Republican low information voters

Hard to believe this is America

The GOP's despicable rush to demonize refugees

A poll just out from the Democratic firm PPP found that 27 percent of Republican primary voters support having the government shut down every mosque in the United States; 38 percent were opposed, and 35 percent were unsure. A full 41 percent of Ted Cruz supporters and 37 percent of Trump supporters want to shut down all mosques.

Only 38 percent of Republican voters realized how wrong it would be to shut down mosques
First, the polling organization is PPP, a Democratic organization, and therefore biased.

Second, if you read the poll, it does not say EVERY mosque in the United States in the poll question:

Would you support or oppose shutting down mosques in the United States?

I can't believe that 16 pages into this topic no one had bothered to fact check that claim.
Would you support or oppose shutting down mosques in the U.S.

Seems pretty straight forward
Trump has never said he would close all mosques. He would close mosques which foment terrorism.

That is probably how most people interpreted the question. Your claim that the people polled would "shut down every mosque in the United States" is bogus.

Whatever the case, it is a poorly worded question precisely because of its ambiguity.

The poll said support shutting down mosques in the U.S.

Not shutting down mosques involved in terrorism or shutting down some mosques.......low information republicans jumped at the chance
That is the problem with polls. They are inherently bogus. You will get two entirely different polling reports by simply changing a few key words.

You read into them what you want them to say. n your case, you want it to demonize the other side and that is exactly what you see.
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.
Check this out; if it's real who knows at this point;

"The Muslims in the West, we think of as “moderate” are not “moderate.” To them, a person is either a Muslim, a hypocrite (one who pretends to be Muslim to avoid punishment) or a Kafir (infidel). They do not see the Jihadis as “radical.” They only see Muslims and non-Muslims, and they will admit it — if only we will accept what they are telling us. So, here, just watch:"

And your point?

No matter what you may think of another religion they have a right to worship as they please.

He was saying there is no difference between the moderate Muslim and the radical Muslim.

Meaning that if asked, they would kill all infidels.

Meaning that he is ridiculous.

He's a Muslim cleric talking to his peeps. Re enforcing the claim that there is no difference between moderate and radical Muslims.

He's not reinforcing it, he's making that claim. Fred Phelps makes a lot of claims about Christianity...or is he reinforcing them?
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)

That is two funny
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.
Why stop with Muslims? You must surely have a long fear and hate list.
If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

So you actually ARE a bigot.

So, when you're kicking out Muslims, bigot, are you going to kick out the few thousand serving in the military? Did you serve in the military, by the way?
Well we do have this about Sharia....

Muslims Try to Pass SHARIA LAW in Alabama… But Citizens Say HELL NO! (WATCH)

The people from the great state of Alabama took a huge proactive step in the last election to protect themselves from creeping Sharia. As more followers of Islam move to America, the threat has become real, but Alabama just said, “ENOUGH!”

Amendment One, an amendment to the state constitution that prohibits foreign law being used to decide cases in Alabama courts, has passed easily and will be added to the Alabama Constitution.

Eric Johnston, the Birmingham attorney who drafted the amendment, felt vindicated after it was described as an attack on Muslims.

“I put in about three years of work on it,” Johnston said, after AP and Politico declared that the amendment passed. The amendment passed by a wide margin of about 72 percent to 28 percent with 96 percent of precincts counted.

Johnston drafted the amendment for State Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, who sponsored it. Johnston said it had a wider application than banning Sharia law, the Muslim code of law and morality. “We were just trying to do something legal, not political,” Johnston said.

A legislative committee now will decide where the amendment fits in the Constitution and how it will be numbered, under which article, in the published code, Johnston said.

Johnston said it does not undermine the religious rights of Muslims or anyone else, but does prevent lawyers from arguing from Sharia law in an Alabama custody case, for example.

“Your constitutional rights are not affected by it,” Johnston said. “We’ve got a religious freedom amendment in Alabama. All it says is pay attention to the religious freedom amendment. Women’s rights are compromised by Sharia rights if a lawyer in a custody case says, ‘Islam requires you to do this.’ It’s a help to judges. It doesn’t create any new laws.”

Certain groups have called this amendment racist. But the problem is, so much of Islam’s teachings are incompatible with civilized society. This amendment draws a clear line in the sand that 14th century thinking cannot be protected by law.

Read more: Muslims Try to Pass SHARIA LAW in Alabama... But Citizens Say HELL NO! (WATCH) - The Political Insider
Muslims did not try to pass Sharia Law. Someone told the retards they were and the retards believed it and reacted with typical stupidity.
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.
No, it addresses the OP, which both insults people and is intellectually dishonest.

If you don't want to answer my direct question, I can certainly understand.

The SAFE Act doesn't register Muslims or close Mosques, Mac. Hell, it doesn't even STOP the refugees from coming here, Mac. The SAFE Act has absolutely nothing to do with the OP's post or what it was about. What it was about was the fact that only 38% of Republican Primary voters know it's not okay to close down places of worship in the United States.
The question is --- does Islam qualify as a religion?

Any organization that calls for killing all unbelievers DOES NOT qualify as a religion in my book.

The Mosque's are terrorist organizations and the Imams tell them to go out and kill infidels as per the Qur'an.

What would reaction be if Catholic priests told their congregations to go out and kill all unbelievers?

