Republican legislator slams Muhammad Ali

You mean "That's not fighting for my principles......" no, Ali didn't fight for your principles.
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.
Apple and Oranges dear.....other than refusing to fight a fucked up war, do tell what other crimes Ali committed? Scalia was a racist, Nancy did nothing as first lady and so on and so on...again, apple and oranges. Stop with the always trying to balance hate with libs and conservatives, its a no brainer and you know it!!
You're right, being a Libtard is a no-brainer... because being a Libtard involves having no brain. All you have to do is call everyone racist, since you can't find flaws in Republican policies. He refused to fight in the war, he shirked his duty, he should be ashamed. That's all there is to it.

Funny how you try and claim "Libtards" have no brain and all you do is call someone a racist, and yet you're using an insult, then coming up with a very simplistic argument and expecting everyone to accept your simplistic argument while at the same time saying other people don't have brains.

Hmm.... irony?
You mean "That's not fighting for my principles......" no, Ali didn't fight for your principles.
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Someone went in Ali's place. Inexcusable
Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.
I don't disagree, there are many ways to fight, but when you're called to war, it's your duty to fight. You can hate your nation, but your loved ones live here, too. When you're called for a draft, it means that your nation needs you to protect those loved ones, among those many people living here. Just because there are other ways to fight, that doesn't mean there's never a time to fight physically. Don't misunderstand, I'm not calling him a bad person, I'm sure he was a great person, loved by many, but a great person can be ashamed of certain actions from their past, and this is one of those actions to be ashamed of.
There are better ways of changing a country than picking up a rifle.

There are other ways, but not better ones. The others offer too many opportunities for people to change their minds or undo what is being done.

I believe in the will of the people working together to make something that is as satisfactory for as many as possible. You don't get this with knuckleheads with guns. You get this with debate, discussion, and acting sensibly.
You mean "That's not fighting for my principles......" no, Ali didn't fight for your principles.
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Someone went in Ali's place. Inexcusable

Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......
Funny how you try and claim "Libtards" have no brain and all you do is call someone a racist, and yet you're using an insult, then coming up with a very simplistic argument and expecting everyone to accept your simplistic argument while at the same time saying other people don't have brains.

Hmm.... irony?
There's not much to debate in that post, it was just an insult towards Republicans. Was I supposed to come up with a complicated answer to a simplistic post? I don't think so. I've already seen two Liberals in this thread claim everyone calling out Ali, for shirking his duty, racist. There's really no reason to debate that claim, it's just Liberals with no facts to bring forward.
You mean "That's not fighting for my principles......" no, Ali didn't fight for your principles.
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Someone went in Ali's place. Inexcusable

Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......

It was the law, his duty...and someone else went. Did they come home?
Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......
It takes 'balls' to do your duty, not to shirk it and stay home. You can't lose your life saying no.

Furthermore, you're assuming he's fighting for specific people, no, he's fighting to protect loved ones. People he knows. If the war came over here, when they were done there, they'd be in danger.
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Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.
I don't disagree, there are many ways to fight, but when you're called to war, it's your duty to fight. You can hate your nation, but your loved ones live here, too. When you're called for a draft, it means that your nation needs you to protect those loved ones, among those many people living here. Just because there are other ways to fight, that doesn't mean there's never a time to fight physically. Don't misunderstand, I'm not calling him a bad person, I'm sure he was a great person, loved by many, but a great person can be ashamed of certain actions from their past, and this is one of those actions to be ashamed of.

So, I ask you this, if you could, and you were called up for a war in which you knew it was unjust and immoral, do you still have that duty.

I'm thinking Nazi Germany, would it have been bad for someone to refuse to fight for them?

If your nation called you up to round up the Jews and stick them in Concentration camps and them have mass executions, would you say it's still your duty?

This isn't protecting your family. This is putting your life on the line so others can benefit from this.
You mean "That's not fighting for my principles......" no, Ali didn't fight for your principles.
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Someone went in Ali's place. Inexcusable

Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......

It was the law, his duty...and someone else went. Did they come home?

And Ali should have died because white people made a law that demand that black people go die for white people?

If the other person didn't come home then it justifies Ali's decision not to go.
Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.
I don't disagree, there are many ways to fight, but when you're called to war, it's your duty to fight. You can hate your nation, but your loved ones live here, too. When you're called for a draft, it means that your nation needs you to protect those loved ones, among those many people living here. Just because there are other ways to fight, that doesn't mean there's never a time to fight physically. Don't misunderstand, I'm not calling him a bad person, I'm sure he was a great person, loved by many, but a great person can be ashamed of certain actions from their past, and this is one of those actions to be ashamed of.

So, I ask you this, if you could, and you were called up for a war in which you knew it was unjust and immoral, do you still have that duty.

I'm thinking Nazi Germany, would it have been bad for someone to refuse to fight for them?

