Republican outreach to African Americans

They just need to ask BO. Hell living in Hawaii, raised by white grandparents, going to Occidental and somehow getting into Columbia and Harvard, that is exactly the African American experience, hell that is storybook.

somewhere that ^ was funny and/or considered to make a point. but not here. try again, or better, don't.

So the remark about Republican senators was OK but bring up the most powerful black man is not? Interesting. Now I understand this is a get in on Republicans.

The point is that the statement about Republicans implies that he black experience can't be understood but by those who have lived it. Yet I would have to say that Obama's only connection to the black experience is his parents abandoning him and his admitted abuse of drugs and Alcohol. Which are not typical of the majority of blacks.

"So the remark about Republican senators was OK but bring up the most powerful black man is not? Interesting. Now I understand this is a get in on Republicans."

you are clearly very clever. a thread on republicans' outreach to african americans does not require another whine about obama.
Yea....Republicans love to play that "We look at ALL people as equal, that is why we do nothing for you" card

But even Republicans cannot ignore demographics. They love to embrace the rich/poor demographic. But there is also the old/young demographic. urban/rural demographic, religious/non-religious and thousands of others

To pretend that one size fits all does not fool anyone. Bottom line, 95% of blacks do not vote Republican and Republicans need to do something about it


Old people vote on the same issues as young people?
City dwellers vote on the same issues as farmers?
Rich people vote on the same issues as poor people?

That is nonsense?

Yes, pandering is nonsense. We don't need a government that is deep into our lives or pockets. And that is all that happens when you pander to 8ndividual groups

The fact you think you have isn't so,You do know this ruling dons't prove anyone cheated anyone. It clear you don't understand the ruling,and why they ruled the way they did.

Now lets talk about a guy named Jefferson,a rep that was reelected by Dems after he was caught with 10s of thousand of bribe money in his freezer. This in not the only example ether.

Your so hung up on bashing the other guy when you only have to look in your own back yard for cheaters.

Ignoring cheating in your own back yard just proves your only interested in bashing the other guy,not in the truth.It must be hard to be that shallow and empty.

TM is a scumbag troll that we'd all be better off without.

He's also stupid. SO don't get into with him/her/it about this case.

He's just too stupid to understand it

Your merely lying.

the courts wont let your party out of the consent decree because you keep getting caught cheating voters out of their votes to win elections
Interesting comment made in this video that makes the connection to the civil war. The poor white man, and even some blacks, were convinced by white rich aristocrats to fight to maintain the aristocrats way of life.

Today we have rich democrats, black and white, making a living off of telling blacks they are a victim.

Listen, there are many excellent points made by ZO. If I were had anything against blacks I would not post this, it makes too much sense.

[ame=]ZoNation: Observing Black History Month - YouTube[/ame]
If ever the day comes and the black vote isn't automatic democrat liberals are gonna shit themselves.

I think that ship has sailed. You may be able to win women back when you finally abandon the punitive abortion measures but blacks are gone.

Hispanics are almost gone as a large voting block to be won. The reflexive resistance to raising the minimum wage doesn't help but the real problem is the reflexive resistance to any minimum wage. Additionally, a lot of these new voters are influenced by their ancestors knowing full well what a small government means. In Latin America, the capitol is pretty secure but just outside where there is not much government, lawlessness and corruption rule the day. So when they hear "we need less government" from every doesn't translate well.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
obama; and with him the Dem Party; lost some support among Black people of both genders and women of all races last time. this can only continue as Dems keep screwing up and failing
Interesting comment made in this video that makes the connection to the civil war. The poor white man, and even some blacks, were convinced by white rich aristocrats to fight to maintain the aristocrats way of life.

Today we have rich democrats, black and white, making a living off of telling blacks they are a victim.

Listen, there are many excellent points made by ZO. If I were had anything against blacks I would not post this, it makes too much sense.

ZoNation: Observing Black History Month - YouTube

PJ Media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some right wing scum who cant get black people to agree with him either
If ever the day comes and the black vote isn't automatic democrat liberals are gonna shit themselves.

Problem for Republicans is they can no longer give away the black and minority vote and expect to win

There is no reason they shouldn't be trying to contest the vote with those demographics

As usual you have it ass backwards. The democrats couldn't win an election for dog catcher without pandering to the black vote.
Your party has resorted to cheating voters.

the record is completely clear in the courts.

You try to just LIE it away.

another reason black voters hate your party
If ever the day comes and the black vote isn't automatic democrat liberals are gonna shit themselves.

Problem for Republicans is they can no longer give away the black and minority vote and expect to win

There is no reason they shouldn't be trying to contest the vote with those demographics

As usual you have it ass backwards. The democrats couldn't win an election for dog catcher without pandering to the black vote.


not cheating them out of their vote is pandering?
This poster is the perfect example of why the Republican party is sinking down into the very mudhole it has dug for itself. Going, going, gone.

And the last people to notice are the idiot republicans themselves....seems odd but it's the truth.

people who have brought record welfare and food stamps to America on their watch should avoid calling other people idiots

And the GOP had nothing to do with that? Doesn't the GOP control the House?
And the last people to notice are the idiot republicans themselves....seems odd but it's the truth.

people who have brought record welfare and food stamps to America on their watch should avoid calling other people idiots

And the GOP had nothing to do with that? Doesn't the GOP control the House?

The GOP has controlled the House; in it's 4th year now; the Dem has controlled the Senate for going on 8 straight years; Dems have either had both chambers of Congress AND the White House; both chambers of Congress; or 2 of the 3 for the last over 7 years in a row

keep the excuses coming though; for left-wing FAILURE
FIGURES LEFT-WING NUTJOBS like candycorn AND OTHER PATHETIC LOSERS want to blame the Republican MINORITY for left-wing failures; instead of the Dem Majority that has been in effect for over 7 years now

idiots and hypocrites

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