Republican outreach to African Americans

And we're back to Booooosh.


And you're back to mis-characterizing what I'm saying. Also Typical.

This is one reason why the GOP has this problem with the poor; Bush wants the rich stock owners (do I need to tell you that there aren't a lot of poor share holders) to pay $20B less in taxes.

Where do you think that additional $20B will come form? Either China or the middle income Americans....
And we're back to Booooosh.


And you're back to mis-characterizing what I'm saying. Also Typical.

This is one reason why the GOP has this problem with the poor; Bush wants the rich stock owners (do I need to tell you that there aren't a lot of poor share holders) to pay $20B less in taxes.

Where do you think that additional $20B will come form? Either China or the middle income Americans....

It's no damn different than obamacare hammering the middle class.

Like I said earlier this is just a big circle jerk from the left to the right.

But for the record obamacare is taking money out of pockets where the tax cuts leaves money in pockets.
because he's failed to create the environment for job growth you mindless idiot. and he's claiming to have created jobs; it just isnt true
In what way was giving the private sector billions of dollars in bailout funds not creating the environment for job growth? If the private sector is where jobs are created, and Obama gave the private sector billions of dollars in public funds to rebound from their own inevitable failures, and the private sector then kept that money and didn't expand employment or raise wages, then the blame lies with the greed of the private sector.

So why aren't job creators creating any jobs? Corporations are making more profit than ever before in history, so how has Obama not created an environment that promotes job growth? Wal-Mart made almost $16B in the last three months of 2011, but their workers are still on food stamps. If Wal-Mart profited $16B in three months, then why is Wal-Mart incapable of paying their employees higher wages and better benefits so that those private employees don't need public assistance?

Why do Conservative Christians love the greed of the 1%?

Interesting post. I'd admit that Obamacare has the effect of putting more money in workers' pockets ... on a macro basis, and I think we have to admit it hurts some individuals even though it benefits the majority.

So, there's where IMO the GOP outreach should be. Replace Obamacare as an entitlement program with tax credits for uninsured folks to buy insurance if they want, and economically punish people who don't but in ONLY IF they get sick.

There's a limit as to what any political party can do when the economy is deleveraging debt rather than expanding. IMO, the GOP should reach out to African Americans the same way it does with any immigrant group (I realize African Americans by and large have been here awhile) with federal aid for higher education; charter schools for failed public schools, and low taxes. It may not get Jesse Jackson to buy in, but at least we can say we're trying to treat people equally.

Interesting post. I'd admit that Obamacare has the effect of putting more money in workers' pockets ... on a macro basis, and I think we have to admit it hurts some individuals even though it benefits the majority.

I dunno where you get that hurts everyone on a microeconomic basis, ben. It simply hurts more than it helps.

So, there's where IMO the GOP outreach should be. Replace Obamacare as an entitlement program with tax credits for uninsured folks to buy insurance if they want, and economically punish people who don't but in ONLY IF they get sick.

Buying insurance through government coercion (tax credits)? ... And you wanted to repeal Obamacare? Your proposal sounds just like it. If government gives you money, that doesn't stop them from telling you what insurance you'll have to buy with that money. The tax credit would serve to be little more than a leash around the neck.
And we're back to Booooosh.


And you're back to mis-characterizing what I'm saying. Also Typical.

This is one reason why the GOP has this problem with the poor; Bush wants the rich stock owners (do I need to tell you that there aren't a lot of poor share holders) to pay $20B less in taxes.

Where do you think that additional $20B will come form? Either China or the middle income Americans....

It's no damn different than obamacare hammering the middle class.

Like I said earlier this is just a big circle jerk from the left to the right.

But for the record obamacare is taking money out of pockets where the tax cuts leaves money in pockets.

Arguable; Here is why. The employer subsidized plans that I enjoy and my assistant enjoy now allow our kids to stay on the insurance until they are 26. I have no kids but my assistant has a special needs child who would need medical care outside the normal check-ups and sickenesses. Had she not been able to keep the child on her insurance, she would have to pay oodles more for private insurance which is non subsidized. I think the difference between insuring your kids and just you and your hubby is something like $75 a month. Much cheaper than private ins.

