Republican outreach to African Americans

Why aren't job creators creating any jobs? Couldn't wealthy job creators afford to create more jobs with higher wages and better benefits with their record corporate profits during the Bush/Obama administration?

Why does trickle down theory not work in practice?
I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.

Level the playing field? What the fuck does that even mean?

C'mon Gramps, I explained it in the post you're responding to. Income is taxed differently. If you're getting interest and dividends as your income, you're paying less in income taxes. Generally, the rich are the ones that are doing this on a large scale.

If your party is fighting very hard to maintain that some income is treated differently than others, those on the short end of the stick are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.

but the rich pay both on their income and wealth in the form of capital gains taxes. who are you trying to fool leftard?
Why aren't job creators creating any jobs? Couldn't wealthy job creators afford to create more jobs with higher wages and better benefits with their record corporate profits during the Bush/Obama administration?

Why does trickle down theory not work in practice?

obama claims a 6.something percent unemployment rate; and claims to have created 7 MILLION new jobs

why are you idiots asking others to produce jobs you idiots claim to have already produced?
In fact, if the federal government was using an honest labor force participation rate, the official unemployment rate would be far higher than it is right now. Instead of 6.7 percent, it would be 11.5 percent, and it has stayed at about that level since the end of the last recession.

But "6.7 percent" makes Obama look so much better than "11.5 percent", don't you think?

The labor force participation rate is now at a 35 year low, and the only way that the federal government has been able to get the "unemployment rate" to go down is by removing hundreds of thousands of Americans out of the labor force every month.

Why don't they just get it over with and announce that they have decided that all workers immediately leave the labor force the moment that they lose their jobs? That way we could have an unemployment rate of "0.0 percent" and Obama could be hailed as a great economic savior.

Of course the truth is that the employment crisis in the United States is about as bad now as it was during the depths of the last recession.

If you want a much more accurate reading of the employment picture in America, just look at the employment-population ratio. The percentage of working age Americans that actually have a job continues to stagnate at an extremely low level. In fact, the percentage of working age Americans that are employed has stayed between 58.2 percent and 58.8 percent for 52 months in a row...
Conservatives always say that the government can't create jobs, so why blame Obama for unemployment? Why not blame the private sector that rakes in billions of dollars in profit every fiscal quarter but won't trickle that wealth down to their employees and the working class in general?

Why do you blame Obama instead of the bankers for tanking the economy in 2007?

who's that lefard?

and who is Ayn Paul?

listen leftard; obama's failures have nothing to do with Bush; that was the whole point here lol!

listen asshole. the thread's aobut gop outreach, not about Obama. be careful with the name calling.

......said the asshole; lecturing others about name-calling

you started it, asshole. And you can end it.

Pt was, W attempted outreach. the Gop abandoned it.
Conservatives always say that the government can't create jobs, so why blame Obama for unemployment? Why not blame the private sector that rakes in billions of dollars in profit every fiscal quarter but won't trickle that wealth down to their employees and the working class in general?

Why do you blame Obama instead of the bankers for tanking the economy in 2007?

because he's failed to create the environment for job growth you mindless idiot. and he's claiming to have created jobs; it just isnt true
Level the playing field? What the fuck does that even mean?

C'mon Gramps, I explained it in the post you're responding to. Income is taxed differently. If you're getting interest and dividends as your income, you're paying less in income taxes. Generally, the rich are the ones that are doing this on a large scale.

If your party is fighting very hard to maintain that some income is treated differently than others, those on the short end of the stick are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.

but the rich pay both on their income and wealth in the form of capital gains taxes. who are you trying to fool leftard?

Capital Gain:
cap·i·tal gain
noun: capital gain; plural noun: capital gains
1. a profit from the sale of property or of an investment.

No sale, no tax. However, you still can make dividends off of stock you own without paying capital gains.
I'm not black so this is speculation but leveling the playing field for one thing.

Mitt Romney paid less on his dividend income than you and I paid on income earned through labor. So for every dollar he makes by not lifting a finger he keeps more of it than you and I make by waking up early and going to work. The GOP would rather eat a dirt sandwich than have those rates equalized... This is where you lose a lot of people.

Level the playing field? What the fuck does that even mean?

C'mon Gramps, I explained it in the post you're responding to. Income is taxed differently. If you're getting interest and dividends as your income, you're paying less in income taxes. Generally, the rich are the ones that are doing this on a large scale.

