Republican outreach to African Americans

Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?

Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.

This is just the swing states:


The double-digits across the Midwest is pretty startling.
Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.

No vote is irrelevant

It will take a generation or more for Republicans to win back the black vote. They have done that much damage

But every percentage shift matters. A 10% shift back down into the low 80s would mean a percent or two at the polls. There are several states where this would make a difference in the election

I'm pessimistic the gop will ever win back the black vote in my lifetime. Look at the outrage towards the guy who wrote the screenplay for 12 years a slave over his esquire essay. It's verboten for a black guy to write in a largely white elite magazine that blacks who have achieved econ gain and education should reject the segment of black society that chooses dependency.

We've lost. Sharpton and Jesse won.

Twenty years from now, race may (hopefully) be irrelevant. I doubt it, but most likely I'll be dead. If it is irrelevant, imo it'll be because the inner city, non-upper mobile group will have become "more blacker" than those who have econ mobility.
Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.

No vote is irrelevant

It will take a generation or more for Republicans to win back the black vote. They have done that much damage

But every percentage shift matters. A 10% shift back down into the low 80s would mean a percent or two at the polls. There are several states where this would make a difference in the election

I'm pessimistic the gop will ever win back the black vote in my lifetime. Look at the outrage towards the guy who wrote the screenplay for 12 years a slave over his esquire essay. It's verboten for a black guy to write in a largely white elite magazine that blacks who have achieved econ gain and education should reject the segment of black society that chooses dependency.

We've lost. Sharpton and Jesse won.

Twenty years from now, race may (hopefully) be irrelevant. I doubt it, but most likely I'll be dead. If it is irrelevant, imo it'll be because the inner city, non-upper mobile group will have become "more blacker" than those who have econ mobility.

If Republicans want to win black votes they need to do more than remind blacks that they are the party of Lincoln

They need to be a permanent presence in minority neighborhoods. The place minorities go when they need jobs. I got a good payiing job and REPUBLICANS got it for me

Do that and the percentage will shift. Calling blacks lazy, low information voters looking for free stuff will not cut it
There's one group of people living in America that each party to pander to.

They are called American citizens.

but the hate that comes from liberals spews out of their mouths, so they have to divide citizens into smaller groups. By doing this they can favor one over the other or set one upon the other, creating a deep divide, that leads to more hate that dems can feed on.

there is also hate from righties TT also dividing citizens....the post from Edge was an example....
No vote is irrelevant

It will take a generation or more for Republicans to win back the black vote. They have done that much damage

But every percentage shift matters. A 10% shift back down into the low 80s would mean a percent or two at the polls. There are several states where this would make a difference in the election

I'm pessimistic the gop will ever win back the black vote in my lifetime. Look at the outrage towards the guy who wrote the screenplay for 12 years a slave over his esquire essay. It's verboten for a black guy to write in a largely white elite magazine that blacks who have achieved econ gain and education should reject the segment of black society that chooses dependency.

We've lost. Sharpton and Jesse won.

Twenty years from now, race may (hopefully) be irrelevant. I doubt it, but most likely I'll be dead. If it is irrelevant, imo it'll be because the inner city, non-upper mobile group will have become "more blacker" than those who have econ mobility.

If Republicans want to win black votes they need to do more than remind blacks that they are the party of Lincoln

They need to be a permanent presence in minority neighborhoods. The place minorities go when they need jobs. I got a good payiing job and REPUBLICANS got it for me

Do that and the percentage will shift. Calling blacks lazy, low information voters looking for free stuff will not cut it

imo, the gop's embrace of charter schools in DC is heartfelt. Even Arne Duncan admits that just continued funding for failed schools won't work. In New Orleans, arguably the worst of the worst, Katrina wiped out the unions and allowed Teach for America to make a difference, and the teacher unions want it back.
Pandering nonsense. Republicans should reach out to all Americans REGARDLESS of skin color.

Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it

maybe they should try the method the Democrats use.....instead of telling them to their face they dont want them moving next door.....tell them everything they want to hear....and say the truth behind their backs....after all both sides only want the votes.....they can care less about the people....
if you got called a darkie it was almost certainly by a Democrat

libs are losers who lie to themselves and try to re-write their own history
I'm pessimistic the gop will ever win back the black vote in my lifetime. Look at the outrage towards the guy who wrote the screenplay for 12 years a slave over his esquire essay. It's verboten for a black guy to write in a largely white elite magazine that blacks who have achieved econ gain and education should reject the segment of black society that chooses dependency.

We've lost. Sharpton and Jesse won.

Twenty years from now, race may (hopefully) be irrelevant. I doubt it, but most likely I'll be dead. If it is irrelevant, imo it'll be because the inner city, non-upper mobile group will have become "more blacker" than those who have econ mobility.

If Republicans want to win black votes they need to do more than remind blacks that they are the party of Lincoln

They need to be a permanent presence in minority neighborhoods. The place minorities go when they need jobs. I got a good payiing job and REPUBLICANS got it for me

Do that and the percentage will shift. Calling blacks lazy, low information voters looking for free stuff will not cut it

imo, the gop's embrace of charter schools in DC is heartfelt. Even Arne Duncan admits that just continued funding for failed schools won't work. In New Orleans, arguably the worst of the worst, Katrina wiped out the unions and allowed Teach for America to make a difference, and the teacher unions want it back.

Its a good start. Let Republicans become the party of education for minorities. Show that charter schools and vouchers are more than just lip service. Back it up with federal funding and incentives.
Show specifically.....We are helping blacks and minorities
this idiot thinks bush is still president

i mean seriously you idiotic, angry loser.. why not just hang yourself?

she is trying to pad her post count.....she was promised a Funny looking hat with the USMB logo on it and a bowl of soup if she gets to 100,000 posts before anyone else.........
you HAD to be in the Democrat Party to join the Klan. Repubs just couldnt join.

and for the morons who say Republicans down south are what Dems were; church bombings and lynchings went WAY WAY DOWN when Southern Dems turned Republican

libs are losers who lie to themselves about their racist past
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.

I think what you're seeing is the end result of Rove's 50.1% mandate--that governing was getting 50.1% of the voters and not particularly caring about the other 49.9%. His candidate was one who had to win with that strategy but none of it happens in a vacuum. So the after-effects are a Republican party that screams "you're not welcome" to many.

As I've said for years, usually you fight tooth and nail for the middle of the road voters. The GOP seems happy to do whatever it can to give them up.

And I think that is why Republicans were willing to throw away the black and minority vote in order to maintain their base.
But it is not 50.1 % of the vote but 270 electoral votes that they have to worry about. Losing the black and Hispanic vote will ultimately lead to them losing Florida and then Texas. Once that happens....270 is out of reach

so you think TM's is helping you here?....or is she just spaming this thread to get more posts and doing what she always tries to do....make it about her and derail the thread?....Sallow started a thread a while back with a good question and the thread was going ok until she showed up.....he even asked her nicely a few times to stay out of this you are not helping....she just kept on posting the same shit....then he told her to quit posting....she kept on posting....finally he said fuck it and left....she is doing the same shit here....
you HAD to be in the Democrat Party to join the Klan. Repubs just couldnt join.

and for the morons who say Republicans down south are what Dems were; church bombings and lynchings went WAY WAY DOWN when Southern Dems turned Republican

libs are losers who lie to themselves about their racist past

Who did the KKK support in the 1928 elections?
We treat them as voters, and not as people too stupid to vote for us.

not really leftard; many Black talk shows and forums have discussed what have Dems really done for Black Americans

watch Tavis Smiley for example

ur an idiot lying to himself
The one lying is the one who can't understand why black people don't vote for you. You have lots of excuses though, and they all add up to the darkies are dumb.

