Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

  • Why would Shiite Iran support a Sunni jihadist organization like ISIS? Iran wants to be certain that a strong Iraqi state does not emerge again along its western border.
  • The notion that Shiite Iran would help Sunni jihadists was not farfetched, even if it seemed to defy the conventional wisdom in Western capitals.
  • It is unreasonable to expect Iran to fight ISIS. If Iran does so, it would be turning against a movement that has been a useful surrogate for Tehran’s interests.

Those are opinions not facts:

This makes no sense whatsoever: "Iran wants to be certain that a strong Iraqi state does not emerge again along its western border."

It's fine with a strong Shiite majority state and never in a billion years would Iran want Northern and Western Iraq crawling with Shiitte murdering Sunni terrorists that would threaten to take over Baghdad and keep coming to Tehran.

How dumb does this guy think the rest of the world is?
Here is another poll . . .

Iran's Development of Nuclear Weapons Seen as Critical Threat

Nonetheless, the vast majority of Americans (77%) say the development of nuclear weapons by Iran is a "critical threat," perhaps underscoring the importance of these talks. Another 16% say the threat is important, but not critical. Since 2013, a preponderance of U.S. adults have identified possible Iranian nuclear weapons as a critical threat and the issue has ranked highly compared with other possible threats facing the U.S.


As Nuclear Talks Progress 11 in U.S. See Iran Favorably

It's about how to have them not get a nuke. Most think an agreement is the best way to keep that from happening.

Only a liberal could make sense of such a statement. Basically you are saying that by okaying a nuclear Iran that is going to prevent them from developing nukes. :lol: I'll have to give you a "funny" for that one. :tongue:

Who is okaying a nuclear Iran? Nobody is doing that. How can someone who knows so little post so much? It's embarassing.
Well, the delusional ChrissyL baby is certainly occupying a lot of this thread's space with moronic posts......Remember the old adage about wrestling with pigs.........well you know the rest.......
Let the dingbat wallow in his/her own bile.
  • Why would Shiite Iran support a Sunni jihadist organization like ISIS? Iran wants to be certain that a strong Iraqi state does not emerge again along its western border.
  • The notion that Shiite Iran would help Sunni jihadists was not farfetched, even if it seemed to defy the conventional wisdom in Western capitals.
  • It is unreasonable to expect Iran to fight ISIS. If Iran does so, it would be turning against a movement that has been a useful surrogate for Tehran’s interests.

Those are opinions not facts:

This makes no sense whatsoever: "Iran wants to be certain that a strong Iraqi state does not emerge again along its western border."

It's fine with a strong Shiite majority state and never in a billion years would Iran want Northern and Western Iraq crawling with Shiitte murdering Sunni terrorists that would threaten to take over Baghdad and keep coming to Tehran.

How dumb does this guy think the rest of the world is?

This totally benefits them. Once Iraq is defeated, that leaves the doors open for Iran to step in. Obviously you haven't been reading the links I've posted for you. You just want to remain with your head buried in the sand. I just posted one that perfectly outlines the Iran plan. You see, they are looking at the bigger picture here.
And you should all read this. If you still think we should abide by a nuclear Iran, then you are just beyond any kind of reasoning ability.

The Iranian Nuclear Threat Why it Matters

Iran's nuclear program is clearly intended to develop a nuclear weapons capability. For eighteen years, it was kept secret, even though international assistance would have been available to a civilian program. In 2002, Iran's covert program was exposed. Since then, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly said that it cannot consider Iran's nuclear program as entirely civilian. On November 8, 2011 it released a report stating there is "credible" evidence that "Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device." Each report since then has underscored Iran’s continuing refusal to address the IAEA’s evidence and its refusal to allow IAEA inspectors into the Parchin complex, where evidence shows “strong indicators of possible nuclear weapon development.”

In 2009, Western intelligence agencies discovered, and Iran admitted to, another secret facility that is designed for approximately 3,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium. President Obama commented that the "configuration" of the Fordow facility is "not consistent with a peaceful nuclear program." Three thousand centrifuges are sufficient for producing quantities of highly enriched uranium for nuclear weapons, but not for fuel for nuclear power plants.

