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Republican States More Dependent on the Federal Government

Red states have the most minorites, mystery solved.

To some extent, yes.

United States - White Population Percentage by State
Red states also have higher porportion of poor (black,white,red,yellow, brown). I dont see what the issue is.

Well, that's because you're only half right. Actually, less than half right.

The three states with the lowest percentage of whites are Hawaii, California and Maryland, none of which shows up on the list of the top third of net federal spending per capita. Of that list, 6 - less than half - have the bottom third of whites - Alabama, New Mexico, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia and Mississippi. The other 8 states in the bottom third of whites do not show up on the list of the top third of net federal spending.

California, with the second lowest percentage of whites, receives one of the lowest percentage of per capita federal spending.
That is 100% correct. This could be a big surprise for the Republicans that are posting here.

Not really a surprise......half the haters here get some type of government subsidies, such as SSI. The Tea Party ironically has the most users of both parties. I'm from Ky. Its so bad here, these government hating white folk on Disability, that 60 Minutes did a expose' on it. Listen, I'm not hatin, I just get sick and tired of Republicans, especially Rand Paul that made his millions off of government subsidies, all hating the government with their damned hands out, pissing all over welfare folk of color.
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Let see their metrics:

  1. Return on Taxes Paid to the Federal Government (Federal Funding in $ Divided by Federal Income Taxes in $): Weight = 1
  2. Federal Funding as a Percentage of State Revenue (Federal Funding in $ Divided by State Revenue in $ then Multiplied by 100): Weight = 1
  3. Number of Federal Employees per Capita (Number of Federal Workers Divided by Number of State Residents): Weight = 0.5
  4. Number of Civilian Non-Defense Federal Employees per Capita (Total Federal Civilian Employment Minus Total Civilian Employment of Army, Air Force, Navy & Defense Department): Weight = 0.25
All of these can be skewed if a state has large amounts of federal land, which happens to be mostly in low pop red states. So basically the metrics punish states with large amounts of state land, and low populations.

That's interesting. Thanks. Is there anything that adjusts for landholdings?

These are the bottom third of states which receive the most net federal government spending.

37 Georgia
38 Missouri
39 Tennessee
40 South Carolina
41 Maine
42 South Dakota
43 Louisiana
45 West Virginia
46 Montana
47 Alabama
48 Kentucky
49 Mississippi
50 New Mexico

Here is a map of federal land ownership.


Almost all the land owned by the Federal government is in the west. Therefore, if we take 4 of those states off the list, it would now look like this.

37 Georgia
38 Missouri
39 Tennessee
40 South Carolina
41 Maine
43 Louisiana
45 West Virginia
47 Alabama
48 Kentucky
49 Mississippi

I think most of those are still Republican states.

Again, I don't know. It would be interesting to see it adjusted for federal government land ownership.

Edit - here is a paper.


A few of those states also have Army Corp of Engineers involvement due to the Mississippi river. As for the rest, How does the TVA come into play? (except for Maine of course)
As you can see, New Mexico is the most-dependent state in the U.S., according to WalletHub's data. The state gets $2.19 in federal funding for every dollar paid in federal income taxes. In contrast, New Jersey, which is the least-dependent state, gets only about 50 cents in federal funding for every dollar paid in taxes, WalletHub calculated.

The analysis found that red states, or those that voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election, were much more likely to depend on the government than blue states.

That's somewhat ironic, considering the Republican Party's general reluctance to support federally funded initiatives like Medicaid expansion, and its long-termdedication to across-the-board budget cuts to slash the federal deficit.


What do you expect after 8 years of Bill Richardson (D) being governor of New Mexico from 2003-2011? Perhaps the number of illegal aliens in the state has something to do with it.
In case you missed it, Chris Christie (R) is Governor of New Jersey.

In case you missed it, Ky who also votes red, has a democratic governor. Bottom line, its not the illegals whining about the federal government.
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Funny how they don't mention all the FEDERAL military bases that are in those States. I wonder if that is the reason for the seeming disparity? Nahhh, it couldn't be that....
"Any one of those programs." Out of context?
completely ! if you had not been in such a rush to daws bash and taken the time to read post # 26.
it would be clear even to you o empty head. what programs I was talking about.
but as usual you tripped over your dick...

Daws post #26:

"bad choice of words ....what will you do with the millions of sick homeless and starving people you just fucked over in: 2) Cut Social Security, medicare, food stamps, and all other welfare.
put them in camps?"

Hoisted by your own petard once again, eh?

P.S. Please leave me out of your sexual fantasies.[/QUOTE]false! that would be you epically failing to get your ass out of the crack it's constantly IN..
THE KEY WORD THERE SHIT HEAD IS WELFARE.... not all government programs .as you wish I was suggesting...
you are as ignorant as you appear.
btw your petard reference is out of context ...
[ piˈtärd ]
NOUN historical
noun: petard · plural noun: petards

  1. a small bomb made of a metal or wooden box filled with powder, used to blast down a door or to make a hole in a wall.
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Funny how they don't mention all the FEDERAL military bases that are in those States. I wonder if that is the reason for the seeming disparity? Nahhh, it couldn't be that....
lots of people in the military collect welfare... Food Stamps: Military Families Redeem $100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits

WASHINGTON -- While the House of Representatives considers cutting more than $20 billion from the food stamps program this week, it may want to consider a startling statistic: military families are on a pace this year to redeem more than $100 million in food aid on military bases.

