Republican Debate live thread Jan 23

So no one else was bothered that on several occasions Brian tried to influence the publics perception of the candidates answers by injecting his own thoughts into the formation of the question? Or like how he wouldn't accept Pauls answer about 3rd party despite the fact that he never asked the other candidates the same question. Much less two or 3 times and just wording it differently.

Newt was clearly stumped on a couple occasions and I mentioned that early on but that's not why the debate was a dud. Many debates can give you goosebumps. Also a great debate can inspire you when the candidates are on the mark no matter which one it is.

This debate had none of that from any of them. Hence I found it uninspiring and dull.
Did anyone else notice that nowhere in Newt's contract does it say that he was hired as an 'historian'? :lol:

The latest in a 30+ year Washington career of lies.

What history would be paid millions of dollars?

If i knew a historian could make that much I would have stayed in history.
Easier question: why would Freddie Mac need or want to hire an historian?

It's absurd on the face of it.



I am also amused by the flipside of that question. If someone had a job opening for "historian" why would they hire Newt? Not to say he doesn't know history, but he's far from the most likely candidate for such a post. He was a history professor in the 1970's. Sure, that's who someone who wants a historian in the year 2000 is going to put on their short list.
So no one else was bothered that on several occasions Brian tried to influence the publics perception of the candidates answers by injecting his own thoughts into the formation of the question? Or like how he wouldn't accept Pauls answer about 3rd party despite the fact that he never asked the other candidates the same question. Much less two or 3 times and just wording it differently.

Newt was clearly stumped on a couple occasions and I mentioned that early on but that's not why the debate was a dud. Many debates can give you goosebumps. Also a great debate can inspire you when the candidates are on the mark no matter which one it is.

This debate had none of that from any of them. Hence I found it uninspiring and dull.

To me the hosts are never good. If a True conservative were hosting the debate then Newt and Mitt would be asked to leave the stage or more likely they would opt out of that debate.

In a debate like this I think Paul become extremely viable. For that matter, as someone that really does not like Santorum, I think this kind of debate also make Santorum a very reasonable candidate. I still could never vote for Santorum due to him wanting to inject religion into politics, that he clearly discriminates on Gays and wants more war and can’t afford it, but past that stuff he is leaps and bounds beyond Mitt and Newt.

Mitt and Newt spend all of their time defending their rather progressive records. In fact if all you did listen to them you would think they were both the most conservative people you ever had the privilege of meeting.

Hell, Newt can be called out on his record and he just stands there and denies it... even when he is on video claiming he supported the mandate for 20 years, cap and trade, and so on.
I'll close with this. Neither Mitt or Newt looked good to me tonight. Mitt did okay calling out Newt but Newt did fairly well dodging. Santorum sounded good to me on Cuba and Iran. Paul sounded good on finances.

But nothing new to discern one from the other came up. If anything my take away from this debate is what little respect I had for Williams is now gone.

Gop debates need gop minded moderators and dems their own. Then TRY to find someone impartial for the general.

And you wonder why so many people think you're a fool.

Next time you should get a picture of them all dressed up as KKK... It would be so ha ha ha funny. Then maybe someone can put up a retarded picture of Obama passing out food stamps to pigeons, then we will be right back to having a debate more in line with your intellectual ability.
The debate is beginning. Brian Williams is just explaining the format now.

Link: NBC Politics -

Here's what I saw--had to watch it on the internet--No T.V access.

I couldn't get it on T.V so had to watch it on the internet.

A few things I picked up in this.

Mitt Romney wants to build 15 war ships a year instead of 9--he wants to fully fund NASA--he gets campaign donations from sugar growers--really didn't address that issue--he says if Iran closes the straight of Vermus--that would be an act of war--he wants US ships all over the place. So--it's spend--spend--spend--spend.

Newt wants the private sector to take over NASA--with some kind of prize for space exploration and the building of space stations--and commerce. Hard sanctions on Iran.

The dream act--which just last week Romney said he would get rid of--he had to do an immediate flip-flop right there on stage--when Newt said he supports the dream act or citizenship should someone enter the military.

Freddie Mac--was a fairly hot debate--but Newt brushed Mitt off--stating he never lobbied anyone regarding Freddie--Mitt accused him of being a lobbiist for Freedie--and then Newt stated that he is not spend the debate time chasing Romney around all night long trying to address his false accusations--that Romney had also done to McCain and Huckabee.

And Romney walked into a knock-out punch when he attacked Newt on his Medicare part D--of which Newt explained that Medicare was paying for open heart surgery but wouldn't pay for Lipitor--and he was proud of his stance on Medicare part D and it made sense and saved lives and was more cost efficient to pay for lipitor than open heart surgery.

Mitt Romney is going to have some explaining to do--because he continually attacks Newt Gingrich on his consulting Freddie Mac--but according to one talking head--Mitt Romney's income tax return is going to show that he has invested 500 million dollars into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--LOL

Other than that--it wasn't as exciting as last week--as the crowd was not allowed to clap--and it was silence in the auditorium.