On November 8, 2011, the IAEA released a comprehensive and damning report on Iran's nuclear program. The report is based on intelligence received from more than 10 different countries, interviews with foreign scientists who helped Iran develop their program, and the IAEA's own investigations and analyses.

In unambiguous terms, the report stated that Iran is engaged in "activities relevant to the development of a nuclear device." These activities include:

  • Research on uranium cores and detonators for nuclear weapons
  • Acquiring nuclear weapons development information and documentation from a clandestine supply network
  • Developing an indigenous nuclear weapons design and testing of the components
  • Computer modeling of nuclear explosions and logistics for nuclear testing
  • Engineering studies to adapt missiles for nuclear warheads
The IAEA's May 2013 report noted that Iran had a 182kg stockpile of 20% enriched uranium and 6,357kg of 5% enriched uranium, enough to produce weapons-grade uranium for seven nuclear bombs using the same enrichment technology. Iran continues to install centrifuges at the deep underground, heavily defended Fordow installation, increasing its capability to quickly enrich to weapons-grade.

Terrorism and Extremism
Iran's regime is a source of extremism and destabilization in the region and around the globe. Iran is generally considered to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism, providing financial support and training for organizations such as Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and others, and is believed to be behind many Shiite insurgents in Iraq. Iran is responsible for the bombings of the Israeli Embassy (1992) and the Jewish community center (1994) in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which killed over 200 people and wounded hundreds more. Its leaders have repeatedly called for Israel's demise and have propagated base anti-Semitism, including the denial of the Holocaust. The Iranian government is also backing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in his government’s brutal campaign against rebel forces and Syrian citizens. Iran supplies the Assad regime with financial and military support, and its proxy Hezbollah recently began fighting alongside the Syrian government.

Human Rights Violations
The Iranian regime denies basic freedoms to Iran's citizens, including freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. The rights of women, workers, homosexuals, juveniles, religious and ethnic minorities, and political opposition are brutally suppressed. The United States and Sweden have proposed that the UN Human Rights Council appoint a Special Rapporteur to investigate and report on human rights violations in Iran.
ChrL 10959137
No, I don't think you read the entire poll. It clearly states that Americans are against a nuclear Iran.

I've shown you all the polls I'm citing. Will you show which specific poll you are citing?

Here's your link just copy the polling firm and date.

Posting a link to a wall of words is not really telling us what you are actually talking about.
Well, the delusional ChrissyL baby is certainly occupying a lot of this thread's space with moronic posts......Remember the old adage about wrestling with pigs.........well you know the rest.......
Let the dingbat wallow in his/her own bile.

Moronic? I don't think so. All of my posts have been thoughtful and backed with facts and links. What have you contributed to this thread? Shall I go gather all of your posts on the matter? Then we will see who is the "dingbat," "pig" and the "moron" here.
ChrL 10959137
No, I don't think you read the entire poll. It clearly states that Americans are against a nuclear Iran.

I've shown you all the polls I'm citing. Will you show which specific poll you are citing?

Here's your link just copy the polling firm and date.

Posting a link to a wall of words is not really telling us what you are actually talking about.

I did post a link and the data. ??? It is a Gallup poll.
Here is another poll . . .

Iran's Development of Nuclear Weapons Seen as Critical Threat

Nonetheless, the vast majority of Americans (77%) say the development of nuclear weapons by Iran is a "critical threat," perhaps underscoring the importance of these talks. Another 16% say the threat is important, but not critical. Since 2013, a preponderance of U.S. adults have identified possible Iranian nuclear weapons as a critical threat and the issue has ranked highly compared with other possible threats facing the U.S.


As Nuclear Talks Progress 11 in U.S. See Iran Favorably

It's about how to have them not get a nuke. Most think an agreement is the best way to keep that from happening.

Only a liberal could make sense of such a statement. Basically you are saying that by okaying a nuclear Iran that is going to prevent them from developing nukes. :lol: I'll have to give you a "funny" for that one. :tongue:

Who is okaying a nuclear Iran? Nobody is doing that. How can someone who knows so little post so much? It's embarassing.

Who is okaying it? Anyone who agrees with this deal.
ChrL 10959137
No, I don't think you read the entire poll. It clearly states that Americans are against a nuclear Iran.

I've shown you all the polls I'm citing. Will you show which specific poll you are citing?

