Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

The GOP’s war on Americans has been going on for some time, but it started in earnest in January 2011 when Republicans assumed control of the House of Representatives and several state legislatures. First it must be emphasized that in recent memory there are no instances of Republicans passing any legislation that helps the American people, but they have worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest one percent. It is expected that during a normal campaign season, candidates and political parties would promote their agendas by stressing what they will do for the people, but Republicans have abandoned any pretext of helping Americans and are blatantly campaigning on enriching the wealthy and corporations.

Shortly after taking their oath of office, Republicans immediately singled out women for their initial assault, and then set out to increase hunger and poverty with vicious spending cuts affecting the poor, children, and elderly Americans. They used the deficit, budget, and religion to garner support for their assaults and have been unrelenting in pushing austerity measures on the 99%, and they found willing advocates among racists, teabaggers, and religious fanatics. The tragedy the GOP’s supporters will never comprehend until it is too late is that they will suffer as much as the poor people, minorities, and women they hate.

In both versions of Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity budget, the level of cuts to social safety nets is only matched in severity by the plan to privatize Medicare that not only decimates the elderly, but restricts uninsured Americans from receiving health care.

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Great article!!! Hope you all will check it out.

These Randians :tinfoil: need to be stopped in November!!! :mad:

Yeah, how you libs plan to do that?


Like this??????


they dont belong to the democratic party do they.
I think I hit a nerve with all of you right wing nuts!!! I'm so glad!!

View attachment 19179

so blatantly lying doesnt botther you as long as you presume it benefits you politically. it hits a nerve thus boosts your ego for some perverse reason

Blatantly lying??? That means something very different to you. Blatant lying to you is something that is true but you don't like it. Nice try though.

Are you really dumb enough to believe we're going to let you get away with nonsense you spew?
One of your most infamous deeds is to make up shit as you go along.
Someone should sue the biggest loser for "killing" all those contestants by helping them lose half their body waste.

I can't help but notice that TM has refused to answer my question. Do you think it's because she fears the answer?

No. Im sure its because she has already decided that she's won the discussion. Though I am not sure how you win a discussion if it doesnt involve you learning something or being uplifted.
Apparently, all you have to do is screech and fling poo.
Someone should sue the biggest loser for "killing" all those contestants by helping them lose half their body waste.

I can't help but notice that TM has refused to answer my question. Do you think it's because she fears the answer?

dear idiot I aswered you.

BTW Norquist did not just say he wanted to make it smaller he said the reason he wanted to make it smaller is so he could MURDER IT!

that is what drowning it in the bathtub means.

pack of Rubes
You're a tremendously stupid little person. No wonder you're a leftist.

Norquist didn't say he wanted to murder government. He wants it small enough to be able to.

However, you will once again refuse to acknowledge this reality, and will instead bitterly cling to your programming.

You're utterly hopeless. But then, that's to be expected from someone who's terrified of even the idea of making government smaller.
The way anyone with a half a brain sees it as both parties are in it for control. For the money. There is a concerted effort to keep the average worker down. If the masses in this nation ever wake up what is happening with OWS will seem like childs play and I for one hope to witness it. After 75 years of living here I can say this is the first time this country truly disgusts me.
Their has not been a republican interested in government of the people by the people, for the people since Eisenhower.

The attack dog GOP has their nose so far up corporate ass they cannot see when the sun shines.
Why the GOP is so into protecting billionaires one can only guess. Why does a billionaire hate those who make $40,000 a year? Answer? To get the wages down to $30,000. What a sick, ill, anti christian bunch of people. How dare some worker make $40,000. They arent worth that. america has the most ill conceived business owners in the world.
Why the GOP is so into protecting billionaires one can only guess. Why does a billionaire hate those who make $40,000 a year? Answer? To get the wages down to $30,000. What a sick, ill, anti christian bunch of people. How dare some worker make $40,000. They arent worth that. america has the most ill conceived business owners in the world.

If I were a Billionaire, selling a product, whether that be banking or a manufactured product, why the fuck would I want my customers to be so broke that they couldn't buy my product?

You people just don't think..........
The way anyone with a half a brain sees it as both parties are in it for control. For the money. There is a concerted effort to keep the average worker down. If the masses in this nation ever wake up what is happening with OWS will seem like childs play and I for one hope to witness it. After 75 years of living here I can say this is the first time this country truly disgusts me.

The average worker in the US is wealthy compared to about 95-98% of the other nations on earth. We need to be grateful we have it so good; and many other nations laugh at our spirited campaigns for national office. Neither candidate proposes a fundamental change in our underlying economic system.
So you are broke, (rather we as a country), defined as liabilities exceed assets, bills coming due, debts to pay, promises that can not be met, however, everyone wants,wants, wants. Now what is there about this picture you don't understand, you have $1 dollar and bills totaling $3, and future expenses that you still don't have the money to cover. In a court of law you are judicated bankrupt, if it can be shown that you committed fraud you could be spending time with that fine upstanding citizen serving 10 to life as a cell mate. You claim the GOP is the enemy of the people, oh really, so who is it that bankrupted the country with their entitlements and worthless programs that have done nothing?
Why the GOP is so into protecting billionaires one can only guess. Why does a billionaire hate those who make $40,000 a year? Answer? To get the wages down to $30,000. What a sick, ill, anti christian bunch of people. How dare some worker make $40,000. They arent worth that. america has the most ill conceived business owners in the world.

One word, bull shit! You seem to think companies should pay out all their profits to employees and that the owners of the company should receive nothing? That song was played out years ago and guess what, talk about corruption and tyranny?
Blatantly lying??? That means something very different to you. Blatant lying to you is something that is true but you don't like it. Nice try though.

No. Blatantly lying is making stuff up. Like your OP.

no honest person can say that OP is true.

It IS true and saying a million times that it is not, doesn't make it so. Interesting that this, "untruth", is getting so much attention from you right wing no nothings.

Which is liberal for "IT IS TRUE, IT IS TRUE, IT IS!!!!!!!!!!" (stamp foot, hold hands over ears and scream la la la la to anyone that disagrees)

And the above is just about as mature.

But then maturity was never something liberals were known for.

Damn!!! You are tiresome. STFU!!!!

That's your thoughtful retort?

That is about all that poster deserves, and you're getting there.

Which is what liberals do when they cannot refute the obvious. They just give you the finger or say "stuff you" then claim "intellectual superiority" is why they can't refute.

She's a great representative of the Obama camp right now.

"The average worker in the US is wealthy compared to about 95-98% of the other nations on earth. We need to be grateful we have it so good; and many other nations laugh at our spirited campaigns for national office. Neither candidate proposes a fundamental change in our underlying economic system. "

You are correct. The ultra wealthy are laughing all the way to the bank. ANY business owner who believes in cheaper labor to make his product should be forced to leave the country. Of course if you are for a living wage you are a socialist. What a joke this country is.

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