Or Baptist ministers?
The question is --- does Islam qualify as a religion?

Yes. Next question.

Any organization that calls for killing all unbelievers DOES NOT qualify as a religion in my book.

The Mosque's are terrorist organizations and the Imams tell them to go out and kill infidels as per the Qur'an.

Bullshit, nazi. Bullshit. The vast majority of mosques are not like that at all. Asshole.

Thanks for confirming what I said:
I told you guys the day was coming that we would have rubes channeling their inner Nazi and saying that Muslims aren't protected by the First Amendment.

They want to divide Muslims from First Amendment protections.

They want to divide gays from bakeries.

They want to divide negroes from food stamps.

We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.
We are watching the Nazification of America in real time.


Never Again: Keeping A Promise About Human Suffering

[...]"Never Again" was the slogan I used to hear about the Holocaust and I believed it - until now.

When Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner, said that he would employ a "deportation force" to round up and kick out 11 million people living illegally in the United States, I was alarmed. I had visions of armed, jackbooted thugs going door-to-door, arresting entire families (children), and dumping them at the Mexican border. There is no way that can be done humanely even if that's what Trump is claiming. As abhorrent as I thought that was, I still wasn't ready to start making comparisons to Hitler even though the idea is eerily similar to Nazi Germany's mass deportation of Polish Jews in 1938.

This week though, Trump, and a few others, have used the attack on Paris to make the leap from alarming and far-fetched ideas to downright dangerous ones. The comments that have been made about Syrian refugees and Muslims are echoing the sentiments leading up to the Holocaust in such a way that it's becoming easier to understand how an atmosphere might evolve that could lead decent people to forget their humanity.

Trump is now saying that if he were to become president that he would implement a plan to force Muslims in the U.S. to register in a database. How is he going to do that? What if someone refuses? Do they go to jail? This harkens back to when Jews in the Netherlands were forced to register in 1941.

He also told Sean Hannity that we may need to close mosques. How? How does he think can he legally do that in the United States? He can't. His rhetoric may very well bring on another Kristallnacht and angry mobs will do it for him just like they did to synagogues in November of 1938.

It's not just Trump either. Ben Carson comparing Syrian refugees to rabid dogs is just as dehumanizing as the rat imagery that was used in the propaganda war against Jews. Glen Casada, a Tennessee lawmaker, suggested rounding up any Syrians who had already settled in the state. There's that term again - rounding up.
What does that have to do with shutting down places of worship? The answer, nothing, it's a deflection.

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.
Why stop with Muslims? You must surely have a long fear and hate list.

That's where you are wrong. I'm wary of any and all Muslims and in case its escaped your limited notice they want to kill us.

You bet I'd kick em all out of this country.
If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

So you actually ARE a bigot.

So, when you're kicking out Muslims, bigot, are you going to kick out the few thousand serving in the military? Did you serve in the military, by the way?

If I remember correctly the shooter at Ft. Hood was a member of the armed forces and I'm sure he's not the only member of our armed forces that lets religion rule his world.

Oh and you wouldn't know a bigot if one kicked you in the ass. Anyone that doesn't agree with you, you list as a racist and bigot.

You are a fool.
Ha, that coming from Democrat wingnuts who get their 'News & Information' from Whoopi Goldberg's stank ass...

I thought the thread is about low information voters, at least that is what the title of the thread is about.

Yeah. Me to. Now all of a sudden its about closing mosques and the Japanese interments.

One thing I do know though is that the Dems are low info voters.

After all. They voted for Barry twice. Can't get any lower info than that.

I love someone who doesn't know the difference between to and too calling someone else a low information voter.

The #1 candidate running for the GOP has said he would close mosques and make Muslims register and have identification that says they are Muslim.

You know, we made Japanese and German citizens register too...(note proper use of too)

If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.
Why stop with Muslims? You must surely have a long fear and hate list.

That's where you are wrong. I'm wary of any and all Muslims and in case its escaped your limited notice they want to kill us.

You bet I'd kick em all out of this country.
Ahh, the Hitler plan. How'd that turn out?
47 Democrats voted for the GOP refugee bill.

Dianne Feinstein says she has "never been more concerned".

They're despicable and low-information too, right?

Sure, lets flood our country with 20 somethings from a region where we're despised. I say sure, and let's put them all in DC, NY, Chicago, LA & San Fran.

You want them so bad, you get them. I think Right-winger should take in about 10 or so...
If it were up to me I'd kick every Muslim out of America and I sure as hell wouldn't let any more in.

So you actually ARE a bigot.

So, when you're kicking out Muslims, bigot, are you going to kick out the few thousand serving in the military? Did you serve in the military, by the way?

If I remember correctly the shooter at Ft. Hood was a member of the armed forces and I'm sure he's not the only member of our armed forces that lets religion rule his world.

Oh and you wouldn't know a bigot if one kicked you in the ass. Anyone that doesn't agree with you, you list as a racist and bigot.

You are a fool.

So you would kick out the thousands of Muslims voluntarily serving in a military you never served in. You are a xenophobic bigot...whose freedom to be a xenophobic bigot will continue to be protected by those Muslim Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen.
Islam is a death cult.. which I guess why the AGW crowd loves it so much. And, what makes it even more beautiful, most of the left-wingers will be first on their hit-list.... what with all the deviancy and whatnot.


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