Republican HQ in Orange County firebombed

Thank you to the Democrats who raised money very quickly to have it rebuilt.
i note raise not earn. there is no apparent difference in obamaville. hillary would be the next captain of the spending team.

Where the hell do you think they raised it FROM, asshole? Democrats. Who earned it.
the U.S. mint ? no, .... the clinton foundation.

We all know it couldn't be the Trump Foundation. He'd never be so fucking retarded as to let that foundation contribute one cent to an actual "charity" aside from Donald Trump himself.
Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening.
"The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable," she said. "Very grateful that everyone is safe."

Meanwhile, Trump was quick to assign responsibility for the incident to Clinton supporters, despite a lack of evidence from authorities.
"Animals representing Hillary Clinton and Dems in North Carolina just firebombed our office in Orange County because we are winning," Trump tweeted.

Very telling. Clinton condemns the act and thinks about the people that might have been hurt. Trump just makes up some "facts" that he likes.
I see that the Beast can pull the wool over another DemocRAT!
Very clever in a junior high school sort of way. I guess you don't care about truth and will parrot anything that Trumps says without any supporting evidence. I think it is you with Trump's wool over your closed eyes.
Thank you to the Democrats who raised money very quickly to have it rebuilt.
i note raise not earn. there is no apparent difference in obamaville. hillary would be the next captain of the spending team.

Where the hell do you think they raised it FROM, asshole? Democrats. Who earned it.
the U.S. mint ? no, .... the clinton foundation.

We all know it couldn't be the Trump Foundation. He'd never be so fucking retarded as to let that foundation contribute one cent to an actual "charity" aside from Donald Trump himself.

He even tapped his own "charity" to pay for his son's Boy Scout membership.

Seven dollars.
That's bigly money. Guess he couldn't afford it. :(
Trump should learn to watch his mouth, that kind of crap he ran to never ends well. In this current environment I doubt this is the last we'll see of this kind of thing. Be sure to be aghast at every incident as opposed to "certain" ones. wingers will resort to more and more violence as they gain power.......they have stopped Trump rallies, attacked his supporters, beating, shooting and throwing and spitting things at them.......and this is just the next level...expect even more as the democrats wink and nod at the attacks.......

Mass paranoia should help.
Thank you to the Democrats who raised money very quickly to have it rebuilt.
i note raise not earn. there is no apparent difference in obamaville. hillary would be the next captain of the spending team.

Where the hell do you think they raised it FROM, asshole? Democrats. Who earned it.
the U.S. mint ? no, .... the clinton foundation.

We all know it couldn't be the Trump Foundation. He'd never be so fucking retarded as to let that foundation contribute one cent to an actual "charity" aside from Donald Trump himself.

He even tapped his own "charity" to pay for his son's Boy Scout membership.

Seven dollars.
That's bigly money. Guess he couldn't afford it. :(

You and rest of you lying scum no nothing. You play here all day and repeat bullshit you've heard on TV. Fucking losers.
Probably to feed the alt-right's victim mentality on orders from the local Trump campaign.
That anti-Semitic meme actually can't be altered to work in this case, since Dump supporters are proud to be associated with the swastika.

lying asshole...the only ones even remotely close to national socialism is the democrat party...their social and government program is right along with nazi policy...moron...
It's actually the opposite you lying asshole

Nope......the nazis and democrat party are pretty much kissing cousins as far as economic and social policy is concerned........
Nope. Another lie.
Thank you to the Democrats who raised money very quickly to have it rebuilt.
Bet your bottom stolen dollar libtard, that they will be voting for Trump. LOL! Loser.
I've already cast my vote for Sec. Clinton. But I donated fifty bucks to rebuild the GOP HQ
S.J. What's so funny?
That you think anyone believes that.
Okay, but if I let you see my credit card statement for this month, will you promise not to hack my numbers and go hog wild at the Trump site?
I can only hope that if this happened to a DNC office, that the GOP would do the same thing the Dems did in raising money for them.

I also hope we never have to find out.

I plan on donating some of my elections overtime pay.
Thank you to the Democrats who raised money very quickly to have it rebuilt.
i note raise not earn. there is no apparent difference in obamaville. hillary would be the next captain of the spending team.

Where the hell do you think they raised it FROM, asshole? Democrats. Who earned it.
the U.S. mint ? no, .... the clinton foundation.

We all know it couldn't be the Trump Foundation. He'd never be so fucking retarded as to let that foundation contribute one cent to an actual "charity" aside from Donald Trump himself.

He even tapped his own "charity" to pay for his son's Boy Scout membership.

Seven dollars.
That's bigly money. Guess he couldn't afford it. :(

Shut up!!! Really?

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