Republican outreach to African Americans

no, that is part of your problem in exploiting minorities. republicans treat blacks, hispanics the same as whites. they don't try to buy their votes. blacks are no better off under obama, or under clinton then they have been under a republican president. blacks are no better off today then they were under bush. inner cities are and have been under democratic control for decades. and who still suffers the most? the iiner city minorities. you have absolutely no track record of improving their lives, making them more competitive in the market place.

The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do

Appealing to black voters is the muck?
The challenge for Republicans is simple. 95% of blacks are not voting Republican. If you can make their lives better, the burden is on you to prove it to them

hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do

Appealing to black voters is the muck?

lying to them and keeping them down is. republicans won't stoop to your level
hey, they want their lives improved its up to them to seek out a real solution. republicans are not going to buy their vote and lie to them like democrats. sorry, we don't wallow in the muck like you do

Appealing to black voters is the muck?

lying to them and keeping them down is. republicans won't stoop to your level

Who is asking you to lie to them?

Just explain how Democratic policies hurt them and how Republican policies will be better for them

Shouldn't be that hard
Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.

That is so overtly ludicrous, I have literally no words to express how inanely childish that response was.

Think about it for a moment. In what way do we "hate" them? Actually, who is it that really hates them? The Democrats. By keeping these people on a leash, telling them how to vote and how to think; telling them to use the plights of their ancestors as a means to get somewhere in life... to be quite honest, there are disturbing parallels between them and the slaves of old. They need a political party to whip them all into line, anyone who steps out of line will be hunted down by their masters and ideologically beaten back into submission.

How disturbing. We don't hate black people. We let them be who they want to be, free to think, free to prosper.

there are no disturbing parallels between the slaves of old and the democrats. your post is ridiculous. report that as well.
The only blacks who will vote gop are those who believe that there are blacks who do not want to aspire and achieve to better economic results based on their own work, and that opportunity actually exists, and hard work will be rewarded. Most don't believe that opportunity is there. The gop disagrees, and that frankly is about the only alluring thing I still see in the tea party/gop. Though the party may be on the verge of purging the people funding the tea party from any actual influence.
The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.

john kerry made more than romney and paid as little.


As do I actually on my investments anyway...

Except I'd be okay paying more in taxes as would Secretary Kerry, President Obama, and most other Democrats. We see the disparity and that the playing field isn't level. Income is income.

Governor Romney and nearly every other republican opposed treating income as income for all taxpayers.

I guess we could just offer the blacks twice as much free shit as the democrats do. I mean does it really matter? Obama hasn't delivered any of his promises to the minorities and the morons elected him again.
We could just promise, not deliver, do what we want instead and still get reelected.

The liberal way FTW !!!!!

Actually, you could start listening. When I was in grade school they had these books on opposing views. An issue would be presented and someone from the right and someone from the left would respond. The arguments were laid out point by point by prominent members of both parties.

When you hear that women, Latinos and African Americans and the working class are unhappy with Democrats then you need to listen and offer alternative solutions to those issues. It isn't boiled down to free shit v not free shit and it most certainly isn't defined by media propaganda and polls that really don't say anything.

The solutions to lifes problems is hard work and determination. The government can not provide you with that. So beyond the "free" shit what exactly are you expecting?

Well, if that is how you simplify it then you guys win nothing. You guys need to backtrack. This next cycle of elections and definitely in 2016 will be how well the response is to the needs of the people.

PRINCETON, NJ -- Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago. Meanwhile, Republican identification fell to 25%, the lowest over that time span. At 31%, Democratic identification is unchanged from the last four years but down from 36% in 2008.

The results are based on more than 18,000 interviews with Americans from 13 separate Gallup multiple-day polls conducted in 2013.

In each of the last three years, at least 40% of Americans have identified as independents. These are also the only years in Gallup's records that the percentage of independents has reached that level.

Americans' increasing shift to independent status has come more at the expense of the Republican Party than the Democratic Party. Republican identification peaked at 34% in 2004, the year George W. Bush won a second term in office. Since then, it has fallen nine percentage points, with most of that decline coming during Bush's troubled second term. When he left office, Republican identification was down to 28%. It has declined or stagnated since then, improving only slightly to 29% in 2010, the year Republicans "shellacked" Democrats in the midterm elections.

