he threw out the Jesus card to excuse government waste.........
The medicaid expansion was federal. You had the choice of taking it or not. If you don't take it you get taxed for it anyway and are forced to fund it for the other states. IOW you can be screwed or tied down and screwed. I don't remember him making any excuses. No idea what you are talking about.
The post debate polls are coming in now and they are amazing. Despite how many cheap shots or honest volleys are launched at Donald Trump, he remains the front runner by double digits and has even increased his approval ratings. Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, and Carly Fiorina/Marco Rubio come in at a strong second and third with a tie for fourth. Overall it seems like a crushing blow to the establishment Republicans all who lost ground following the debates.


Post-Debate Poll Numbers Are In... GOP Establishment Didn t Expect This MAJOR Shift - The Political Insider
By the way, on the lighter side today, August 11, is Presidential Joke Day. The tradition started back in 1984 when Reagan was getting ready to make an address and was doing a mic check, and not realizing that somebody had just initiated a live radio feed he broadcasted that he had just signed legislation outlawing Russia and we begin bombing in five minutes. A lot of folks got a kick out of it. The Russians didn't. :)
As we begin to focus on the candidates and choose the right one to represent us, I would like to repost a 2009 resolution re Lindsay Graham and point to this, among a few other things, that make him dead last in the field for who I want to get the nomination. I guess I would vote for him over Hillary, but I would have to painfully hold my nose tight to do so:

Whereas, the basis of Cap & Trade – global warming caused by carbon emissions – is still in doubt as evidenced by the past decade of cooling temperatures;

Whereas, the people of South Carolina can ill afford the job-killing Cap & Trade bill’s ripple effects on our state’s economy and on personal energy bills;

Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham supported TARP and has shown a willingness to discuss nationalizing U.S. banking institutions;

Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham has shown a condescending attitude toward his constituents by calling them “bigots” when they oppose his stance on amnesty for illegal aliens;

Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham has stated on many occasions that his primary concern is to “be relevant”;

Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham continues to hold the Republican Party hostage and undermines Republican leadership and party solidarity for his own benefit by joining the “Gang of 10″ and the “Gang of 14″;

Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham – in the name of bipartisanship – continues to weaken the Republican brand and tarnish the ideals of freedom, rule of law, and fiscal conservatism.

Therefore, let it be resolved: The Charleston County Republican Party Executive Committee respectfully requests, with sincere sadness that the South Carolina Republican Party withdraw their resolution commending U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham and that the Charleston Country Republican Party censure U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham for many of the positions he has taken that do not represent the wishes of the people of Charleston County SC, such as: passing a “Cap & Trade” energy bill, bailing out banks, and granting amnesty for illegal aliens. - See more at: NYT Lindsey Graham Slammed Back Home for Being a RINO
What a great thread! I'd have put my Rubio (pencil)-endorsement here if I'd have payed enough attention beforehand.

I agree the Fox debate was well done. Everybody got asked the most difficult question the mods could engineer for them. All but one took theirs gracefully like an adult on a debate stage. I'm disappointed Cruz has sold himself out to the meme Fox was unfair to Trump.

I only caught snippets of the B-team debate, but it was even from just those Fiorina stole the show. I understand she needs to be operatic in protesting the Sept. Debate rules, but I worry she's overdoing it a bit and coming across with an impression that will injure her in the long run.
Hi Red Team. I agree this has been a great thread. I have been disappointed that it isn't more active but the OP went on to other things and when that happens, the thread usually dies. But I for one would like to see it revived.

I have mixed emotions about the Fox questions--difficult yes and I definitely didn't want those people tossed softballs. But I was immediately frustrated that they went for the personal jugulars instead of focusing on the issues and what the people really need to know about the candidate's positions on the important things. I am so tired of the politics of personal destruction and would like the whole conversation elevated above that.
Hi Red Team. I agree this has been a great thread. I have been disappointed that it isn't more active but the OP went on to other things and when that happens, the thread usually dies. But I for one would like to see it revived.

I have mixed emotions about the Fox questions--difficult yes and I definitely didn't want those people tossed softballs. But I was immediately frustrated that they went for the personal jugulars instead of focusing on the issues and what the people really need to know about the candidate's positions on the important things. I am so tired of the politics of personal destruction and would like the whole conversation elevated above that.

It is amazing to me that you actually think that Fox cares about issues.

Issues don't sell.

Drama does.

Fox has more to gain by keeping people emotionally attached than intellectually fed.
What a great thread! I'd have put my Rubio (pencil)-endorsement here if I'd have payed enough attention beforehand.

I agree the Fox debate was well done. Everybody got asked the most difficult question the mods could engineer for them. All but one took theirs gracefully like an adult on a debate stage. I'm disappointed Cruz has sold himself out to the meme Fox was unfair to Trump.

