Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

And you know every liberal is giggling, wishing someone had been killed.
^ sick

It's sick, alright, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Over your head of course. But then again, you're a shameless idiot - the typical Dump supporter
Nah, I've seen too many deplorable comments from you libs. You're happy about this but would have preferred casualties.
No you lunatic :cuckoo:
And you know every liberal is giggling, wishing someone had been killed.
^ sick

It's sick, alright, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Over your head of course. But then again, you're a shameless idiot - the typical Dump supporter
Nah, I've seen too many deplorable comments from you libs. You're happy about this but would have preferred casualties.
No you lunatic :cuckoo:
At least I don't condone violence.
It's sick, alright, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Over your head of course. But then again, you're a shameless idiot - the typical Dump supporter
Nah, I've seen too many deplorable comments from you libs. You're happy about this but would have preferred casualties.
No you lunatic :cuckoo:
At least I don't condone violence.
Sober up there bud
The Business Insider ^ | October 16, 2016 | Mark Abadi

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump issued two contrasting responses to the vandalizing and apparent firebombing of a Republican Party headquarters in North Carolina on Sunday.

A graffiti message reading "Nazi Republicans leave town or else" was left on the building, and the blaze inflicted extensive damage to the office, according to a statement from Hillsborough police. No one was hurt in the incident, and police are now investigating.

Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening.

"The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable," she said. "Very grateful that everyone is safe."

Meanwhile, Trump was quick to assign responsibility for the incident to Clinton supporters, despite a lack of evidence from authorities.

"Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning," Trump tweeted.

Hillsborough police have not identified any suspects, and only said Sunday evening that its investigation is still ongoing.

North Carolina is a key battleground state this election, and Clinton is holding a 3-point lead there, according to a RealClearPolitics average of recent polls. Barack Obama narrowly won North Carolina in 2008, while Mitt Romney took the state in 2012

The Republican HQ is located in The Shops at Daniel Boone shopping center.

Bombing a building and risking the community's safety with fire goes way beyond vandalizing property. The attackers also threaten the entire campaign with their hateful messages in addition to this NC community.

And what is the message from the criminals? Was it to potentially kill, destroy private property, or intimidate Trump or Republican voters, or to intimidate and deter activist, volunteers and supporters?

Shouldn't all Americans be free to express their political viewpoints without fear for their own safety, not just democrats
Clearly trump firebombed his own office for the attention
Btw I find the nazi angle interesting as the Nazis did exactly something like this in Germany and blamed their enemies

Yup. The Reichstag fire.
I'm in no way saying it's self inflicted but I can't help remembering history

Yes, that has occurred to a couple of posters here too. The Reichstag false flag operation took place less than a month after Hitler became Chancellor and was used as a pretext to shore up his political base and to suspend civil liberties so he could start going after communists.

And they put the blame on ---- an immigrant.
I called it yesterday, leftists always still up shit then blame the other guy. Thanks for proving me right.
I knew you'd agree.
Don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

The left ALWAYS takes the wrong side then ends up with egg on their faces. But they seem to forget and repeat the process over and over.
False of course, not that you care.
How log do you figure it will take the (ahem) lady in the picture to live this classless pride down?
I'm sure she'll be proud of it forever. The alt-right thrives in the gutter.
Another media fed fool. Can't you cocksuckers come up with you own words?
^ Says the guy who just minutes ago insulted the mentally disabled on another thread, completely unprovoked.

Like I said, you all thrive in the gutter. And seem to be pretty proud of it.
^ Says the guy who just minutes ago insulted the mentally disabled on another thread, completely unprovoked.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Liberals, who ARE mentally challenged, I have no problem insulting them all the time. With the vagina candidate promising to bring over 500% more Radical Muslims and allow more illegals, MS-13 gang members, I only see a self destruction group of insane people. And to say that the insults are completely unprovoked, well We the People were called deplorable. If you cant stand the HEAT, then get out of the FIRE. Dumbass.

Obama Hitler 2.jpg
This is the left on full display! This is why CNN is dying. The left wing media has no idea how out of step they are with "Fly-Over Country"

According to authorities “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” was spray-painted on a building close to the attack, but that didn’t stop CNN’s Brian Stelter from concluding Donald Trump’s “over heated the rhetoric” was what caused the attack.

CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump's 'Over Heated' Rhetoric
More likely he ordered it. Playing the victim card is one of the GOP's only viable strategies these days.

Yup, this smells much like, say, goading sycophants to punch out protestors and then when they do it, standing there and going "who, me?"

Or releasing an entire assembled multitude out onto the streets of Chicago without warning, hoping to start a riot.

Or blaming the media -- who created Him -- for his dwindling support.
Or blaming Saturday Night Live -- who had him in to host an entire show -- for working against him.
Or blaming a debate moderator for his own comments about women.
Or blaming newspapers for carrying stories of a dozen sexual assault victims.
Or blaming the law for not paying taxes. Or for going bankrupt.
Or whining about other moderators not giving him enough time.

"They're all against me! Waaah!' :crybaby: What a man.
Funny how it is okay that Journalists can try to sway an election, then when HACKERS start showing the TRUTH about the vagina candidate, the liberals are blaming the Russians for swaying an election. Such petulant little babies that are the lefties.

LIberals are biggest lying crybaby sacks of shit there have ever been.
Nazi Republicans get out of town or else, and a firebomb! This is what is necessary to bring this whole thing down, deal with it, clean it out and rebuild.

This is what democrats need to step up.

Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed
Thats just kids being kids, you know.

Now if they had said something racial, then it would be serious. /sarc

The MSM doesnt care what liberals do, and it should scare the Bejeebus out of everyone to imagine what the MSM will let Hillary get away with if she becomes President.
Just remember, with O and Hillary in charge of "justice" there will be no justice for anyone not a die-hard Democrat...
And the GOP needs to remind everyone about that and stop responding to every paid liar the Dimocrats distract them with.
And what is the message from the criminals? Was it to potentially kill, destroy private property, or intimidate Trump or Republican voters, or to intimidate and deter activist, volunteers and supporters?

Probably to feed the alt-right's victim mentality on orders from the local Trump campaign.
That anti-Semitic meme actually can't be altered to work in this case, since Dump supporters are proud to be associated with the swastika.
It's the alt left crazy hillary supporters wanting her to take us into ww3. You people are crazy.
And what is the message from the criminals? Was it to potentially kill, destroy private property, or intimidate Trump or Republican voters, or to intimidate and deter activist, volunteers and supporters?

Probably to feed the alt-right's victim mentality on orders from the local Trump campaign.
That anti-Semitic meme actually can't be altered to work in this case, since Dump supporters are proud to be associated with the swastika.

lying asshole...the only ones even remotely close to national socialism is the democrat party...their social and government program is right along with nazi policy...moron...
Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening.
"The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable," she said. "Very grateful that everyone is safe."

Meanwhile, Trump was quick to assign responsibility for the incident to Clinton supporters, despite a lack of evidence from authorities.
"Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning," Trump tweeted.

Very telling. Clinton condemns the act and thinks about the people that might have been hurt. Trump just makes up some "facts" that he likes.

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