Not since 1983, when Gallup was still conducting interviews face to face, has a lower percentage of Americans, 24%, identified as Republicans than is the case now. That year, President Ronald Reagan remained unpopular as the economy struggled to emerge from recession. By the following year, amid an improving economy and re-election for the increasingly popular incumbent president, Republican identification jumped to 30%, a level generally maintained until 2007.

Democratic identification has also declined in recent years, falling five points from its recent high of 36% in 2008, the year President Barack Obama was elected. The current 31% of Americans identifying as Democrats matches the lowest annual
average in the last 25 years.

Record-High 42% of Americans Identify as Independents

My suggestion is that you figure out what the needs of the people are.
Actually, don't John and Teresa file separately. I don't really figure the rich pay as much % as I do, but I'm not voting for anyone who doesn't disclose is personal tax info.
Just because a black voter gives up on the Democrats does not mean in any way they are going to start voting for the party which so clearly hates them.

That is so overtly ludicrous, I have literally no words to express how inanely childish that response was.

Think about it for a moment. In what way do we "hate" them? Actually, who is it that really hates them? The Democrats. By keeping these people on a leash, telling them how to vote and how to think; telling them to use the plights of their ancestors as a means to get somewhere in life... to be quite honest, there are disturbing parallels between them and the slaves of old. They need a political party to whip them all into line, anyone who steps out of line will be hunted down by their masters and ideologically beaten back into submission.

How disturbing. We don't hate black people. We let them be who they want to be, free to think, free to prosper.

there are no disturbing parallels between the slaves of old and the democrats. your post is ridiculous. report that as well.

Do you recall the Warden's speech to the prisoner's in the movie Death Race (Jason Statham and Joan Allen starring)? TK's dissertation sounds a lot like that:

Warden Speech from Death Race | Anyclip
Actually, don't John and Teresa file separately. I don't really figure the rich pay as much % as I do, but I'm not voting for anyone who doesn't disclose is personal tax info.

It's not a matter of being rich; it's the tax code. Some of my investments are for dividend only. They pay about $1.00 per quarter per share. You own 12,000 of these shares and you make $48,000 a year. And you pay 13% tax on it if I recall. If you work and make $48,000 a year, you pay 17% what you toiled for. That doesn't seem fair to me.

The Republicans are right insofar as wanting blacks and all of us to get to the point of owning 12,000 of these shares and never having to work again. But for middle to low income voters, you get the feeling that it's about protecting the wealthy, not wanting to increase their ranks.
Pandering nonsense. Republicans should reach out to all Americans REGARDLESS of skin color.

Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it

Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?
I agree. I think the gop just has to go back to where it was in 2000. We're for charters where public schools have failed. We're for tax credits and high risk pools for healthcare. We want progressive taxes in that the rich pay more overall, but we want everyone's taxes to be as low as possible.

In short, we need to pretend W was never elected. We need to drop the tea party /quasi Randian rhetoric and be in favor a safety net but not be arbitrating who wins in the economy.
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Pandering nonsense. Republicans should reach out to all Americans REGARDLESS of skin color.

Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it

Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?

Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican
Actually, don't John and Teresa file separately. I don't really figure the rich pay as much % as I do, but I'm not voting for anyone who doesn't disclose is personal tax info.

It's not a matter of being rich; it's the tax code. Some of my investments are for dividend only. They pay about $1.00 per quarter per share. You own 12,000 of these shares and you make $48,000 a year. And you pay 13% tax on it if I recall. If you work and make $48,000 a year, you pay 17% what you toiled for. That doesn't seem fair to me.

The Republicans are right insofar as wanting blacks and all of us to get to the point of owning 12,000 of these shares and never having to work again. But for middle to low income voters, you get the feeling that it's about protecting the wealthy, not wanting to increase their ranks.

Where do you get these numbers?

Honest to God. Where? What world do you live in? The Land of Oz?

If you earned $48k as a SINGLE taxpayer (who would marry......? nevermind) your total Income Tax on that amount, with no further deductions is....


Which is 11.3%

Not 17%.

