Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

And what is the message from the criminals? Was it to potentially kill, destroy private property, or intimidate Trump or Republican voters, or to intimidate and deter activist, volunteers and supporters?

Probably to feed the alt-right's victim mentality on orders from the local Trump campaign.
That anti-Semitic meme actually can't be altered to work in this case, since Dump supporters are proud to be associated with the swastika.

lying asshole...the only ones even remotely close to national socialism is the democrat party...their social and government program is right along with nazi policy...moron...
It's actually the opposite you lying asshole

Nope......the nazis and democrat party are pretty much kissing cousins as far as economic and social policy is concerned........
Trump should learn to watch his mouth, that kind of crap he ran to never ends well. In this current environment I doubt this is the last we'll see of this kind of thing. Be sure to be aghast at every incident as opposed to "certain" ones. wingers will resort to more and more violence as they gain power.......they have stopped Trump rallies, attacked his supporters, beating, shooting and throwing and spitting things at them.......and this is just the next level...expect even more as the democrats wink and nod at the attacks.......
This was the left. This is the new KKK. Violence, strong arm tactics, we will continue to see hatred come from them. Enjoy the future.
I wonder what the local RNC campaigners were saying that got them the moniker "Nazi's." It was down South, keep in mind. They sure offended someone. Democrats of some stripe, you will say.

Now, I live in an area where burning out an enemy's garage or hunting camp or business is always an option when considering revenge tactics, and those folks are as Republican as they come. We even had to get the feds in some years ago due to an ongoing feud in a nearby town that really got out of hand with that.

That said, it's really awful and to me also scary that outright violence is slowly inching its way into the election process. We cannot survive as a stable nation if we disrespect the right of voters to make a choice and to also respect the will of the people by accepting election results. Anyone who advocates or encourages a disruption of our elections through violence is an enemy of democracy and an enemy of our country.
Interesting side note....NC Republican office firebombed, 'Nazi' GOPers threatened in graffiti

North Carolina Republican Party spokeswoman Emily Weeks told NBC News that the office is totally unusable and that materials inside, possibly including completed absentee ballots, may have been destroyed./QUOTE]

What would "completed absentee ballots" being doing in the GOP headquarters?
Why would the RNC have completed absentee ballots? Those are supposed to be mailed to the county election offices by the voter.
If Trump supporters did something like this you wouldn't stop hearing about it for a month. They'd use it as an example to show how hate fueled the Trump movement is.

Local GOP office in North Carolina firebombed -

A GOP office in Hillsborough, North Carolina, was firebombed over the weekend, with a swastika and the words "Nazi Republicans get out of town or else" spray painted on an adjacent building, according to local officials.
the weeny networks will call it a sincere but stern message not to mess with those clintons.
come to think of it if hillary wins, i'm fucked. :( i'm already working on the next video she will need to blame to win reelection.

so the 501 c i didn't/couldn't get from obama may seem pretty tame by hillary's standards.

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