Republican priorities

Cabinet picks are important.

Trump nominated an oil exec with close ties to Russia for S of S. I guess to Trump supporters, Russian ties are expected.

DeVos????? How can any one justify that pick.

If Trump made better choices, they would be confirmed by now.
OK, so nothing that Trump does is going to met with your approval. Yet you're going to then complain when your pet issues don't get handled when and how you want them handled.

Can we now get you your bottle and your blankie?

Did you approve of Obama's choices?

In the short time since the election, we have seen inexperience, arrogance and incompetence from trump and his inner circle. Promises walked back, allies offended and threats to American cities and to one of the great Universities in the World.
Your great university is nothing but a collection of fascists:
Did you approve of Obama's choices?

In the short time since the election, we have seen inexperience, arrogance and incompetence from trump and his inner circle. Promises walked back, allies offended and threats to American cities and to one of the great Universities in the World.
I don't approve of massive government as a matter of principle. Then again, I'm not the one here pissing and moaning that I'm not getting my way.

Oh, and it's not the Trumpsters who are threatening cities and college campuses. The responsibility for that falls to the violent moonbat haters that you support.
The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post

Had the EPA existed at the time the Gold Mine was developed, the accident would not have occurred.

Republican/conservative political and economic ideas are ironic, at best. They warn that the national debt will be passed on to our children and grandchildren, and yet have more concern for corporate profit than they do for the health and well being of future generations.

The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.


they have never been interested in jobs. they did this in 2010, too.

what's funny is the wingnuts who think if they vote for these people, they'll do something different.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
The EPA is dodging responsibility. Telling that you approve.
The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post

Had the EPA existed at the time the Gold Mine was developed, the accident would not have occurred.

Republican/conservative political and economic ideas are ironic, at best. They warn that the national debt will be passed on to our children and grandchildren, and yet have more concern for corporate profit than they do for the health and well being of future generations.

The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

but he had to after you installed the orange sociopath.

get it now? :cuckoo:
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

The full congress has been in session? Who knew?
GOP Votes to End Rule Stopping Coal Debris From Being Dumped in Streams

On the day Rex Tillerson is confirmed, the House votes to kill a transparency rule for oil companies

Now what?

OK, fair enough.

Now, why was the Tillerson vote pushed back to this point, when there are such other pressing issues -by your estimation- to be dealt with?

If the whole world is on fire, why are the moonbats fiddling with such trivialities like Trump's cabinet picks, which are going to get confirmed anyways?

Cronies, plutocrats and sycophants dominate his choices, some with rather shady pasts and no practical experience. His inner circle is scary.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

but he had to after you installed the orange sociopath.

get it now? :cuckoo:
Your lies prove you are dumber than a brick. Regulations must be documented for people to follow and to be enforced, shitforbrains.
The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post

Had the EPA existed at the time the Gold Mine was developed, the accident would not have occurred.

Republican/conservative political and economic ideas are ironic, at best. They warn that the national debt will be passed on to our children and grandchildren, and yet have more concern for corporate profit than they do for the health and well being of future generations.

The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Could you be any less clear?
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

The full congress has been in session? Who knew?
GOP Votes to End Rule Stopping Coal Debris From Being Dumped in Streams

On the day Rex Tillerson is confirmed, the House votes to kill a transparency rule for oil companies

Now what?

OK, fair enough.

Now, why was the Tillerson vote pushed back to this point, when there are such other pressing issues -by your estimation- to be dealt with?

If the whole world is on fire, why are the moonbats fiddling with such trivialities like Trump's cabinet picks, which are going to get confirmed anyways?

Cronies, plutocrats and sycophants dominate his choices, some with rather shady pasts and no practical experience. His inner circle is scary.
Flee to Canada while you still can.
We know why you lefties are not threatening to flee to Mexico. Too many brown people.
In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post

Had the EPA existed at the time the Gold Mine was developed, the accident would not have occurred.

Republican/conservative political and economic ideas are ironic, at best. They warn that the national debt will be passed on to our children and grandchildren, and yet have more concern for corporate profit than they do for the health and well being of future generations.