If your party is fighting very hard to maintain that some income is treated differently than others, those on the short end of the stick are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.

Fair enough but that's not really the issue at hand here. I SERIOUSLY doubt most Americans are concerned with the finances of other people. Much less able to understand them thereby making it very easy to divide people on the issue.

I have stated all along that I am for a flat tax for all with 0 deductions except for food. So ultimately I guess im on your side on the issue but this is not a make or break issue imo.
Conservatives always say that the government can't create jobs, so why blame Obama for unemployment? Why not blame the private sector that rakes in billions of dollars in profit every fiscal quarter but won't trickle that wealth down to their employees and the working class in general?

Why do you blame Obama instead of the bankers for tanking the economy in 2007?

I blame them all. Obama is the figure head therefore he gets the credit be it good or bad. I do think gop policies are better for the issue but since we don't seem to be smart enough to quit squabbling over social issues we're stuck in a never ending circle jerk with the democrats.
Conservatives always say that the government can't create jobs, so why blame Obama for unemployment? Why not blame the private sector that rakes in billions of dollars in profit every fiscal quarter but won't trickle that wealth down to their employees and the working class in general?

Why do you blame Obama instead of the bankers for tanking the economy in 2007?

because he's failed to create the environment for job growth you mindless idiot. and he's claiming to have created jobs; it just isnt true
In what way was giving the private sector billions of dollars in bailout funds not creating the environment for job growth? If the private sector is where jobs are created, and Obama gave the private sector billions of dollars in public funds to rebound from their own inevitable failures, and the private sector then kept that money and didn't expand employment or raise wages, then the blame lies with the greed of the private sector.

So why aren't job creators creating any jobs? Corporations are making more profit than ever before in history, so how has Obama not created an environment that promotes job growth? Wal-Mart made almost $16B in the last three months of 2011, but their workers are still on food stamps. If Wal-Mart profited $16B in three months, then why is Wal-Mart incapable of paying their employees higher wages and better benefits so that those private employees don't need public assistance?

Why do Conservative Christians love the greed of the 1%?
Conservatives always say that the government can't create jobs, so why blame Obama for unemployment? Why not blame the private sector that rakes in billions of dollars in profit every fiscal quarter but won't trickle that wealth down to their employees and the working class in general?

Why do you blame Obama instead of the bankers for tanking the economy in 2007?

because he's failed to create the environment for job growth you mindless idiot. and he's claiming to have created jobs; it just isnt true
In what way was giving the private sector billions of dollars in bailout funds not creating the environment for job growth? If the private sector is where jobs are created, and Obama gave the private sector billions of dollars in public funds to rebound from their own inevitable failures, and the private sector then kept that money and didn't expand employment or raise wages, then the blame lies with the greed of the private sector.

So why aren't job creators creating any jobs? Corporations are making more profit than ever before in history, so how has Obama not created an environment that promotes job growth? Wal-Mart made almost $16B in the last three months of 2011, but their workers are still on food stamps. If Wal-Mart profited $16B in three months, then why is Wal-Mart incapable of paying their employees higher wages and better benefits so that those private employees don't need public assistance?

Why do Conservative Christians love the greed of the 1%?

Interesting post. I'd admit that Obamacare has the effect of putting more money in workers' pockets ... on a macro basis, and I think we have to admit it hurts some individuals even though it benefits the majority.

So, there's where imo the gop outreach should be. Replace obamacare as an entitlement program with tax credits for uninsured folks to buy insurance if they want, and economically punish people who don't but in ONLY IF they get sick.

There's a limit as to what any political party can do when the economy is deleveraging debt rather than expanding. Imo, the gop should reach out to African americans the same way it does with any immigrant group (I realize African americans by and large have been here awhile) with federal aid for higher education; charter schools for failed public schools, and low taxes. It may not get Jesse Jackson to buy in, but at least we can say we're trying to treat people equally.
Level the playing field? What the fuck does that even mean?

C'mon Gramps, I explained it in the post you're responding to. Income is taxed differently. If you're getting interest and dividends as your income, you're paying less in income taxes. Generally, the rich are the ones that are doing this on a large scale.

If your party is fighting very hard to maintain that some income is treated differently than others, those on the short end of the stick are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.

Fair enough but that's not really the issue at hand here.
If the issue is outreach to African Americans, equality is a big issue. That is what this boils down to; income being treated as income.