BTW--Mitt Romney's new word--is "self deportation"--that's what he said--LOL. Illegals are going to self deport now-&-just a few debates ago--he sounded like he was going to send out Gestapo squads to yank illegal grandpa's and grandma's from their families and send them back to nothing.

The debate is beginning. Brian Williams is just explaining the format now.

Link: NBC Politics -

Here's what I saw--had to watch it on the internet--No T.V access.

I couldn't get it on T.V so had to watch it on the internet.

A few things I picked up in this.

Mitt Romney wants to build 15 war ships a year instead of 9--he wants to fully fund NASA--he gets campaign donations from sugar growers--really didn't address that issue--he says if Iran closes the straight of Vermus--that would be an act of war--he wants US ships all over the place. So--it's spend--spend--spend--spend.

Newt wants the private sector to take over NASA--with some kind of prize for space exploration and the building of space stations--and commerce. Hard sanctions on Iran.

The dream act--which just last week Romney said he would get rid of--he had to do an immediate flip-flop right there on stage--when Newt said he supports the dream act or citizenship should someone enter the military.

Freddie Mac--was a fairly hot debate--but Newt brushed Mitt off--stating he never lobbied anyone regarding Freddie--Mitt accused him of being a lobbiist for Freedie--and then Newt stated that he is not spend the debate time chasing Romney around all night long trying to address his false accusations--that Romney had also done to McCain and Huckabee.

And Romney walked into a knock-out punch when he attacked Newt on his Medicare part D--of which Newt explained that Medicare was paying for open heart surgery but wouldn't pay for Lipitor--and he was proud of his stance on Medicare part D and it made sense and saved lives and was more cost efficient to pay for lipitor than open heart surgery.

Mitt Romney is going to have some explaining to do--because he continually attacks Newt Gingrich on his consulting Freddie Mac--but according to one talking head--Mitt Romney's income tax return is going to show that he has invested 500 million dollars into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--LOL

Other than that--it wasn't as exciting as last week--as the crowd was not allowed to clap--and it was silence in the auditorium.

BTW--Mitt Romney's new word--is "self deportation"--that's what he said--LOL. Illegals are going to self deport now-&-just a few debates ago--he sounded like he was going to send out Gestapo squads to yank illegal grandpa's and grandma's from their families and send them back to nothing.


Funny, Santorum and Paul said more in about a tenth the words used and both managed to destroy Mitt and Newt while Mitt and Newt destroyed each other...
A spokesman for Gingrich expressed his disappointment that NBC didn't allow applause from the audience. I can understand his disappointment, as Newt thrived on the audience support in past debates.
I agree, if there are any bombs waiting to go off in Mitt's tax return. I don't think there will be any.

It's a tax return. When have there ever been bombs go off in a tax return?
If he's hiding money in overseas accounts in order to avoid taxes, I would call that a bomb.

Except he's not. It's called 'tax efficiency' not 'tax evasion'. But please, don't let reality get in the way of your faux outrage... what was it the Messiah used to chant? "Fired up, ready to go". :lol:
The debate is beginning. Brian Williams is just explaining the format now.

Link: NBC Politics -

Here's what I saw--had to watch it on the internet--No T.V access.

I couldn't get it on T.V so had to watch it on the internet.

A few things I picked up in this.

Mitt Romney wants to build 15 war ships a year instead of 9--he wants to fully fund NASA--he gets campaign donations from sugar growers--really didn't address that issue--he says if Iran closes the straight of Vermus--that would be an act of war--he wants US ships all over the place. So--it's spend--spend--spend--spend.

Newt wants the private sector to take over NASA--with some kind of prize for space exploration and the building of space stations--and commerce. Hard sanctions on Iran.

The dream act--which just last week Romney said he would get rid of--he had to do an immediate flip-flop right there on stage--when Newt said he supports the dream act or citizenship should someone enter the military.

Freddie Mac--was a fairly hot debate--but Newt brushed Mitt off--stating he never lobbied anyone regarding Freddie--Mitt accused him of being a lobbiist for Freedie--and then Newt stated that he is not spend the debate time chasing Romney around all night long trying to address his false accusations--that Romney had also done to McCain and Huckabee.

And Romney walked into a knock-out punch when he attacked Newt on his Medicare part D--of which Newt explained that Medicare was paying for open heart surgery but wouldn't pay for Lipitor--and he was proud of his stance on Medicare part D and it made sense and saved lives and was more cost efficient to pay for lipitor than open heart surgery.

Mitt Romney is going to have some explaining to do--because he continually attacks Newt Gingrich on his consulting Freddie Mac--but according to one talking head--Mitt Romney's income tax return is going to show that he has invested 500 million dollars into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--LOL

Other than that--it wasn't as exciting as last week--as the crowd was not allowed to clap--and it was silence in the auditorium.

BTW--Mitt Romney's new word--is "self deportation"--that's what he said--LOL. Illegals are going to self deport now-&-just a few debates ago--he sounded like he was going to send out Gestapo squads to yank illegal grandpa's and grandma's from their families and send them back to nothing.


Funny, Santorum and Paul said more in about a tenth the words used and both managed to destroy Mitt and Newt while Mitt and Newt destroyed each other...

