Republican Party mocked after bragging 'a record' .5 percent of their candidates are Black

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The GOP Twitter account tried to promote their candidates of color on Sunday by saying that among state and federal office they have 40, "a record number of Black Republicans running for office and winning at all levels."

But those well-versed in math and others well-versed in history couldn't help but notice that 40 out of over 7,500 officials around the country isn't exactly the best number. In fact, it's just .533 percent of all GOP candidates who are Black, according to those numbers.

Professor Dan Smith said that the numbers are actually higher than 7,500 offices. He explained that there are 90,000 local offices in the United States. He's presumably counting city councils, county commissions and everything else. Using that number, it would mean that Republicans have fewer than .05 percent of their candidates who are Black.

The only people that are fooled are the step and fetch blacks, the ignorant and poor whites. Republicans please just stop trying to fool people and be what you are.
Some of the most exciting political figures and politics today are black Republicans.. Byron Donald’s, Candace Owens, ****** innis, Allen west, many many more

Trump or DeSantis or whoever/Sears 2024
So the COVID virus is fake, "millions" of fake ballots with no proof, people should inject themselves with bleach and there is a network of D.C. baby traffickers, just not in the WHA.

Again, no sane Black person is coming to that cesspool of ignorance and racism.
Another racist outs himself. Bet you throw around phrases like “Uncle Tom” and “Aunt Jemima”. And you support the party of the Klan. Sane black people vote Republican.
Another racist outs himself. Bet you throw around phrases like “Uncle Tom” and “Aunt Jemima”. And you support the party of the Klan. Sane black people vote Republican.
Why would any sane black person vote Republican when you have the mindset of the sheetwearers. Republicans are the ones that are fighting against the John Lewis Voting Act, fighting against Police reform. Anything that might help black folks Republicans are against.
Why would any sane black person vote Republican when you have the mindset of the sheetwearers. Republicans are the ones that are fighting against the John Lewis Voting Act, fighting against Police reform. Anything that might help black folks Republicans are against.
The John Lewis Voting FRAUD Act is dead in the water. Rightly so. The sheet wearers are all yours. You don’t want police reform, you want defunding and abolition of police. Which would make things much WORSE for those black folks you claim you’re helping.
Only if Democrats do the same. Here are the actual figures:

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A). Total percentage of all minorities rose.

B). Minorities in GOP tripled in that period to 19%, but still remains mostly the older white party because these people value tradition.

C). During the same period, minorities in the Dems merely doubled, to include young minorities, young whites, and the fringe of society.

Whites are leaving the DNC en masse, which is why the Left is taking on every non-white group they can find even if they have to illegally import them.

Most black folks do or another type of ID, dude.
Your party disagrees. Dude.
The John Lewis Voting FRAUD Act is dead in the water. Rightly so.
Of course it is, thxs to Republicans. Tell me what you don't like about the bill.
The sheet wearers are all yours.
The are today's Republicans.
You don’t want police reform, you want defunding and abolition of police.
Nope, not what I want.
Which would make things much WORSE for those black folks you claim you’re helping.
How would police reform make things worse for black folks?
It takes a lot of money, deep network support (corporate and wealthy figureheads), political connectedness and distance from socialist infiltration to become a Republican candidate. When I hear the term "black Republican" I think the owner of Tyson foods or George Foreman or Colin Powell. Not a lot of black folks in that sort of position. Most of them are stuck in a socialist loop.
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The GOP Twitter account tried to promote their candidates of color on Sunday by saying that among state and federal office they have 40, "a record number of Black Republicans running for office and winning at all levels."

But those well-versed in math and others well-versed in history couldn't help but notice that 40 out of over 7,500 officials around the country isn't exactly the best number. In fact, it's just .533 percent of all GOP candidates who are Black, according to those numbers.

Professor Dan Smith said that the numbers are actually higher than 7,500 offices. He explained that there are 90,000 local offices in the United States. He's presumably counting city councils, county commissions and everything else. Using that number, it would mean that Republicans have fewer than .05 percent of their candidates who are Black.

The only people that are fooled are the step and fetch blacks, the ignorant and poor whites. Republicans please just stop trying to fool people and be what you are.
In total, blacks amount to only 14.8% of the American population, with most of that percentage being in heavily concentrated areas of large cities. A 2019 estimate cited 32 million black only population. The study also found in that same year, of that 32 million plus black population, 10 million plus consisted of "children." That reduces the figure down to 22 million plus adult blacks, out of an overall U.S. population of 340 million people. Just like any race, occupational choices vary with the individuals. Many go into the "trade-industry," others go into the "service-industry, still others go into the military, others go into running businesses and "some' go into politics. There is literally NO business in this nation that doesn't have blacks working in them. We even had a black president that was voted into the maximum number of terms a president can hold. He couldn't have been elected without whites voting for him, right beside the blacks.
As for why the Democrat Party has more minorities in their party, it is because a portion of minorities favor the "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie, hand-out" idea of government, rather than picking yourself up and succeeding by sheer determination and will.
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The GOP Twitter account tried to promote their candidates of color on Sunday by saying that among state and federal office they have 40, "a record number of Black Republicans running for office and winning at all levels."

But those well-versed in math and others well-versed in history couldn't help but notice that 40 out of over 7,500 officials around the country isn't exactly the best number. In fact, it's just .533 percent of all GOP candidates who are Black, according to those numbers.

Professor Dan Smith said that the numbers are actually higher than 7,500 offices. He explained that there are 90,000 local offices in the United States. He's presumably counting city councils, county commissions and everything else. Using that number, it would mean that Republicans have fewer than .05 percent of their candidates who are Black.

The only people that are fooled are the step and fetch blacks, the ignorant and poor whites. Republicans please just stop trying to fool people and be what you are.
yeah very odd, far more african americans have been elected as republicans…hardly historic at all

thanks for the article reminding us that the gop was promoting and electing minorities for well over a century, back when dems were lynching them and created the klan to keep people from voting for them
yeah very odd, far more african americans have been elected as republicans…hardly historic at all

thanks for the article reminding us that the gop was promoting and electing minorities for well over a century, back when dems were lynching them and created the klan to keep people from voting for them
...........and you say that with a straight face. Smfh.

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