Republican outreach to African Americans

African-American voters are 95% Democrat. Has nothing to do with what they think of the teapartiers. Unless African-American voters only surfaced when the teapartiers did.

And there is a reason why 95% of African-American voters are Democrats. It is because the tea party/republican party have pretty much turned their backs on the African-American community. Would you vote for people who have no problem pushing you into the gutter? I don't think so. The Democratic party may not have helped the Black community as much as they could but it has been head and shoulders above what the republicans have done. And please, don't start that bullshit of how the Democrats were the racists in the past. This is now! Today! Blacks are suffering from a lack of jobs much more than whites. Why hasn't the gop come up with a jobs bill to help them out?

Let me we turned our backs because we dont want gov programs?
Hummmm....... Another right winger who doesn't want government programs.
Was your mail delivered today? (Postal Service)
Did you drink water today? Was it safe? (EPA)
How about the food you eat? Is it inspected? (FDA)
If you live in a big city do you ever think about air pollution? Respiratory diseases are one of the biggest killers in America. (EPA)
Use a freeway lately? (DOT)
Use any meds? Are they safe? (FDA)
Ever fly anywhere in a plane? (FAA)
Was the pilot well trained? (FAA)
Was the plane in good repair? (FAA)
Should people who lose everything in a flood, hurricane, wild fire, or tornado just be left to die? (FEMA)
Do you like National Parks? (National Park Service)
Have any friends or relatives receiving Social Security? Would you prefer to see them thrown out on the streets?
How about friends or relatives on Medicare? Would you prefer to see them die early because of lack of medical care?
I could go on but the fact of the matter is that government programs that you heap contempt on are carrying not only your sorry ass but the sorry asses of your friends and family.
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Republican outreach to African Americans
Republicans need to reach out to all Conservatives, regardless of race. Conservatives are the largest ideological group in the U.S., and Republicans need to reach out to all of them. They know the numbers are there, the strategy is getting them to vote.
Sounds good jughead but it isn't going to happen. You can not turn against college students, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, the elderly, unions, and others and expect their vote. Until the ultra right base of the republican party is thrown aside and moderate republicans come back into the party it is doomed. Read my signature. There are millions who share my belief.
The democrat party pushed slavery and started the KKK. Let's not forget that. And they hung onto Jim Crow in the 50s.
Please, let's forget your bullshit argument. Get over it!!!!!!! It isn't worth shit. Are you going to vote for a party for what they did 50 or 100 years ago? I don't think so but maybe you are dumb enough to do so. What is important is where the party stands NOW, not where it stood in the past. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT!

what have the democrats done since for blacks?
While they have worked to raise the minimum wage which would have a direct effect on many in the Black community.
Meanwhile the republicans are doing everything possible to keep the wage low making life harder for the Blacks.
The have worked to extend unemployment insurance while the republicans have worked to shorten it.
They have worked toward increasing the food stamp program which will have a direct effect on those hit hardest (the Black community). Once again the republicans have worked hard to lessen or kill the foodstamp program thereby taking food out of people's mouths.
While the Democrats are working to help Americans (of all color) the gop is working hard to kill any bill that comes their way. Do you really think those forced to the bottom of society haven't noticed what is going on? There is a reason that only about 55 bills were signed into law this last legislative session and that reason is gop obstructionism. You would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to know what is going on.
The democrat party pushed slavery and started the KKK. Let's not forget that. And they hung onto Jim Crow in the 50s.
What kind of idiot are you? You think a person should vote today on what a party did 150 years ago? Or even 65 years ago? Please, you can't really be that stupid? But if you want to play that game, I'll play it with you. Remember the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which was signed into law by Democratic president Lyndon Johnson. That trumps your Jim Crow laws.

Obama had TOTAL control for his first two years in office and 2/3rds control since and you blame the gop/teaparty?

Wtf is wrong with you? Seek help
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite

Which two years were that?

Did you tell the Republicans that?
You really think a group that relies heavily on the federal government is going to vote to end that? LOL
This could easily be re-phrased another way: Do you really think a group that relies heavily on the federal government is going to vote to cut that lifeline?
If you have no job, no money, no housing, and no food you will accept any hand that reaches out to you. You can be damn sure that hand will not belong to a member of today's gop. That would not have been true in the past but it is true today.

Obama had TOTAL control for his first two years in office and 2/3rds control since and you blame the gop/teaparty?

