Republican master-debating.


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2011
We all need to admit a few things. First and foremost we all need to admit that it was the most boring and uneventful debate in television history, no zingers, no laughs, no nothing. It was empty and meaningless and the moderator did a lousy job keeping things moving along so we heard nothing about a host of domestic issues that are more important than the lousy tax code that consumed at least half the debate. All Americans were cheated out of the domestic policy debate we deserved.

Second, Romney supporters need to admit that any win he may have scored is more than negated by his disingenuous political calculation to seem moderate rather than reflect the actual philosophy of the republican party. We witnessed nothing more than an act, if Romney wanted to show the people who he is then he failed. We saw a reasonable facade for an unreasonable party of ideologues and reactionaries.

Third and perhaps most important, in the aftermath we see clearly the willingness to settle for anyone other than Obama, even a man who has no hesitation to lie to every one of your faces and change his story depending on who is listening. Does anyone at this point know where he really stands on anything? Where is the republican outrage of finding themselves stuck with a guy who is apparently a domestic policy chameleon?

We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.
The only thing that we all can admit is that it's damn scary Obama has been President for the last 4 years. YIKES!
Obama is a "quality" leader, you are an idiot.

I understand what you are saying and it is pretty pathetic that Romney is the best that the GOP can do, Obama is a rather mediocre candidate for reelection but the GOP cannot even run someone who can beat him.
Romney looked Presidential, Obama looked out of his league.
Obama never said ANYTHING other than the shitty cliches we've heard for years.
Time for a change.
Romney looked Presidential, Obama looked out of his league.
Obama never said ANYTHING other than the shitty cliches we've heard for years.
Time for a change.

What did Romney say that you are proud of?
Romney looked Presidential, Obama looked out of his league.
Obama never said ANYTHING other than the shitty cliches we've heard for years.
Time for a change.

Romney did look pretty good but only if one is fool enough to believe he was telling the truth rather than blowing smoke up our collective asses, of course, republicans seem to actually prefer insincerity to being talked to like adults.
What we need to admit is that Obama is trying to sell a very bad product- himself.
Romney looked Presidential, Obama looked out of his league.
Obama never said ANYTHING other than the shitty cliches we've heard for years.
Time for a change.

Romney did look pretty good but only if one is fool enough to believe he was telling the truth rather than blowing smoke up our collective asses, of course, republicans seem to actually prefer insincerity to being talked to like adults.
Obama - prevaricator, and cheif :badgrin:
Obama is a "quality" leader, you are an idiot.

I understand what you are saying and it is pretty pathetic that Romney is the best that the GOP can do, Obama is a rather mediocre candidate for reelection but the GOP cannot even run someone who can beat him.

Keep trying to frame the incumbent as the underdog. its like watching a cat play with the light from a lazer pointer.
Obama is a "quality" leader, you are an idiot.

I understand what you are saying and it is pretty pathetic that Romney is the best that the GOP can do, Obama is a rather mediocre candidate for reelection but the GOP cannot even run someone who can beat him.

Keep trying to frame the incumbent as the underdog. its like watching a cat play with the light from a lazer pointer.

?? I thought I was framing Romney as the worst GOP presidential candidate in my lifetime but I guess you can interpret it how you like.
I understand what you are saying and it is pretty pathetic that Romney is the best that the GOP can do, Obama is a rather mediocre candidate for reelection but the GOP cannot even run someone who can beat him.

Keep trying to frame the incumbent as the underdog. its like watching a cat play with the light from a lazer pointer.

?? I thought I was framing Romney as the worst GOP presidential candidate in my lifetime but I guess you can interpret it how you like.

Your second sentence is what I was concentrating on. It takes a very very good candidate to unseat an incumbent, something you may have to face in about a month.

ANY incumbent is difficult to unseat. The current officeholder has to either be a huge screw-up (carter) or there has to be third party shennanigans (Perot) going on to impact the state races.

I think we may have situation A here.
We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.

Wha wha wha......

It's great that you can keep your head up in such a difficult situation. Chris Matthews would be proud.

All that matters is that a lot of undecideds moved to Romney last night.

The rest is nothing but sour grapes.

You hired our current affirmative action moron to be president because he is black.

We are going to fire him because he is incompetent.

Nice rant....but you still fail.
I understand what you are saying and it is pretty pathetic that Romney is the best that the GOP can do, Obama is a rather mediocre candidate for reelection but the GOP cannot even run someone who can beat him.

Keep trying to frame the incumbent as the underdog. its like watching a cat play with the light from a lazer pointer.

?? I thought I was framing Romney as the worst GOP presidential candidate in my lifetime but I guess you can interpret it how you like.

Who cares what you "framed".

Reagan got the same rap when he was running.

We all need to admit a few things. First and foremost we all need to admit that it was the most boring and uneventful debate in television history, no zingers, no laughs, no nothing. It was empty and meaningless and the moderator did a lousy job keeping things moving along so we heard nothing about a host of domestic issues that are more important than the lousy tax code that consumed at least half the debate. All Americans were cheated out of the domestic policy debate we deserved.

Second, Romney supporters need to admit that any win he may have scored is more than negated by his disingenuous political calculation to seem moderate rather than reflect the actual philosophy of the republican party. We witnessed nothing more than an act, if Romney wanted to show the people who he is then he failed. We saw a reasonable facade for an unreasonable party of ideologues and reactionaries.

