Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Empty Threat. Other than Saudi Arabia, most of the countries of the region don't have the resources

Of course, you're correct, but I can see the vastly corrupt Saudi royals being a bit on edge and trying to germinate fear.
Only a fool would send a meaningless post such as yours. I see you cannot refute or deny my response. If Iran complies with the negotiated deal the negotiations cannot be considered foolish.

Asshole, iran have NEVER been in compliance, and continues to not be in compliance.

Only a total moron would even think to enter an agreement with a regime of that nature, or that they'd ever keep their side of the arrangement.
Only a fool would send a meaningless post such as yours. I see you cannot refute or deny my response. If Iran complies with the negotiated deal the negotiations cannot be considered foolish.

Asshole, iran have NEVER been in compliance, and continues to not be in compliance.

Only a total moron would even think to enter an agreement with a regime of that nature, or that they'd ever keep their side of the arrangement.

Both W and nat are moron's, just keep watching.
Some rightwingers are now trying to claim that the Cotton Senate letter was never actually sent to Iran.

The letter was released on the official Senate website - signed by 47 U.S. Senators. If President Obama had announced on the official White House government website that he was going to invade Israel - would rightwingers and Israel consider it official and take it as a serious threat? BTW, how did Iran find out about the letter? How did they get a copy? Cotton Open Letter to Iranian Leaders.pdf
So even Cotton is backpedaling/minimizing it?

Who gives a fuck what cotton wrote, sent, didn't send, wanted to send, had sent, etc.?

The leftist/liberal iran apologists whole fucking argument in this thread is: "ok, we know iran is horrendous, a terror state, cannot be trusted, are mass murderers, have cheated on the NPT for years, have hidden whole nuclear facilities, probably have 20 more hidden, have sworn to destroy the West - BUT - our Dear Leader obama always knows best, and if he says we need to sign and agreement with iran - then that is what we will do."
And I again state, with those numbers if Obama goes around them through Executive Agreement then they WILL BLOCK THE DEAL..

They cannot block the deal. The Republicans cannot block the deal. There are seven countries making the deal. All seven will agree to a deal and the P5 will act to lock the sanctions and the inspection part into a permanent UNSC Resolution. It's done. Your Republicans pulled a political partisan stunt that backfired except to the minority of right wing nut jobs in this country.
And again, it's not binding under the Constitution here..............Our laws are not made by the United Nations, and any agreement with THEM or IRAN is Not LEGALLY BInding here.................It is a Political agreement when it doesn't go through the Senate...........and it is an AGREEMENT between countries if ever signed.................

We left Europe for a reason.............We are not part of the EU...............and our laws and decisions here are not decided by them or ONE MAN OBAMA under the Constitution.
You can't piss me off, you aren't intelligent enough.

Tell you what, I'm tired of the "personal" attacks when there's much more serious issues......and have the spine to tell your compatriots on here to use a bit less profanity as substitute for substance.
...Our laws are not made by the United Nations, and any agreement with THEM or IRAN is Not LEGALLY BInding here

I just said the same thing - what is your problem.
You were claiming they are the law...................International laws.............but even in the United Nations if they are not ratified BY OUR WHOLE GOVERNMENT, aka THE SENATE, then our country has NEVER OFFICIALLY AGREED TO THESE LAWS......................So WE DON'T HAVE TO HONOR THEM whether the UN likes it our not.

To your other post.............Yes we are part of the UN..........and we have bases all over the world.................and we pay the Lion's Share of their funding..............and we are THEIR POLICE FORCE.....................But we don't have to OBEY THEM as we are still a INDEPENDENT country with individual LAWS and RULES...........and under the Constitution it requires BOTH THE SENATE and THE EXECUTIVE to agree....................

Under the UN and action against Iraq...............We got agreement from Turkey to use their territory to attack from the North.................Their Parlament DISAGREED and we were not allowed to use their land to attack.............Even though their was a POLITICAL AGREEMENT between the Leaders.

Under Bosnia............we went in under NATO we refused to go in under UN Command.................

If an agreement is reached..........without the's NON BINDING.
...Our laws are not made by the United Nations, and any agreement with THEM or IRAN is Not LEGALLY BInding here

I just said the same thing - what is your problem.
BTW..........You didn't say the same thing...........You spouted INTERNATIONAL LAW..............I've got news for you.......under the UN arms agreements it requires member nations to REGISTER...........WEAPONS AND AMMO...........Even though it's primarily aimed at large arms and combat still requires registration for the people....................Which is currently not our law.................and is currently NOT BINDING VIA our LAWS and the Constitution.
Only a fool would send a meaningless post such as yours. I see you cannot refute or deny my response. If Iran complies with the negotiated deal the negotiations cannot be considered foolish.

Asshole, iran have NEVER been in compliance, and continues to not be in compliance.

Only a total moron would even think to enter an agreement with a regime of that nature, or that they'd ever keep their side of the arrangement.

My thoughts exactly.
Sometime, in the "privacy" of your own thoughts, all of you right wingers on here must (or should) realize that there is NOTHING, absolutely nothing that you can do to stop a sovereign country from developing the scourge of a nuclear weapon.

Israel should have realized that when they amassed 200 of those nukes under the eternal banner that they are persecuted and victims, that eventually their enemies would want such weaponry.

Anyway, you right wingers can bitch and moan, blame Obama, blame all liberals, blame your own grandmothers, etc.....and it will be all for naught.......but you will always have this forum to vent and curse and stomp your feet uselessly.
Sometime, in the "privacy" of your own thoughts, all of you right wingers on here must (or should) realize that there is NOTHING, absolutely nothing that you can do to stop a sovereign country from developing the scourge of a nuclear weapon.

Israel should have realized that when they amassed 200 of those nukes under the eternal banner that they are persecuted and victims, that eventually their enemies would want such weaponry.

Anyway, you right wingers can bitch and moan, blame Obama, blame all liberals, blame your own grandmothers, etc.....and it will be all for naught.......but you will always have this forum to vent and curse and stomp your feet uselessly.

Obama is weak. He is a weak leader who gives into pressure. That is the bottom line. And . . .his idea is stupid.

This has nothing to do with partisanship for me, as I am NOT a republican or a conservative. I am anti death penalty amongst other views. Both of your parties are stupid, if you ask me. They are monopolizing our government and ruining our country!

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