Republican outreach to African Americans


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.
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Republicans should highlight education reform aka: Eliminate public school hellholes in favor of charter schools

Haven't you heard?

Huffington Post | Democrat Racism | Double Standard

HuffPo writer: Republicans can never not be racist


And apparently there’s no such thing as a racist Democrat

In a recent Huffington Post column, co-host of the Al Sharpton show and “frequent MSNBC contributor,” Earl Ofari Hutchinson (pictured above) had some choice words for members of the Republican party.

It appears, according to Hutchinson, that regardless of whether Republicans like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Rick Perry denounce rocker Ted Nugent’s comment calling President Obama a “subhuman mongrel,” those Republicans are still racist.

To Hutchinson, Republicans can never not be racist because there are racist people in America who vote Republican. Moreover, it’s the Republican appeal to voters residing in the south and in “flyover” country that makes the party perpetually racist.

A blast here and there against a nutty rocker is not even the proverbial finger in the dike against the steady torrent of racial baiting that has routinely poured from the lips and actions of legions of GOP rank and filers, especially against Obama…

The hard reality is that there are still millions of GOP backers in the South and Heartland, and the gaggle of right-wing webs, blogs, and talk radio jocks that think the GOP’s only flub is that it’s not truly conservative enough. They have hammered the GOP that any retreat from its core beliefs and message will perpetually doom it to political extinction in national politics. They warn that if the GOP suddenly started pandering to minorities and gays it could kiss millions of their fervent supporters goodbye.

To say nothing of the improper — and arguably bigoted — stereotyping of the South and Heartland as inherently racist, the above quoted excerpt is ironic for a number of reasons. First, it wrongfully presupposes that those who believe the GOP isn’t “truly conservative enough,” (i.e. the Tea Party movement) are also somehow automatically racist. This assertion is wrong for so many reasons that it no longer merits serious consideration.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

ALL of them.

Understand that, and we're on our way to success. Ignore it, and we lose everything.

Everything :dunno:
There's one group of people living in America that each party to pander to.

They are called American citizens.

but the hate that comes from liberals spews out of their mouths, so they have to divide citizens into smaller groups. By doing this they can favor one over the other or set one upon the other, creating a deep divide, that leads to more hate that dems can feed on.
I have found this recent GOP outreach to African Americans, Latinos, and women of all color to be entertaining at best. They are very concerned with the sale but not even close to realizing that it's the product.
There's one group of people living in America that each party to pander to.

They are called American citizens.

but the hate that comes from liberals spews out of their mouths, so they have to divide citizens into smaller groups. By doing this they can favor one over the other or set one upon the other, creating a deep divide, that leads to more hate that dems can feed on.

then why does your party PURGE anyone who doesn't toe the tea party line?

Haven't you heard?

Huffington Post | Democrat Racism | Double Standard

HuffPo writer: Republicans can never not be racist


And apparently there’s no such thing as a racist Democrat

In a recent Huffington Post column, co-host of the Al Sharpton show and “frequent MSNBC contributor,” Earl Ofari Hutchinson (pictured above) had some choice words for members of the Republican party.

It appears, according to Hutchinson, that regardless of whether Republicans like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, and Rick Perry denounce rocker Ted Nugent’s comment calling President Obama a “subhuman mongrel,” those Republicans are still racist.

To Hutchinson, Republicans can never not be racist because there are racist people in America who vote Republican. Moreover, it’s the Republican appeal to voters residing in the south and in “flyover” country that makes the party perpetually racist.

A blast here and there against a nutty rocker is not even the proverbial finger in the dike against the steady torrent of racial baiting that has routinely poured from the lips and actions of legions of GOP rank and filers, especially against Obama…

The hard reality is that there are still millions of GOP backers in the South and Heartland, and the gaggle of right-wing webs, blogs, and talk radio jocks that think the GOP’s only flub is that it’s not truly conservative enough. They have hammered the GOP that any retreat from its core beliefs and message will perpetually doom it to political extinction in national politics. They warn that if the GOP suddenly started pandering to minorities and gays it could kiss millions of their fervent supporters goodbye.

To say nothing of the improper — and arguably bigoted — stereotyping of the South and Heartland as inherently racist, the above quoted excerpt is ironic for a number of reasons. First, it wrongfully presupposes that those who believe the GOP isn’t “truly conservative enough,” (i.e. the Tea Party movement) are also somehow automatically racist. This assertion is wrong for so many reasons that it no longer merits serious consideration.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

ALL of them.

Understand that, and we're on our way to success. Ignore it, and we lose everything.

Everything :dunno:

Your the party who cheats in elections.

Your party targets black voters to keep them from voting.

You race bait with welfare queens crap to whip up you racist base
gotta love a left-wing nutjob whose own screen name is a lie. you dont care about truth idiot; if you did you would admit obama failed and go hang yourself
"Republicans can never not be racist"

well there ya go; doesnt that tell you eeverything you need to know about the moronic, pandering, race-baiting left-wing nutjob Left?
what's wrong with the product idiot leftist?

the most deadly places for Black men and women are liberal cities
Pandering nonsense. Republicans should reach out to all Americans REGARDLESS of skin color.

Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it
you idiots get dumber by the post

it's all falling apart and all you have here are angry left-wing nutjobs 3 steps away from going back to irrelevance
Republican outreach to African Americans

They're reaching out to people born in Africa? :confused:
love the way you losers lie TO YOURSELVES!

lol Black leaders are all over the place whining that obama hasnt done enough for Black people. think that's Fox News talking? no leftard try the NAACP. oh and it is obama who responds to that by saying he has to "look at ALL people as equal"

rightwinger; what a moron you are

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