Republican outreach to African Americans

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

It's not hate it's fact. And if being honest is the problem I see why you win the votes.
I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!

Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.
Democrat pandering to illegal Hispanics keeps working class and poor Black people stuck at the bottom. more and more this is becoming obvious. but Hispanics have outpaced Black people in population; so you see why Dems are pandering for "immigration reform"

idiots and hypocrites
Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.

You're another reason to quit the democrat party, you're a lying POS.
Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.

That is so overtly ludicrous, I have literally no words to express how inanely childish that response was.

Think about it for a moment. In what way do we "hate" them? Actually, who is it that really hates them? The Democrats. By keeping these people on a leash, telling them how to vote and how to think; telling them to use the plights of their ancestors as a means to get somewhere in life... to be quite honest, there are disturbing parallels between them and the slaves of old. They need a political party to whip them all into line, anyone who steps out of line will be hunted down by their masters and ideologically beaten back into submission.

How disturbing. We don't hate black people. We let them be who they want to be, free to think, free to prosper.

How condescending
Republicans are growing; the Dem Party dies with every Progressive failure

obama can barely change his own laws fast enough to save his Party
Black men and women had it better when Republicans were in charge

true story

Starting in the 60s Democratic Strategists realized the importance of the Negro vote and began courting African Americans. The Civil Rights movement was already gaining steam thanks to initiatives began by President Eisenhower. President Johnson gave a speech in which the Democratic courting of African Americans is rationalized.

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill versus 73 percent of Democrats. The final vote on the House version - only one Senate Republican voted against it compared to seventeen Democrats.

In an effort to rationalize the Black support of Democrats, Nixon's infamous "Southern Strategy" is constantly referenced , less well remembered are Woodrow Wilson's segregation of the Federal civil service; The ascension of Robert Byrd, former member of the KKK, one time President pro tempore of the Senate, and third in line for presidential succession .

Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds. - Democratic Senator Robert Byrd

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? Liberal Democrats have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs.

Walter Williams, economist, philosopher, columnist, professor at George Mason University, and Black Republican was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal and discussed research he conducted which led him to the conclusion that the government welfare state killed the black family, not slavery or racism.

Even .... when slaves often weren't permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do, what Jim Crow couldn't do, what the harshest racism couldn't do,.... And that is to destroy the black family.

I think it's important for people to understand the ideas of scarcity and decision-making in everyday life so that they won't be ripped off by politicians," he says. "Politicians exploit economic illiteracy. The State Against Blacks - Wall Street Journal


Blacks and the Democratic Party
It's no secret what the left does to Black people who escape the democrat party plantation. They ridicule people like Col. West and Clarence Thomas and depict successful Black women like Dr. Condie Rice with hateful extreme racist cartoons. Democrats feel more comfortable with Black people on the federal plantation being fed with food stamps.
dems excuse-making for obama is the same excuse-making they use on all African-Americans; it's not their fault.

enjoy your pandering while it lasts
I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!

Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?
what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

It's not hate it's fact. And if being honest is the problem I see why you win the votes.

A "Low information voter" is anyone who does not listen to Rush Limbaugh

Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote in the 2012 election. They got 26% of the Asian vote

Are you lumping Asians in your Low Information/Free Stuff rant also?
That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.
Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

young and women are both starting to slip away from the democrats. of the 20,000,000 new permits for guns last year, the majority were women and youth. two democratic strongholds that are being alienated by democratic attacks on constitutional rights.

Total guns confiscated by Obama?


I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!

Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.
Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

young and women are both starting to slip away from the democrats. of the 20,000,000 new permits for guns last year, the majority were women and youth. two democratic strongholds that are being alienated by democratic attacks on constitutional rights.

Total guns confiscated by Obama?



because congressmen and senators realized they would be voted out of office if they supported gun control legislation. remember lib claims 85% of americans supported background checks and tighter gun control after sandy hook? Democrats couldn't even pass a completely watered down version of gun control. even democrats in the senate wouldn't back it after they heard from their voters.

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.

The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

Hint: Calling them "Low information voters/Stupid" does not help you make your case
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Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.

john kerry made more than romney and paid as little.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.

The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do
no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.

The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do
So they must be really stupid ya? You just have to lie to them and give them stuff? Wow, what a bunch of dummies eh?
no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.

The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do
You just expect people to vote for a guy in magic underwear. :lol:

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