Republican outreach to African Americans

And I think that is why Republicans were willing to throw away the black and minority vote in order to maintain their base.
But it is not 50.1 % of the vote but 270 electoral votes that they have to worry about. Losing the black and Hispanic vote will ultimately lead to them losing Florida and then Texas. Once that happens....270 is out of reach

so you think TM's is helping you here?....or is she just spaming this thread to get more posts and doing what she always tries to do....make it about her and derail the thread?....Sallow started a thread a while back with a good question and the thread was going ok until she showed up.....he even asked her nicely a few times to stay out of this you are not helping....she just kept on posting the same shit....then he told her to quit posting....she kept on posting....finally he said fuck it and left....she is doing the same shit here....

I usually don't read her posts. The main problem with her posting on a thread is she draws the rightwing wolfpack who swarm in to call her names

But what can you do? That is USMB

I always feel a little dirtier when exchanging insults with you.
so you think TM's is helping you here?....or is she just spaming this thread to get more posts and doing what she always tries to do....make it about her and derail the thread?....Sallow started a thread a while back with a good question and the thread was going ok until she showed up.....he even asked her nicely a few times to stay out of this you are not helping....she just kept on posting the same shit....then he told her to quit posting....she kept on posting....finally he said fuck it and left....she is doing the same shit here....

I usually don't read her posts. The main problem with her posting on a thread is she draws the rightwing wolfpack who swarm in to call her names

But what can you do? That is USMB

I always feel a little dirtier when exchanging insults with you.

You do?

I don't even notice you
There's one group of people living in America that each party to pander to.

They are called American citizens.

but the hate that comes from liberals spews out of their mouths, so they have to divide citizens into smaller groups. By doing this they can favor one over the other or set one upon the other, creating a deep divide, that leads to more hate that dems can feed on.
I watched bony Anne Coulter say that shame and derision are useful tools. She said that the lack of derision shown unwed mothers have removed the stigma and is the reason we have unwed mothers. I heard other Conservatives say that some rape is legitimate, some rape isn't. I've heard some Republicans describe the less advantaged as 'takers' and 'leeches'.

Gee! I wonder how that rhetoric is not divisive? Were those speakers really Liberals in Conservative clothing?

You fail to realize Progressivism is a bright idea of racist President Woodrow Wilson which departed from the traditional interpretation of the Constitution.

It is an idea which has proven to not work.

How long will you guys cling to it in light of the evidence of it's continued failure?
I usually don't read her posts. The main problem with her posting on a thread is she draws the rightwing wolfpack who swarm in to call her names

But what can you do? That is USMB

I always feel a little dirtier when exchanging insults with you.

You do?

I don't even notice you

An advantage of working in the sewers and fellating your co-workers in the dark.

No doubt.

Bad part of it is that you never recognize enlightenment even when it's under your nose. Or right before your eyes.

The reason I feel dirtier must be from having to fend off your filthy lips from my trousers.
The GOP must try to win over African Americans - The Week

Rand Paul and other Republicans have made awkward attempts at appealing to African Americans — so awkward it sometimes seems their intended audience is not the people sitting in front of them. Speeches by white Republicans at historically black schools and in Detroit have had the whiff of slightly smarmy non sequiturs. "Dontcha know? Republicans were abolitionists 150 years ago."

There are some obvious alterations the GOP and the conservative movement must make to attract black voters. Any project that looks like anti-black voter suppression should be first on the list to go. The Randian rhetoric of "takers" must go too. It not only alienates parts of the existing GOP base, but is pungent with contempt for those, like African Americans, who view themselves as unfairly held outside and below the the sphere of social concern. Perhaps most difficult of all, conservatives need to bring their well-paid yappers to heel, lest they find another case like Trayvon Martin's death, and use it to enflame a totally spurious debate about "the real racists." Such arguments make conservatives look like self-involved idiots and aggrieved monsters.

democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

I say do nothing.Republicans should make their message clear.Romney could not do that.
A lot of prople that voted republican stayed home instead of voting for Romney...

If blacks like the democrat party so much...
I say keep voting for them.
And a few years later your life still sucks....
Don't blame Bush and the republicans.
Those days are long gone.
Republican outreach to African Americans
Republicans need to reach out to all Conservatives, regardless of race. Conservatives are the largest ideological group in the U.S., and Republicans need to reach out to all of them. They know the numbers are there, the strategy is getting them to vote.
democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

I say do nothing.Republicans should make their message clear.Romney could not do that.
A lot of prople that voted republican stayed home instead of voting for Romney...

