Republican debate going on right now

Oh, we still come them debates? I thought they dispensed any facade of debate awhile ago, all they are is the equivalent of two hour long commercials for candidates. They have debates like Taco Bell has real meat.

Even still, I can guess how it went. "LOL Obama sux" while offering little-to-no solutions to the issues they bring up. That's how they usually go. I'm sure the Kleenex industry will love tonight, considering every rightwinger will be creaming themselves all over the Obama hate, probably more than enough to cause another baby boom.
I didn't remember the exact number. Rounding 44 to 40 is insignificant and is in no favor to either of us.

I don't know what you're getting at, but I'm not targeting anyone specifically other than the status quo which is both the Dems and the Repubs. You made it seem like only Dems support Patriot Act when in reality, there's unanimous support from BOTH parties in favor of the Patriot Act.

Fair enough.
Too many years of having the Patriot Act hung *only* on the republicans.
Definitely both parties are responsible for shit.
Personally, I don't have any problem with the PA. Still haven't heard any tales of people being wire tapped without cause......

You have no problem with the PA? Really? Have you read it?
Have it saved in .pdf on my desktop.
What are your issues with it?
Y'all don't have a candidate worth supporting. All of them have gone into hiding, because the gop has gone NAZI. You better clean up the party, or your party is over!!!!!!

'And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.'

Oh, we still come them debates? I thought they dispensed any facade of debate awhile ago, all they are is the equivalent of two hour long commercials for candidates. They have debates like Taco Bell has real meat.

Even still, I can guess how it went. "LOL Obama sux" while offering little-to-no solutions to the issues they bring up. That's how they usually go. I'm sure the Kleenex industry will love tonight, considering every rightwinger will be creaming themselves all over the Obama hate, probably more than enough to cause another baby boom.

Looks like the looney dip-shits showed up for this one to talk down the GOP. We expect you fakers to leave here as soon as you feel you've done enough damage.

There was plenty of that in the CNN coverage as expected.

They tried to act non-biased but little jabs kept coming out.

This morning they put Red "X"s over every important issue that the GOP runs on.

So CNN tried to act nice but they still showed me they have a dog in the race, and that dog is Barack Obama.
Barack Obama's job creation ideas are totally wrong.

You don't create jobs by simply training workers.

What good is a trained worker if the government has removed the opportunity to work.

Obama's anti-business ideology is what has caused the shortage of jobs. The uncertainty his careless handling of the economy has created is a major roadblock to job growth.
Barack Obama's job creation ideas are totally wrong.

You don't create jobs by simply training workers.

What good is a trained worker if the government has removed the opportunity to work.

Obama's anti-business ideology is what has caused the shortage of jobs. The uncertainty his careless handling of the economy has created is a major roadblock to job growth.

Actually..that a pretty fair assessment up until the anti-business crapola.

What President Obama should be training workers and targetting businesses that offshore labor.

He can start by pulling government 401k Accounts..and Government contracts from those corporations.
GM should have been allowed to fail.

Bailout program was not a success.

Let them go bankrupt.

Obama killed space flight. What roll should government play in space.

NASA can't innovate.

NASA is failure after failure.

NASA is standing in the way of America's scientific future.

Scale the space program back.

How to help Home owners:

Get government out of crony capitalism.

Government shouldn't be involved.

Correction. Let people fail - it will bring down the cost of homes.

Food safety:

streamline FDA

Let states take more of the burden from Natural Disaster.

Can't afford to help those victims.

what the hell you take notes?....
How do you propose to keep Medicare solvent?

Ron Paul:

It can't be solvent. It won't be solvent.

Make it private and add a "profit motive".

Opt out.


Medicare as an option.

Performance initiatives.

I support the Ryan budget.

Private contracting.

Don't pay crooks.


I totally support Paul Ryan.

Fix the problem.

Personal retirement account option.

Raise the debt ceiling.

Not if the president doesn't start being a leader.

Where are the president's ideas?

Make Democrats come up with plans.

Cut spending.

Separation of church and state:

Protect people of faith from government, not government from faith

God is in all our documents.

Founding fathers know our government came from God.

Can't teach people how to be moral.

Congress should never prohibit religion in a public place.

I would not be comfortable having a Muslim in my cabinet.

There have been instances where Muslims have been trying to influence American law with Sharia law.

Not a litmus test, but just making sure certain people were committed to the constitution.

Religious tolerance.

