Republican Debate #1

Amazing that there isn't a thread. In years past one would be created by a moderator and heavily policed. Well, here's your thread - police yourselves.

You know what they weren’t watching?

RICO Don, and Tuckems
very interesting and informative...

the Goober Out-there Parade responses. It appears the GOP base here is so out of touch with reality, even when it comes to watching/listening to/reading quotes of their own candidates.

It's like they all responded to the debate in the way they regularly do here -- hear what they want or imagine, and respond accordingly --leaving reality behind.
Thanks I watched the video. I’ve been predicting Mike Pence will rise in a potential surprise win at the end in the GOP primary.

It seems everybody on the stage helped him with that.

I don’t know if there’s any specific polling from white evangelical Trump die hards, but it looks to me that either Nikki Haley or Mike Pence could win them over with abortion politics.

I’ve been listening to extreme right wing religion American family radio (Jenna Ellis has a show) and it’s becoming somewhat an observable trend that the “saving baby fetus” cult has finally been knocked on their ass by the recent special election in Ohio knowing what is to come.

They will I have a 24 week ban in red state Ohio which is exactly the way it was under RvW..

I suspect Pence who was picked to earn evangelicals votes in 2015, is very deep in communication with the white evangelical community leaders to find what they will stomach living in baby, killing America, which they cannot tolerate.

A 15 week abortion, ban nationally in reality will not save baby fetus from being electively killed because 93% of all abortions are performed before the 16th week. The remainder are mostly wanted pregnancies or something goes wrong and abortion is a sad and painful option for the mother.

Pence is very cagey politically calling for a 15 week national abortion ban because there is a chance that the women’s rights movement can kind of deal somewhere in between 15 weeks and 24 weeks if all states guarantee that right.

So we will see what comes, but however goes the white evangelical “ saving baby fetus” cult it will be the religious right who decides who the Republican nominee will be.

Pence came right out and said it’s not only a state rights issue it’s a moral issue which really surprised me. I think that will resound with the evangelicals given their states rights shellacking’s that they have taken since DOBBS. They know they can’t argue a moral issue under the wings of the antichrist Trump.

I think it’s gonna be Pence defying the current odds against him. Iowa is a solid white run evangelical state.

Morning Joe is on this 15 week ban right now 9:18 Am

I think there will be different winners in Iowa, NH, SC, etc., and it will become a cluster fuck that has to be sorted out by the RNC.

I also know, that Trump can’t keep hiding behind tuckems for the whole primary. He’s eventually going to have to answer hard questions about his trials.

And that’s taking into account he’s not in jail before the nomination.
think there will be different winners in Iowa, NH, SC, etc., and it will become a cluster fuck that has to be sorted out by the RNC.
I agree but eventually the white Trumpism Evangelicals who will follow like sheep to wherever they are told the grass is greener and what Jesus would want them to do,
Debaters spent more time attacking Biden than telling us their qualifications.
or what they would do to bring this country together.
DBLPoll 78 % of Americans did not even watch it.
I watched long enough to see all but two of them raise their hands, promising to vote for Trump, even if he is convicted of an attempted coup and exposing top secrets to who knows who. But when I saw Mike Pence raise a hand I cursed at the TV “what a fucking worm” turned it off and watched some Netflix with my wife.
Your jealous because the Republicans are actually having debates. No one is allowed to debate Cocaine Joe.

All the excitement is around the Republican Party right now. Different candidates espousing their visions for the country. The democrat party is about as exciting as a mausoleum these days. No debates, a wobbly, angry, senile leader, and a record of failure across the board.

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