Republican Debate #1

I think if Ron DeSantis wasn’t good looking he would be sinking in the polls even more. His good looks are probably something that keeps him afloat even if people aren’t consciously aware of it.
It’s funny that you think getting smaller and smaller and less appealing to more and more is a good thing.

Marxists think the same thing!
If the JV candidates have a debate in the forest...and nobody watches... does it really make a sound?

President Trump has already won the primary.

Nobody but Democrats give a single fuck about the "also rans".

Cry yourself to sleep Never Trumper.
Keep on losing and whoring for your criminal Orange Jesus, cultist.


Your liberal tears are delicious...


Better luck in 2028.​
The debate will change nothing. I watched it all anyway.

Vivek is the worst of them all, a fast talking opportunist whore for Trumpism, who looked like what he is — but the Trumpers will love him for it.

Pence finally emerged with dignity as his own person, conservative and religious but somebody with integrity who did the right thing, which most other candidates actually recognized and applauded.

DeSantis was not really attacked, but did not shine. He probably still is the second choice of Trumpsters.

Haley had a strong night and seemed less crazy than most others.

Christie was Christie, as expected

The others weren’t even memorable.

Probably few Republican Trump supporters who bothered to watch had any of their opinions changed.

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