The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Could you be any less clear?
Says the dufus who blows off the fact Obama waited until his last days in office to create this "critical" regulation.
Well let's see, instead of Obama trying to focus on jobs. He focused on gay marriage and letting men in girls locker rooms.

Well they could have passed a bill (for you to read after it was passed) to force you to buy insurance and fine you if you don't.

How'd that work out for the demoquacks? Oh yeah....they lost the majority

Wow, I can't believe you are sofa king stupid to push that flawed interpretation of what Pelosi said.

You people's stupidity must be so inbred into your very beings.

Here is how stupid you are. You bitch about the mandate which was to eliminate pre-existing conditions by getting people to buy insurance to help fund the system.

The Republican plan is high risk pools where those with pre-existing conditions get help. Do you know who pays for those pools? Everyone that buys insurance.

So you will pay instead of the idiots who don't buy insurance until the need it.
...your support. You didn't support anything yet, just more add more assertions. The fact is you don't know what you're talking about.
Prove me wrong? Certainly you must have all the facts as you continually say I am not right. Prove it or STFU. Real facts. Not your Orange buddies alternative facts.
Doesn't work that way Sheila. You back up assertions or they are dismissed.

I apologize. I assumed those who would be reading my post to have at least a little knowledge on the day to day activities in DC. I guess you don't.
Quit blaming me for your lack of knowledge. (i.e. its not my fault that you're a dumbass)

You said I was wrong. Prove it or STFU.

I think many of them were in diapers in 2001. They seem to be young and ignorant.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

but he had to after you installed the orange sociopath.

get it now? :cuckoo:
Your lies prove you are dumber than a brick. Regulations must be documented for people to follow and to be enforced, shitforbrains.

So you unconsciously acknowledge the roll out of trump's policy on immigration enforcement was the product of his "shitforbrains" and the "shitforbrains" of his inner circle.

Walk that back!
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

You forgot to back it up. And the GOP is working on jobs by reducing regulations and taxes. If you are going to hang out here you should do some basic research.

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations. Allowing this bridge to collapse is a result of reducing spending and ignoring regulations:

Allowing the people of Flint to drink leaded water was a result of reducing taxes and eliminating regulations.

Someone eliminated the regulations against lead? Link?
Which reduced taxes led to that result? Link?

To save money.
The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

In case you didn't get the memo, the EPA is hiding behind sovereign immunity in order to dodge their responsibility for polluting the Animas River. The same EPA that moonbats like you worship as instrumental in protecting the environment.

Congress best get up off their asses and abolish such an abominable shit show!

EPA cites sovereign immunity, rejects $1.2 billion in Gold King damage claims – The Denver Post

Had the EPA existed at the time the Gold Mine was developed, the accident would not have occurred.

Republican/conservative political and economic ideas are ironic, at best. They warn that the national debt will be passed on to our children and grandchildren, and yet have more concern for corporate profit than they do for the health and well being of future generations.

The EPA openly pollutes our rivers and no one is held accountable.

"Your fired!!" The thinking of a trumpeter.

The matter will be settled in the court's, the EPA is protecting taxpayer money something which conservatives ought to support. We don't know the damage done, the river is now open and I suspect most of the claims are for loss of business.

Do you support writing an almost bland check? I don't, it is fiscally responsible to see the claims and verify they are valid, something the court will decide.
So if the EPA can turn rivers yellow and you blow it off as unimportant, what's the wild hair up your ass about a regulation Obama created in his last day in office after 8 years?

Shows that the EPA should of been started earlier and given more power.
They hold both houses. They hold the White House. They could pass all kinds of jobs bills, their great healthcare plan, save SS & Medicare, etc.

But what did they do yesterday?

The voted to allow mining companies to dump their waste into streams and to allow oil companies to bribe people overseas.

If the regulation was so good and so important, why did Obama wait until he was leaving office after 8 years to implement it?

because he didn't HAVE to when he was president.

but he had to after you installed the orange sociopath.

get it now? :cuckoo:
Your lies prove you are dumber than a brick. Regulations must be documented for people to follow and to be enforced, shitforbrains.

So you unconsciously acknowledge the roll out of trump's policy on immigration enforcement was the product of his "shitforbrains" and the "shitforbrains" of his inner circle.

Walk that back!

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