I SERIOUSLY doubt most Americans are concerned with the finances of other people. Much less able to understand them thereby making it very easy to divide people on the issue.
I'm going to disagree with you in two ways. First it isn't about finances, it's about governmental "penalties" of taxes. If you found out a plumber across town wasn't paying the same license fee you were paying and was paying less, you'd be concerned that they could undercut you, right? Put another way, I don't think it is an abstract argument that every dollar you pay that I don't shifts more of the of the tax burden on you. Yet the police don't show up to your home faster, your roads probably aren't that much smoother, and your water isn't any more cleaner than mine. Yet you're paying more.

In the 2nd place, you're speaking on this from a laboratory perspective. On a Tuesday in April of 2013, you may be right. But since politics is about winning elections, candidates broadcast what serves them well and ignore what doesn't. Remember Willie Horton? I don't point it out because it's a republican ad but because it's the most egregious example... Mike Dukakis released Willie Horton from prison 10 times on weekend passes. On one of the passes, he murdered and raped a family. Bush Sr. benefitted from that ad being run over and over (his campaign didn't run it but ran one similar)

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1988 - Family/Children

Here is the Horton ad (he never referred to himself as "Willie"--he called himself "William" but the group that put it together went with the simpler "Willie")

[ame=]Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad - YouTube[/ame]

Anyway, President Dukakis would have no power to release a single prisoner on a weekend pass from federal prison. Yet this was likely one of the most memorable ads from that election year (that and Dukakis on a tank) and it had nothing to do with the Presidency.

Opportunity equality is important if one of the candidates brings it up; it gets legs if it's found out to be the case. In the case of Governor grew legs, wings, and ran a 4.2-forty.

I have stated all along that I am for a flat tax for all with 0 deductions except for food. So ultimately I guess im on your side on the issue but this is not a make or break issue imo.

Again, if the issue is reaching out to blacks, it's whats important to them. Selling the flat tax would be great....all income is treated equally; no deductions for this type of income vs. that type of income. I really don't recall, was that Romney's plan?
C'mon Gramps, I explained it in the post you're responding to. Income is taxed differently. If you're getting interest and dividends as your income, you're paying less in income taxes. Generally, the rich are the ones that are doing this on a large scale.

If your party is fighting very hard to maintain that some income is treated differently than others, those on the short end of the stick are going to look at it with a jaundiced eye.

Fair enough but that's not really the issue at hand here.
If the issue is outreach to African Americans, equality is a big issue. That is what this boils down to; income being treated as income.

I SERIOUSLY doubt most Americans are concerned with the finances of other people. Much less able to understand them thereby making it very easy to divide people on the issue.
I'm going to disagree with you in two ways. First it isn't about finances, it's about governmental "penalties" of taxes. If you found out a plumber across town wasn't paying the same license fee you were paying and was paying less, you'd be concerned that they could undercut you, right? Put another way, I don't think it is an abstract argument that every dollar you pay that I don't shifts more of the of the tax burden on you. Yet the police don't show up to your home faster, your roads probably aren't that much smoother, and your water isn't any more cleaner than mine. Yet you're paying more.

In the 2nd place, you're speaking on this from a laboratory perspective. On a Tuesday in April of 2013, you may be right. But since politics is about winning elections, candidates broadcast what serves them well and ignore what doesn't. Remember Willie Horton? I don't point it out because it's a republican ad but because it's the most egregious example... Mike Dukakis released Willie Horton from prison 10 times on weekend passes. On one of the passes, he murdered and raped a family. Bush Sr. benefitted from that ad being run over and over (his campaign didn't run it but ran one similar)

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1988 - Family/Children

Here is the Horton ad (he never referred to himself as "Willie"--he called himself "William" but the group that put it together went with the simpler "Willie")

[ame=]Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad - YouTube[/ame]

Anyway, President Dukakis would have no power to release a single prisoner on a weekend pass from federal prison. Yet this was likely one of the most memorable ads from that election year (that and Dukakis on a tank) and it had nothing to do with the Presidency.

Opportunity equality is important if one of the candidates brings it up; it gets legs if it's found out to be the case. In the case of Governor grew legs, wings, and ran a 4.2-forty.

I have stated all along that I am for a flat tax for all with 0 deductions except for food. So ultimately I guess im on your side on the issue but this is not a make or break issue imo.

Again, if the issue is reaching out to blacks, it's whats important to them. Selling the flat tax would be great....all income is treated equally; no deductions for this type of income vs. that type of income. I really don't recall, was that Romney's plan?

