Republican tax cut will not trickle down

Republican tax cut will not trickle down

Sure it will. Just like all the other Republican tax cuts.


Not everything in the tax bills are about taxes. The impact of the tax bills extend way beyond taxes.

Why The Hidden Measures Buried In The GOP's Tax Bill Are Cause For Alarm
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

We're supposed to give a shit what a guy who runs 29 coffee cafes thinks?
That's fucking hilarious!!!

What does he have to say about moving our embassy to Jerusalem?
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

And the shareholders are...wait for it...the middle class 401k's and pension funds. lmao :laugh:
If you belive that the middle class owns most of the stocks and bonds, I have some land for sale in Florida for you!
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

And the shareholders are...wait for it...the middle class 401k's and pension funds. lmao :laugh:
If you belive that the middle class owns most of the stocks and bonds, I have some land for sale in Florida for you!

FACT the middle class have trillions of dollars invested in the very corporations liberal dumb asses foam at the mouth hating. Do you realize how incredibly stupid that makes liberals look?

Liberal: I HATE corporations.

Conservative: Most of your retirement savings are invested in corporations.

Liberal: But mean I'll lose money on my retirement savings?

Conservative: Yes, here's a pistol shoot yourself in the foot.
Capitalism is built upon a consumption based economy. Reducing the purchasing power and ability of the majority of consumers to buy STUFF negatively impacts total consumption which winds up reducing the GDP, which is bad Juju for the health of that economy.

GHW Bush described Reagan's tax plan back in 1980 as voodoo economics during the GOP campaign for president. It was true then and is still true today. Capitalism, to be successful requires prosperity to bubble up from the consumer to be viable.

Without the consumer directing the economy through consumption of the goods produced in this country, even the upper class can't maintain their high standard of living. It's simple arithmetic!

Reducing the purchasing power and ability of the majority of consumers to buy STUFF negatively impacts total consumption

I'm glad nothing we've seen in the plan will do that.

GHW Bush described Reagan's tax plan back in 1980 as voodoo economics during the GOP campaign for president.

How did Bush's tax hike work out for him?
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

No matter what the regressives say, corporations don't pay taxes, it's all added into the cost of the product or service.

They are not supposed to trickle down. They directly increase America's prosperity.

Maybe even Matthew, Rightwinger and Nat will get a job now!

Interesting economics

With all this prosperity and a booming stock market

Why do we need corporate tax cuts?
They are doing fine without them
Time for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
The Republican tax cuts won't trickle down, CEO writes in scathing op-ed

It's not a surprise to Todd Carmichael, co-founder and CEO of La Colombe Coffee Roasters in Philadelphia.

"I can tell you what no other CEO wants to tell you," Carmichael writes in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer: "A half-trillion dollars of corporate tax giveaways proposed by the GOP aren't going to do a thing for the middle class, or create a single job. Because what every CEO knows but won't tell you is this: A tax break for their company simply means a fatter bottom line. Not jobs. Not investment." CEOs have "a powerful fiduciary duty to return all profits to shareholders — not to the employees, or the suppliers, or the community and certainly not to the unemployed or left behind," he explained. "Profit goes to shareholders (and the CEO) and not to the employees."

Just like when we cut taxes before. Cut taxes on the wealthy........and they just keep it

They are zealots.
FACT the middle class have trillions of dollars invested in the very corporations liberal dumb asses foam at the mouth hating. Do you realize how incredibly stupid that makes liberals look?.

Most stock is held by 10% of the population. Not even half of all American workers have a 401k. And half of the half that do barely have enough to get them through retirement, and their "savings" are tied up in mutual funds and bonds, not strictly stock. You wouldn't know this because you're not from America. Russians don't have 401k's, so they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Conservative: Most of your retirement savings are invested in corporations.

Not even half of all American workers have a 401k.
Any benefit they get from $15 an hour minimum will be very short lived. In less than a years time they will be no better off than they were before.
Why should I believe you. More people spending more money creates demand.

Why? Because it's simple economics.
Labor spending their higher wages is simpler economics.

Yes, it's simple because it's only a part of how economics works and ignores the very important rest of the story. Labor's higher wages increases the cost to make products, which increases the price of goods thus negating the increase in the wages. that's the whole story and is still simple economics.

Even if those products were made in low wage countries, right?

Labor's higher wages increases the cost to make products,

Even if those products were made in low wage countries,

The wage increase will cause more products to be made offshore?
Good point.
FACT the middle class have trillions of dollars invested in the very corporations liberal dumb asses foam at the mouth hating. Do you realize how incredibly stupid that makes liberals look?.

Most stock is held by 10% of the population. Not even half of all American workers have a 401k. And half of the half that do barely have enough to get them through retirement, and their "savings" are tied up in mutual funds and bonds, not strictly stock. You wouldn't know this because you're not from America. Russians don't have 401k's, so they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Conservative: Most of your retirement savings are invested in corporations.

Not even half of all American workers have a 401k.

LMAO do you know what a mutual fund is? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
The wage increase will cause more products to be made offshore?
Good point.

So you're arguing that to be competitive, American workers must accept a lower standard of living. One that is competitive with Third World countries. So why are you going around accusing Democrats of wanting to turn America into a Third World country when your argument against wage increases is to do precisely that?

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