Comparing Muslims and Pakistani's to Nazis and Communists come the rest of you guys are not taking this shit down like Dean is.....tell me the guy is not just a little....."obsessed"....:eusa_eh:
Watched it on youtube just now, here's some quick thoughts on my favorite parts:

- Liked Bachmann's complete evasion of the Dodd-Frank bill repeal and financial regulation question by going totally off-topic [not exactly] announcing her candidacy. Excellent maneuvering.

- Loved Pawlenty's response on his ridiculous 5% econ growth plan, the line went something like this: "This is a pessimist president, he believes America is one among equals in the world. America is not Portugal, America is not Argentina. If China can grow at 5%, if Brazil can grow at 5%, then America can too." This literally made me laugh out loud: the man obviously knows absolutely nothing about economics and hasn't the slightest clue of what he's talking about. But it was well played, it did not bother his base with facts or reason and appealed to their emotions. It was also hilarious when he started talking about "Fair Trade," that some countries "aren't playing by the rules." Anyone who knows anything about trade history would understand why that's so outrageously ironic, but it's probably lost on the audience.

- More Irony: Santorum on Manufacturing, particularly interesting hearin' him say stuff like "we must invest" or "we have to give tax credits for X," quite frankly I'm not sure what they're talking about: First of all, who's "we"? Second, how can you give anyone tax credits when if there supposedly won't be any taxes? Where is the money for this "investment" on anything coming from? A little confused about that. Pawlenty said something in a similar vein.

- Cain's funky moments: King asks "Should the federal government inspect food safety?" He says "Yes. but [PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME DELVE FURTHER] I wanna talk about this previous question." He then went on to say this on the Medicare question later on "the situation we're in now is because the problem with these programs [Medicare, Medicaid] hadn't been solved, we can't rearrange anymore, we have to restructure." Hahaha, we cannot rearrange them, we must restructure it! This sums up his performance. He produced many words, but little meaning.

- Romney on Debt Limit: Absolute evasion. Biggest moment for him besides the shout-out to the Bruins.

The best performer of the night - John King. Kept everyone on the ball, would make interesting observational preambles to the questions, and would try to squeeze the specifics out of them [he mostly failed, but what are you gonna do?]. My hat off to him.

Overall a pretty boring affair. By far the winner of the boring award goes to Tim Pawlenty. This guy's just the most faceless puppet of the faceless puppets, he can barely pull off a "Romney Lite" sort of deal. He basically has no ideas of his own and nothing to propose: his one contribution, the 5% economic growth idea, is an outlandish pipe dream and everybody knows it.

Romney and Bachmann spent the majority of the time "debating" someone who wasn't even there (He Who Need Not Be Named), thereby avoiding giving any specifics on pretty much any possible topic. Don't think either of them gave a single figure the entire debate. As far as politics goes, this is always a plus. You never want to give specifics, you want people to write their specifics on your face.

Herman Cain's responses were pretty much hit-or-miss. He struggled to get the pandering right (he wasn't quite sure what people wanted to hear), babbling aimlessly about Muslims and Litmus tests and entitlement programs.

Ron Paul\s performance today was a little disappointing, more focused on economics and social issues than foreign policy and rights. Age's definitely catching up with him, seemed confused on some questions. Undoubtedly consistent with his free market beliefs though, as usual, telling the truth and laying out unpopular solutions. I disagree with his solutions to most of the things he talked about, but at least I know that he believes they are correct, instead of fumbling around on stage trying to guess what people want to hear.

Gingrich was his usual self. He is indeed a wellspring of ideas, not particularly good ones, but at least he did have ideas and some specific things to point to and to say. His problem is that, unlike most of his colleagues, he seems to understand what's going on, understand the issues, but not be very good on the pandering element.

Santorum's still a joke. But he held his own, from what I saw. Can't say I paid too much attention to him.
The ideas I heard are historically failed ideas.

That is what will keep any one of them from being president.
Barack Obama's job creation ideas are totally wrong.

You don't create jobs by simply training workers.

What good is a trained worker if the government has removed the opportunity to work.

Obama's anti-business ideology is what has caused the shortage of jobs. The uncertainty his careless handling of the economy has created is a major roadblock to job growth.

Actually..that a pretty fair assessment up until the anti-business crapola.

What President Obama should be training workers and targetting businesses that offshore labor.

He can start by pulling government 401k Accounts..and Government contracts from those corporations.

Lol. You do realize you just conradicted yourself, don't you???

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