Unfortunately, Santorum lost any rational human being's votes with his stance on abortion. Kiss him goodbye. He cannot win the GE.
Here's what I saw--had to watch it on the internet--No T.V access.

I couldn't get it on T.V so had to watch it on the internet.

A few things I picked up in this.

Mitt Romney wants to build 15 war ships a year instead of 9--he wants to fully fund NASA--he gets campaign donations from sugar growers--really didn't address that issue--he says if Iran closes the straight of Vermus--that would be an act of war--he wants US ships all over the place. So--it's spend--spend--spend--spend.

Newt wants the private sector to take over NASA--with some kind of prize for space exploration and the building of space stations--and commerce. Hard sanctions on Iran.

The dream act--which just last week Romney said he would get rid of--he had to do an immediate flip-flop right there on stage--when Newt said he supports the dream act or citizenship should someone enter the military.

Freddie Mac--was a fairly hot debate--but Newt brushed Mitt off--stating he never lobbied anyone regarding Freddie--Mitt accused him of being a lobbiist for Freedie--and then Newt stated that he is not spend the debate time chasing Romney around all night long trying to address his false accusations--that Romney had also done to McCain and Huckabee.

And Romney walked into a knock-out punch when he attacked Newt on his Medicare part D--of which Newt explained that Medicare was paying for open heart surgery but wouldn't pay for Lipitor--and he was proud of his stance on Medicare part D and it made sense and saved lives and was more cost efficient to pay for lipitor than open heart surgery.

Mitt Romney is going to have some explaining to do--because he continually attacks Newt Gingrich on his consulting Freddie Mac--but according to one talking head--Mitt Romney's income tax return is going to show that he has invested 500 million dollars into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--LOL

Other than that--it wasn't as exciting as last week--as the crowd was not allowed to clap--and it was silence in the auditorium.

BTW--Mitt Romney's new word--is "self deportation"--that's what he said--LOL. Illegals are going to self deport now-&-just a few debates ago--he sounded like he was going to send out Gestapo squads to yank illegal grandpa's and grandma's from their families and send them back to nothing.


Funny, Santorum and Paul said more in about a tenth the words used and both managed to destroy Mitt and Newt while Mitt and Newt destroyed each other...

Unfortunately, Santorum lost any rational human being's votes with his stance on abortion. Kiss him goodbye. He cannot win the GE.

I keep trying to listen to Santorum with an unjaundiced ear. But he keeps doing things like talking about faith first and jobs last. Maybe it's a case of "last but not least" and "building to the big finish" but .... well, I don't like that I'm not sure about that.
I keep trying to listen to Santorum with an unjaundiced ear. But he keeps doing things like talking about faith first and jobs last. Maybe it's a case of "last but not least" and "building to the big finish" but .... well, I don't like that I'm not sure about that.

Faith is the first thing we need to restore jobs to this nation.
I keep trying to listen to Santorum with an unjaundiced ear. But he keeps doing things like talking about faith first and jobs last. Maybe it's a case of "last but not least" and "building to the big finish" but .... well, I don't like that I'm not sure about that.

Faith is the first thing we need to restore jobs to this nation.

hmmmmm ... faith in what?

Did I miss your sarcasm font? or are we talking about optimism and good stuff like that? ( :
I keep trying to listen to Santorum with an unjaundiced ear. But he keeps doing things like talking about faith first and jobs last. Maybe it's a case of "last but not least" and "building to the big finish" but .... well, I don't like that I'm not sure about that.

Faith is the first thing we need to restore jobs to this nation.

yikes dude, yikes....

I'm not religious... am I lost or something? Am I immoral? Newt claims to be Mr. Gody and look at that fat POS.
This debate reminds me about why people don't like or trust Mittens.

He really does come off like some kind of weird robot, and the programmers just put in the fighting chip, and he's lumbering around the stage trying to get a hook in.

I really halfway expect him to screech out "Exterminate" or "Resistance is Futile" or some other robotic meme.

And the funny thing is, when he started getting desperate in 2008, he tried this same thing with McCain and Huckabee, and it turned people off then.
I keep trying to listen to Santorum with an unjaundiced ear. But he keeps doing things like talking about faith first and jobs last. Maybe it's a case of "last but not least" and "building to the big finish" but .... well, I don't like that I'm not sure about that.

Faith is the first thing we need to restore jobs to this nation.

Sorry, man, praying to sky pixies doesn't really do any good.

I know. I tried. Doesn't work.

What we need is a realization that the most important thing is that we have as many people working as possible, and we re-emphasize a work ethic. We remind people that greed is a bad thing, and that if you are screwing over working folks to make yourself rich, society shouldn't admire you for it..
I'll close with this. Neither Mitt or Newt looked good to me tonight. Mitt did okay calling out Newt but Newt did fairly well dodging. Santorum sounded good to me on Cuba and Iran. Paul sounded good on finances.

But nothing new to discern one from the other came up. If anything my take away from this debate is what little respect I had for Williams is now gone.

Gop debates need gop minded moderators and dems their own. Then TRY to find someone impartial for the general.

What specifically did Brian Williams do to make you cry?

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