Republican only abortion/supreme court nominee poll

Should abortions be outlawed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 54.2%
  • No

    Votes: 11 45.8%

  • Total voters
They are absolute hypocrites. If they truly thought it murder, they would block every facility, use force to stop every abortion. They do not really believe that, so they work in society by societal means to attack something they do not like. That is not visceral determination, that is not opposition to murder. Because, 'they' don't believe it's murder. They are lukewarm protesters, not determined opponents.

And that is because they know what would happened if they set upon such a campaign; they would be shut down, shot down and incarcerated for the criminals they would be.


You can't take the moral high ground when you're a sociopath.

Murder is a legal term, sploogy. Killing babies is legal in America (and obviously a religious rite for you of the Khmer Rouge.) Killing humans is not something sane people take lightly 9regardless of how much delight you personally find in it. Sane people, non-democrats that is, can oppose killing without resorting to violence. Now you leftists resort to violence in pretty much all cases, but we of the normal side can oppose something through legal methods.
We are over populated especially in poor areas where single moms live on welfare. If you want them having more kids fine.

Proof of the GOP War on Women

If you believe this, then your duty is to end yourself.

TAMMY BRUCE: Real facts about the Democrats’ war on women
I'd rather just convince poor women to stop having babies. Who's asking for foodstamps and welfare? Poor single whores with bastard children. If they get pregnant I don't give them the same advice I give my daughter. I want to keep my grand baby. But I want you to kill yours.
I'd rather just convince poor women to stop having babies.

And abortion is the only way not to have babies, huh?

Who's asking for foodstamps and welfare? Poor single whores with bastard children. If they get pregnant I don't give them the same advice I give my daughter. I want to keep my grand baby. But I want you to kill yours.

No one gets pregnant who doesn't want to. If a woman in America is pregnant, it's because they decided to be pregnant.
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Will your pick overturn roe v Wade? Will they make abortions illegal? Will you consider abortion murder?

People should know this. The next president might appoint 2 justices. Should they make abortion murder?

I'm not interested in rape or incest or late term or if the health of the mother arguments. I'm talking about a 18 year old who just forgot to take her pill and wants to get an abortion. Should abortion be an option?

I want the women 18-40 years old know your intentions to take their right to choose away
The poll is not very well thought out. Many believe it's a states rights issue. Fix the poll.

Iowa Gov. Says 'We're Not Slowing Down' After Signing Country's Strictest Abortion Ban | HuffPost

Reynolds signed a bill into law this month that would effectively ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The legislation is the strictest abortion ban in the country, quickly leading to legal battles with Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union.

I hope this goes to the Supreme Court and because you idiots elected Trump and he appointed a conservative to the bench, they ban abortion.

The law, also known as the fetal heartbeat bill, requires women seeking an abortion to get an ultrasound before undergoing the procedure. If a fetal heartbeat is detected ― which typically can be heard about six weeks into a pregnancy ― the woman may no longer have an abortion. The law includes exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.

“This bill is one more example of state politicians, emboldened by the Trump-Pence administration, carrying out policy after policy that strip away people’s freedoms and access to care,” she continued. “The right to control your body includes the right to access safe, legal abortion. Your body is your own, if it is not, we cannot be truly free or equal.”

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