Debate Now Republican candidates discussion, Conservative/libertarian/tea party only

Ok, let's wipe,the cobwebs off. It's,fixing to get tighter. Can you believe how they are trying to destroy ben Carson? So who would you like to be in a tight with, Ben Carson or any other,pres candidate, repub or,dem. I'll take the boy from,the ghetto who made,good any day. But,the effort to,discredit a man of,such accomplishment is staggering, and there is no shame. Some of,these morning and talk show info babes and dudes wouldn't make a pimple on this guys ass. Hang tough doc.

At this point in time what does,the landscape look like? Bush cannot even beat people in his home state of Florida. He doesn't even show up in penn. with his name recognition and money he should be a front runner. He's a goner. Rubio and Fiorino are just where they want to be. Rubio has the foreign affairs thing down pat, big plus.
Fiorino, you go girl. Trump is adapting, going nice guy, hope he isn't caving to his detractors. Did you guys hear he has only spent 2 million dollars so far. He needs to get the Emmy just for that. Carson is the quintissential Everyman, in spite,of his accomplishments.

What,shall,we call these guys? The avengers? Easy co.? Trump and his legion of doom? The missing links. The freedom fighters. The r-team?The founder fighters. The political mutants. Fab five. The magnificent servers. Conair, the Eagles, politicats, reinstitutionalists, el cons, oceans 5, the defendables, ...............
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Ok, let's wipe,the cobwebs off. It's,fixing to get tighter. Can you believe how they are trying to destroy ben Carson? So who would you like to be in a tight with, Ben Carson or any other,pres candidate, repub or,dem. I'll take the boy from,the ghetto who made,good any day. But,the effort to,discredit a man of,such accomplishment is staggering, and there is no shame. Some of,these morning and talk show info babes and dudes wouldn't make a pimple on this guys ass. Hang tough doc.

At this point in time what does,the landscape look like? Bush cannot even beat people in his home state of Florida. He doesn't even show up in penn. with his name recognition and money he should be a front runner. He's a goner. Rubio and Fiorino are just where they want to be. Rubio has the foreign affairs thing down pat, big plus.
Fiorino, you go girl. Trump is adapting, going nice guy, hope he isn't caving to his detractors. Did you guys hear he has only spent 2 million dollars so far. He needs to get the Emmy just for that. Carson is the quintissential Everyman, in spite,of his accomplishments.

What,shall,we call these guys? The avengers? Easy co.? Trump and his legion of doom? The missing links. The freedom fighters. The r-team?The founder fighters. The political mutants. Fab five. The magnificent servers. Conair, the Eagles, politicats, reinstitutionalists, el cons, oceans 5, the defendables, ...............

I can't come up with a label for the rising stars because those gaining traction are all so different. They are all anti-political class except for Rubio who is squarely among that group but is attractive anyway. And it is rather amusing how the media is trying their damndest to find some way to defang Trump while they have literally been serving him well, without pay, as his campaign organization. He doesn't have to spend money because the media is doing his campaign for him. :)
Well, I called the Bush play didn't I? He tried to lightly scratch Rubio, but he did what he's been doing too much of from the beginning...painfully mumbling it out over two or three news cycles. Rubio didn't take the bait. I think that was it...much of that Bush money is about to move away fast.

Fox, it's funny how Rubio was the definition of "Tea Party" when he won his Senate seat, but just 6 short years later he's regarded as "establishment." It's not like the guy moved to the center on policy, his participation in the attempt at comprehensive immigration reform notwithstanding.

Seems the "right wing" distinguishes itself on tactics now, not ideology. Cruz worries me. I think his moment is shaping up, and he's not a team player. I don't think he has any preference for a Republican presidency, only climbing to the top of the Tea Party hill. He's 'scorched earth' to the bone and he doesn't lose a minute of sleep over it. It'll be interesting to see how the party climbs out of the mess in the House alongside a Cruz race that wants to "purify" the party.