Wtf is wrong with you? Seek help
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite
I have been nice and tried not to call you names. It has been difficult but unproductive. Therefore, I will lower myself to your level.
Hey peckerface, in case you haven't noticed the ACA was passed during those two years. That bill will help millions who need healthcare get healthcare. Many of those will be from the poorest of the poor whose only medical came in the emergency room. Many of those people, the poorest of the poor are Black and the ACA will be a tremendous help to them. So, stick it in your ass, dickhead.
Oh, and by the way, can you think of even one (1) bill that the gop passed that would help the black community? Anything? Anything?
Republican outreach to African Americans
Republicans need to reach out to all Conservatives, regardless of race. Conservatives are the largest ideological group in the U.S., and Republicans need to reach out to all of them. They know the numbers are there, the strategy is getting them to vote.
Sounds good jughead but it isn't going to happen. You can not turn against college students, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, the elderly, unions, and others and expect their vote. Until the ultra right base of the republican party is thrown aside and moderate republicans come back into the party it is doomed. Read my signature. There are millions who share my belief.
They no doubt have a hard task ahead of them. What they need to do is set policies that conservatives can relate with. The economy should be a priority. For instance, the GOP should commit itself to drastically reducing government spending, and cutting taxes. These are policies that the average American can relate to.
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite

Which two years were that?

Did you tell the Republicans that?
I think gramps referring to Obama's firs two years in office.
And by the way Rightwinger, I like your style. Keep up the good work!
There's one group of people living in America that each party to pander to.

They are called American citizens.

but the hate that comes from liberals spews out of their mouths, so they have to divide citizens into smaller groups. By doing this they can favor one over the other or set one upon the other, creating a deep divide, that leads to more hate that dems can feed on.
I watched bony Anne Coulter say that shame and derision are useful tools. She said that the lack of derision shown unwed mothers have removed the stigma and is the reason we have unwed mothers. I heard other Conservatives say that some rape is legitimate, some rape isn't. I've heard some Republicans describe the less advantaged as 'takers' and 'leeches'.

Gee! I wonder how that rhetoric is not divisive? Were those speakers really Liberals in Conservative clothing?

You fail to realize Progressivism is a bright idea of racist President Woodrow Wilson which departed from the traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

It is an idea which has proven to not work.

How long will you guys cling to it in light of the evidence of it's continued failure?

The ironic argument that divisive things are said by Liberals and therefore they cannot be trusted with civil discourse. I pointed out how a leading voice of the Conservarive movement had called for further divisiveness.

You want to dig up the bones of Woodrow Wilson and have an ideological throw down. Respect the thread and the discourse thus far. I have.
Republicans need to reach out to all Conservatives, regardless of race. Conservatives are the largest ideological group in the U.S., and Republicans need to reach out to all of them. They know the numbers are there, the strategy is getting them to vote.
Sounds good jughead but it isn't going to happen. You can not turn against college students, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, the elderly, unions, and others and expect their vote. Until the ultra right base of the republican party is thrown aside and moderate republicans come back into the party it is doomed. Read my signature. There are millions who share my belief.
They no doubt have a hard task ahead of them. What they need to do is set policies that conservatives can relate with. The economy should be a priority. For instance, the GOP should commit itself to drastically reducing government spending, and cutting taxes. These are policies that the average American can relate to.
The have tried your suggested reduction of government spending. They cut the foodstamp program and they cut benefits for those out of work. Hooray!!!! Government spending was cut and more people fell below the poverty line. If you are right on the edge of poverty and one party kicks you over that edge are you going to vote for them? I don't think so. Until the gop remembers that they are supposed to be the party for ALL the people and not just the wealthy they will fail. Let me put it another way: Average Americans who are forced onto the streets and have to go to bed hungry and with no hope for the future are NOT going to relate to the republican party.
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite
I have been nice and tried not to call you names. It has been difficult but unproductive. Therefore, I will lower myself to your level.
Hey peckerface, in case you haven't noticed the ACA was passed during those two years. That bill will help millions who need healthcare get healthcare. Many of those will be from the poorest of the poor whose only medical came in the emergency room. Many of those people, the poorest of the poor are Black and the ACA will be a tremendous help to them. So, stick it in your ass, dickhead.
Oh, and by the way, can you think of even one (1) bill that the gop passed that would help the black community? Anything? Anything?

You mean the bill they keep delaying portions of because its so good for us they don't want to embarrass the republicans in a landslide election so they keep delaying it? That bill?

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite
I have been nice and tried not to call you names. It has been difficult but unproductive. Therefore, I will lower myself to your level.
Hey peckerface, in case you haven't noticed the ACA was passed during those two years. That bill will help millions who need healthcare get healthcare. Many of those will be from the poorest of the poor whose only medical came in the emergency room. Many of those people, the poorest of the poor are Black and the ACA will be a tremendous help to them. So, stick it in your ass, dickhead.
Oh, and by the way, can you think of even one (1) bill that the gop passed that would help the black community? Anything? Anything?