If your nation called you up to round up the Jews and stick them in Concentration camps and them have mass executions, would you say it's still your duty?

This isn't protecting your family. This is putting your life on the line so others can benefit from this.

You're attempting a straw man the US is in no way Nazi Germany...not yet anyway
Ali didn't fight for anyone or anything, actually. He stayed home. He shirked his duty as an American, an act that he should have been ashamed of for his entire life.

Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.

Someone went in Ali's place. Inexcusable

Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......

It was the law, his duty...and someone else went. Did they come home?

And Ali should have died because white people made a law that demand that black people go die for white people?

If the other person didn't come home then it justifies Ali's decision not to go.

Don't even try to make this a racial issue. Silliness
Ali was screened by the U.S. Supreme Court
The SCROTUS was more senile and liberal than they are now.
They were still a conservative court mostly appointed by Republucans

Their decision was unanimous
That is true but during the Vietnam War the Government was just as sorry assed and screwed up as it is now. Dodging the draft is shirking one's duty. There is no excuse and no reasoning to be a yellow bellied draft dodger.
Hate to tell you

But you shouldn't have been there at all
I volunteered. Spent 2 years there. Loved it. Yellow bellies didn't.
Thank you for your service and we never should have gone at all

Wasn't our fight, wasn't worth it
Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......
It takes 'balls' to do your duty, not to shirk it and stay home. You can't lose your life saying no.

Furthermore, you're assuming he's fighting for specific people, no, he's fighting to protect loved ones. People her knows. If the war came over here, when they were done there, they'd be in danger.

You keep using the term "your duty", is it your duty to go put your life on the line for rich people to make more money? Or in the case of Vietnam to go tell other countries how to run their country because the people in power have decided they don't like it?

You know, the US went to war in WW2 to fight Nazism, and yet had segregation at home and in the armed forces. Imagine how black people felt, when they kept getting white people tell them that their duty was to die for the people who oppressed them.

My response would have been "you can fuck right off".
Fighting can be done in many ways. Taking a stand against something it also fighting. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean it isn't so.
I don't disagree, there are many ways to fight, but when you're called to war, it's your duty to fight. You can hate your nation, but your loved ones live here, too. When you're called for a draft, it means that your nation needs you to protect those loved ones, among those many people living here. Just because there are other ways to fight, that doesn't mean there's never a time to fight physically. Don't misunderstand, I'm not calling him a bad person, I'm sure he was a great person, loved by many, but a great person can be ashamed of certain actions from their past, and this is one of those actions to be ashamed of.
Your country owes you good decisions when they are putting your life at risk

In Vietnam and Iraq, we did not make good decisions
And Ali should have died because white people made a law that demand that black people go die for white people?

If the other person didn't come home then it justifies Ali's decision not to go.
No, he should go serve his country because people made a law that demands ALL PEOPLE go serve their country when it's needed.

No, it doesn't, someone died because he refused to do his duty.
You keep using the term "your duty", is it your duty to go put your life on the line for rich people to make more money? Or in the case of Vietnam to go tell other countries how to run their country because the people in power have decided they don't like it?

You know, the US went to war in WW2 to fight Nazism, and yet had segregation at home and in the armed forces. Imagine how black people felt, when they kept getting white people tell them that their duty was to die for the people who oppressed them.

My response would have been "you can fuck right off".
Their families live here, too. They're not just fighting for 'white people', they're fighting for everyone in the country they live in. You're trying to debate by separating the American people, but you can't. WE are America, we all live here.
Someone who didn't have the balls to say no, someone who was stupid enough to fight for a cause not worth dying for.

Why should Ali have gone to serve masters who had kept his people enslaved, segregated his people within his life time, still treated his people like shit, and yet you think he should then have forgotten all of this and gone to die for those very same people. Er......
It takes 'balls' to do your duty, not to shirk it and stay home. You can't lose your life saying no.

Furthermore, you're assuming he's fighting for specific people, no, he's fighting to protect loved ones. People her knows. If the war came over here, when they were done there, they'd be in danger.

You keep using the term "your duty", is it your duty to go put your life on the line for rich people to make more money? Or in the case of Vietnam to go tell other countries how to run their country because the people in power have decided they don't like it?

You know, the US went to war in WW2 to fight Nazism, and yet had segregation at home and in the armed forces. Imagine how black people felt, when they kept getting white people tell them that their duty was to die for the people who oppressed them.

My response would have been "you can fuck right off".
S Vietnam beseeched the US to help them. basically that is why we were there. And many white draftees fought and died.
Thank you for your service and we never should have gone at all

Wasn't our fight, wasn't worth it
So, other people can go fight for us, die in our place to protect the freedom we all benefit from, but the moment we're called to take our turn, to protect others along side them, it's not worth it? That's pretty selfish.

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