Third and perhaps most important, in the aftermath we see clearly the willingness to settle for anyone other than Obama, even a man who has no hesitation to lie to every one of your faces and change his story depending on who is listening. Does anyone at this point know where he really stands on anything? Where is the republican outrage of finding themselves stuck with a guy who is apparently a domestic policy chameleon?

We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.

Does your name reflect the fact that your brain is "occupied" by Mad Cow Disease?
We all need to admit a few things. First and foremost we all need to admit that it was the most boring and uneventful debate in television history, no zingers, no laughs, no nothing. It was empty and meaningless and the moderator did a lousy job keeping things moving along so we heard nothing about a host of domestic issues that are more important than the lousy tax code that consumed at least half the debate. All Americans were cheated out of the domestic policy debate we deserved.

Second, Romney supporters need to admit that any win he may have scored is more than negated by his disingenuous political calculation to seem moderate rather than reflect the actual philosophy of the republican party. We witnessed nothing more than an act, if Romney wanted to show the people who he is then he failed. We saw a reasonable facade for an unreasonable party of ideologues and reactionaries.

Third and perhaps most important, in the aftermath we see clearly the willingness to settle for anyone other than Obama, even a man who has no hesitation to lie to every one of your faces and change his story depending on who is listening. Does anyone at this point know where he really stands on anything? Where is the republican outrage of finding themselves stuck with a guy who is apparently a domestic policy chameleon?

We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.

You need to admit that you are an obvious Obama hack, looking for a silver lining in the dark cloud that descended on your candidate last night.

The Romney that showed up at the debate, was not the Romney that Obama, and his gang of liars, have been working hard to create. But, it was the Romney that has been saying the same thing on the stump as he delineated so eloquently in the debate.

You didn't recognize that Romney, because you have been getting your Romney impression from your political leaders, and not from Romney himself. You are one of those fools who really believe that Obama is telling you the truth. But, the truth is not in him.

However, your impression of who did well, and who did not, is immaterial, as is mine. You will vote for Obama, come hell or high water, and I will vote for Romney. The only valid question is how many people will alter their perception of either candidate, based on the debate. The polls will tell the tale.

My estimate is that Romney will see an uptick of 4 to 5 percentage points. And, I estimate that he will gain handsomely in the political donation department. Will the uptick last? That is all dependent upon Romney and how he handles the other debates.
We all need to admit a few things. First and foremost we all need to admit that it was the most boring and uneventful debate in television history, no zingers, no laughs, no nothing. It was empty and meaningless and the moderator did a lousy job keeping things moving along so we heard nothing about a host of domestic issues that are more important than the lousy tax code that consumed at least half the debate. All Americans were cheated out of the domestic policy debate we deserved.

Second, Romney supporters need to admit that any win he may have scored is more than negated by his disingenuous political calculation to seem moderate rather than reflect the actual philosophy of the republican party. We witnessed nothing more than an act, if Romney wanted to show the people who he is then he failed. We saw a reasonable facade for an unreasonable party of ideologues and reactionaries.

Third and perhaps most important, in the aftermath we see clearly the willingness to settle for anyone other than Obama, even a man who has no hesitation to lie to every one of your faces and change his story depending on who is listening. Does anyone at this point know where he really stands on anything? Where is the republican outrage of finding themselves stuck with a guy who is apparently a domestic policy chameleon?

We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.

no sex jokes, you cant handle them......pussy!
We all need to admit a few things. First and foremost we all need to admit that it was the most boring and uneventful debate in television history, no zingers, no laughs, no nothing. It was empty and meaningless and the moderator did a lousy job keeping things moving along so we heard nothing about a host of domestic issues that are more important than the lousy tax code that consumed at least half the debate. All Americans were cheated out of the domestic policy debate we deserved.

Second, Romney supporters need to admit that any win he may have scored is more than negated by his disingenuous political calculation to seem moderate rather than reflect the actual philosophy of the republican party. We witnessed nothing more than an act, if Romney wanted to show the people who he is then he failed. We saw a reasonable facade for an unreasonable party of ideologues and reactionaries.

Third and perhaps most important, in the aftermath we see clearly the willingness to settle for anyone other than Obama, even a man who has no hesitation to lie to every one of your faces and change his story depending on who is listening. Does anyone at this point know where he really stands on anything? Where is the republican outrage of finding themselves stuck with a guy who is apparently a domestic policy chameleon?

We now have the clearest example yet that republicans do not care for the quality of their leadership, they only care if he calls himself a republican. Call that crap last night a win if it makes you feel better but the cold hard truth remains that the GOP thinks republican voters are idiots and none of you are doing a damned thing to prove them wrong. The Etch-A-Sketch comment has once again been proven correct, the tea party crowd has been proven devoid of conviction and you have all once again proven that the Rove/Norquist Neo-Cons own you all and that you will love whoever they tell you to with all your shriveled black hearts.

Yeah, a ho hum debate, but the most watched and talked about since 1992, yeah, you are a moron
Boring? I was laughing like crazy. Uneventful? It's going down as the greatest Republican debate performance in Decades.

The moderator did a fabulous job. He let the two of them dialogue and interact with one another. Which is exactly what a debate is.

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