Luckily, the Democrats will keep it entertaining these next couple of months, too.
Well, I called the Bush play didn't I? He tried to lightly scratch Rubio, but he did what he's been doing too much of from the beginning...painfully mumbling it out over two or three news cycles. Rubio didn't take the bait. I think that was it...much of that Bush money is about to move away fast.

Fox, it's funny how Rubio was the definition of "Tea Party" when he won his Senate seat, but just 6 short years later he's regarded as "establishment." It's not like the guy moved to the center on policy, his participation in the attempt at comprehensive immigration reform notwithstanding.

Seems the "right wing" distinguishes itself on tactics now, not ideology. Cruz worries me. I think his moment is shaping up, and he's not a team player. I don't think he has any preference for a Republican presidency, only climbing to the top of the Tea Party hill. He's 'scorched earth' to the bone and he doesn't lose a minute of sleep over it. It'll be interesting to see how the party climbs out of the mess in the House alongside a Cruz race that wants to "purify" the party.

Luckily, the Democrats will keep it entertaining these next couple of months, too.

I didnt' say Rubio was 'establishment'. I said he had become 'political class', not in the 'liberal' sense, but in the sense of playing the game and going with the prevailing winds that are blowing that day. Oddly enough, every time I take one of those 'who is your candidate' quizzes, Rubio comes out on the top for me. And yet he does not appeal to me as much as some others. Cruz doesn't bother me at all but he sure does bother the 'establishment' :)
By the way, the first of six scheduled Democratic Party candidate debates is tonight--five candidates to be there with a podium held in quick reserve in case Biden jumps in today. I admit I was really irked when I heard a news blurb this morning that CNN will handle this debate much differently than the GOP debate. They deliberately attempted to pit GOP candidate against GOP candidate to trigger a 'real debate'. But they are characterizing the Democratic candidates as 'serious people' who want to talk about the issues and the direction of the country.

Does that ruffle anybody else's fur? And does anybody plan to be watching?
It's time to get this thread going again.

Can you believe Jebs elitist indignation. He is done. He has never been in touch with real people. Just judge his body language, stooped,shoulders, bent head, wimpy body mass. Anyone who has better things to do than run for president of the United States needs to go do them and not let the little people interrupt their important lives. Jebs entitlement attitude, like I am so good, why don't these dumb Americans realize this, that I am the one who truly deserves the nomination because I am so smart and experienced, is a major turnoff. He has no idea how to handle Donald, and he would have no idea how to handle Putin. Jeb needs to drop out and possibly save his rep as the smart bush and visionary conservative.

Ted Cruz sounds like he has an excellent grass roots campaign. He is the strongest dark horse now. He is looking reaganesque in his pathway to the nomination

I do not know,what has happened to Carly. Let's send out an apb.

Gentle Ben keeps moving along but at some point he will have to confront the realities of running for president and get,some sharp elbows. He will be accosted by bullies in the playground and he will,have to punch back.

Rubio needs to gravitate to gravitas. Don't whine about the senate being impotent and intransigent. Continue the positive message and come up,with positive plans. You have got to show you are a grownup who can run with the big dogs and has the grit to push through adversity. He is in a good spot but on precarious footing. A good showing in this debate is mandatory for his campaign.

Trump has been brilliant. What a case study in politics.

The only other candidate that holds any interest for me is Kasich. I think he could give Hilary a run for her money but his star is fading fast.

As for Hilary, she has provided so many sound bites and video of her unlike ability in the hearings that I think,she is unbelievably vulnerable. If the most likable individual is,the one who gets elected, the ad about Hilary's bitch moments(and the venom oozes out of her quite naturally) wil be killer. This is another low hanging fruit opportunity that repubs better not miss.
Mixed emotions re your post Shrimp--agree with some, disagree with other, not so sure about a lot.