Nearly $53 million in food stamps had been cashed in by people eligible to shop in base commissaries, including disabled veterans and others with military ID that entitles entrance to the facilities, through the first half of this fiscal year -- from October through March, according to data provided to The Huffington Post by the Defense Commissary Agency.

The use of food stamps in commissaries increased 9 percent from 2012, when for the full year $99 million worth of food stamps were redeemed on bases. In addition, the commissaries sold some $31.2 million in goods under the Women, Infants and Children program in 2012 and about $15 million so far this year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture adminsters both WIC and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides food stamps.

Food Stamps Military Families Redeem 100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Let see their metrics:

  1. Return on Taxes Paid to the Federal Government (Federal Funding in $ Divided by Federal Income Taxes in $): Weight = 1
  2. Federal Funding as a Percentage of State Revenue (Federal Funding in $ Divided by State Revenue in $ then Multiplied by 100): Weight = 1
  3. Number of Federal Employees per Capita (Number of Federal Workers Divided by Number of State Residents): Weight = 0.5
  4. Number of Civilian Non-Defense Federal Employees per Capita (Total Federal Civilian Employment Minus Total Civilian Employment of Army, Air Force, Navy & Defense Department): Weight = 0.25
All of these can be skewed if a state has large amounts of federal land, which happens to be mostly in low pop red states. So basically the metrics punish states with large amounts of state land, and low populations.

That's interesting. Thanks. Is there anything that adjusts for landholdings?

These are the bottom third of states which receive the most net federal government spending.

37 Georgia
38 Missouri
39 Tennessee
40 South Carolina
41 Maine
42 South Dakota
43 Louisiana
45 West Virginia
46 Montana
47 Alabama
48 Kentucky
49 Mississippi
50 New Mexico

Here is a map of federal land ownership.


Almost all the land owned by the Federal government is in the west. Therefore, if we take 4 of those states off the list, it would now look like this.

37 Georgia
38 Missouri
39 Tennessee
40 South Carolina
41 Maine
43 Louisiana
45 West Virginia
47 Alabama
48 Kentucky
49 Mississippi

I think most of those are still Republican states.

Again, I don't know. It would be interesting to see it adjusted for federal government land ownership.

Edit - here is a paper.


A few of those states also have Army Corp of Engineers involvement due to the Mississippi river. As for the rest, How does the TVA come into play? (except for Maine of course)

Good question. I don't know.
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Funny how they don't mention all the FEDERAL military bases that are in those States. I wonder if that is the reason for the seeming disparity? Nahhh, it couldn't be that....

There's an argument, though, that the location of military basis is part political, part Keynesian economics, and only a bit strategic.
that was a classic I just got my ass handed to me response, though I'll never admit it

I think you just did admit it.

When a person, such as yourself, demonstrates extreme stupidity, there can be no response. If you can't even comprehend that a statement must be either true or false, then what the fuck? It's like playing chess with a four year old. They're just going to do things, with no rhyme or reason. That is the level of the discourse you have demonstrated.

No doubt, you'll disagree. You'll pull something else equally stupid out of your ass, just like a birther or a 9/11 conspiracy loon. But just because the pigs like rolling around in shit doesn't change the fact that it's shit.
And here we see once again the problems of centralized government.

Compare cost of living to "dependency".

A persons quality of life and buying power in Missouri making $50,000 a year is equal to a person in New Jersey making $100,000 a year.

That person in NJ pays MORE in taxes then their counterpart in Missouri, who is living just as well, because the regulations aren't cost of living adjusted. It's across the board centralized planning.

Anyone who has worked on a government project knows that the pay and waste is MUCH higher than the average local expenses and wages for the same job.

State population is another sticking point.

Building and maintenance of much shorter roads, spread over a much larger population is obviously going to cost the federal government a lot less than much longer roads and bridges with much lower populations.

Lastly, and of course this is not an all encompassing list, but just off the lop of my head, How much land in red states is owned and managed by the U.S. government, compared to the blue states? Not a lot of national forest in Connecticut, or Massachusetts.

JUST Mark Twain National Forest in Missouri is HALF the size of the entire state of Connecticut. And it is a SPECK compared to the U.S. Government managed land further west. And that costs money.

Mark Twain National Forest.jpg

And how much do the three military bases and keeping all those ICBM's in Missouri maintained cost?

So, is it any wonder that areas with lower cost of living, lower population per square mile and much higher federal land holdings pay less in taxes but the Federal Government spends more?