I don't remember. Romney was a forgettable candidate
Fair enough but that's not really the issue at hand here.
If the issue is outreach to African Americans, equality is a big issue. That is what this boils down to; income being treated as income.

I'm going to disagree with you in two ways. First it isn't about finances, it's about governmental "penalties" of taxes. If you found out a plumber across town wasn't paying the same license fee you were paying and was paying less, you'd be concerned that they could undercut you, right? Put another way, I don't think it is an abstract argument that every dollar you pay that I don't shifts more of the of the tax burden on you. Yet the police don't show up to your home faster, your roads probably aren't that much smoother, and your water isn't any more cleaner than mine. Yet you're paying more.

In the 2nd place, you're speaking on this from a laboratory perspective. On a Tuesday in April of 2013, you may be right. But since politics is about winning elections, candidates broadcast what serves them well and ignore what doesn't. Remember Willie Horton? I don't point it out because it's a republican ad but because it's the most egregious example... Mike Dukakis released Willie Horton from prison 10 times on weekend passes. On one of the passes, he murdered and raped a family. Bush Sr. benefitted from that ad being run over and over (his campaign didn't run it but ran one similar)

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1988 - Family/Children

Here is the Horton ad (he never referred to himself as "Willie"--he called himself "William" but the group that put it together went with the simpler "Willie")

[ame=]Willie Horton 1988 Attack Ad - YouTube[/ame]

Anyway, President Dukakis would have no power to release a single prisoner on a weekend pass from federal prison. Yet this was likely one of the most memorable ads from that election year (that and Dukakis on a tank) and it had nothing to do with the Presidency.

Opportunity equality is important if one of the candidates brings it up; it gets legs if it's found out to be the case. In the case of Governor grew legs, wings, and ran a 4.2-forty.

I have stated all along that I am for a flat tax for all with 0 deductions except for food. So ultimately I guess im on your side on the issue but this is not a make or break issue imo.

Again, if the issue is reaching out to blacks, it's whats important to them. Selling the flat tax would be great....all income is treated equally; no deductions for this type of income vs. that type of income. I really don't recall, was that Romney's plan?

I don't remember. Romney was a forgettable candidate

True. President Bush 43 wanted to eliminate the taxes I would pay on my dividends. Meaning that if I were to accumulate 12,000 shares of the stock I mentioned earlier (it pays like $1 per share per quarter), I'd be making $48K a year tax free for doing nothing.

We can begin by treating investors fairly and equally in our tax laws. As it is now, many investments are taxed not once, but twice. First, the IRS taxes a company on its profit. Then it taxes the investors who receive the profits as dividends. The result of this double taxation is that for all the profit a company earns, shareholders who receive dividends keep as little as 40 cents on the dollar.

Double taxation is bad for our economy. Double taxation is wrong. Double taxation falls especially hard on retired people. About half of all dividend income goes to America's seniors, and they often rely on those checks for a steady source of income in their retirement.

It's fair to tax a company's profits. It's not fair to double-tax by taxing the shareholder on the same profits. So today, for the good of our senior citizens, and to support capital formation across the land, I'm asking the United States Congress to abolish the double taxation of dividends. (Applause.)

The benefits of this tax relief will be felt throughout the economy. Abolishing double taxation of dividends will leave nearly 35 million Americans with more of their own money to spend and invest, which will promote savings and return as much as $20 billion this year to the private economy

It would be great if he had identified what we were going to cut with that $20B taken out of Federal Coffers but it wasn't done at that speech.

Cool speech by the way...he congratulates Daley and Blago in it...Given 6 weeks before we invaded Iraq.
President Discusses Taking Action to Strengthen America's Economy
Anyway, President Dukakis would have no power to release a single prisoner on a weekend pass from federal prison. Yet this was likely one of the most memorable ads from that election year (that and Dukakis on a tank) and it had nothing to do with the Presidency.

Opportunity equality is important if one of the candidates brings it up; it gets legs if it's found out to be the case. In the case of Governor grew legs, wings, and ran a 4.2-forty.

Just in the interest of fairness, in 1996, Bill Clinton had ads about his not wanting kids to smoke cigarettes.

The Living Room Candidate - Commercials - 1996 - Next Century

As if Bob Dole wanted your kids to smoke...??? :lol:

Anyway, the President has near zero control over this topic but it sure didn't hurt Clinton's campaign to highlight Doles' ties to big tobacco and it probably picked him up some fence sitters.

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