With Carson and Trump in the lead--neither have good enough numbers to be really significant this far out from the actual vote--Carson does seem to have momentum at the present time while Trump is currently stalled. But listening to the news this morning, it was said that only about 10% of Trump's base say they have absolutely decided on their candidate and only a little over 5% of Carson's base say they have absolutely decided on their candidate. My gut tells me that Bush, Rubio, Fiorina and perhaps one or two others are still very much in it, and things will tighten considerably when people actually have to start casting their votes in the primaries.
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Interesting Rasmussen poll results out this morning:

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump continue to be the national leaders in the Democratic and Republican presidential contests, but most voters don’t trust either one of them.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 31% of Likely U.S. Voters trust Clinton, down six points from 37% in April. Fifty-six percent (56%) do not trust the former first lady and secretary of State, up from 51% in the previous survey. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

But even fewer (24%) trust Trump. Like Clinton, 56% do not trust the billionaire developer. A sizable 20% are not sure.

Separate surveying finds that Trump holds a double-digit lead over Clinton when voters are asked whom they trust more to handle the economy and immigration and is slightly ahead in the area of national security. Clinton holds small leads on social policy and the environment.

Just 15% consider Clinton more ethical than most politicians, down slightly from 19% in April. Forty percent (40%) say she is less ethical than her peers, while 41% regard her ethics as about the same as theirs.

Twenty-one percent (21%) see Trump as more ethical than most politicians, but 38% say he is less ethical. Just as many (37%) think Trump is about equally as ethical as most of his political peers. . . .
Do Voters Trust Clinton, Trump? - Rasmussen Reports™
Fox you may be right. I would love,the race to narrow down to five or six people. But consider this for bush. Let's say he wins the nomination. You are going to see the airwaves plastered with " I have better things to do than run for president" ad infinitum. That is a losing proposition. Rubio whining about nothing getting done in the senate sounds like either make me president or I am going to go home and make a pile,of money for my family. I don't know what is happening with Carly. It's early and I am just giving this weeks assessment before,the debate. I know how eagerly awaited it is by all,the members.
Fox you may be right. I would love,the race to narrow down to five or six people. But consider this for bush. Let's say he wins the nomination. You are going to see the airwaves plastered with " I have better things to do than run for president" ad infinitum. That is a losing proposition. Rubio whining about nothing getting done in the senate sounds like either make me president or I am going to go home and make a pile,of money for my family. I don't know what is happening with Carly. It's early and I am just giving this weeks assessment before,the debate. I know how eagerly awaited it is by all,the members.

I take the quotes of the candidates, except on intentional policy issues, with a huge grain of salt. I do not trust the media to put anything into its full context and figure they don't care whether they are representing a candidate honestly. Of all the candidates the one that has probably been quoted and accused dishonestly the most is Ben Carson and it is always on something that has nothing to do with his job as President should he be elected.

We are still weeks away from the first primary vote. And I think very few are so committed to a candidate at this time that there are no circumstances likely to change their mind.
The biggest takeaway from,the debate tonight is how left wing and in the tank for,Hilary the media is. I forget who said it, but the media is just the lobbying arm of the Democratic Party. The emperor has no clothes.

Rubio, Cruz, Christy, and to a smaller extent Kasich were the winners tonight. Rubio and Cruz hit it out of the park. The greatest post debate comment though came from trump who said "there was a great sense of comraderie here tonight" . The republican field burnished their reputation a lot. As Charles K says, this was a good night for the GOP.
The biggest takeaway from,the debate tonight is how left wing and in the tank for,Hilary the media is. I forget who said it, but the media is just the lobbying arm of the Democratic Party. The emperor has no clothes.

Rubio, Cruz, Christy, and to a smaller extent Kasich were the winners tonight. Rubio and Cruz hit it out of the park. The greatest post debate comment though came from trump who said "there was a great sense of comraderie here tonight" . The republican field burnished their reputation a lot. As Charles K says, this was a good night for the GOP.
And CNBC removed any possible lingering doubt anyone might have had, that they are nothing more than complete and utter LEFTIST HACKS with NO SHAME. It's almost enough to make you wanna PUKE to watch these JACK ASSES. They should NEVER be allowed to host another debate.
climbing the tea party hill. what the hell is that suppose to mean?

