Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening.
"The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable," she said. "Very grateful that everyone is safe."

Meanwhile, Trump was quick to assign responsibility for the incident to Clinton supporters, despite a lack of evidence from authorities.
"Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning," Trump tweeted.

Very telling. Clinton condemns the act and thinks about the people that might have been hurt. Trump just makes up some "facts" that he likes.
I see that the Beast can pull the wool over another DemocRAT!
Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed over the weekend, with a swastika and the words "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else" spray painted on an adjacent building, according to local officials

LOLO...if ever this was done at the hands of some white Trump group, folks this is it...first off, Democrats don't do shit like this, we just don't. Crazy white mf do shit like this and we all know it. I challenge anyone to show one news story of blacks, latino's or any liberal using this type of shit against anybody, let alone white GOP people.

What Trump supporters are trying to do, since they know they gonna lose and lose big is drum up white anger, as if we don't have enough on the right to rally for Trump this Nov. I bet once again that this will turn out to be a group of white men....
like these racist mf who plotted to bomb a housing complex in Kansas filled with black immigrant families...this is a white man's plot folks
I understand the Democrat Party set up a GoFundMe acct to help rebuild the GOP headquarters and has already reached its goal......
Because democrats believe it or not are decent honest caring people who despite being suckers, want a fair and trusted election...unlike the right and Trump...I personally would have held a wennie roast at the site and invited friends...that's how much I loathe the GOP.
Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed over the weekend, with a swastika and the words "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else" spray painted on an adjacent building, according to local officials

LOLO...if ever this was done at the hands of some white Trump group, folks this is it...first off, Democrats don't do shit like this, we just don't. Crazy white mf do shit like this and we all know it. I challenge anyone to show one news story of blacks, latino's or any liberal using this type of shit against anybody, let alone white GOP people.

What Trump supporters are trying to do, since they know they gonna lose and lose big is drum up white anger, as if we don't have enough on the right to rally for Trump this Nov. I bet once again that this will turn out to be a group of white men....View attachment 94038like these racist mf who plotted to bomb a housing complex in Kansas filled with black immigrant families...this is a white man's plot folks
If these plotted as you claim, then Patrick Kennedy needs to step down for even offering a bribe to the FBI for more overseas slots.
best to wait and see who the police catch and arrest , until then though I and many others will certainly think / guess that it is 'illary' supporters that did this firebombing TRed . I mean , this firebombing , riots , mayhem is lefty dems style TRed !!
best to wait and see who the police catch and arrest , until then though I and many others will certainly think / guess that it is 'illary' supporters that did this firebombing TRed . I mean , this firebombing , riots , mayhem is lefty dems style TRed !!

Best to wait before passing judgment... It could have been the left, right or some Green Party nutter... No matter what it was wrong but it seem the OP'er is happy a little...
And what is the message from the criminals? Was it to potentially kill, destroy private property, or intimidate Trump or Republican voters, or to intimidate and deter activist, volunteers and supporters?

Probably to feed the alt-right's victim mentality on orders from the local Trump campaign.
That anti-Semitic meme actually can't be altered to work in this case, since Dump supporters are proud to be associated with the swastika.

lying asshole...the only ones even remotely close to national socialism is the democrat party...their social and government program is right along with nazi policy...moron...
It's actually the opposite you lying asshole
There are some resemblances between the political campaigns of Adolf Hitler and of Donald Trump; however, such resemblances a re not a sure guide as to how a citizen should respond. A resemblance is not enough. (There was a resemblance between Charlie Chaplin, [ born 16 April 1889 ] and Adolf Hitler [ born 20 April 1889] as well. ) A deeper analysis is needed. The great disaster in German politics in 1933 was not Hitler’s appointment as chancellor on 30 January . That could have been contained, and the damage to the republic might have been minimal . The great disaster was the passing of the enabling act on 24 March 1933. This meant that the evil dreams of the Nazis could be put into effect without check.

The lesson for us is that the way to preserve freedom is not the use of extraordinary measures to prevent at all costs the assumption by Donald Trump of the presidency, but rather the energetic restoration and vigilant preservation of the constitutional limits on the power of the president .
If Trump supporters did something like this you wouldn't stop hearing about it for a month. They'd use it as an example to show how hate fueled the Trump movement is.

Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed -

A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed over the weekend, with a swastika and the words "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else" spray painted on an adjacent building, according to local officials.
There are some resemblances between the political campaigns of Adolf Hitler and of Donald Trump; however, such resemblances a re not a sure guide as to how a citizen should respond. A resemblance is not enough. (There was a resemblance between Charlie Chaplin, [ born 16 April 1889 ] and Adolf Hitler [ born 20 April 1889] as well. ) A deeper analysis is needed. The great disaster in German politics in 1933 was not Hitler’s appointment as chancellor on 30 January . That could have been contained, and the damage to the republic might have been minimal . The great disaster was the passing of the enabling act on 24 March 1933. This meant that the evil dreams of the Nazis could be put into effect without check.

The lesson for us is that the way to preserve freedom is not the use of extraordinary measures to prevent at all costs the assumption by Donald Trump of the presidency, but rather the energetic restoration and vigilant preservation of the constitutional limits on the power of the president .
We don't need to look to Nazi Germany to know that Hillary is a fuckup of epic proportions.

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