Republican Senate Candidate a Birther

So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Oh? What did she have a staffer do? Be specific so I can point out your bullshit again. :badgrin:

You didn't do it the first time liar.
That doesn’t at all describe specifically what she had a staffer do. What are you afraid of?
Isn't amazing that factually, Obama was the first birther in 1991 all the way up until 16 years later when he decided to run for president.

Gee, what a pity after all these years, you still cannot prove the Obama either wrote that, or at least provided that birth place to his literary agent.

And since his literary agent specifically said that Barack Obama never said he was born in Kenya....this just becomes another Birther lie.
Isn't amazing that factually, Obama was the first birther in 1991 all the way up until 16 years later when he decided to run for president.

Isn't it amazing that Birthers are still lying about President Obama a year after he finished his two terms in office?
Hell's bells for the Trumpsters that is a gold star on his resume.

Well you would be as you always are; wrong.

So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
While I cannot say that I have never lied in my life- I certainly wasn't lying when I said that 'seriously and honestly' are two words which don't describe your posts.

If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Or you could just admit that you are a bullshit spewing leftard.

says the person who always feigns hurt when people respond in kind to his insults.

Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Yeah- look at Obama- its not hard to see why Correll doesn't think he is really American.


I specified Obama, because he was the specific liberal in question.t.


So tell me- what is it again about Barack Obama's looks that makes you question whether he is American? What is it about his looks make you question that he is an American- but none of the other Presidents in the picture?

Correll:Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.
It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Which would you be more likely to put on your wall?



Or this?

Neither one. I’m not a commie, and I don’t need a flag on my wall to show off my patriotism, or to remind me that I love this country. It’s you fake patriots that need to wrap yourself in the flag to make your life seem worthwhile. I’m perfectly happy being a hardworking taxpayer who knows he loves his country without making a big deal over it.

Yet you seemed personally offended at my comment about liberals...

YOur spin on having a flag on the wall, sounds pretty typical for a lib too.

I call commie.
Oh I’m sorry. It seems you mistook my making fun of you for your silly partisan hyperbole as me taking offense. I’m not offended in the least. I just think you’re a dumb ass.

So let me make that clear again for you: you are a dumb ass.

And like a typical fake patriot, because I don’t jizz all over myself at the sight of an American flag, to your feeble brain, I must hate America. But it seems that you’re the one who is against the American way — inclusiveness, being tolerant of other cultures, believing in equality for all.

So how about you sit down and stfu, you fake patriot bitch

Nothing silly about my statement regarding the lefties, Obama and company..

Silly? No that would imply funny or amusing.

Your statement is partisan hackery, inane nonsense and typical bigotry. But certainly not 'silly'
Hell's bells for the Trumpsters that is a gold star on his resume.

Well you would be as you always are; wrong.

So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?

If you had a functioning brain, you'd know the simple fact that you cannot make a blanket statement about anyone. .
LOL- coming from the idiot who said:
Why does the Right Support Islamic Terrorism and their alliance with Russian mobsters?

Show me where I said that, nit wit.
My apologies- I confused you with someone else- that was my mistake and if I can delete it I will.
'seriously and honestly'

Two words which never describe any of your posts.

When you posted that, how deep down did you push the knowledge that you were lying?

While I cannot say that I have never lied in my life- I certainly wasn't lying when I said that 'seriously and honestly' are two words which don't describe your posts.

If you want to support your bullshit lies, then try explaining what in my post about the Birther movement, do you consider not serious or not honest.

Quote what part of your post about the "Birther movement' you consider to be serious and honest- we can start from there.

SUre. Here you go.

"Hey, let's face it, look at Obama. Hell, look at any of you liberals.

It is hard to believe that you are really Americans.

Seem more like cuban commies. With a little albanian sprinkled on top."

Ah so you were being ironic when you claimed your Birther post was 'serious and honest'
Well you would be as you always are; wrong.

So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.
I find it fascinating to see how strong the Birtherism is with Trumpsters.

It pretty much makes sense.