You mean the bill they keep delaying portions of because its so good for us they don't want to embarrass the republicans in a landslide election so they keep delaying it? That bill?

If you had half a brain, Hell, if you even had 1/4 a brain you would be aware of gop obstructionism. The gop does NOT want to see President Obama get any bills passed. That is the reason that during the last legislative session only about 55 bills were passed. That is one of the lowest totals in the history of the United States. It was no accident, it was planned. And yes, the republicans in the House have passed bills for jobs and other things but in each of those bills you will find a rider intended to kill the ACA. I do not know how senile you are but if you do a bit of research that was exactly how the gop shut down the government several months ago. President Obama asked for a "clean" bill with no riders and the House refused to give him one. It is done on purpose to insure that the bill does not pass.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to look like they are doing something the republican House has voted 50 times to repeal or kill the ACA.
gramps, you must be quite proud of the gop for doing the same thing over, and over, and over, knowing that it does not have a chance of passing. The republicans in Congress and people like you who support them are God's curse on America.
There is NO SUCH THING as an African-American...or ANY other hyphenated American. You are an American, or you aren't. And if you aren't? GET OUT.

its the Politically Correct thing to have to let everyone know what your ethnicity is.....the person who started that shit should be dropped in a full out house shit hole head first...
African-American voters aren’t stupid.

They distrust republican candidates for much the same reason Hispanic voters distrust republican candidates: both correctly understand that there is a fundamental hostility exhibited by most conservatives with regard to minorities – and that hostility has created a barrier to whatever message republican candidates are trying to express to African-Americans.

And African-American voters aren’t stupid as most correctly reject the failed policies advocated by republicans, having nothing to do with race and everything to do with an accurate, objective understand of the facts concerning the issues. Many African-Americans hear the republican message, and reject it as false, along with other Americans of good sense.
I watched bony Anne Coulter say that shame and derision are useful tools. She said that the lack of derision shown unwed mothers have removed the stigma and is the reason we have unwed mothers. I heard other Conservatives say that some rape is legitimate, some rape isn't. I've heard some Republicans describe the less advantaged as 'takers' and 'leeches'.

Gee! I wonder how that rhetoric is not divisive? Were those speakers really Liberals in Conservative clothing?

You fail to realize Progressivism is a bright idea of racist President Woodrow Wilson which departed from the traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

It is an idea which has proven to not work.

How long will you guys cling to it in light of the evidence of it's continued failure?

The ironic argument that divisive things are said by Liberals and therefore they cannot be trusted with civil discourse. I pointed out how a leading voice of the Conservarive movement had called for further divisiveness.

You want to dig up the bones of Woodrow Wilson and have an ideological throw down. Respect the thread and the discourse thus far. I have.

Thread Topic: "Republican outreach to African Americans"

My Assertion: Woodrow Wilson Was A Notorious Racist and helped popularize the Progressive Movement.

[ame=]Judge Napolitano: Woodrow Wilson Was A Notorious Racist - YouTube[/ame]
[SIZE=]I have been nice and tried not to call you names. It has been difficult but unproductive. Therefore, I will lower myself to your level.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=]Hey peckerface, in case you haven't noticed the ACA was passed during those two years. That bill will help millions who need healthcare get healthcare. Many of those will be from the poorest of the poor whose only medical came in the emergency room. Many of those people, the poorest of the poor are Black and the ACA will be a tremendous help to them. So, stick it in your ass, dickhead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=]Oh, and by the way, can you think of even one (1) bill that the gop passed that would help the black community? Anything? Anything?[/SIZE]

You mean the bill they keep delaying portions of because its so good for us they don't want to embarrass the republicans in a landslide election so they keep delaying it? That bill?


If you had half a brain, Hell, if you even had 1/4 a brain you would be aware of gop obstructionism. The gop does NOT want to see President Obama get any bills passed. That is the reason that during the last legislative session only about 55 bills were passed. That is one of the lowest totals in the history of the United States. It was no accident, it was planned. And yes, the republicans in the House have passed bills for jobs and other things but in each of those bills you will find a rider intended to kill the ACA. I do not know how senile you are but if you do a bit of research that was exactly how the gop shut down the government several months ago. President Obama asked for a "clean" bill with no riders and the House refused to give him one. It is done on purpose to insure that the bill does not pass.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=]Meanwhile, in an attempt to look like they are doing something the republican House has voted 50 times to repeal or kill the ACA. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=]gramps, you must be quite proud of the gop for doing the same thing over, and over, and over, knowing that it does not have a chance of passing. The republicans in Congress and people like you who support them are God's curse on America.[/SIZE]

"The gop does NOT want to see President Obama get any bills passed."

Why do you think this is? Hmmm?