I only caught snippets of the B-team debate, but it was even from just those Fiorina stole the show. I understand she needs to be operatic in protesting the Sept. Debate rules, but I worry she's overdoing it a bit and coming across with an impression that will injure her in the long run.

Why are we having debates so early in the game ?

And what is the value to these people in gaining ground early ?

Answer: Money

Does that not tell you something ?
Hi Red Team. I agree this has been a great thread. I have been disappointed that it isn't more active but the OP went on to other things and when that happens, the thread usually dies. But I for one would like to see it revived.

I have mixed emotions about the Fox questions--difficult yes and I definitely didn't want those people tossed softballs. But I was immediately frustrated that they went for the personal jugulars instead of focusing on the issues and what the people really need to know about the candidate's positions on the important things. I am so tired of the politics of personal destruction and would like the whole conversation elevated above that.

It is amazing to me that you actually think that Fox cares about issues.

Issues don't sell.

Drama does.

Fox has more to gain by keeping people emotionally attached than intellectually fed.

I disagree. Fox focuses on issues better than any other mainstream news source which is, IMO, why they beat all the others in the ratings combines.
What a great thread! I'd have put my Rubio (pencil)-endorsement here if I'd have payed enough attention beforehand.

I agree the Fox debate was well done. Everybody got asked the most difficult question the mods could engineer for them. All but one took theirs gracefully like an adult on a debate stage. I'm disappointed Cruz has sold himself out to the meme Fox was unfair to Trump.

I only caught snippets of the B-team debate, but it was even from just those Fiorina stole the show. I understand she needs to be operatic in protesting the Sept. Debate rules, but I worry she's overdoing it a bit and coming across with an impression that will injure her in the long run.

Why are we having debates so early in the game ?

And what is the value to these people in gaining ground early ?

Answer: Money

Does that not tell you something ?

The debates aren't so early if they want to get in several before the first primary votes early next year.
Debate? That wasn't a debate that was a right wing establishment media hatchet job.. trying to pick the winner by asking the ones they don't want when they stopped beating women and why they hate grandma.
Debate? That wasn't a debate that was a right wing establishment media hatchet job.. trying to pick the winner by asking the ones they don't want when they stopped beating women and why they hate grandma.

As much as I hate agreeing with you RKM :), I do agree with you on this--they certainly made it clear who they did not want to 'win' their Q&A session early on.
Debate? That wasn't a debate that was a right wing establishment media hatchet job.. trying to pick the winner by asking the ones they don't want when they stopped beating women and why they hate grandma.

As much as I hate agreeing with you RKM :), I do agree with you on this--they certainly made it clear who they did not want to 'win' their Q&A session early on.
I prefer debates when you let the guys running for office, actually debate each other.. rather than debating the media who are supposedly "mediating." Kelly was acting like she was an ex-lawyer running for office as a democrat and treating the pubs she does not like as if they were at her deposition.
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Debate? That wasn't a debate that was a right wing establishment media hatchet job.. trying to pick the winner by asking the ones they don't want when they stopped beating women and why they hate grandma.

As much as I hate agreeing with you RKM :), I do agree with you on this--they certainly made it clear who they did not want to 'win' their Q&A session early on.
I prefer debates when you let the guys running for office, actually debate each other.. rather than debating the media who are supposedly "mediating." Kelly was acting like she was running for office as a democrat.

I would prefer a series of moderated one on one debates too though it would require an impossible number of debates to give everybody a chance at everybody else. That's the problem with the ridiculous large field of candidates that we have. But for sure the media circuses that pass for debates are essentially useless to evaluate the candidates in any comprehensive way--they are strictly Q&A's to evoke mostly memorized and carefully scripted answers. The only way they affect the polling data and maybe the vote is that they do evoke emotional responses among the less savvy electorate who then choose a candidate based on who they liked the best.
Debate? That wasn't a debate that was a right wing establishment media hatchet job.. trying to pick the winner by asking the ones they don't want when they stopped beating women and why they hate grandma.

As much as I hate agreeing with you RKM :), I do agree with you on this--they certainly made it clear who they did not want to 'win' their Q&A session early on.
I prefer debates when you let the guys running for office, actually debate each other.. rather than debating the media who are supposedly "mediating." Kelly was acting like she was running for office as a democrat.

I would prefer a series of moderated one on one debates too though it would require an impossible number of debates to give everybody a chance at everybody else. That's the problem with the ridiculous large field of candidates that we have. But for sure the media circuses that pass for debates are essentially useless to evaluate the candidates in any comprehensive way--they are strictly Q&A's to evoke mostly memorized and carefully scripted answers. The only way they affect the polling data and maybe the vote is that they do evoke emotional responses among the less savvy electorate who then choose a candidate based on who they liked the best.
have no idea why they call them debates...

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