Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

I think I hit a nerve with all of you right wing nuts!!! I'm so glad!!

View attachment 19179

You embarrassed yourself and don't even seem to realize it.

But it's casual.

Everyone else does.

I never embarrass myself. I always think before I act or speak. I may have had a few slip ups in my youth. :)

If your op is an example of you thinking before you speak, I would hate to hear the nonense that comes out of your mouth when you speak rashly. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And the sad this is you probably think you are helping your side, instead of revealing how intolerant and hysterical you lefties become at even the slightest hint that we aren't going to all going to follow Obama in lock step, without question.

You HAVE heard of freedom, or is that some sort of new concept for you?

Now freedom to think or even VOTE against Obama is "treason?????"

Really??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You run with that! Please, I want you to. Show everyone in this country what hysterical little fascists you libs really are.

George Orwell would love you. You vindicate everything he tried to convey in "1984."

Why don't you go all the way and declare Republicans guilty of "thought crime."

Too funny!

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I think I hit a nerve with all of you right wing nuts!!! I'm so glad!!

View attachment 19179

so blatantly lying doesnt botther you as long as you presume it benefits you politically. it hits a nerve thus boosts your ego for some perverse reason

Blatantly lying??? That means something very different to you. Blatant lying to you is something that is true but you don't like it. Nice try though.

Oh projection, thy name is liberal! :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Proof positive liberalism, really is a mental illness.

And the subjects of this illness are going to become "ill-er" as the time goes on in this presidential election.

Hey dumbshit, show me the democrats willingness to compromise. They rammed legislation throught that people didnt want with every procedure known to man. And I still have never seen a republican leave a state to avoid a vote.........Democrats hate democracy, especially when they lose

BINGO! That's how "compromise" works in the liberal world. They never compromise their lack of values. NO, conservatives have to compromise their values.

And once Obama loses and we get the Senate as well (Lord willing) they will go back to WHINING as they did in 2002 that Republicans have to "respect the voice of the minority."

Notice Dems don't worry about that when THEY are the majority party?

Liberalism is hypocrisy in itself.


Don't let any truth penetrate your dogma. These are NOT liberals speaking. Bruce Bartlett served as an adviser to President Ronald Reagan and as a Treasury official under President George H. W. Bush. David Frum was a speechwriter for George W. Bush.

But no one can tell people with a dogmatic mind anything.

Don't get too confident about the upcoming elections. It may be a huge disaster for you right wing zealots.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. famously said of Franklin Roosevelt that he had a "second-class intellect, but a first-class temperament." ... Obama has both a first-class intellect and a first-class temperament.
Charles Krauthammer

These people are "conservatives" to you because they are telling you what you want to hear.

They are of the Republican "establishment" and until recently, these morons thought Obama was a shoe-in.

So, you can go on quoting Rinos and showing how little you "get" what is going on in this country, because the people you are quoting don't get it either.

Get ready for a rude awakening. November is coming. :D
Then why do you suggest its better for children to starve?

Can you name a single person who has said that it's good, let alone, better for children to starve?

Moreover, why should any of us believe you actually care for children when you actively promote killing them in the womb?

I dont give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

Im much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

If you cared about facts, you'd care about how you communicate. Cating about facts requires caring about accuracy. It's the same thing. You're sloppy with your writing and you're sloppy with your "facts". When are you going to start caring about accuracy?
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You embarrassed yourself and don't even seem to realize it.

But it's casual.

Everyone else does.

I never embarrass myself. I always think before I act or speak. I may have had a few slip ups in my youth. :)

If your op is an example of you thinking before you speak, I would hate to hear the nonense that comes out of your mouth when you speak rashly. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And the sad this is you probably think you are helping your side, instead of revealing how intolerant and hysterical you lefties become at even the slightest hint that we aren't going to all going to follow Obama in lock step, without question.

You HAVE heard of freedom, or is that some sort of new concept for you?

Now freedom to think or even VOTE against Obama is "treason?????"

Really??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You run with that! Please, I want you to. Show everyone in this country what hysterical little fascists you libs really are.

George Orwell would love you. You vindicate everything he tried to convey in "1984."

Why don't you go all the way and declare Republicans guilty of "thought crime."

Too funny!


Damn!!! You are tiresome. STFU!!!!
I think I hit a nerve with all of you right wing nuts!!! I'm so glad!!

View attachment 19179

so blatantly lying doesnt botther you as long as you presume it benefits you politically. it hits a nerve thus boosts your ego for some perverse reason

Blatantly lying??? That means something very different to you. Blatant lying to you is something that is true but you don't like it. Nice try though.

No. Blatantly lying is making stuff up. Like your OP.

no honest person can say that OP is true.
Calling "progressive" liberal socialists Americans takes a leap of the imagination only the welfare dependent class is capable of....................
How does reducing the size of something make it not exist anymore?

Someone should sue the biggest loser for "killing" all those contestants by helping them lose half their body waste.

I can't help but notice that TM has refused to answer my question. Do you think it's because she fears the answer?

No. Im sure its because she has already decided that she's won the discussion. Though I am not sure how you win a discussion if it doesnt involve you learning something or being uplifted.
I never embarrass myself. I always think before I act or speak. I may have had a few slip ups in my youth. :)

If your op is an example of you thinking before you speak, I would hate to hear the nonense that comes out of your mouth when you speak rashly. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

And the sad this is you probably think you are helping your side, instead of revealing how intolerant and hysterical you lefties become at even the slightest hint that we aren't going to all going to follow Obama in lock step, without question.

You HAVE heard of freedom, or is that some sort of new concept for you?

Now freedom to think or even VOTE against Obama is "treason?????"

Really??????? :lol::lol::lol::lol:

You run with that! Please, I want you to. Show everyone in this country what hysterical little fascists you libs really are.

George Orwell would love you. You vindicate everything he tried to convey in "1984."

Why don't you go all the way and declare Republicans guilty of "thought crime."

Too funny!


Damn!!! You are tiresome. STFU!!!!

Good post. Teepeepartysamurai is tiresome to read

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