Even IF (and that's a big "if") Obama isn't all the bad things we allege about him, even his supporters would say he represents a Progressive ideology and supports a Progressive agenda.

This should be a clue as to why he is so objectionable to us and why the GOP would try to prevent his passage of his bills (even the ones he didn't use dirty tricks in the middle of the night to get passed). Judge Andrew Napolitano explains how racist President Woodrow Wilson, a leading supporter of Progressivism veered from the traditional view of the Constitution to the whacked interpretation which is at the heart of most of our problems with Obama and the Dem. Party in general.:

[ame=]Judge Napolitano: Woodrow Wilson Was A Notorious Racist - YouTube[/ame]

The Progressives rejected the Founders’ principles, including their notions of a fixed human nature and inalienable natural rights.

Instead, they believed in a human nature that evolved and changed, which in turn justified their efforts to break down separation of powers in order to expand the size and scope of government far beyond the Founders’ intent.

Constitution 101 - Part 1 - Lecture - Hillsdale College Online Courses
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I have been nice and tried not to call you names. It has been difficult but unproductive. Therefore, I will lower myself to your level.
Hey peckerface, in case you haven't noticed the ACA was passed during those two years. That bill will help millions who need healthcare get healthcare. Many of those will be from the poorest of the poor whose only medical came in the emergency room. Many of those people, the poorest of the poor are Black and the ACA will be a tremendous help to them. So, stick it in your ass, dickhead.
Oh, and by the way, can you think of even one (1) bill that the gop passed that would help the black community? Anything? Anything?

You mean the bill they keep delaying portions of because its so good for us they don't want to embarrass the republicans in a landslide election so they keep delaying it? That bill?

If you had half a brain, Hell, if you even had 1/4 a brain you would be aware of gop obstructionism. The gop does NOT want to see President Obama get any bills passed. That is the reason that during the last legislative session only about 55 bills were passed. That is one of the lowest totals in the history of the United States. It was no accident, it was planned. And yes, the republicans in the House have passed bills for jobs and other things but in each of those bills you will find a rider intended to kill the ACA. I do not know how senile you are but if you do a bit of research that was exactly how the gop shut down the government several months ago. President Obama asked for a "clean" bill with no riders and the House refused to give him one. It is done on purpose to insure that the bill does not pass.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to look like they are doing something the republican House has voted 50 times to repeal or kill the ACA.
gramps, you must be quite proud of the gop for doing the same thing over, and over, and over, knowing that it does not have a chance of passing. The republicans in Congress and people like you who support them are God's curse on America.

Ahhh I get it now. It's booooshs fault Obama keeps delaying his own signature piece of legislation.

Tell me, when Obama's term expires will that be booooshs fault too?
African-American voters aren’t stupid.

They distrust republican candidates for much the same reason Hispanic voters distrust republican candidates: both correctly understand that there is a fundamental hostility exhibited by most conservatives with regard to minorities – and that hostility has created a barrier to whatever message republican candidates are trying to express to African-Americans.

And African-American voters aren’t stupid as most correctly reject the failed policies advocated by republicans, having nothing to do with race and everything to do with an accurate, objective understand of the facts concerning the issues. Many African-Americans hear the republican message, and reject it as false, along with other Americans of good sense.

and they are not as stupid as you and your fellow Democrats think they dumbass.....they both know that you assholes dont want them moving in next door...
Sounds good jughead but it isn't going to happen. You can not turn against college students, Blacks, Women, Asians, Hispanics, the elderly, unions, and others and expect their vote. Until the ultra right base of the republican party is thrown aside and moderate republicans come back into the party it is doomed. Read my signature. There are millions who share my belief.
They no doubt have a hard task ahead of them. What they need to do is set policies that conservatives can relate with. The economy should be a priority. For instance, the GOP should commit itself to drastically reducing government spending, and cutting taxes. These are policies that the average American can relate to.
The have tried your suggested reduction of government spending. They cut the foodstamp program and they cut benefits for those out of work. Hooray!!!! Government spending was cut and more people fell below the poverty line. If you are right on the edge of poverty and one party kicks you over that edge are you going to vote for them? I don't think so. Until the gop remembers that they are supposed to be the party for ALL the people and not just the wealthy they will fail. Let me put it another way: Average Americans who are forced onto the streets and have to go to bed hungry and with no hope for the future are NOT going to relate to the republican party.

Being FOR people does not mean being FOR The outright STUPID practice of having government pay for personal wants, needs, and responsibilities

The key is EVERYTHING needs to be cut, not just the senseless and irresponsible welfare programs...

Defense has to be cut the right way, but must be cut... upkeep of unused property owned by the government, this needs to be cut.. redundant programs need to be cut... ALL OF IT

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