If blacks like the democrat party so much...
I say keep voting for them.
And a few years later your life still sucks....
Don't blame Bush and the republicans.
Those days are long gone.

Love it

Republucan double down on fuck you
democrats would be well advised to drop the race card. democrats have set race relations back decades with their race baiting and pandering for votes.

That race is voting 95% Democrat. What are Republicans going to do about it?

I say do nothing.Republicans should make their message clear.Romney could not do that.
A lot of prople that voted republican stayed home instead of voting for Romney...

If blacks like the democrat party so much...
I say keep voting for them.
And a few years later your life still sucks....
Don't blame Bush and the republicans.
Those days are long gone.


The democrat party pushed slavery and started the KKK. Let's not forget that. And they hung onto Jim Crow in the 50s.
Please, let's forget your bullshit argument. Get over it!!!!!!! It isn't worth shit. Are you going to vote for a party for what they did 50 or 100 years ago? I don't think so but maybe you are dumb enough to do so. What is important is where the party stands NOW, not where it stood in the past. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT!
African-American voters are 95% Democrat. Has nothing to do with what they think of the teapartiers. Unless African-American voters only surfaced when the teapartiers did.

And there is a reason why 95% of African-American voters are Democrats. It is because the tea party/republican party have pretty much turned their backs on the African-American community. Would you vote for people who have no problem pushing you into the gutter? I don't think so. The Democratic party may not have helped the Black community as much as they could but it has been head and shoulders above what the republicans have done. And please, don't start that bullshit of how the Democrats were the racists in the past. This is now! Today! Blacks are suffering from a lack of jobs much more than whites. Why hasn't the gop come up with a jobs bill to help them out?


Obama had TOTAL control for his first two years in office and 2/3rds control since and you blame the gop/teaparty?

Wtf is wrong with you? Seek help
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.
The democrat party pushed slavery and started the KKK. Let's not forget that. And they hung onto Jim Crow in the 50s.
Please, let's forget your bullshit argument. Get over it!!!!!!! It isn't worth shit. Are you going to vote for a party for what they did 50 or 100 years ago? I don't think so but maybe you are dumb enough to do so. What is important is where the party stands NOW, not where it stood in the past. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT!

what have the democrats done since for blacks?
The democrat party pushed slavery and started the KKK. Let's not forget that. And they hung onto Jim Crow in the 50s.
Please, let's forget your bullshit argument. Get over it!!!!!!! It isn't worth shit. Are you going to vote for a party for what they did 50 or 100 years ago? I don't think so but maybe you are dumb enough to do so. What is important is where the party stands NOW, not where it stood in the past. LET'S NOT FORGET THAT!

what have the democrats done since for blacks?

free reaganphones, oh and they can ride on the front on the bus. i know, it's terrible.
There is NO SUCH THING as an African-American...or ANY other hyphenated American. You are an American, or you aren't. And if you aren't? GET OUT.
Can you provide proof that your statement is a law and not a figment of your imagination. Get used to it, there are a lot of German-Americans, Italian-Americans, French-Americans as well as a whole lot of * - Americans who will disagree with you and who are not going anywhere.
And there is a reason why 95% of African-American voters are Democrats. It is because the tea party/republican party have pretty much turned their backs on the African-American community. Would you vote for people who have no problem pushing you into the gutter? I don't think so. The Democratic party may not have helped the Black community as much as they could but it has been head and shoulders above what the republicans have done. And please, don't start that bullshit of how the Democrats were the racists in the past. This is now! Today! Blacks are suffering from a lack of jobs much more than whites. Why hasn't the gop come up with a jobs bill to help them out?


Obama had TOTAL control for his first two years in office and 2/3rds control since and you blame the gop/teaparty?

Wtf is wrong with you? Seek help
Here is "unfuckingbelieveable," IT TAKES (1) A SENATE VOTE, (2) A HOUSE VOTE, AND (3) A PRESIDENTIAL SIGNATURE TO PASS A BILL! You can scream and jump up and down but the truth is that two out of three IS NOT good enough to pass a bill. Two thirds control (2/3) does not mean SHIT. If one of the three groups cited above (such as a republican House) chooses to stop a bill, they can! So, before you earn commendations as asshole of the day think (if that is possible) before you make stupid statement.

And Obama had two unobstructed years to help minorities and did SQUAT so stfu hypocrite

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