Republican Debate #1

Amazing that there isn't a thread. In years past one would be created by a moderator and heavily policed. Well, here's your thread - police yourselves.
Thanks, Mr. Synthaholic. I really liked that conversation presented to the nation. For the first time, and as much as I like the Donald, the Republicans running for President really made some good points about how badly our nation needs the Republican party back that shows respect for all, and in particular, it was good to hear why Pence chose upholding of the Constitutional advice rather than go against it. He also emphasized about making sure the border was protected, which seemed to be a consensus of most if not all the debaters running for President. DeSantis clarified that his running for President was not to hurt Trump, but to unite the nation. I hope these great Republican men let their united effort serve the American people as one. I hope whoever wins (including the absent President Trump) will consider each of them to be members of a cabinet and each bring his good points to the front part. I was impressed with each of them, and to hear their side of the debate. I think Trump needs to show up next time, with the hope he reads the book "How to win friends and influence people" first which would help him reconnect with both friends and rivals, who even if he beats them, a lot of them are #1 American citizens who are both honest and tell the truth.

I'm listening to tv blather, and I think I'm going to lend an ear to the next Republican debate instead of what reporters think that almost felt like they had already made their minds up. The debate improved how I felt about faith, thanks to the Governor of North Dakota, about the border, about going back to traditional citizenship of applying for citizenship after taking classes on the Constitution and citizenship responsibilities. One of them emphasized how important it is to have more respect for those who are charged with fairness at the border. It's not fair to pay their way that takes away from American citizens who have to pay the big bucks for turn that back over to the peopel who want to live here. They should pay for their own way. For the last 247 years immigrants paid their own way, and there were no $500 per night luxury hotels that Biden sent them to for how much time? I don't think that is clear to people suffering inflation diminishment who should not to have to pay 6 million freeloaders crossing the border sneaking in the middle of the night and not registering with the border patrols.

I liked all the speakers. I hope Trump comes to the next debate and leaves his animus on the hat rack when he does.
Trump and Tucker get 74 million views in an hour.

We won't know the JV debate ratings until tomorrow.

But judging by this thread, 90% of the viewers were liberals. 😂

The debate will change nothing. I watched it all anyway.

Vivek is the worst of them all, a fast talking opportunist whore for Trumpism, who looked like what he is — but the Trumpers will love him for it.

Pence finally emerged with dignity as his own person, conservative and religious but somebody with integrity who did the right thing, which most other candidates actually recognized and applauded.

DeSantis was not really attacked, but did not shine. He probably still is the second choice of Trumpsters.

Haley had a strong night and seemed less crazy than most others.

Christie was Christie, as expected

The others weren’t even memorable.

Probably few Republican Trump supporters who bothered to watch had any of their opinions changed.
They are perpetuating a lie.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh I missed it darn!!!!
2. Just kidding, missed the losers, I'm ahead in this not seeing them.
3. Biden can now have a debate with himself.
4. Its well known Joe Biden is a MasterDebater!

I should add that Alabama Governor Asa Hutchinson stood out (with Chris Christie) for being the only other politician there who refused to raise his hand when all were asked if they would support Donald Trump if he was the official Republican candidate … even if he is found guilty of committing the crimes he is accused of.
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