If they could buy into the Birther lies, they could buy into Trump's lies too.
So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Oh? What did she have a staffer do? Be specific so I can point out your bullshit again. :badgrin:

You didn't do it the first time liar.
That doesn’t at all describe specifically what she had a staffer do. What are you afraid of?

Just countering your lies one at a time.
Well you would be as you always are; wrong.

So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.

Yes she did. And I've never been a birther. I don't fucking care, but I'm not letting you lying lefties go scott free.
So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

I didn't flee liar, I just have a real life.
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.
I’m not aware that Hillary’s staff ever questioned Obama’s birthplace.

But yes, PredFan simply lied, then fled. That’s why he was to afraid to offer any specific details on how Hillary had a staffer question Obama’s place of birth.

As I recall at one time an advisor to Hillary suggested that a campaign tactic could be to emphasize Obama's 'otherness'- i.e. his foreign sounding name, and exotic background.

There was never any mention of questioning his citizenship, his place of birth, and there is no indication that the Clinton campaign ever acted on the suggestion of emphasizing Obama's 'exotic' background.

The only candidate to ever actually embrace that tactic was Donald Trump- who used it both against Barack Obama and also against Ted Cruz.

You lying asshats pretend the birther thing didn't start until Trump.
Lefties love labels. Nobody ever saw Obama's real birth certificate but people who cite the Constitution's requirement for the office of President of being born in the USA are demeaned as "birthers". No surprise here.
Here it is from Politifact, a left wing nut organization:
According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by the Telegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrotetwo-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”

Claims about Obama’s birthplace appeared in chain emails bouncing around the Web, and one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general and a self-described “moderate to liberal” who supported Clinton.
Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.
Oh? What did she have a staffer do? Be specific so I can point out your bullshit again. :badgrin:

You didn't do it the first time liar.
That doesn’t at all describe specifically what she had a staffer do. What are you afraid of?

Just countering your lies one at a time.

Moron. Saying, ”nuh-uh,” doesn’t actually counter anything I say. :cuckoo:
Here it is from Politifact, a left wing nut organization:
According to the article, the theory that Obama was born in Kenya “first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.”

The second article, which ran several days after the Politico piece, was published by the Telegraph, a British paper, which stated: “An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii.”

Both of those stories comport with what we here at wrotetwo-and-a-half years earlier, on Nov. 8, 2008: “This claim was first advanced by diehard Hillary Clinton supporters as her campaign for the party’s nomination faded, and has enjoyed a revival among John McCain’s partisans as he fell substantially behind Obama in public opinion polls.”

Claims about Obama’s birthplace appeared in chain emails bouncing around the Web, and one of the first lawsuits over Obama’s birth certificate was filed by Philip Berg, a former deputy Pennsylvania attorney general and a self-described “moderate to liberal” who supported Clinton.
This is exactly why I wanted you to prove your bullshit ... because I knew you couldn’t.

Moron... from your link...

but supporters of Hillary Clinton, now Mr Obama’s Secretary of State, are largely to blame for starting it.

...your own link say it was sent by “supporters,” not, “staffers.” And your link says nothing about Hillary instructing supporters to make those claims.

You lied and got caught. No big deal, it was expected since Hillary never said Obama was born abroad.

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So Trumpsters don't applaud Birthers?
when she first questioned 0bama's citizenship during the democrat primaries in 2007..

Hillary never questioned Obama's citizenship.

You must be confusing her with Trump and his 5 years of being Birther in Chief.

Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction. Anyway, no one ever said it before Hillary's campaign did. You lose moron.

A) Hillary never questioned President Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
B) Hillary never told her staff to question Obama's citizenship- you just lied.
C) Hillary's staff was never the first to question where Barack Obama was born- you just lied.

But then again- that is what Birthers do.

What I really find funny is that you want to believe that President Trump was just duped into being a Birther by Hillary Clinton.

Yes she did. And I've never been a birther. I don't fucking care, but I'm not letting you lying lefties go scott free.
But your lies, they’re acceptable??

You said, ”Yeah she did, she had one of he staffers do it, under her direction.

Your own link proves you lied.

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