Go Cruz.

I'm sick and tired of being lied to by these pansies like Boner, McConnell, Lindy Graham, or being stabbed in the back by the likes of McCain, etc
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The biggest takeaway from,the debate tonight is how left wing and in the tank for,Hilary the media is. I forget who said it, but the media is just the lobbying arm of the Democratic Party. The emperor has no clothes.

Rubio, Cruz, Christy, and to a smaller extent Kasich were the winners tonight. Rubio and Cruz hit it out of the park. The greatest post debate comment though came from trump who said "there was a great sense of comraderie here tonight" . The republican field burnished their reputation a lot. As Charles K says, this was a good night for the GOP.

Unfortunately I believe the American public by and large is beginning to suffer from debate overload. Unless there is something really new and ground breaking it is all becoming sort of ho hum. Having said that, I rather enjoyed the debate last night, not because it was all that informative--it wasn't--but I appreciated the unified stance of the candidates who mostly refused to take the bait to attack each other which was obviously the only motive of the hosts. And I could hear cheering across the land as they took a unified approach in push back against a snarky and obviously anti-GOP, anti-conservative panel of hosts with an agenda. I agree several of the candidates handled themselves very well--the most honest, or maybe a better word would be sincere, of the group I thought was Huckabee and others had a good night. Again nobody really hurt themselves with the possible exception of Jeb who I don't think gained any fans.

Carly Fiorina, later, was absolutely right. When you have moderators who interrupt the candidates again and again when those candidates are trying to answer the question asked of them, such are not moderators at all but plants intended to disrupt, embarrass, and demean. And Christi was right during the debate when he said even in New Jersey {the poster state for rudeness} that was rude. It was absolutely shameful.
Whew, it,is getting wild and crazy. Is Jeb dead? Are rubios credit card problems going to be an asset or liability. That issue was vented during his run for senate and I have insider info that the area is too grey to be decisive, and Rubio has been deft and slippery in responding to such attacks. I don't know why the Donald has to frontally attack Gentle Ben but I would think that is a mistake, but what do I know, the Donald has been brilliant so far. Carly, we really never knew ya. Go Marco and Ted. The top four can all give Hilary heart burn, and with these four we could have a great debate and great choices.

Note to Jeb. Get a personal trainer and iron your shirts and stand up straight.
Damn! On the road and can't get Fox Business. I am trying to channel the spirits.

Hope you were able to get at least some good recaps Shrimp. It was a good debate--no silly "gotcha" questions, no 'let's you and him/her fight" stuff, though there were some minor skirmishes between candidates. My quite unscientific assessment:

Rubio the winner
Cruz, close runner up.
Fiorina held her own and may have helped herself marginally.
Ben Carson was competent and his typical laid back self, but seriously muffed a banking question that could hurt him. Otherwise didn't help or hurt himself.
Bush was vintage Bush and therefore did not help himself.
Trump was unusually reserved and extremely civil to all except when he criticized Fiorina for interrupting and got booed by the crowd. Didn't help himself.
Rand Paul was there and nothing he offered will be remembered.
Kasich tried to steal the show and, though he had a lot to say, will be mostly remembered as a rude ass who tried to make it all about him.

In the earlier debate, Christie IMO was the clear winner and definitely helped himself if anybody was watching. The others all did very well too--made you wonder why they aren't higher in the polls--but won't be as memorable as Christie. The questions there were all good sustantive questions except that the mods tried to throw in one silly question: "What Democrat do you admire." The candidates immediately jumped on that and refused to answer and good for them. If such a question was planned for the later debate, they dropped it. :)
Thank fox. The one thing I am getting concerned about are the new tax plans. Many people call them fantasies because the numbers don't jive. The plans better be ironclad or both republican primary voters and democrats will eviscerate our candidate. KISS. This is the time to create your,own narrative. Do it honestly and do it right.

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