But for some, you're 100% correct.

I didn't mean to implicate Bush...we were talking about Romney and Bush was the last GOP president and the thread, after all, is about outreach to minorities. Whether you believe it or not, opportunity equality in the form of taxation is a valid subject.

I like your idea of a flat tax though.

First, I am not arguing Obamacare is a good thing. However, it does have an wealth redistribution effect.

"Obamacare does indeed redistribute income to the poorest Americans. Republicans will probably see this is as a bad thing. Democrats presumably would hail this as a feat."

Obamacare and inequality: A healthy dose of redistribution | The Economist

Whether that's good or bad is a value judgment. For purposes of the OP, I think the issue is what is the gop's response to the dems assertion, which is not debateable, that the working poor are seeing no gain in wages despite growing gnp. How does the gop respond to that reality. Krugman's call for single payor is blantantly a call to redistrubte income so workers get more.

I'd assert the gop cannot ignore that, and in fact prior to the credit meltdown, some in the party were admitting that our obsession with supply side tax cuts was self-defeating and not supportable by the facts that wealth WAS being redistributed ... upwards.

So, instead of a new entitlement, that may very welll eventually to single payor, we need an alternative. The gop alternative of Coburn Barrassio Enzi Bennett was tax credits for uninsured workers to buy in via state exchanges. There'd have to be a min coverage, but there's no reason workers couldn't bargain for foregoing mental health for dental or something. In short, allow a freer market. For those with pre-existing conditions, just fund high risk pools rather than forcing insurors to cover everyone. Obamacare redefined how a private market can legally operate so people with preexixting condiditons can get healthcare. I think that's a bit heavy handed and power grab by govt.

I don't see how penalizing a person who chooses to "roll the dice" on not getting sick, and who then shows up at a hospital and forces his cost onto us is somehow unfair or un-American. He can die at home without my help or pay back into the system what he tried to get for free.

The gop couldn't bring itself to raise the revenue ... even though we were only talking something like what the bushii tax cuts sent to the top 5%. I mean if we can't tax 5% to provide healthcare to uninsured workers ... why are we even a party?
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.

question for you RW.

what makes a person an "african american" ? must the person be 100% african genetically? No? then what % must be african? 50% like obama---------oops obama is half black arab,half white--------does that make him african? Does living in africa make someone african? how about the dutch white people who have been in south africa for generations? are they africans?

you libs are obsessed with skin color. Why? because you can use it as a wedge to divide people, same reason you are obsessed with gays and poor people--------divide and conquer, right?

If I move to Kenya will I become an american/african? a white/african? or maybe just an african?

In summary, you make me sick with your divisive rhetoric and lies.
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.

question for you RW.

what makes a person an "african american" ? must the person be 100% african genetically? No? then what % must be african? 50% like obama---------oops obama is half black arab,half white--------does that make him african? Does living in africa make someone african? how about the dutch white people who have been in south africa for generations? are they africans?

you libs are obsessed with skin color. Why? because you can use it as a wedge to divide people, same reason you are obsessed with gays and poor people--------divide and conquer, right?

If I move to Kenya will I become an american/african? a white/african? or maybe just an african?

In summary, you make me sick with your divisive rhetoric and lies.

Good old Redfish...adding nothing but carbon dioxide to the conversation since birth
Of course, but proposing a tax credit would be no better than keeping Obamacare in place.

Why? Because it is better to have workers self-fund from their paychecks?

the real problem is not obamacare, rich people, poor people, insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, or drug companies.

the real problem is that today we expect our insurance or the government to pay for ALL of our medical care.

less than 50 years ago, medical insurance was hospital insurance, it did not pay for routine doc visits or prescriptions. It paid if you were injured or needed hospital care. The rest was paid out of pocket.

Now, since insurance covers everything, the price of everything has gone up. A routine Doc visit used to cost $10 or less, most prescriptions were under $10. Now, we (er, our insurance or the govt) is paying $200 for a 5 minute doc visit and $150 for a bottle of 20 pills.

Even adjusted for inflation, medical care has gone up tremendously due to blanket insurance coverage and/or medicare, medicaid.

WE have created this monster, obamacare only makes it larger and more dangerous.

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