Republican Fear: 'The Face Of The GOP'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

The head of the Republican National Committee, responding to demands from increasingly worried party leaders, spent nearly an hour Wednesday on the phone with Donald Trump, urging the presidential candidate to tone down his inflammatory comments about immigration that have infuriated a key election constituency.

The call from Chairman Reince Priebus, described by donors and consultants briefed on the conversation and confirmed by the RNC, underscores the extent to which Trump has gone from an embarrassment to a cause for serious alarm among top Republicans in Washington and nationwide.

But there is little they can do about the mogul and reality-television star, who draws sustenance from controversy and attention. And some fear that, with assistance from Democrats, Trump could become the face of the GOP.

Rather than backing down from his comments about illegal immigrants — whom he characterized as rapists and killers, among other things — Trump has amplified his remarks at every opportunity, including in a round of interviews Wednesday.

He insisted to NBC News that he has “nothing to apologize for” in his repeated remarks about Mexicans. But he also predicted that, if he secures the GOP nomination, “I’ll win the Latino vote.”

Much More: GOP leaders fear damage to party's image as Donald Trump doubles down - The Washington Post

Why don't the other GOP presidential candidates fight back against Trump? They're letting him suck all the oxygen out of the room. Are they afraid?
What is amazing is many if not most Republicans are not denouncing the idiot.

If I were a Republican, I would be concerned he is a plant by the Democratic party to degrade the Republican image.

He has registered as a Democrat in the past. This clown would do anything for attention and/or money.
Looking at Haiti, Zimbabwe, or south Africa. Or even most of the cities non-whites now control...Can you say it is not justified?? DO you people even understand human history??? You say you're intelligent, lol
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!
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GOP struggling with its Racist base ......

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA) issued a statement on Thursday explaining his decision to introduce and then cancel a vote on an "important and sensitive issue," namely his amendment that would have preserved the display of Confederate flag in national parks.

"The amendment offered last night to the Interior and Environment Appropriations bill was brought to me by Leadership at the request of some southern Members of the Republican Caucus," he said in a statement obtained by TPM.

Rep. Behind Confederate Flag Vote GOP Leadership Asked Me To Do It

GOP Struggling

House GOP In Full Retreat From Confederate Flag

House Republicans have cancelled the Thursday vote on the Interior spending bill to avoid debating a hastily-called amendment to the bill that would have allowed the display of Confederate flags on federal lands.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.


You keep on thinking that, mkay.


Sooo, GOP Chairman Reince Priebus called Trump and asked him to tone it down. That would be like a chipmunk talking to a squirrel.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.
I put that on the employers. Go after employers that hire illegals. A large portion of illegals would not come to the US or stay in the US without jobs.
Put a full court press on employers.
I am an employer. I have to make sure all of my employees are legal.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.


You keep on thinking that, mkay.



Thank you I will, and you keep on sucking the dicks of the race baiting assholes you worship.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.
I put that on the employers. Go after employers that hire illegals. A large portion of illegals would not come to the US or stay in the US without jobs.
Put a full court press on employers.
I am an employer. I have to make sure all of my employees are legal.

I got no problem with that, maybe you tell your dear leader who stopped raiding workplaces.
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.


You keep on thinking that, mkay.



Thank you I will, and you keep on sucking the dicks of the race baiting assholes you worship.
Ahhh, that's the best you have to offer, what?

Outstanding show of butthurt!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Do NaziCons really hate government so much that they would allow this carnival clown to steal the GOP Primary Election? There is no way he could win the General Election. There aren't enough brain-dead voters to put him in the White House. However, Democrats are thrilled to watch him destroy himself and the GOP. Go Sideshow Don!

If you think Trump's message isn't resonating with many dems you're delusional. A large part of the dem base are having to compete with your dear leaders illegals for low skilled jobs and many have had a belly full.


You keep on thinking that, mkay.



Thank you I will, and you keep on sucking the dicks of the race baiting assholes you worship.
Ahhh, that's the best you have to offer, what?

Outstanding show of butthurt!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Actually I gave more thought to my response than you did. You offered nothing, I responded in kind.

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