Not at all.
Last edited:
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Funny how they don't mention all the FEDERAL military bases that are in those States. I wonder if that is the reason for the seeming disparity? Nahhh, it couldn't be that....
lots of people in the military collect welfare... Food Stamps: Military Families Redeem $100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits

WASHINGTON -- While the House of Representatives considers cutting more than $20 billion from the food stamps program this week, it may want to consider a startling statistic: military families are on a pace this year to redeem more than $100 million in food aid on military bases.

Nearly $53 million in food stamps had been cashed in by people eligible to shop in base commissaries, including disabled veterans and others with military ID that entitles entrance to the facilities, through the first half of this fiscal year -- from October through March, according to data provided to The Huffington Post by the Defense Commissary Agency.

The use of food stamps in commissaries increased 9 percent from 2012, when for the full year $99 million worth of food stamps were redeemed on bases. In addition, the commissaries sold some $31.2 million in goods under the Women, Infants and Children program in 2012 and about $15 million so far this year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture adminsters both WIC and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides food stamps.

Food Stamps Military Families Redeem 100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits

The BASES themselves are HUUUUUGE money drains. we're not talking about the folks on wellfare, we're talking about the cost of running a huge military base. Your figures completely ignore them. Thus, the author is either a moron, or lying.
that was a classic I just got my ass handed to me response, though I'll never admit it

I think you just did admit it.

When a person, such as yourself, demonstrates extreme stupidity, there can be no response. If you can't even comprehend that a statement must be either true or false, then what the fuck? It's like playing chess with a four year old. They're just going to do things, with no rhyme or reason. That is the level of the discourse you have demonstrated.

No doubt, you'll disagree. You'll pull something else equally stupid out of your ass, just like a birther or a 9/11 conspiracy loon. But just because the pigs like rolling around in shit doesn't change the fact that it's shit.
According to a new analysis.


Click here.

Funny how they don't mention all the FEDERAL military bases that are in those States. I wonder if that is the reason for the seeming disparity? Nahhh, it couldn't be that....
lots of people in the military collect welfare... Food Stamps: Military Families Redeem $100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits

WASHINGTON -- While the House of Representatives considers cutting more than $20 billion from the food stamps program this week, it may want to consider a startling statistic: military families are on a pace this year to redeem more than $100 million in food aid on military bases.

Nearly $53 million in food stamps had been cashed in by people eligible to shop in base commissaries, including disabled veterans and others with military ID that entitles entrance to the facilities, through the first half of this fiscal year -- from October through March, according to data provided to The Huffington Post by the Defense Commissary Agency.

The use of food stamps in commissaries increased 9 percent from 2012, when for the full year $99 million worth of food stamps were redeemed on bases. In addition, the commissaries sold some $31.2 million in goods under the Women, Infants and Children program in 2012 and about $15 million so far this year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture adminsters both WIC and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which provides food stamps.

Food Stamps Military Families Redeem 100 Million A Year In SNAP Benefits

The BASES themselves are HUUUUUGE money drains. we're not talking about the folks on wellfare, we're talking about the cost of running a huge military base. Your figures completely ignore them. Thus, the author is either a moron, or lying.
the author is neither....
Dear Yankee Friends, please keep sending me pork.

Cook 8 sausage patties. When done, remove patties and add 2.5 tsp flour. Cook stirring over med heat for two minutes or until bubbly. Add 1.5 cups of milk, salt pepper and EXTRA cooked crumbled sausage. Cut biscuits in half, and put the 8 sausages in the biscuits. Spoon gravy over biscuits. Eat.
The OP is apparently trying to say that no liberals live in red states, that governors have total control over things or that the pitifully small percent of people who actually vote represent an entire state. According to the article in the OP, the reasons for the dependency is the recession and they mention Obamacare. And why have so many lost their jobs? Between Obamacare, the recession and a pile of new regulations designed to strangle small businesses, it's no wonder that there are more desperate people across the country. Did the red states have more to lose? It would explain the increasing number of desperate people who have their lives ruined by liberal policies.

There are many explanations for this and it has little to do with states where the people who vote tend to lean one way or the other. Often, the people who are fed up with high taxes and a bad economy will vote Republican. With roughly 30% of eligible voters turning out, calling states red or blue is inaccurate. The numbers don't tell the whole story. What percent of businesses in red states were destroyed with over-regulation and Obamacare?

"In many ways, states have increased their dependency on the federal government in the past half-decade or so. No two states are alike but this is linked to a few factors.

One, the Great Recession really put many states on a roller coaster and many have still not seen a full rebound in their sales tax revenues. So we have a rather uneven recovery in state finances, depending upon their particular mix of taxes and economic trends. In turn, there is expanding demand for a range of state services.

Two, expanding federal programs, such as the Affordable Care Act, mean that federal funding and subsidies looms ever larger, at least in those states actively engaged. States also become more dependent on the federal government during the worst points of the recession, given expanded intergovernmental transfer funding, and so many are still struggling with this transition. Ironically, many states make clear that they would like less federal interference in their lives BUT generally support expanding federal funding support."

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