I won't call you a liar, but I question your IQ.

The thing is, I don't believe you personally are dishonest. But I do think you don't care enough about the truth to put forth any effort to discover it.

You're a dimocrap... What else is new :dunno:
Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it

Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?

Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.
Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it

Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?

Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Democrats need to do better than claiming 95 percent ownership and ignoring the high rates of blacks and Latinos losing in this Economy which is owned by the Democrats. Democrats are the Majority and have been since 2006.
Liberals keep touting the 95 percent of blacks and that "Republicans need to do something about." Does anyone think Liberals are intellectually honest enough to give Republicans or Conservatives credit for getting Blacks, Latinos to the GOP? Anytime a person of color or woman of any color embraces the GOP or comes out as a conservative, he/she and their family members are smeared by the so called tolerant Left. The Left has vested interest in maintaining that 95 percent. How and why would they care to recognize a shift?

As for Republicans, they need to make the economic case and social case. What is the unemployment among blacks and Latinos going back to 2006? How many charter schools and voucher programs have been closed in their neighborhoods so Democrats can pay their Union cronies or pursue energy policies that necessarily raise prices? How is all of this helping blacks and Latinos if the unemployment and poverty numbers keep going up?

Republicans need to do better than "Look! We have black people too"

You are correct about Republicans doing a better job in selling themselves. Right now, it seems they are working harder to drive minorities away than convince them to vote Republican

Frankly, the black vote is irrelevant. The gop needs latinos, women and to a lesser degree Asians. When we lose the women and Asians, for Gods sakes, that outta tell us we've lost the up from the bottom achievers, which is where we should be living.

No vote is irrelevant

It will take a generation or more for Republicans to win back the black vote. They have done that much damage

But every percentage shift matters. A 10% shift back down into the low 80s would mean a percent or two at the polls. There are several states where this would make a difference in the election
Actually, don't John and Teresa file separately. I don't really figure the rich pay as much % as I do, but I'm not voting for anyone who doesn't disclose is personal tax info.

It's not a matter of being rich; it's the tax code. Some of my investments are for dividend only. They pay about $1.00 per quarter per share. You own 12,000 of these shares and you make $48,000 a year. And you pay 13% tax on it if I recall. If you work and make $48,000 a year, you pay 17% what you toiled for. That doesn't seem fair to me.

The Republicans are right insofar as wanting blacks and all of us to get to the point of owning 12,000 of these shares and never having to work again. But for middle to low income voters, you get the feeling that it's about protecting the wealthy, not wanting to increase their ranks.

Where do you get these numbers?

Honest to God. Where? What world do you live in? The Land of Oz?

If you earned $48k as a SINGLE taxpayer (who would marry......? nevermind) your total Income Tax on that amount, with no further deductions is....

Tax Calculator - Estimate Your Income Tax for 2013 - Free!


Which is 11.3%

Not 17%.

I won't call you a liar, but I question your IQ.

The thing is, I don't believe you personally are dishonest. But I do think you don't care enough about the truth to put forth any effort to discover it.

You're a dimocrap... What else is new :dunno:

Glad you brought that up. You're proving to be quite the useful idiot.

Everyone, go to moneychimp and pop in $48,000 in income and it does come out to $5,429 paid in taxes. Now pop in $48,000 as dividend income. Your income tax is $263 or about $5,200 cheaper even though you didn't lift a finger for that income.

Feel free to use his source
Fine by me Republicans. Even your own studies indicate that future demographics are working against you

But I have a nice pile of sand you can stick your head in

Actually, we have young people moving towards us. The Hispanics are starting to slip through your fingers. Blacks in Chicago are starting to turn on the president. Even they are so dumb as to be fooled twice.

Why wouldn't the blacks turn on the democrats? Every single crap hole that the blacks live is run by democrats. There is no way Republicans should be blamed for anything effecting blacks, it is all democrat. The blacks vote that way and they get what they voted for.

Traditionally, blacks have been pro union. Unions = higher wages. Republicans don't like unions. No secret there. And then I posted about republicans trying to end weekend voting that favors blacks. Getting the picture a little? It's your party's actions. Trotting out all the Ben Carsons you want won't change anything.
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