Here's your link just copy the polling firm and date.

Posting a link to a wall of words is not really telling us what you are actually talking about.

Oh, that was the other poll, and yes, the source from the poll is in the link. Obviously you aren't reading the links. That's your problem, not mine.

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by Hart Research Associates (D) and Public Opinion Strategies (R). March 1-5, 2015. N=approx. 500 adults nationwide.

I think you owe me an apology since I most certainly did post the links to the polls and all of the information about the polls is included in those links. :D

Also, by your screen name, we can all tell that you are a partisan. Why pretend that you have the country's best interests at heart, when you obviously do not? Your only concern is that people like Obama. Lol.
Here is another poll . . .

Iran's Development of Nuclear Weapons Seen as Critical Threat

Nonetheless, the vast majority of Americans (77%) say the development of nuclear weapons by Iran is a "critical threat," perhaps underscoring the importance of these talks. Another 16% say the threat is important, but not critical. Since 2013, a preponderance of U.S. adults have identified possible Iranian nuclear weapons as a critical threat and the issue has ranked highly compared with other possible threats facing the U.S.


As Nuclear Talks Progress 11 in U.S. See Iran Favorably

It's about how to have them not get a nuke. Most think an agreement is the best way to keep that from happening.

Only a liberal could make sense of such a statement. Basically you are saying that by okaying a nuclear Iran that is going to prevent them from developing nukes. :lol: I'll have to give you a "funny" for that one. :tongue:

Who is okaying a nuclear Iran? Nobody is doing that. How can someone who knows so little post so much? It's embarassing.

Who is okaying it? Anyone who agrees with this deal.

Then you have no understanding of the deal. You fail.
Here is another poll . . .

Iran's Development of Nuclear Weapons Seen as Critical Threat

Nonetheless, the vast majority of Americans (77%) say the development of nuclear weapons by Iran is a "critical threat," perhaps underscoring the importance of these talks. Another 16% say the threat is important, but not critical. Since 2013, a preponderance of U.S. adults have identified possible Iranian nuclear weapons as a critical threat and the issue has ranked highly compared with other possible threats facing the U.S.


As Nuclear Talks Progress 11 in U.S. See Iran Favorably

It's about how to have them not get a nuke. Most think an agreement is the best way to keep that from happening.

Only a liberal could make sense of such a statement. Basically you are saying that by okaying a nuclear Iran that is going to prevent them from developing nukes. :lol: I'll have to give you a "funny" for that one. :tongue:

Who is okaying a nuclear Iran? Nobody is doing that. How can someone who knows so little post so much? It's embarassing.

Who is okaying it? Anyone who agrees with this deal.

Then you have no understanding of the deal. You fail.

I do understand it, and it is a terrible idea. It is a known fact that Iran plays fast and loose with rules. LOL.

I think you owe me an apology since I most certainly did post the links to the polls and all of the information about the polls is included in those links. :D

Also, by your screen name, we can all tell that you are a partisan. Why pretend that you have the country's best interests at heart, when you obviously do not? Your only concern is that people like Obama. Lol.

You obviously are partisan and have Israels best interests at heart.

I think you owe me an apology since I most certainly did post the links to the polls and all of the information about the polls is included in those links. :D

Also, by your screen name, we can all tell that you are a partisan. Why pretend that you have the country's best interests at heart, when you obviously do not? Your only concern is that people like Obama. Lol.

You obviously are partisan and have Israels best interests at heart.

yes, I am very concerned with the security of the American people, the Israeli people, as well as the rest of the people in the world.
It's about how to have them not get a nuke. Most think an agreement is the best way to keep that from happening.

Only a liberal could make sense of such a statement. Basically you are saying that by okaying a nuclear Iran that is going to prevent them from developing nukes. :lol: I'll have to give you a "funny" for that one. :tongue:

Who is okaying a nuclear Iran? Nobody is doing that. How can someone who knows so little post so much? It's embarassing.

Who is okaying it? Anyone who agrees with this deal.

Then you have no understanding of the deal. You fail.

I do understand it, and it is a terrible idea. It is a known fact that Iran plays fast and loose with rules. LOL.


And you want to go to war to stop them. What do polls say about that idea?

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