If I may take the liberty, being a liberal and all:
Republicans, "The reason African Americans think Republicans are racist is because African Americans are stupid."
I think what you're seeing is the end result of Rove's 50.1% mandate--that governing was getting 50.1% of the voters and not particularly caring about the other 49.9%. His candidate was one who had to win with that strategy but none of it happens in a vacuum. So the after-effects are a Republican party that screams "you're not welcome" to many.

As I've said for years, usually you fight tooth and nail for the middle of the road voters. The GOP seems happy to do whatever it can to give them up.

And I think that is why Republicans were willing to throw away the black and minority vote in order to maintain their base.
But it is not 50.1 % of the vote but 270 electoral votes that they have to worry about. Losing the black and Hispanic vote will ultimately lead to them losing Florida and then Texas. Once that happens....270 is out of reach

so you think TM's is helping you here?....or is she just spaming this thread to get more posts and doing what she always tries to do....make it about her and derail the thread?....Sallow started a thread a while back with a good question and the thread was going ok until she showed up.....he even asked her nicely a few times to stay out of this you are not helping....she just kept on posting the same shit....then he told her to quit posting....she kept on posting....finally he said fuck it and left....she is doing the same shit here....

I usually don't read her posts. The main problem with her posting on a thread is she draws the rightwing wolfpack who swarm in to call her names

But what can you do? That is USMB
Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.

No vote is irrelevant

It will take a generation or more for Republicans to win back the black vote. They have done that much damage

But every percentage shift matters. A 10% shift back down into the low 80s would mean a percent or two at the polls. There are several states where this would make a difference in the election

what you really need to consider is 3 million more blacks came out ot vote for the first black man running for president. will they be there when the democrats don't run a black man? and will they be there if the democrats run a white woman? also 7 million white voters didn't show up for the 2012 election. I'm guessing they will be back in 2016
Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.

Level the playing field? What the fuck does that even mean? Should my customer be forced to hire an unqualified minority just to give them a shot? Should I have to hire a minority to do my plumbing instead of my regular plumber just to pacify someone over skin color? Why do you think minorities can't work like I did for what I've attained?

It's all bullshit. Everyone has an equal opportunity to do something with their lives if they choose to apply themselves.
I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!

If 'giving free shit' to minorities and the morons who elected him, I assume that is or at least includes the poor, raises the economy why would you be against that, I mean besides being racist that is.
Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

Well, if that is how you simplify it then you guys win nothing. You guys need to backtrack. This next cycle of elections and definitely in 2016 will be how well the response is to the needs of the people.

PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008.

The results are based on more than 18,000 interviews with Americans from 13 separate Gallup multiple-day polls conducted in 2013.

In each of the last three years, at least 40% of Americans have identified as independents. These are also the only years in Gallup's records that the percentage of independents has reached that level.

Americans' increasing shift to independent status has come more at the expense of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. Republican identification peaked at 34% in 2004, the year George W. Bush won a second term in office. Since then, it has fallen nine percentage points, with most of that decline coming during Bush's troubled second term. When he left office, Republican identification was down to 28%. It has declined or stagnated since then, improving only slightly to 29% in 2010, the year Republicans "shellacked" Democrats in the midterm elections.

Not since 1983, when Gallup was still conducting interviews face to face, has a lower percentage of Americans, 24%, identified as Republicans than is the case now. That year, President Ronald Reagan remained unpopular as the economy struggled to emerge from recession. By the following year, amid an improving economy and re-election for the increasingly popular incumbent president, Republican identification jumped to 30%, a level generally maintained until 2007.

Democratic identification has also declined in recent years, falling five points from its recent high of 36% in 2008, the year President Barack Obama was elected. The current 31% of Americans identifying as Democrats matches the lowest annual
average in the last 25 years.

Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

My suggestion is that you figure out what the needs of the people are.

The needs of the people are for the government to get the fuck out of the way & stop trying to micro manage our society. Every time you try to lift one person with some kind of legislation you push several others down.

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