Republican Convention


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Fort McHenry. Truly inspiring. Unlike the Democrats, they had live people in an open air setting. Great speech by Pence. Trump makes an appearance with Melania to the tune of "Pomp and Circumstance" the traditional U.S. Presidential orchestral herald. Optics are everything and the Republicans just put Democrats to shame.
Nothing better than the clowns in the circus that is the RNC, we already got to see the acrobats of the DNC bend over backwards to get people to notice them, yet both parties are a do nothing bunch of folks who lie to us and embezzle all they can of taxpayer dough, that includes all of them including the president.
Nothing better than the clowns in the circus that is the RNC, we already got to see the acrobats of the DNC bend over backwards to get people to notice them, yet both parties are a do nothing bunch of folks who lie to us and embezzle all they can of taxpayer dough, that includes all of them including the president.
Trump's 2016 campaign promises:
1. Stronger military......Check.
2. Reduce regulations.....Check.
3. Improve the economy.....Check.
4. Make NATO pay their fair share for defense.....Check.
5. Change to more fair reciprocal trade with foreign governments.....Check.
6. Improve employment for minorities.....Check.
7. Eliminate or Reduce illegal migration, as people wanting in, must be vetted for our safety.....Check.
8. Build a wall on our southern border.....Being worked on (sadly can't get Mexico to pay for it, but it's going up, mile by mile).
9. Create Opportunity Zones for minorities.....Check.
10. Ban Muslims entering our country from Islamic nations whose governments are unstable and cannot verify the credibility of those coming in here. The nations he bans are the same ones Obama wanted to ban.
While in office:
Accused of Russian Collusion. 40 million dollars, 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses later and the finding was: NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, just a colossal waste of our tax dollars and why....because the left's candidate wasn't hoo hoo.
Accused of Quid-Pro-Quo and Impeached. The witnesses paraded before the Congressional hearing, people that felt that there may have been quid-pro-quo, but when pressed, did not actually recall any crime occurring, witnesses that said they "heard" there might have been quid-pro-quo AND the very person Trump spoke to on the phone....."No there was no quid-pro-quo." Another waste of taxpayer dollars.
Fast forward to 2020:
The Coronavirus/COVID-19/Wuhan virus/China virus, whatever you want to call it. Trump was the VERY FIRST to ban travel from China. The left's response...."that's racist and horrible!" Pelosi...."Come on down to Chinatown. There's no cause for concern." The virus spreads to Europe. Trump's response, ban travel from Europe. The left's response...."That's horrible." Trump creates a Coronavirus Task Force. The World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health, begin advising Trump with "conflicting advice/data. Trump, not being a virologist (neither have any other president been one), can only take in the conflicting information they are giving him and make a decision that tries to preserve peoples liberties while taking some precautions.
Fast forward to your OP......Speak about all the lies and name them specifically.
Hilary Clinton's "Hot Mic" moment: "I tell the public one thing and I tell others in private, another." So, based simply on a statement by her, I would have to say that she was the least honest candidate.
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Nothing better than the clowns in the circus that is the RNC, we already got to see the acrobats of the DNC bend over backwards to get people to notice them, yet both parties are a do nothing bunch of folks who lie to us and embezzle all they can of taxpayer dough, that includes all of them including the president.
Trump's 2016 campaign promises:
1. Stronger military......Check.
2. Reduce regulations.....Check.
3. Improve the economy.....Check.
4. Make NATO pay their fair share for defense.....Check.
5. Change to more fair reciprocal trade with foreign governments.....Check.
6. Improve employment for minorities.....Check.
7. Eliminate or Reduce illegal migration, as people wanting in, must be vetted for our safety.....Check.
8. Build a wall on our southern border.....Being worked on (sadly can't get Mexico to pay for it, but it's going up, mile by mile).
9. Create Opportunity Zones for minorities.....Check.
10. Ban Muslims entering our country from Islamic nations whose governments are unstable and cannot verify the credibility of those coming in here. The nations he bans are the same ones Obama wanted to ban.
While in office:
Accused of Russian Collusion. 40 million dollars, 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants and 500 witnesses later and the finding was: NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION, just a colossal waste of our tax dollars and why....because the left's candidate wasn't hoo hoo.
Accused of Quid-Pro-Quo and Impeached. The witnesses paraded before the Congressional hearing, people that felt that there may have been quid-pro-quo, but when pressed, did not actually recall any crime occurring, witnesses that said they "heard" there might have been quid-pro-quo AND the very person Trump spoke to on the phone....."No there was no quid-pro-quo." Another waste of taxpayer dollars.
Fast forward to 2020:
The Coronavirus/COVID-19/Wuhan virus/China virus, whatever you want to call it. Trump was the VERY FIRST to ban travel from China. The left's response...."that's racist and horrible!" Pelosi...."Come on down to Chinatown. There's no cause for concern." The virus spreads to Europe. Trump's response, ban travel from Europe. The left's response...."That's horrible." Trump creates a Coronavirus Task Force. The World Health Organization, Center for Disease Control and National Institute of Health, begin advising Trump with "conflicting advice/data. Trump, not being a virologist (neither have any other president been one), can only take in the conflicting information they are giving him and make a decision that tries to preserve peoples liberties while taking some precautions.
Fast forward to your OP......Speak about all the lies and name them specifically.

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