Republican outreach to African Americans

You libs have been saying that for over 2 decades. The only thing irrelevant is your opinions on the matter.

Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Keep telling yourself that

Current demographics are working against you in Florida and Texas. The handwriting is on the wall, lose those states and you will never elect another President
the current republican party is a failure.

as long as it keeps this platform it will not perform
The scum that is the dimocrap party propaganda machine brings you.....

MSNBC Jumps The Race Baiting Shark: Touré, Joy Reid, Krystal Ball Hold “2014 Racial Draft”…

[ame=]Touré's '2014 Racial Draft' - YouTube[/ame]

It’s come to this.

Via Truth Revolt:
Touré's '2014 Racial Draft' | Truth Revolt

Touré: Welcome back to MSNBC and the 2014 Racial Draft where races come together to sort out the racial standing of all sorts of Americans. everything is up for grabs today, folks. once you are drafted by a certain race, that’s your group. Who can forget the annual inauguration racial draft where this happened?

[Plays a clip from "Chappelle's Show"
"We need a black delegation. Tiger Woods. -- No surprises there; he has been discriminated against in his time, he's had death threats and he dates a white woman. Sounds like a black guy to me."]

Wonder if they’d take him now? [laughs] Well, folks, in today’s racial draft, there’s been a lot of shocking choices. A quick recap — the white delegation, led by Krystal Ball, chose Derek Jeter and Maria Carey, while the black delegation, led by Joy Reid, shocked the world like Cassius Clay by taking the Walton’s and the Koch’s. I guess they fit, because they are on welfare—corporate welfare that is. [laughs] Let’s touch base with each delegation and get a take on their strategy. Krystal, what’s your strategy today?

Krystal: I just want to have some fun and pick some cool people. Hi, mom!

Touré: All right! Joy, what is your strategy?

Joy: Mine is attacking inequality and make up the for the dearth of intergenerational mobility by bringing real wealth into our community.

Krystal: Wait, what?

Touré: We have never seen a strategy like Joy’s in this draft—very interesting concept. Can you change race relations by radically subverting the economic structure of America? We’re going to have to see what happens. It’s time for the white delegation to pick again.

Krystal: The white delegation chooses Halle Berry.

Touré: OK. Now the gorgeous mixed race actress is 100% white. Interesting choice. Does the black delegation need any time to deliberate?

Joy: Nope, nope, nope. The black delegation chooses Bill Gates.

Touré: Wow! Bill Gates is now black! I don’t know what her justification for picking him is, but $76 billion just moved into the black community—an economic bombshell. OK, it’s K.B.’s turn.

Krystal: The white delegation chooses Drake, yello!

Touré: And you can have him. Good luck with that. OK, it’s Joy’s turn.

And some of you think we can have an adult conversation with these idiots?
Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Keep telling yourself that

Current demographics are working against you in Florida and Texas. The handwriting is on the wall, lose those states and you will never elect another President

New Mexico should probably be the biggest "uh-oh" for the GOP. It used to be pretty dependable in their column but that is no longer the case. Retirees will keep Florida purple for a long time to come. Nobody moves to Texas to retire with it's non-existent social service infrastructure and polluter-friendly laws.

Retirees is all that has kept Arizona red for this long.
I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.

democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.
You libs have been saying that for over 2 decades. The only thing irrelevant is your opinions on the matter.

Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.
Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.
You libs have been saying that for over 2 decades. The only thing irrelevant is your opinions on the matter.

Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

young and women are both starting to slip away from the democrats. of the 20,000,000 new permits for guns last year, the majority were women and youth. two democratic strongholds that are being alienated by democratic attacks on constitutional rights.
Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

But they also have a chance to redeem themselves. Literally. If they want better lives, the need to stop voting for people to give them stuff, but people who will give them jobs and get them out of those hellholes they're living in.
Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Keep telling yourself that

Current demographics are working against you in Florida and Texas. The handwriting is on the wall, lose those states and you will never elect another President

New Mexico should probably be the biggest "uh-oh" for the GOP. It used to be pretty dependable in their column but that is no longer the case. Retirees will keep Florida purple for a long time to come. Nobody moves to Texas to retire with it's non-existent social service infrastructure and polluter-friendly laws.

Retirees is all that has kept Arizona red for this long.

So, retirees keep Florida purple but Arizona was kept red by retirees? Really?
Did you guys hear about Spike Lee bitching that whites are moving back into urban areas?

It's classic racism but of course there's been not one mention of it anywhere.

They bitch about white flight. They bitch about whites reinvesting in poor communities.

Can't win with these liberal loons
Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Keep telling yourself that

Current demographics are working against you in Florida and Texas. The handwriting is on the wall, lose those states and you will never elect another President

New Mexico should probably be the biggest "uh-oh" for the GOP. It used to be pretty dependable in their column but that is no longer the case. Retirees will keep Florida purple for a long time to come. Nobody moves to Texas to retire with it's non-existent social service infrastructure and polluter-friendly laws.

Retirees is all that has kept Arizona red for this long.

New Mexico has gone pretty much blue

Florida has been moving more and more into the blue column. A few percentage points in the Hispanic vote would make it permanently blue

Texas is as solid red as they come. But demographic trends do not look good. There is a huge hispanic block right now that is getting larger. Retirees may not be looking to move to Texas but as Texas steals workers from blue states, those workers do not magically turn Republican
democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

Too dumb to vote for you eh? Got it.
Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.

That is so overtly ludicrous, I have literally no words to express how inanely childish that response was.

Think about it for a moment. In what way do we "hate" them? Actually, who is it that really hates them? The Democrats. By keeping these people on a leash, telling them how to vote and how to think; telling them to use the plights of their ancestors as a means to get somewhere in life... to be quite honest, there are disturbing parallels between them and the slaves of old. They need a political party to whip them all into line, anyone who steps out of line will be hunted down by their masters and ideologically beaten back into submission.

How disturbing. We don't hate black people. We let them be who they want to be, free to think, free to prosper.
just laughable

colorado went back to being red when they lost 2 Blue reps
virginia probably will too

obama is the gift that keeps on giving

this fall looks good for Republicans
Problem for Republicans is they can no longer give away the black and minority vote and expect to win

There is no reason they shouldn't be trying to contest the vote with those demographics

As usual you have it ass backwards. The democrats couldn't win an election for dog catcher without pandering to the black vote.

It is more than that. It is all minorities including hispanics and asians, young voters, urban voters, labor, younger women

The Republican tent is limiting itself to white christian older males which will push the party to irrelevancy
And just like the party, the base is dying off.
democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

what they won't do is stoop to the democrats level and play the race card and try to maintain a group of low information voters.

That is part of your problem in appealing to minorities. Rather than trying to see why they won't vote Republican, you bend over backward to drive them away by calling anyone who doesn't agree with you a "low information voter"

Hate rhetoric is not your friend

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